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How To Use Seriousness In A Sentence

  • But this exclamation is hyperbole; we are not speaking in literal seriousness.
  • But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness. GALILEE
  • When we arrived she was in such a distressed state that we had to treat it with the upmost seriousness.
  • a lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness
  • I would have carried my burden more lightly, not been overcome by a spirit of seriousness and of shame.
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  • He has a steely-eyed seriousness about comedy, and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schweiker describes his position as theocentric, but God seems to be a useful symbol that gives human agency seriousness and purpose by checking the unlimited expansion of human power.
  • It's not just the tedium of the job - literally a daily grind, as they mash packets of powder into useable paint - it's the po-faced seriousness with which everyone around them gets on with things.
  • The seriousness of the wrongdoing involved in such offences must be assessed by reference to the interests affected, the remoteness of the harm from the conduct, and culpability.
  • Because of the potential seriousness of the incident, a site alert was announced.
  • And the simple statistics on deaths mask the seriousness of the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between twelve and one that Sunday night Katharine lay in bed, not asleep, but in that twilight region where a detached and humorous view of our own lot is possible; or if we must be serious, our seriousness is tempered by the swift oncome of slumber and oblivion. Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
  • When that viewpoint is outside the school it is of assistance to corporate management to weigh up its authority and seriousness.
  • They need to move fast because voters are beginning to wonder about their seriousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was unaware of the seriousness of her illness until I learned of her death.
  • His brown eyes held a grave seriousness to them.
  • They should never have had any doubts about the seriousness with which she would take her nannying duties.
  • Scrupulous research and a fanatical concern for historical accuracy is a demonstration of Weir's seriousness.
  • Though there is some element of what Pauline Kael described as mopey, post-war German seriousness, perhaps now the film seems somewhat removed from that overwhelming post-war grief. WINGS OF DESIRE Criterion Blu-ray Review –
  • The term traumatic condition can be any wound or injury regardless of the seriousness of the injury or wound. - Articles related to Ethiopia requests more money for refugees from Somalia and Eritrea
  • The film certainly succeeds in doing that - but it also taps into Barrie's well-documented yearning for a world in which playfulness and whimsy would always triumph over seriousness and propriety.
  • Only basketball is played with any seriousness outside the continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The question of the balance of powers between the two chambers is one of high seriousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has no comprehension of the seriousness of the situation.
  • He maintained an attitude of high seriousness.
  • It is vital that all care homes treat this issue with the utmost seriousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book has moments of great seriousness, and even some genuine suspense.
  • Further, congregations need to take with great seriousness their denominational obedience.
  • In observable characteristics, Saturn depicts someone who is characterised by austerity or seriousness.
  • De Benoist himself is on the Advisory Board (and Arthur R. Jensen is an "Honorary Adviser") of the neo-fascist German magazine Neue Anthropologie, whose editor, Jürgen R.eger, has condemned the "bastardizing" of races and has announced, in all seriousness, "The white giants are coming! Paris: Moses and Polytheism
  • Any growth in unemployment is self-evidently a matter of extreme seriousness.
  • He maintained an attitude of high seriousness.
  • Whether the conservative, hidebound publishing establishment will treat such works with the seriousness they deserve is of course another matter.
  • Wholesome merriment is the logical result of a deeply embedded faith, and seriousness is only sad when it becomes superficial. Christmas Luncheon
  • All residents must take fire precautions with the seriousness they deserve.
  • This kind of unseriousness demonstrates that we are not dealing with a reasonable electorate, even without the financial crisis. nathan On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There is something very masculine about this approach and there's a seriousness to it that will appeal to men. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sudden summoning of the Cabinet underlines the seriousness of the situation.
  • Those who regard marriage as a religious sacrament may be concerned to convey the seriousness of the undertaking through symbolism and ritual.
  • I don't think he has any notion of the seriousness of the situation.
  • In all seriousness, if Tom does resign, a lot of other people will start leaving too.
  • ‘You need to tell me more about yourself, mister,’ I said, feigning grave seriousness.
  • Those who regard marriage as a religious sacrament may be concerned to convey the seriousness of the undertaking through symbolism and ritual.
  • There's also a mounting seriousness of tone that doesn't sit entirely well with the plot's concatenation of coincidences and unlikelihoods.
  • This is the biggest fine in Japanese LPGA history and reflects the seriousness of what took place," the tour's Hideaki Otani said yesterday. Taipei Times
  • The combination of Chase's bowling ball technique, his seriousness about the whole thing, and Aaron's outrageous snort convulsed everyone.
  • The lush and extravagant countryside, the somnolent seriousness of the army base and the intense, heavy sunlight had been most disorienting.
  • The uncharged matters may go to character, as they did, in our submission in Weininger, but they may also go to, to put it in plain English terms, the seriousness of the individual counts.
  • Do you pea-brains not comprehend the seriousness of this situation?
  • In addition to gaining seriousness, the genial, good-natured boy becomes a sarcastic and bitter man.
  • Not one of them shed a tear, but sat there on the uncomfortable wooden seats, trying to mask their anguish with solemn seriousness.
  • Men belch out at superdramatic volumes (nothing ever sounds natural), and mezzos sound nothing short of ridiculous, their voices denatured by the attempt to imbue the music with highbrow seriousness and high volume.
  • The question of the balance of powers between the two chambers is one of high seriousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wilde, who could never resist an aphorism, frequently undermines the seriousness of his beliefs by his brilliant and paradoxical style.
  • There is something very masculine about this approach and there's a seriousness to it that will appeal to men. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surely you're not telling me, in all seriousness, that you want to work in a factory for the rest of your life!
  • I would have carried my burden more lightly, not been overcome by a spirit of seriousness and of shame.
  • The narrative moves back and forth between the two eras, undermining the deadly seriousness of the former and attempting to instil some sense in the latter. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Herzog subtly chronicles this mighty, pathos-laden struggle, treating it with the seriousness it deserves without airbrushing its blind moments or gestures of excess.
  • That would be to misread the seriousness of the situation.
  • There is a growing awareness of the seriousness of this disease.
  • What, with careless exaggeration, he had said to a friend some months before, on setting forth his _Elegy on the Death of a Young Man_, "The thing has made my name hereabouts more famous than twenty years of practice would have done; but it is a name like that of him who burnt the Temple of Ephesus: God be merciful to me a sinner!" might now with all seriousness be said of the impression his _Robbers_ made on the harmless townsfolk of Stuttgart. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • With a new book by Hugh Wheeler, added lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and arena-style staging by Hal Prince, "Candide" finally gained popular success-though lost in the circuslike goings-on were the glitter of the music and almost any shred of seriousness. The Garden Grows
  • In all seriousness, the goal of work-life synergy is a much kinder and gentler goal for us because each and every day is different. Women Grow Business » Search Results » levin
  • After forty-five years of the playless life of a serf to blighting seriousness, the wonder is that sourness had not entered to hopelessly curdle all chances for joyous living. Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness
  • Moreover, the seriousness of the sanction must be proportionate to the damage sustained by the worker.
  • Democrats said those increases wouldn't have materialized since Republicans were simultaneously proposing large across-the-board tax cuts, and that their counteroffer was a way to test the seriousness of the idea. Deficit Deal a Moving Target
  • No one had educated her on the seriousness of septicemia, which is what she had when she entered the hospital, or of endocarditis, which she had already developed between the first series of tests in the hospital and the second. Francine Hardaway: System Failure: Health Care
  • I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime.
  • Above all it is the seriousness, the consistent refusal to engage in light banter or jollity, the unflinching Puritanism (as of Elders of the Kirk), indeed the crippling shyness that strike one most forcefully nearly fifty years on. Archive 2009-04-01
  • From my point of view, in sum, it is not the culture wars in the churches that signal the decline of denominationalism and the seriousness of religious commitment.
  • The severity of the punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.
  • Modern scholarship has done much to rescue the pastoral reputation and moral seriousness of the clergy and their lay supporters at all levels.
  • Politics would be much more constructive if people toned down the seriousness, shared some kai and discussed things with a cool head.
  • But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness. GALILEE
  • The word Glasgow means Dear Green Place, but the grey Scottish sky adds gravity and seriousness to already formidable architecture.
  • Ed is, in all seriousness, one of the most thoughtful and considerate people I've ever come across.
  • Comedy aside, don't underestimate the seriousness with which these people take their tasks.
  • In all seriousness, this crusty old Volvo has been in more movies than Michael Caine.
  • They will change their tune when they find out the seriousness of the problem.
  • He will be taken seriously and the most arcane tactical theories will be discussed with the utmost seriousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .
  • In all seriousness - yes, please stand for the leadership.
  • Kev, I tend tend be jovial by nature but I do not accept that earnestness is the same as seriousness. A Fire Raging in Islington
  • I can see distinctly the little stone cottages in the narrow wynds off South Street, which I was wont to visit; I can recall the whirr and rattle of the loom "ben the house," and picture to myself the grave elderly man who on my entrance would rise from the rickety machine in front of which he was seated, and, after refreshing himself with a pinch of snuff, adjust his horn-rimmed spectacles and stare, with a seriousness which to me was somewhat disquieting, at the little English boy who had found his way into his presence. Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid 1842-1885
  • When the The New York Times decides to use honorific titles on second reference, it does so to establish consistency of usage and a level of diction that suggests formality and seriousness of purpose.
  • In all seriousness, if Tom does resign, a lot of other people will start leaving too.
  • They need to move fast because voters are beginning to wonder about their seriousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those (infrequently) “subjecting” you to pay are otherwise taking on unconscionable collective debt to pay for your utter unseriousness. The Volokh Conspiracy » Was the Individual Mandate a “Republican Idea”?
  • As the telephonist has classified the call as urgent another duty doctor telephones the patient back within three minutes, in order to determine the seriousness of the situation.
  • The problem is that the 'opinion-formers', in the past at least, were proclaiming the superior seriousness (and sexiness) of Roman history.
  • With complete seriousness and no awareness of the historical abuses to which this idea has been put, they were promoting the Hamite theory of racial origins, that ugly idea that all races stemmed from the children of Noah, and that black people in particular were the cursed offspring of Ham. 300 secular students visit Ken Ham's Creation “Museum” - The Panda's Thumb
  • When he summed up, the judge reminded the jury of the seriousness of the case.
  • DangerMouse: And here we see the snark, proving his unseriousness and trolling. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • They appreciated the high seriousness and the perspicuous aspects of his intelligence, both evident in his books.
  • Of course, on the downside, his trial will be a media circus and the seriousness of the allegations will undoubtedly take second billing to salacious celebrity gossip.
  • And as for your throwing around “enhanced interrogation” of nazis without knowing anything they did is further proof of your unseriousness. Matthew Yglesias » The Security Line Threat
  • And a sudden sense of the utter seriousness of this dilemma dumbed him. The Patrician
  • Quite a few responders have responded with an unusual amount of strained seriousness and defensiveness.
  • Most couples realise that exchanging their vows is a key moment in life that calls for great seriousness and solemnity.
  • I don't mean to minimalize the seriousness.
  • A number of the paintings that follow have ominously dark grounds appropriate to the seriousness of intent.
  • Her voice was vibrant and rich as before, but with a strange seriousness that she had not expected.
  • Her combination of high seriousness, insight, and muddle-headedness establishes, in the earlier parts of the novel, the contiguity of inspiration and comedy.
  • The seriousness of the situation can be gauged from the fact that cultivation has been completed in only 70 per cent of the targeted land during the kharif season against 85 per cent last year.
  • Shapiro's seriousness is not solemnity - the poems in this book do not allow for high-mindedness or convenient emotion - and his grief is not melodrama.
  • Police often downgrade the seriousness of violence against women in the home.
  • Court orders should be treated with all seriousness and sanctity and courts should not let erring officials go unpunished.
  • Step 5 Determine the extent of this behaviour; does its frequency or seriousness justify your efforts to try and alter it?
  • An empathetic listener can do a lot to defuse a crisis, regardless of the seriousness of the problem. Christianity Today
  • The weak jokes should not, however, detract from the seriousness of the issue.
  • Police often downgrade the seriousness of violence against women in the home.
  • But for a humorist, the wrong kind of seriousness can be fatal.
  • He was beginning to understand the seriousness of life.
  • While one can find superficial resemblances of idiom, in particular a fondness for fourths, and a seriousness of attitude, the music doesn't really come across as derivative - that is, without a reason of its own for being.
  • Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.
  • In all seriousness now - joking aside - I do think there's a problem here that we've got to get sorted.
  • He recalled in all seriousness when the monologue once went down the dumper three nights straight he was ready to quit the business.
  • If Islay's signature metal is the burnished copper of whisky stills, it gave place last weekend to the brassy sheen or sandblasted seriousness of the saxophone.
  • Clinicians tried to reduce anxiety by emphasising the mildness, early stage, or non-seriousness of the disorder and the likelihood that patients would recover.
  • He ought to have been made aware of the seriousness of the assault and shown the television pictures before facing the press conference.
  • A sudden aura of seriousness descended upon us and we returned our sober attention to the doctor.
  • He told us in all seriousness that he was going to join a circus.
  • Even when "yoked" to someone in marriage - as Christ-followers, we are ultimately bearing His yoke... and it *seems* to me, tho I cannot speak from experience, that if both partners are seriously seeking to live after God's own heart, that it really will feel light, for all the seriousness that will need to and should go into putting it on... Sparks
  • A lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness.
  • Such seriousness and ambition in a very young man set him apart.
  • They will change their tune when they find out the seriousness of the problem.
  • The seriousness with which the elder Pisoni mentored his son helped to build a solid appreciation for craft and precision as well as the history and tradition of clowning from the early days of the commedia dell'arte to the present. George Heymont: Once More With Feeling
  • The four launches since 1999 of the Shenzhou (Divine or Sacred Vessel) spacecraft intended to launch the taikonauts into orbit evidence substantial Chinese technical achievement and the seriousness of the program.
  • There is in Machado's prose a playfulness that teases the reader, humor that mocks solemnity and seriousness.
  • Were you a Jew, you would realize that there is a greater seriousness at the bottom of it than mere dissension of the sectaries or trouble-making for you and Rome. Chapter 17
  • He considered his work neither ironic nor kitsch, being convinced of its artistic seriousness.
  • These issues cannot be used to diminish in any way the seriousness of any allegations against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • This in itself suggests the depth of localism and regionalism and the seriousness of giving them due weight in symbolizing the nation as a whole.
  • ‘I was just trying to shake up this grave seriousness,’ he laughs.
  • This person will medical review individual case safety reports clinical and spontaneous, including coding, seriousness, expectedness and causality assessment for an assigned therapeutic area. News -
  • It also alters the penalty system, in line with industry concerns, to graduate penalties according to the seriousness of the offence.
  • In all seriousness, and raillery aside, it was and is inspiring to know that a site like this can be so successful and have such a loyal following.
  • That's disappeared in recent years - the Dalton films were very po-faced and they've had trouble shaking that seriousness off.
  • So, in a moment of half-seriousness, let me say that it seems that so many trail-blazing individuals throughout history have born beards. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: To Beard or Not to Beard, That Is the Question: Musings on the Fall of Matisyahu's Facial Locks and Other Natural Disasters
  • Ortiz was right, he kept quiet until he found the right moment to give a final thrust: the seriousness of news and opinion program of Ecuavisa are no longer in jeopardy from here onwards, but its credibility will strike zero asymptomatically. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: The Departure of a Television Anchor
  • He spoke with a seriousness that was unusual in him.
  • He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation.
  • In all seriousness, we now must ask what challenges remain unconquerable by O'Brien - if he said he was going to walk on the planet Mars next year, would you bet against him?
  • “Cicero must be really desperate,” he said, with an expression of unaccustomed seriousness, “to ask for help from me. Imperium
  • There is a descending order of seriousness from the permanent to the ephemeral, and an order of conspicuousness running in the opposite direction.
  • She has taken with full seriousness in her own life the marriage vow with its commitment to lifelong fidelity.
  • The frown disappeared from his face, leaving an expression of seriousness.
  • The four unranked books which made the shortlist shared a seriousness and scholarly rigour, but were otherwise quite dissimilar.
  • The greater question is “Why exactly are you in all seriousness (and I would assume with integrity?) wasting our valuable time with such snippety garbage?” Think Progress » A Challenge To Jonah Goldberg
  • I should have known: I'm using the word tantalizing in all seriousness. Bad hair day.
  • Pierre Briant's "Alexander the Great and His Empire" may be short, but it is of a wholly different order of seriousness from that of Mr. Freeman: an analysis less of Alexander himself than of his record as a state-builder and in particular of the debt that he owed to his Achaemenid predecessors. The Greatest of Them All
  • In all seriousness, I'm still not convinced that Aus is *that* bad. The Ashes 2010-11: Barmy Army in raptures while Australia mourns
  • One intervention causes the next one to be needed and eventually leads to a cascade of interventions of increasing seriousness.
  • A single from the first 24 balls faced signified the seriousness of his intent and, an occasional wristy whip to the leg‑side off the pace bowlers or delicate late cut off the spinners apart, risk was almost entirely eschewed. Essex 248-8, Leicestershire | County Championship Division Two match report
  • They were coming the long way round past the brambled wall and he heard Marcella's mothering talk, her crooning seriousness. Cal
  • Fifteen questions were included to assess perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness of cervical cancer.
  • It was miraculous and silly, a night of high seriousness and high farce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such seriousness, intensity, and power in a young man set him apart and left an impression on others.
  • It is a jarring shift from the fluff I post about to an issue of deadly seriousness.
  • he learned the seriousness of his illness
  • All reports of hate crimes are treated sensitively and with the utmost seriousness.
  • We are overfed with seriousness, whether in the classrooms, spiritual centers, spas, or playgrounds. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • She put the figures up on the board to underline the seriousness of the situation.
  • The seriousness with which the ban has been accepted has been copper-fastened by the visit recently to all public houses by the environmental health inspectors from the Mid Western Health Board.
  • The reaction to this extreme seriousness of purpose is often expressed in ironic, humorous, and self-parodying works.
  • The seriousness of our project - to sneak into a town under a relentless military siege - began to sink in, and I shuddered.
  • Some repetitions, to show his seriousness in all, and the concernment of the thing spoken.
  • Not, I should add, that you mentioned James, I was just reminded of her, with the ridiculous seriousness with which her bibble-bibble was treated. The Road -- Cormac McCarthy
  • Such seriousness, intensity, and power in a young man set him apart and left an impression on others.
  • In all seriousness - no, the Telenias/Katrina story is not going to be porny. Monday
  • There was a lightness to him, along with the seriousness.
  • After reading for some minutes, until his expression merged from attentiveness into seriousness, and from that into a kind of pain, the cosmopolitan slowly laid down the book, and turning to the old man, who thus far had been watching him with benign curiosity, said: "Can you, my aged friend, resolve me a doubt -- a disturbing doubt? The Confidence-Man
  • Opposition politicians grasped the seriousness of the lapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any growth in unemployment is self-evidently a matter of extreme seriousness.
  • M'Carthy prudently hesitated either to arouse his loyalty or disturb the tranquility of his family, and after joining him in a tumbler of punch, or what O'Driscol termed his nightcap, he retired to bed, where, however, he could not for a considerable time prevent himself from ruminating, with a good deal of seriousness, upon the extraordinary interview he had had with the friendly stranger. The Tithe-Proctor The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • In an effort to bring attention to the seriousness of drinking and driving, police in Oceanside, California, visited 20 classrooms with some sobering news: Several classmates of theirs had been killed over the weekend in horrific crashes: Classmates wept. Your Friends Are All Dead--April Fools!
  • A slight smile interrupted the seriousness of his face, or perhaps, accentuated its solemnity.
  • Patients thought the name belittled the seriousness of the condition and argued that it placed too much emphasis on fatigue when the illness is also typified by severe symptoms such as memory loss. An Illness That's Hard To Live With—Or Define
  • The church meeting's tones are of profound sadness and joyful exuberance; the conversazione's atmosphere is marked by deep seriousness and the rhetoric of self-improvement.
  • But she said some children would always try to bunk off school and it was important to make them realise the seriousness of the situation, otherwise they would just keep on doing it.
  • Only basketball is played with any seriousness outside the continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spectacle of war became increasingly popular but its tone changed to reflect the manliness of the soldier and his deadly seriousness.
  • Fals-Semblant is the pope who sells benefices, the histrion, the tumbler, the juggler, the adept of the vagrant race, who goes about telling tales and helping his listeners to forget the seriousness of life. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • An empathetic listener can do a lot to defuse a crisis, regardless of the seriousness of the problem. Christianity Today
  • Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!
  • Not only would it make the region and the world safer, but it would almost demonstrate our seriousness with respect to non-proliferation," he says he argued. Still packing a punch, Dick Cheney tells his story
  • She evinces a stolid seriousness way beyond her youthful appearance.
  • In fact, some self-help books intended as parodies of the genre contain more sensible advice than those offered in po-faced seriousness.
  • In all seriousness, if Tom does resign, a lot of other people will start leaving too.
  • The report spoke with great seriousness of the value of women as soldiers, warriors.
  • Connor's transmission was very garbled, but the seriousness of the situation was clear to all listening.
  • It locates the sources of poetic excellence in the profundity of the writer's emotions and the seriousness of his thought.
  • It was part of a certain mood of feigned seriousness about ‘climate change.’
  • The OSS offices fairly hummed with a barely repressed sense of seriousness and self-importance, which was reinforced by the urgent clatter of the Teletype and the pressing business of the brass, who were usually flanked by aides. A Covert Affair
  • Surely you're not telling me, in all seriousness, that you want to work in a factory for the rest of your life!
  • It was a day when she forgot her own rule about sobriety and seriousness and they both had laughed so.
  • I am really impressed by the seriousness and high quality of your newspaper, which belongs to feminist herstory and has never made any concession.
  • I like having a career, but that kind of careerism reeks of intellectual and scholarly unseriousness. Safe Scholarship and Serious Blogging
  • However I submit that it is, fundamentally, a composite of moral, intellectual, and administrative capabilities, combined with seriousness of purpose.

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