How To Use Serviceable In A Sentence
You may get quite serviceable clothes delivered by the boxload to your front door.
Baby clothing: Consider used
His kitchen is small but perfectly serviceable, especially for a doctor who tends to order room service or eat in restaurants.
Under the program, items are either verified as unserviceable or are repaired and returned to service.
If you can't afford the really nice mandolines, the plastic ones are perfectly serviceable.
And I must say she's been a very serviceable vehicle.

Smoking was initially restricted to the bar area of the clubhouse after an unserviceable extractor fan was removed during a £26,000 refurbishment earlier in the year.
Stromboli Smith OVATION, n. n ancient Rome, a definite, formal pageant in honor of one who had been disserviceable to the enemies of the nation.
INTERNET WIRETAP: The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce (1993 Edition)
Questionless, there was many a serviceable brick wasted in Nineveh because finicky persons must needs be deleting here and there a phrase in favor of its cuneatic synonym; and it is not improbable that when the outworn sun expires in clinkers its final ray will gild such zealots tinkering with their "style.
The Certain Hour
The refortified walls were often the ancient structures (sometimes, indeed, pre-Augustan); but if these were either absent or totally unserviceable, new walls might be built from scratch.
George S. Hillard, a most faithful and serviceable friend, -- not only to Hawthorne during his life, but afterwards as a trustee for his family, and equally kind and helpful to them in their bereavement, which is more than could be said of all his friends, -- especially of
The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Service stretcher, while soundly built and serviceable, is for this very reason a somewhat cumbrous load even when empty.
War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
If the acquisition of bad, that is, disserviceable habits, is disastrous to the individual, it is in some respects even worse in the group.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
If raids were suspended for 48 hours and the unserviceable planes were all serviced, this would increase the figure to 500.
The Wife went into a cafe that had thitherto proven very friendly and serviceable.
Thesis: New Yorkers Possibly Nicer Than Midwesterners
I have an old but serviceable Apple eMac that I would like to give to charity.
He saw the behaviour and language associated with such ideas as serviceable functions, highly developed in humans, but having roots in the behaviour of pre-human animals.
The remaining buttons are for navigating and making selections on the serviceable on-screen menu.
Though Marc Edwards is a serviceable player, the team is looking for a more dynamic fullback.
Yea, and whereas to the carrying on of that course of obedience, it is necessary that the contrary principle unto it, which we mentioned before, be daily subdued, brought under, crucified, and mortified; there are no doctrines whatsoever that are of such and so direct and eminent a serviceableness to that end and purpose as those which inwrap such discoveries of God and his goodwill in
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
Danzig fielded questions on topics ranging from the possibility of exchanging unserviceable utility uniforms for infantrymen to the size of meal portions at the mess halls.
Soon they began weaving cloth -- not of the best quality, but strong and serviceable.
DEVASTATING EDEN: The Search for Utopia in America
The Arts Parkade turns out to be a serviceable venue for Greek tragedy, with an upper ramp allowing for a two-tiered set and all that cold concrete creating an eerie echo.
the whole progress and course of evolution is to increase and intensify the Valuable -- that which 'avails' or is serviceable for highest purposes"; and he accordingly defines immortality as the persistence of things which the universe has gained and which, once acquired, cannot be let go.
Problems of Immanence: studies critical and constructive
These trees yield a profusion of thick red gum (not unlike the ‘sanguis draconis’) which is found serviceable in medicine, particularly in dysenteric complaints, where it has sometimes succeeded, when all other preparations have failed.
The Expedition to Botany Bay
The northwest front has now five arches with ramparts fallen in; northeast barbette battery unserviceable; east front scarp much scaled by slant fire, with large craters under traverses; principal injury at level of arches and terreplein; two-thirds of southern wall east of magazine damaged; stone abutment unhurt and protected by rubbish; gorge not damaged since yesterday.
Memoirs of the War of Secession
The serviceable track undulates and crosses many gullies, the trees are thinned, you can see out north over pretty fields, tightly bound by the curving wooded escarpment.
The following morning six were still serviceable.
Spitfire Women of World War II
The film is presented in anamorphic widescreen with a perfectly serviceable transfer.
The mythos upon which this movie hangs is admittedly a tad clunky from a Western standpoint - though it makes for a perfectly serviceable Eastern legend.
As pilfered from my friends list
Not only was the boiler unserviceable, but the pipes and radiators were severely corroded and would not last another winter.
You get a private room - simple but serviceable - with a small changing area, a fresh-water shower and your jet-enhanced tub.
It is so serviceable a pigment for so many purposes, especially in admixture, that its sin of fugacity is overlooked.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
The armorer-gunner reported the guns appeared serviceable; the bombsight and the automatic pilot also checked out as serviceable.
The corps is also responsible for the disposal of service ammunition that is unserviceable (depot demolitions) or has malfunctioned in some manner, disposal of malfunctioned explosive ordnance.
A chronic, progressive, hyperplastic-degeneration exists in some cases and the subjects are in time rendered unserviceable because of the burden of getting about encumbered by the affected extremity.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Rail watchdogs blamed the overcrowding on a combination of train operator One's unpopular new timetable and shortage of serviceable rolling stock.
The coarser parts are used for cordage, which is very serviceable.
Four Young Explorers or, Sight-Seeing in the Tropics
On the 22nd June the Chamberlain was instructed to prepare with all convenient speed four dozen good _splentes_ and as many good _sallettes_ or _sculles_ for the city’s use, and to cause a bowyer to "peruse" the city’s bows and to put them in such good order that they might be serviceable when required. (
London and the Kingdom - Volume I
The fighting is still a case of hammering the attack button but is just about serviceable.
The Sun
A grand weapon was a genuine “flint” of old “Joe” Manton; with plenty of metal, a hard hitter, and often equally serviceable when converted into a breech-loader.
Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
Is there a serviceable record store closer than Pittsburgh?
Your protective vest should be serviceable and your mouthpiece and gloves should be in good condition.
Despite many hours first of tracing, then of copying copperplate examples, my handwriting never became other than serviceable at best.
The Handwriting Is on the Wall
It's easy to color, virtually as long-lasting as horsehide - I know of plenty of 50-year-old cowhide holsters still serviceable - but soaks up water like a sponge if unfinished.
But the Stoics also have devoted some pains to the latter, for they have diligently considered the methods of carrying on a discussion by that science which they call dialectics; but the art of discovering arguments, which is called topics, and which was more serviceable for practical use, and certainly prior in the order of nature, they have wholly disregarded.
The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
Turns out, the 81-year old investor is a perfectly serviceable ukulelist with a pleasing, raspy voice. News
‘It is important to check oil levels, the coolant levels and the hydraulic fuel regularly and to make sure the spare wheel is serviceable,’ Mr Faughnan added.
This was no other than poor Jack Butts, who is a sort of small artist and picture-dealer by profession, and was a dayboy at Slaughter House when we were there, and very serviceable in bringing in sausages, pots of pickles, and other articles of merchandise, which we could not otherwise procure.
Men's Wives
To get a perfect mastery over the "diaphragmatic" method and make it as serviceable as possible, practise breathing while lying on your back, filling the lungs to the utmost, and exhausting them as completely as possible.
The Young Priest's Keepsake
And if it so fall out that any goods that comes to our hands from our native countrie, may be serviceable unto you, we shall take our selves bound to help and acco [= m] adate you ther with; either for beaver or any other wares or marchandise that you should be pleased to deale for.
Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' From the Original Manuscript. With a Report of the Proceedings Incident to the Return of the Manuscript to Massachusetts
Under current armor, could the APC still be serviceable, that is protect our troops in Iraq?
CNN Transcript Apr 26, 2004
However, it was not unusual for a pilot with an assigned aircraft to fly whatever aircraft was serviceable on any given day.
He saw similar skips full of perfectly serviceable tables, carpets and computer gear.
The Sun
To allow anywhere a disserviceable condition, when I could make it serviceable?
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
She went off to Oxford in the late 1930s in a serviceable tweed suit and thick lisle stockings.
While some people were busy fighting and dying, war profiteers made fortunes selling rotten food, unserviceable uniforms and non-working weapons.
They made tools, ploughshares, chariots, chain armour, and many more strong and serviceable implements.
Though it's possible to gain some of the benefits of bizarrerie with an umbrella, the true aspirant to affectation's highest lists will employ a device that is unserviceable, in fact ruined, in actual weather conditions.
Jilly Gagnon: Makeover For Summer...Affectations!
Under normal operational conditions, a serviceable object becomes unserviceable by reason of malfunction.
Enterprise servers run mission critical software and are expected to be highly reliable, available and serviceable (an industry metric known as RAS).
LXer Linux News
The fighting is still a case of hammering the attack button but is just about serviceable.
The Sun
About two hours later Arrius stood under the aplustre of the galley; in the mood of one who, seeing himself carried swiftly towards an event of mighty import, has nothing to do but wait-the mood in which philosophy vests an even-minded man with the utmost calm, and is ever so serviceable.
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
“The Saltzburgers went further up the river, and selected a place of settlement, which they called Ebenezer, but the Brethren began immediately their settlement near to Savannah; and God so blessed their industry, that they were not only soon in a capacity of maintaining themselves, but, also, of being serviceable to their neighbors.
Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe
But whether they're serviceable or not is debatable.
However, most of the time it is perfectly serviceable and it is attracting many business users as well as technically savvy and cost-conscious students.
All are very much appreciated, however it is important that all items should be clean and in good serviceable order.
There was a 40 per cent shortfall in nerve agent detector units, while the MoD's entire stock of 4,000 vapour detection kits, used by troops when they unmask after a suspected chemical attack, was discovered to be unserviceable.
Sighs of gratitude have been heard all over Comoro Airfield for Maintenance's ability to fix unserviceable vehicles, repair worn out air-conditioners and extend the life of the Mess tent fridge.
He calls ‘functionalism’ a serviceable concept, and notes that he, like all other anthropologists, use it and its theories.
I concede that the score by the young and promising composer seldom rises above the serviceable.
But power loss at WASA's Caroni Water Treatment Plant Water left pipelines unserviceable across an amazing geographic range.
She glanced at her watch - a plain, serviceable black Swatch she had received last Christmas from her uncle.
Questionless, there was many a serviceable brick wasted in Nineveh because finicky persons must needs be deleting here and there a phrase in favor of its cuneatic synonym; and it is not improbable that when the outworn sun expires in clinkers its final ray will gild such zealots tinkering with their
The Certain Hour
After all, if "serviceable" vehicles today are decommissioned for lack of parts due to the cash for clunkers program, isn't that covert stimulus, even if it comes at the expense of used-parts salvagers?
Obsolescence Is Often
The time it takes a depot or contractor to repair and return a reparable item to serviceable condition is rather long.
Using an x-acto knife or nail clippers for obtaining serviceable counters has become so commonplace that these tools have become a necessity for every gamer.
The landlord must renew or replace an antiquated or unserviceable communal system.
Times, Sunday Times
I think their defense is legit and their offense is serviceable.
By real politeness I mean softness of temper, and a sincere inclination to oblige and be serviceable, which is very conspicuous in this nation, not only among the high, but low; in so much that the porters and coachmen here are civil, and that, not only to gentlemen, but likewise among themselves. '
Life Of Johnson
Soon they began weaving cloth -- not of the best quality, but strong and serviceable.
DEVASTATING EDEN: The Search for Utopia in America
We are babblers, when we limit our use of language to utilitarian ends, when we make it serviceable to the projects through which we sidestep our anxiety.
MY Presence being no way serviceable to you in Barbary, and the Repose of my future Life calling me with the utmost Expectation to Fez, I humbly entreat your Permission to return thither.
Idalia, or, The Unfortunate Mistress: A Novel
As a result, the culverts may undergo excessive deformation or failure rendering the culverts unserviceable.
And according to Columella, the Horehound is a serviceable remedy against the Cankerworm in trees: _Profuit et plantis latices infundere amaros marrubii_.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Aircraft were fragile; by breaking a small part, a whole machine might be rendered unserviceable.
Apart from the question of how far war can now settle any fundamental issues without begetting others as dangerous, China of all countries is the one where settlement by force, especially by outside force, is least applicable, and most likely to be enormously disserviceable.
China, Japan and the U.S.A. Present-Day Conditions in the Far East and Their Bearing on the Washington Conference
For where alert and conscious criticism of existing folkways is habitual among all the members of a society, that society is saved from subjection through inertia to disserviceable habits.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
She had serviceable furniture, a few photos and two paintings on the wall.
Darwin: We see why certain characters are far more serviceable than others for classification; why adaptive characters, though of paramount importance to the beings, are of hardly any importance in classification; why characters derived from rudimentary parts, though of no service to the beings, are often of high classificatory value; and why embryological characters are often the most valuable of all.
A New Book
Nestled below the half-bottle of Champagne and assorted supermarket delicacies, was a serviceable souvenir rain poncho.
But plot twists, serviceable acting, decent dialogue and impressive cinematography layer more artistic complexity into the show.
Christianity Today
This is after the economic miracle, drastic military government, unserviceable debt.
Almost all the land in the vicinity is excellent and well calculated for cultivation, and several spots which we have visited, would be admirably adapted to the captain's views, but that there is not a sufficient extent unincumbered, or which could be fitted for the purposes of tillage in a space of time short enough to be serviceable; others are at some seasons inundated, which is an insurmountable objection.
Townsend Chapter 10
Habits, and emotion; and instincts; disserviceable; education a deliberate acquisition of; formation of, influence of on thinking; modification of by reflection; of mind; specific not general; transference of.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
Hurt is serviceable and is actually the best of the three, but his character is fairly uninteresting and unagreeable.
Row Three » Review: The Incredible Hulk - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
Sam Barker said his father and other personnel were ordered to evacuate, but there were only four serviceable aircraft.
If everything were merely clean and serviceable he would proclaim the place bare and uncomfortable.
Texture is all, with fabrics ranging from serviceable flannel and tweeds to luxurious guipure and marocain crepe.
Endgame's fundamental weakness, though, is its script, which could charitably be called serviceable, and which might more accurately be said to take fascinating, complex characters and situations and reduce them to plywood cut-outs.
Double Feature: Hunger
With that the speaker held up what was obviously an unserviceable safety harness for everyone to see and proceeded to deliver a five-minute talk on the proper care and use of the equipment.
In order that the united network should remain serviceable in combat operations under such conditions, there should be a flexible and efficient system to control the composite network.
a serviceable kitchen gadget
The jeans and sleeveless T-shirt were serviceable.
The Avalanche Ale is a perfectly serviceable beer, full-bodied and tasty, but the others failed to impress.
Howland Island: airstrip constructed in 1937 for scheduled refueling stop on the round-the-world flight of Amelia EARHART and Fred NOONAN; the aviators left Lae, New Guinea, for Howland Island but were never seen again; the airstrip is no longer serviceable
At the centre of the perfectly serviceable murder mystery, meanwhile, stood another woman in distress.
Times, Sunday Times
There is no more difficulty in understanding how the branched spines of some ancient echinoderm, which served as a defence, became developed through natural selection into tridactyle pedicellariæ, than in understanding the development of the pincers of crustaceans, through slight, serviceable modifications in the ultimate and penultimate segments of a limb, which was at first used solely for locomotion.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
The shallop was a serviceable vessel, and ran bravely before the wind on the calm sea.
Neither party could take exception to the decor, which is serviceable rather than swish.
Times, Sunday Times
Sonnino had pointed out that the Navy and the whole country expected of him that he would alter Italy's unfavourable position on the Adriatic, where from Venice to Taranto she had not one serviceable harbour, that is to say serviceable war-harbour.
The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
No man can become a serviceable servant solely by obedience to written edicts.
The dinghies on our lake were serviceable, not showy: hand-me-downs with dented motors and countless coats of varnish.
heavy serviceable fabrics
As a description of a function in an organism the word is perfectly serviceable.
What he does want is a woman amiable as a surface of parchment, serviceable as his inkstand; one who will be like the wig in which he closes his forensic term, disreputable from overwear, but suited to the purpose.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
The radii, thus, afford a serviceable illustration for the mode of contact by which the Intellectual Unity manifests itself as multiple and multipresent.
The Six Enneads.
I have, since the above was written, found that some dealers in leather and shoemakers '"grindery" sell knives of varied and serviceable patterns -- other than those described -- all of which have hard wood handles.
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
They made tools, ploughshares, chariots, chain armour, and many more strong and serviceable implements.
The navy's 52 admirals and commodores outnumber serviceable ships by a ratio of six to one.
A musket, lad, and fifty-and-five others in the corner yonder and all serviceable, which is well.
Martin Conisby's Vengeance
The water thus employed would serve for many successive portions of megass, until at length it became so richly loaded with saccharine matter as to be worth attention in the boiling-house; or, at all events, it would be serviceable for the cattle, who would fatten rapidly upon it.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
But Mr. Barrett was armed at all points by a consummate education and a most serviceable clothesbrush.
Sandra Belloni — Complete
As Zach mentioned, chicken tikka masala is definitely the gateway curry for Indian food novices, and Minar has a serviceable one.
PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Lou” | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
Camo suggested that we should try and catch a cowfish, the flesh of which, when cut up into strips and dried in the sun, could be preserved for a considerable time, and would prove more serviceable than any other food we were likely to obtain.
The Wanderers Adventures in the Wilds of Trinidad and Orinoco
I have been thus particular in the description of these frape-boats because of the use they may be of in any places where a great sea falls in upon the shore: as it does especially in many open roads in the East and West Indies; where they might therefore be very serviceable; but I never saw any of them there.
A Voyage to New Holland
Short serviceable indexes of names, places, and selected subjects complete them.
Then I discovered that the front mech was a bit past fixing, as the main spring had gone and it's not a user-serviceable part.
No, they can hardly be called serviceable," the master agreed.
With Moore at Corunna
Inside each complimentary cold bag, nestled below the half-bottle of Champagne and assorted supermarket delicacies, was a serviceable souvenir rain poncho.
This vital work will ensure that the car park remains serviceable and safe for users in the future years to come.
Deborah Kovacs tells a fast-paced story from Catie’s point of view in serviceable prose with some weak spots.
2009 September 03 « One-Minute Book Reviews
If you have that much money to spend on a pair of shoes then spend £115 on a perfectly serviceable pair of reasonable quality shoes and give £500 to charity.
Automatic temperature control unserviceable, cabin temperature goes below 10 degrees ( falls below plus 7 degrees ).
It was true she had a new set, warm and serviceable, but -- well, a short-haired, dark-brown collarette hasn't the allure of a fluffy, snow-white boa.
The subtle string flourishes and guitar parts in the background are what really make the song, though, as Rouse's voice is merely serviceable in the understated verses.
The quality of its wines can vary from light, fruity, serviceable clarets to the finest first growths capable of ageing for a century or more.
A number of operation modes can be used if equipment is not serviceable.
It is much more serviceable than the natural sandarach dug up in mines.
The Ten Books on Architecture
Restaurant downstairs, bar and wine tasting upstairs - Home Club is a serviceable food and drink establishment.
As a result, the culverts may undergo excessive deformation or failure rendering the culverts unserviceable.
Many equally dedicated ground and logistical personnel are supporting the aircrews with maintenance teams ensuring the aircraft are fully serviceable.
serviceable low-heeled shoes
This assesses things like whether a person has a decent coat, two serviceable pairs of shoes and the ability to afford meat, chicken or fish for dinner at least every second day.
‘The maintainers who keep the aircraft serviceable have learnt lessons there, to improve system knowledge to shorten servicing times,’ he said.
The old Royal High School has a serviceable chamber for debate and office space across the road at the St Andrew's House complex, with more space available if the site opposite where the Crown Office once stood was developed.
unserviceable equipment may be replaced
Soon they began weaving cloth -- not of the best quality, but strong and serviceable.
DEVASTATING EDEN: The Search for Utopia in America
We neither condemn nor praise the past as a whole; we regard specific institutions, customs, or ideas, as adequate or inadequate, as serviceable or disserviceable.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
Replacing your hard drive will void your warranty as well as require some difficult hackery to make it serviceable.
She nodded seriously over her serviceable, unworldly brown collarette.
I presume a marriage33 which is contracted with some great family, superior in wealth and influence, bears away the palm, since it confers upon the bridegroom not pleasure only but distinction. 34 Next comes the marriage made with equals; and last, wedlock with inferiors, which is apt to be regarded as degrading and disserviceable.
The fighting is still a case of hammering the attack button but is just about serviceable.
The Sun
Mrs Duck was horrified - not at the botty accident, but at the fact that a perfectly serviceable pair of trollies were flushed away in such a cavalier manner.
That these tasty morsels come wrapped in serviceable crime plots involving tough guys, gutsy gals, and snappy patter makes the pleasure of devouring them all the sweeter.
The Sign of The Book: Summary and book reviews of The Sign of The Book by John Dunning.
The dinghies on our lake were serviceable, not showy: hand-me-downs with dented motors and countless coats of varnish.
Wherefore, to carry it out of the understandings of ordinary Christians, by speculative notions and distinctions, is disserviceable unto the faith of the church; yea, the mixing of evangelical revelations with philosophical notions has been, in sundry ages, the poison of religion.
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
Historians have not settled on a good name for the centuries between Diocletian and Charlemagne, but this phrase is at least serviceable.
We see why certain characters are far more serviceable than others for classification; — why adaptive characters, though of paramount importance to the being, are of hardly any importance in classification; why characters derived from rudimentary parts, though of no service to the being, are often of high classificatory value; and why embryological characters are the most valuable of all.
A New Book
The machines we have are perfectly serviceable - contrary to some of the puzzling accounts you may have heard last week.
The Sun
The mission is to keep the bush roads of Central Australia serviceable throughout the year.
From January 1 all Permanent Air Force personnel entitled to wear Combined Working Dress will be able to exchange one set each year when the uniforms become unserviceable.
And that makes it more than serviceable for the normal run of fanatical ideologues, confirmed partisans and weak-minded bumpkins to make use of endlessly.
Over that she pulled on Tamylan's high-necked grey woollen tunic, and then Tam's serviceable woollen cloak.
A clean, bright white blend from Gascogny, it was a perfectly serviceable aperitif and accompaniment to the mixed plate of hors d'oeuvres that included cod brandade, veal tongue and leeks in vinaigrette sauce.
Alain Ducasse
Two and a half hours of retch-worthy glop, set to the greeting-card lyrics of Iris Rainer Dart ("It's never been easy / It's always been rough / I give her my life / But it's never enough") and the perfectly serviceable music of Mike Stoller (who is better known as the other half of Leiber & Stoller) and Artie Butler.
The Invisible Girls
But I don't want to suggest that Martin writes merely a serviceable blank verse.
Like you, I'm so happy to have Carla Gugino back on TV I couldn't resist watching this Tuesday's entry, Hide (9/8c), which is no great shakes as a mystery (it's ridiculously convoluted) or as a character study (Gugino plays yet another career cop who sacrifices her personal life for the job), but it's a serviceable enough B-movie, which is about as high as TNT's ambitions seem to be toward this project.
Ask Matt: Vampire Diaries, Dexter, Glee, the TV Laugh Track, and More!
Oh, when I got seriously into waterfowling 35 years or so ago, all waders and hip boots were made of vulcanized rubber, and it was possible to get a perfectly serviceable ‘hot’ patch on a puncture.
Nothing is so good, nothing so serviceable to human life, as the smoking of tobacco -- which may well be called a kingly plant, seeing that the monarchs of the earth are not ashamed to use it.
Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
The carpet is worn but still serviceable.
‘They were both responsible for making the aircraft serviceable, and were highly-skilled and professional men,’ he said.
The Brezon ” brisant, breaking wave ” he took as type of the billowy form of limestone Alps in general, and his analysis of it was serviceable and substantially correct.
The Life of John Ruskin
While some people were busy fighting and dying, war profiteers made fortunes selling rotten food, unserviceable uniforms and non-working weapons.
The clothes he had donned that morning were old, but serviceable.
a serviceable brick wasted in Nineveh because finicky persons must needs be deleting here and there a phrase in favor of its cuneatic synonym; and it is not improbable that when the outworn sun expires in clinkers its final ray will gild such zealots tinkering with their
The Certain Hour
They also want the immediate replacement of unserviceable locomotive engines.
Your Honours will see that Pilot McNamara was informed by the deceased ‘that the fuel gauge was unserviceable, that the sender unit was at fault and that one was on order’.
And there was still a chance of the original Airbus 300 being serviceable by tomorrow, or of a substitute being sent out.
The unwieldy but serviceable striker skelped a ball across the goalmouth that kissed the crossbar on its way past.
Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.
All three tracks are totally serviceable, but the surround sound track sounds the best of the bunch by leaps and bounds.
A technical team from BA reported in June that the capital's airport was serviceable despite damage sustained during the recent conflict but some doubt still hovers over the reopening.
In those days there was usually a second hand clothes dealer somewhere in the district so Cockler was never short of a serviceable warm jacket and coat.
‘I want to make sure other soldiers are not exposed to the same risk and ensure that no British service personnel fly in unserviceable aircraft anywhere in the world,’ he said.
The root and leaves, before the flowers are produced, are acrid and astringent, and are serviceable in passive hemorrhages, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, and gonorrhoea, and are highly recommended as a deobstruent in obstructions of the spleen, and in diseases arising from torpor of the liver,
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
Gilmer's 1884 report to the governor mentioned ‘old, rusty, and unserviceable arms’ that ‘should be disposed of to the best advantage.’
I recoded the page so that it offers a serviceable, simple sitemap as primary view.
The Brezon -- _brisant_, breaking wave -- he took as type of the billowy form of limestone Alps in general, and his analysis of it was serviceable and substantially correct.
The Life of John Ruskin
Her accent is serviceable, but there are occasional slips.
Here is a woman so deep in denial that pathological is the only serviceable adjective appropriate for such an irrational rant.
Maggy sat at her work in her great white cap with its quantity of opaque frilling hiding what profile she had (she had none to spare), and her serviceable eye brought to bear upon her occupation, on the window side of the room.
Little Dorrit
The DBI is actually a continuing art project that functions as a satirical yet serviceable institution (of the anti-institutional variety).
Oh, when I got seriously into waterfowling 35 years or so ago, all waders and hip boots were made of vulcanized rubber, and it was possible to get a perfectly serviceable ‘hot’ patch on a puncture.
Armaments were often inferior and needing attention to make them serviceable in desert conditions.
I am confident my Lord Goring may be serviceable to your Excellence in many respects, and therefore have rather encouraged him in this his resolution, than any ways dehorted him from it; and especially because he is to pass by the Spanish Court, where he hath such habitudes, by reason of the service both his father and he hath done that crown.
Notes and Queries, Number 35, June 29, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
I'm sure there's some perfectly serviceable legislation already in place that would force him to turn down the megaphone if it exceeds a certain decibel level.
It's a perfectly serviceable alternative.
Times, Sunday Times
And there was still a chance of the original Airbus 300 being serviceable by tomorrow, or of a substitute being sent out.
Burnt ochre, which is very serviceable in stucco work, is made as follows.
The Ten Books on Architecture
These are great incentives; not for any of these, but for the plain satisfaction of living, of being about their business in some sort or other, do the brave, serviceable men of every nation tread down the nettle danger, and pass flyingly over all the stumbling-blocks of prudence.
Virginibus Puerisque and other papers