serum globulin

  1. globulins occurring in blood serum and containing most of the antibodies of the blood
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How To Use serum globulin In A Sentence

  • The _normal cerebro-spinal fluid_ is clear and colourless, has a specific gravity of 1004-1008, and contains a trace of serum globulin and albumose, some chlorides, and a substance which reduces Fehling's solution. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Normal urinary proteins include albumin, serum globulins, and proteins secreted by the nephron.
  • Immune serum globulin has been used prophylactically and therapeutically against enteroviruses in neonates and immunocompromised patients.
  • It can be prevented in contacts of patients by intramuscular injection of immune serum globulin in amounts of half to 2 milliliters, according to weight.
  • Normal urinary proteins include albumin, serum globulins, and proteins secreted by the nephron.
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