How To Use Serer In A Sentence
- On semi-doubles and those of a lesser rite the suffrages are now reduced to a single antiphon and orison which is common to all the saints heretofore commemorated, whilst the preces ( "Miserere" and versicles) formerly imposed on the greater feriæ are now suppressed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
- Deuxième version de mon plugin pour insérer automatiquement une feuille de style impression dans n'importe quel thème WordPress. Bunny’s Print CSS Plugin Upgrade — Climb to the Stars
- Dette summerer seg til 3,4 millioner kroner i året i profitt for Nolan eller, gitt at alle skribentene produserer like mye som ham en drøy antagelse, men det gir oss en ide om hvor taket ligger, 600 mill i året for hele selskapet. Gawker and The Washington Post: A case study in fair use » Nieman Journalism Lab
- Primum schisma inter Theologos quosdam factum est, cum alii assererent, bona opera necessaria esse ad salutem, impossibile esse salvari sine bonis operibus, et neminem unquam sine bonis operibus salvatum esse: alii vero docerent, bona opera ad salutem esse perniciosa. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
- Saint Peter's surpassed his expectations, and the choir's _Miserere_ so delighted him that he went to hear it a second time in lieu of that of the Sixtine Chapel. Balzac
- Sympathetically, they sang to him penitential psalms, particularly the Miserere, and the Litany of Loreto, while he gazed at a panel from their diverse collection of tavolette.
- Parce ergo mihi, Domine, qui es salus vera et non vis mortem peccatoris: miserere, Domine, peccatrici animae meae, solve vincula ejus, sana vulnera ejus. Pneumatologia
- The two largest include the 1.3 million Temne (Sierra Leone) and 1.2 million Serere-Sine (Senegal). Survey of West Africa: Peoples Summarized
- His interest in counterpoint is shown in a set of 120 canons, most of them on the ‘Miserere’ plainsong, which use such techniques as augmentation, diminution, and retrograde motion.
- ») L Ji. elcg, 2» y) Plutarch. deP j) • In templom Yeneris, qoin 'et narrantibns nomis Sereri est Ino $e$e ex rupe in fhh Corinthiit iptom Acrocorinthum a Sole ciu$ cum filio praecipitem agene ad$tituto Yeneri dono datom scrtbit Paosanias »), deiphino. Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm conscripta a Josepho Eckhel ..