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How To Use Serrated In A Sentence

  • In this convolution, the edges of the blades in teeth 21-27 are serrated and show 15 denticles on each one.
  • In the middle line is the posterior part of the sagittal suture connecting the parietal bones; extending downward and lateralward from the hinder end of the sagittal suture is the deeply serrated lambdoidal suture joining the parietals to the occipital and continuous below with the parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures; it frequently contains one or more sutural bones. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • Use a pot of white porcelain or glazed earthenware, with its edge partly serrated and provided with a lid, the skirt of which fits loosely inside
  • It's sharp, serrated edge gleamed in the late morning sunshine.
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
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  • A razor blade or serrated knife will work well.
  • The serrated or sawtooth wheel is most commonly used, but a smooth wheel is preferable on delicate fabrics.
  • Above, the serrated edge of the granite ridge cuts through the cobalt sky.
  • In the market I found almost everyone sold heavy, serrated, spring-loaded metal rattraps.
  • Use a knife with a serrated edge .
  • * Both shechita (kosher slaughter) and dhabiĥa (hallal slaughter) involve cutting across the neck of the animal with a non-serrated blade in one clean attempt in order to sever the main vessels. British Fast-Food 'sacrificed' to the devil
  • Leaves elliptic or egg-shaped, wider towards tips, margins serrated. Times, Sunday Times
  • He held out his hands, and a long staff of spectral blue light appeared between them, with a serrated, curved blade attached to one end.
  • This spine has a serrated edge and can inflict painful wounds.
  • Once there, the gastropods use their belt of serrated teeth, called radula, to slice the living cordgrass.
  • The most dangerous part of a stingray is the tail with the rather nasty serrated barb.
  • Starting in the 1860s the serrated diamond motif of Mexican-made serapes began to appear on Navajo blankets.
  • The stems may be simple or branched, in the large types reaching as much as I m in height; the basal leaves are long, often pinnately lobed and coarsely toothed, but sometimes are not serrated, while the cauline leaves are simple and linear. Chapter 27
  • I do use both plain and serrated blades often and the effectiveness of a serrated edge is unquestioned.
  • And like wild dogs after a wounded buffalo, the ants swarmed over it, their terrible serrated jaws clamped tight or biting, biting, biting.
  • His lips ricked back to reveal sharp, serrated teeth still bloodstained from his earlier victim. Hellgate London Covenant
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
  • In some specimens the anterior edge of the base is serrated or irregularly denticulated.
  • In the market I found almost everyone sold heavy, serrated, spring-loaded metal rattraps.
  • Tyrannosaurs are surprisingly common in many North American fossil beds, especially their large, serrated teeth which they shed periodically like most archosaurs.
  • Intense gullying, serrated ridges, and major and minor rockfalls are characteristic of this zone. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • It has oval leaves with a slightly serrated edge.
  • I just borrowed it to refer to the shape of the basins in section -- cones with their apices cut off or a 3-sides-equal trapezium, exactly similar to the ones you see in the diagrams above, though it would be serrated because of the stairs. Tele-Hydrology
  • The clouds took on the same stratified, serrated, rose-rock formation, and all the hollows were filled with the opal blues and purple hazes of the CHAPTER XXIX
  • You really need a knife with a serrated edge for cutting bread.
  • She slammed the serrated edge into a hidden spot on the parasol and heard a sharp click.
  • Missing in action are the serrated trebly guitar noise and dub-party-at-the-end-of-the-earth rhythm section boom that made the band so fierce, so much more than a postpunk revival act.
  • It's a ceramic sharpener that's capable of touching up even serrated edges.
  • Semidouble dark red plum two - tone frilled star. Medium green, plain, pointed, serrated. Standard.
  • By the end, his serrated anti-riffs are faster, clearer, louder, polyvalent, and virtually indistinguishable from his pre-Carpal recordings.
  • As I have mentioned before in these pages my $5.95 Messermeister serrated peeler is a marvel. Splurge Pans Out : Utensibility Meme
  • Using a serrated knife, remove kernels of corn from cobs; reserve both kernels and cobs for sauce.
  • On unworn specimens, the serrated crest is highest at the third cusp and is often weakly sigmoid in dorsal view: the most labial cusp is the fourth or fifth, and the talonid curves more lingually.
  • The serrated fins actually increase the surface area to allow for more heat dissipation.
  • It looks out over The Harbour, the Botanic Gardens and the symbolic, serrated sails of The Opera House.
  • Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.
  • Frank at once presented his half-stiffened cock to his mother's lips, whilst Ethel, kneeling down between the maternal thighs, rolled her lascivious tongue in delight round that splendid clitoris and within the serrated nymphae which guarded the entrance to the temple of love, whilst her nose revelled amongst the beautiful chevelure of a most glorious mons Veneris, and inhaled all the sweet odours of that The Power of Mesmerism A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies
  • There is a comblike serrated feather on the leading edge of the wing, velourlike feathers on top and a trailing edge of feathers on the rear of the wing. NYT > Global Home
  • The eight-ounce unit holds six screwdriver bits and has a serrated blade, needle-nose pliers, a metal saw, and a wood saw.
  • The leaves are stalked, have a serrated outline, covered with stiff hair and their shape is ovoid and broad or bullate, hence the origin of species name (bullatus).
  • Serrated colorectal polyps include the subgroups hyperplastic polyps, sessile serrated polyps (also called sessile serrated adenomas), and serrated adenomas. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Peel the grapefruit and, using a serrated knife, cut out individual sections so that no white pith remains.
  • He rested his head against the cold, serrated stone and put his arms around her. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • We can only imagine what these serrated blades and shards of glass could do to the human body.
  • The flouncy fish gets particularly huffy about serrated edges, which tear rather than slice through its delicate flesh.
  • You plunge into a winding cleft whose strata swirl across cliffs like a serrated knife through butter.
  • The land’s serrated mesas and loping glens nestled its residents in a sense of forgottenness, which was fine with them. The Madonnas of Echo Park
  • Description size: 3 - 4.5 mm shape: mote or less triangular colour: pale brown with blackish patches on the elytra recognition: body clothed in short hairs; last abdominal segment visible; antennae slightly serrated: each hind femur bears a tooth; large emarginated eyes 7. Important pests in storage
  • Women are willowy and bosomy, men all come bearing a twin-bladed knife with serrated edge.
  • He will face speeds of up to 80 mph as he goes head first down the run on a solo toboggan, with only serrated metal toecaps acting as brakes.
  • Guilty pleas were also entered to driving while disqualified and without insurance and possession of a lock knife with a three-inch serrated blade.
  • You really need a knife with a serrated edge for cutting bread.
  • The Echinodermata (star-fishes, sea-urchins, &c.) are furnished with remarkable organs, called pedicellariæ, which consist, when well developed, of a tridactyle forceps—that is, of one formed of three serrated arms, neatly fitting together and placed on the summit of a flexible stem, moved by muscles. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.
  • But if you have not charge of the treatment from the first, but undertake it from another after a time, you must saw the bone at once down to the meninx with a serrated trepan, and in doing so must frequently take out the trepan and examine with a sound (specillum), and otherwise along the tract of the instrument. On Injuries Of The Head
  • Glossy coats of enamel paint bead up on the panels' edges, creating subtly serrated perimeters.
  • Only then did Whitlock see it, its jaws open to reveal the row of serrated teeth which could tear a man in half. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • He finished with the wound and cut the thread with a serrated combat knife from the soldier's belt.
  • They feature strong serrated jaws which clamp together when the trap is sprung.
  • The crurotarsan archosaur - a distant relative of today's crocs - were 40ft long, ten tons and had 45cm serrated teeth. The Sun
  • Through the entranceway we glimpse a lifesize hologram of sawtooth ravines, razorback spurs and tree-serrated skylines.
  • Objective To study a micro-traumatic surgery in face lifting by using special serrated sutures which were buried under of sk in face to tighten the flabby tissue.
  • The serrated edge of his weapon cut deep into the metal, despite its apparent fragility, and split apart the armour plates that were fortifying the structure.
  • Long stems bearing one-inch flowers with a serrated petal edge bring a lacy look to floral arrangements, as well as the garden.
  • Do not attempt to sharpen serrated-edged knives.
  • Behind the Hot Springs ' sweet hooks and sing-song melodies is a punk heartbeat, an intensity embedded in their serrated riffage and Webber's sexy snarl.
  • The stout bill is conical, with serrated edges in some species.
  • When she surfaced, something brushed across her arm, a yellow heart-shaped leaf with serrated edges.
  • Leaves 2-3 inches long, semi-cor - date, acuminate, bright, green, shining, hispid above, fflabrous beneath, but covered with minute furfuraceous scales, visible with the microscope; their margins doubly serrated and ciliated. Exotic flora: Containing Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, Or Otherwise Interesting Erotic ...
  • But in the Yixian Formation enantiornithean Protopteryx (image at left: taken from Dinosaur. there are just two conical, unserrated teeth in the premaxillae and two subtriangular teeth at the dentary tips (Zhang & Zhou 2000). The war on parasites: an oviraptorosaur’s eye view
  • The peaks were known as arete, where two glaciers had crawled up opposite sides of a mountain and formed a jagged, narrow ridge like the blade of a serrated knife. The Black Madonna
  • The barbed suture lift, nicknamed the thread lift, is a quick outpatient procedure in which doctors thread serrated plastic sutures through the fatty layer beneath the face and use them to hoist sagging tissue.
  • She concentrated on her potato, gouging out its deep black eye with the serrated tip of her knife.
  • There is a long, serrated rostrum and the abdomen bears pointed terminations on the pleura.
  • Pale - dark green, variable texture, round, serrated on most clones.
  • Take your sharpest serrated bread knife and cut the stick in half across the middle.
  • It is called the cowage, or cow-itch, on account of the seed pods being covered with short brittle hairs, the points of which are finely serrated, causing an unbearable itching when applied to the skin, which is relieved by rubbing the part with oil. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • The leaves are 10-25 cm long, pinnate, with 5-9 leaflets, each leaflet up to 8 cm long, with a serrated margin; both the stem and leaves are densely glandular-hairy. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Several times there came a harsh cry from hordes of goblin throats as they came charging out of the woods waving wicked looking black iron swords with serrated edges.
  • This was a massive bulk, a battlemented curtain wall, twin gate-towers, squat and strong, fronting this eastward approach, and the serrated crests of other flanking towers circling a tall keep within. A River So Long
  • But if you have not charge of the treatment from the first, but undertake it from another after a time, you must saw the bone at once down to the meninx with a serrated trepan, and in doing so must frequently take out the trepan and examine with a sound (specillum), and otherwise along the tract of the instrument. On Injuries Of The Head
  • Then suddenly, he pulled the pinchers out, and in their serrated grasp was a perfectly round lead musket ball.
  • Using a long, serrated knife, neaten the ends and cut into 2cm-thick slices.
  • In resolving the differences between the orthogonal basic plan and the circular forms of the domes, perimeter walls become serrated in plan.
  • I pull out a ten-inch hunting knife with a serrated blade.
  • As well as having large canines for dealing with bigger prey, their cheek teeth are serrated, which enables them to strain krill from the water.
  • It is believed that the knife had a three-inch blade with a serrated edge.
  • We leave Algiers and run along the same kind of heathy, cliffy, barren reach of hills, terminating in high lines of serrated ridges, and scarce showing an atom of cultivation, but where the mouth of a river or a sheltering bay has encouraged the Moors to some species of fortification. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • It has oval leaves with a slightly serrated edge.
  • —The superior borders extend from the superior to the lateral angles: they are deeply serrated for articulation with the occipital borders of the parietals, and form by this union the lambdoidal suture. II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • Randomly thrashing, the serrated edge of the hunter's knife cut a clean gash into the side of the beast's neck, letting loose a clean stream of crimson.
  • The backside is undercut and serrated to prevent glare and is dovetailed into the slide with a set-screw for windage adjustments.
  • The unusual long-armed Sapeornis, also from the Jiufutang Formation, had a rather short, Caudipteryx-like skull, and short, conical, unserrated, procumbent teeth projected from its premaxillae (Zhou & Zhang 2003). The war on parasites: an oviraptorosaur’s eye view
  • In a mezzotint, a serrated tool is used to roughen areas that will retain ink to be printed, while areas to remain white are burnished and scraped smooth so that ink can be wiped away.
  • Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.
  • The sound can be modified accordingly as the strokes of each bow bear upon the callosity, which is itself serrated or wrinkled, or on one of the four smooth radiating nervures. Social Life in the Insect World
  • I just borrowed it to refer to the shape of the basins in section -- cones with their apices cut off or a 3-sides-equal trapezium, exactly similar to the ones you see in the diagrams above, though it would be serrated because of the stairs. Tele-Hydrology
  • Six further species are in danger of extinction, i.e. marsh saxifrage, serrated wintergreen, meadow saffron, cottonweed, rough poppy and meadow saxifrage.
  • Despite their dandy looks, the charaxes are the gladiators of the butterfly world, with serrated forewings that they use to bully other butterflies off a deliciously rotten piece of fruit or fresh carnivore dung.
  • The outside surface of the fiber consists of a series of serrated scales which overlap each other much like the scales of a fish.
  • The kit contains a chef's knife, a serrated knife, a thin long knife for slicing meat, a boning knife, a paring knife, and a pair of scissors.
  • Make sure your cutting tools are sharp; use barber shears or shears with serrated blades.
  • The light shone off the silver blade, and Claire could see her distorted reflection above the serrated edge of the knife.
  • The surface is traversed by three sutures, viz.: (1) the coronal sutures, nearly transverse is direction, between the frontal and parietals; (2) the sagittal sutures, medially placed, between the parietal bones, and deeply serrated in its anterior two-thirds; and (3) the upper part of the lambdoidal suture, between the parietals and the occipital. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • Bowl of a briarwood pipe, serrated at the edge; much worn and blackened; bound with string at the crew. The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories
  • Untitled, 1999, is dominated by a bright yellow form with loopy protrusions on one side, serrated edges on the other and red, elliptical oblongs punctuating its middle.
  • Above, the serrated edge of the granite ridge cuts through the cobalt sky.
  • Stage 3 is a stropping stage that will put a razor edge on your blades - even serrated blades. More on Plaxico and Christmas
  • The microstructure of Inconel 718 chip is continuous under low cutting speed and serrated under high cutting speed because of adiabatic shearing.
  • Cut off the top of the heads with a serrated knife and squeeze out the garlic pulp.
  • scraping the pith from quintuply-boiled orange peels with a serrated edge candied orange peel Spiced Orange Ice Cream
  • The flouncy fish gets particularly huffy about serrated edges, which tear rather than slice through its delicate flesh.
  • I chose the plain edged blade (it also comes in a partially serrated if you like serrated blades) with the G10 handle scales (this knife also comes in a stainless steel handle version that is quite similar to this knife, although the stainless version is a frame lock where the G10 is a liner lock). Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Use a sharp serrated bread knife, which will give you elegant crunchy fingers of melba toast once dried out and crisped to golden brown in the oven.
  • They are an aromatic, light yellow-green, with serrated, toothed edges.
  • The edges of the tattered hull weren't jagged or serrated like a normal gash caused by a rocket or something more powerful than a normal laser.
  • A small saw or serrated blade such as an old bread knife can be used.
  • The same serrated silhouette rounds off the long workshop volume on the opposite side of the cloister.
  • Using a serrated knife, remove kernels of corn from cobs; reserve both kernels and cobs for sauce.
  • Bread knives should have a serrated edge.
  • I achieved the brick effect using a #47 Basketweave Tip on the plain side as opposed to the serrated side you usually see in basketweaving piping out 1/2 bricks and alternating the rows. Love, Loss and What I Baked: The Prince's Castle
  • I pull out a ten-inch hunting knife with a serrated blade.
  • If you have a dull serrated edge knife, which doesn't happen often, it is best to take it to a professional knife sharpener.
  • Blacktip reef sharks have a fusiform body and a short rounded, blunt snout with an arched down-turned mouth filled with long sharp serrated teeth.
  • Feather leaf, lobular 3 to 5, Luanzhuang long oval, a pointed tip, a serrated leaf edge.
  • With her free hand, she whipped it into her back pocket and pulled out a wallet-sized black object with a serrated edge at the top.
  • It had leaf-shaped teeth designed for shredding plants rather than the triangular, blade-like serrated teeth of its meat-eating relatives.

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