How To Use service staff In A Sentence
- Seven days a week, at 4 p.m. an hour after shops close for the day, Freddy's force of 100 servers and cleaning service staff begins spraying the business area with sanitizer, before reloading the food carts which are stored at nearby depots.
- Asian seamen were employed both in a traditional capacity as deckhands and within the engine rooms of such vessels, but also increasingly as service staff on cruise liners.
- Now moving to a building, shell be next door to her customer - service staff.
- A Forest Service staff geneticist planted them anyway, and the seeds sprouted.
- The first cast of what Crane aptly termed the dragnet had brought in the management and service staff to a man, with a number of the restaurant's habitues, including Sophie Weringrode and her errand-boy, the exquisite Mr. Revel. The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
- Chestwood Park Service staff, not tap water signs to the Museum of History and park management.
- These systems and application code were originally designed 20 or 25 years ago to be accessed by that company’s own sales and service staff. Computing
- The tribunal heard appeals from ex-service staff whose claims for a war pension were rejected by the Defence Secretary - and its ruling could benefit hundreds of former servicemen.
- Corporate service staff are being forced to relocate to Orange under the plan.
- If you are lucky, you may even find an artist carefully anointing a canvas with oils, while the service staff move past with the plates for the diners.