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[ US /ˈsɝf/ ]
[ UK /sˈɜːf/ ]
  1. (Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord

How To Use serf In A Sentence

  • Though serfs were freed in 1864, they remained poor sharecroppers and staged a massive peasant uprising in 1907.
  • After the merciful demise of her husband in 1842 her activities became less camouflaged and in the 1850s she was involving herself in the serf problem.
  • The word "robot" comes from the Czech word "robotnik", meaning serf, or News
  • Serfs had simple diets and traveling minstrels and entertainers came to the manor.
  • The classical economist Von Hayek, who authored On the road to serfdom, warned about such interference by government in the economic order which can culminate the unbridle manipulation and pollution of the economic system. Emerging economies must reject handouts and bailouts capitalism
  • Even the most loyal officials found it increasingly difficult to defend serfdom on moral grounds.
  • If not radically reformed, it will continue to consume our freedom and earnings like a swarm of locusts consumes a wheat field until we in America are no better off than the simple serfs of feudal times.
  • Outside of the cities the monarch, whose private fortune was identical with the state finances, possessed immense domains managed by intendants and supporting a population of serf-colonists. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • Anyone who works at a law firm will certainly agree that it's a very feudalistic place, and they let you know right away that you are a serf and there is no hiding it.
  • The game grants you omnipotence over an assortment of medieval soldiers, serfs and craftsmen, who are your humble pawns as you bid to establish your reign.
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