How To Use Serbia In A Sentence

  • The plotters were arrested in September 2006, just a few months after the country broke away from Serbia.
  • His tour came after Serbian President Boris Tadic said that he would join other leaders in the Brdo at Kranj castle, but only if Kosovo was represented by the United Nations and their officials sit at the table with nameplates Kosovo-UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • 2003 – Under a new Constitutional Charter, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was reconstituted into a loose confederation of Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia's detention camps have outraged the world's religious leaders.
  • The bad news was that Zastava's factory in Kragujevac, Serbia, was not ideal for the manufacture of automobiles. The Little Car That Couldn't
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  • Yugoslavia as it emerged from World War Two was the product of a popular movement against the Nazi occupation and Serbian royalist forces.
  • Serbia is convenient because we are impoverished," he said in an interview in Kragujevac. Fiat to Revitalize Tito-Era Factory
  • The reason we are told with a shrug is always the same: This is Serbia. Global Voices in English » Serbia: Blogging for Justice and Protection
  • Serbia's nationalist Prime Minister, Vojislav Kostunica, called on the U.S. to revoke its decision to recognize "the fake state of Kosovo" and allow the U.N. Security Council to "reaffirm" Kosovo as part of Serbian territory. Kosovo: Independence or an international chess game of interests?
  • However, his move to Juventus, who are the early leaders in Serie A, appears to have reinvigorated one of the classiest midfielders around and during Friday's draw against Serbia, his performance was labelled "impeccable" by Gazzetta Dello Sport, who also named him man of the match. Five things we learned from the Euro 2012 qualifiers | Jacob Steinberg
  • The Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Serbian monasteries on the holy mountain attest to the Byzantine Empire's cultural diversity. The Holy Mountain
  • R These locals, led by manic violinist Steve Gibons, might be the city's best practitioners of Roma music -- and there's only one ringer in the bunch, cimbalom virtuoso Nicolae Feraru, a Romanian expat who also leads his own group and a few years ago backed Serbian legend Saban Bajramovic at HotHouse. Chicago Reader
  • Motor rallying Three spectators were killed when a car taking part in a local rally plunged into the crowd in central Serbia yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Danube is rolling at high speed through Northern Serbia. Boing Boing: April 9, 2006 - April 15, 2006 Archives
  • The Serbian was seen exploring and lending a hand at the sea turtle rehabilitation centre at the hotel. The Sun
  • From Whittaker's Almanac I learnt that all passports must be visaed at the Serbian Legation and thither I hastened. Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle
  • Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province.
  • Rasht, the capital, where this person died, is a modern, European-looking city (not unlike something from the Czech Republic or Lithuania – or 1990s Serbia or Croatia for a perhaps more apt comparison!). Global Voices in English » Iran: “Prisoner of Colours” is Executed
  • Serbia; the renascence of Russia; the wonderful upleap to the needs of the times by Great, and still more by Greater Britain; and, not least, the bracing of the loins of our closest Allies just across the water. Raemaekers' Cartoons With Accompanying Notes by Well-known English Writers
  • Serbian police admitted they found the fugitive by CHANCE as he walked in the garden of his secret bolthole as they prepared to raid homes nearby. The Sun
  • [Footnote 1: Although the name St. Petersburg was not changed officially to Petrograd until after the outbreak of the war, the latter name is used uniformly in the Serbian Blue Book and The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them. UN'S MISGUIDED DECISION ON KOSOVA
  • Thaci, one of three KLA spokespersons, on the other hand rose to power when Western leaders hand picked him to be the face of Kosovo during the 1999 EU and US-led Rambouillet negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo. Fron Nahzi: US and EU Man in Kosovo: Is He the Chosen One or the Only Candidate Left?
  • She studied for her motorcycle license, got her own piercings — "You can see small scars," she said, fingering her eyebrow — and worked out with a Serbian kickboxer five days a week. The Girl Who Played Salander
  • September 19th, 2009 BELGRADE - Serbian authorities effectively banned the gay pride parade in Belgrade, gay right activists claimed Saturday following the threats of violence from extreme nationalist groups. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • By this time a French “75” — a gun captured by the Turks from the Serbians in the Balkan war — was pouring her shell at the rate of about one in ten seconds to the neck. Archive 2009-03-01
  • It is a reality that Sonja Brankovic, a 28-year-old Bosnian woman witnessed at Sunday morning Liturgy, in the Serbian Orthodox monastery Saint Ilija, Krupa, near Banja Luka, a few days before Pascha Easter 2011. Sasa Milosevic: The Secrets Of Orthodox Exorcists
  • The non-binding, but clear-cut ruling by the International Court of Justice is a major blow to Serbia and will complicate efforts to draw the former pariah ex-Yugoslav republic into the Reuters: Top News
  • Serbia they were obliged to stand and watch the janissaries come back to the pashalik of Belgrade, though the Turks had sworn this should not be. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1
  • Sun, the 2004 women's Olympic doubles champion from China, combined brilliantly with Serbian Zimonjic to dominate the match and win 7-6(7-4) 6-4 in 81 minutes on Rod Laver Arena.
  • In a referendum in 1992, Montenegrins voted in favour of federation with Serbia and Kosovo.
  • That's appropriate, since out of this episodes 'three thousand plotlines, one of the snakiest involves Ana, the Serbian waitress who was slipping Bill some pie in season two. Mark Blankenship: "Big" Review: Big Love Season 3, Ep. 1. (Spoilers!)
  • When Serbian tanks and fighters encircled the city, she was trapped outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Serbia defender has a pretty straightforward attitude to his role. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia's detention camps have outraged the world's religious leaders.
  • Apart from the signature sausages of Serbian meats -- the unencased cylinders of minced beef known as cevapcici (in both pork and lamb mixes) -- there's a large selection of animal proteins such as pljeskavica, the substantial cevap in burger form; various chicken parts including bacon-wrapped breast and bacon-wrapped livers; snappy paprika-spiked sausages; and pork schnitzel, all culminating in the house specialty, the leskobacki opanak, sort of a Balkan Bacon Explosion, a 500-gram bacon-wrapped cevap with a core of ham and Swiss. Chicago Reader
  • The Blitz anticipate a crowd twice as big when they take on Serbia's Kragujevac Wild Boars in the final of a competition that has never before been won by a British side. London Blitz aim for a British first in American football cup final | Paolo Bandini
  • Serbian folk dances are called kolos, and are performed by professional troupes, or by guests at weddings and other special occasions.
  • Schuster authored two books on Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, and is fluent in his native Serbian/Croatian, English and Russian, with proficiency in Slovak, Macedonian and San Antonio Business News - Local San Antonio News | The San Antonio Business Journal
  • The pope is in Bosnia celebrating mass in Banja Luka, which is in the Serbian dominated republic within Bosnia, on the site of a infamous World War II massacre, in which some 2700 Serbs, including about 500 children, were killed by Croatian fascists. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2003
  • Goran Rakonjac, for instance, uses horse-drawn farm carts on back roads to haul the soft white cheese from his family farm in Serbia to market 15 miles away in Montenegro.
  • But Serbian President Boris Tadic immediately denounced the declaration as unilateral and illegal.
  • The other three channels start from Bulgaria, conveying women and girls to Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and the Czech Republic, Holland and Belgium.
  • In 1443, the Hungarian army advanced into Serbia, and the Turks were forced to retreat.
  • A have to tell serbians youn comited crime agains Albanian people and never apologize to them but ju are trying to deni that. A Photographer’s Journal: Kosovo, Year 1 - The Lede Blog -
  • Austria-Hungary and Serbia, wishing to "localize" the conflict, and proposes mediation of powers between Russia and Austria-Hungary. The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • Ground source heat in Serbia is most typically used for greenhouse space heating or balneology but could also be efficiently integrated into centralised heating systems and industrial processes," he explained. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Excluding Serbia would be inconsistent with our principles of inclusiveness.
  • I was going to say something about the politics of orthography development and use Serbian vs Croatian, the four competing Cornish orthographies, etc but I guess I have a new example. SCRIPT REFORM THROUGH ARSON.
  • HARRIS: Well, you heard the tough words from Ambassador Nicholas Burns just a couple of moments ago right here in the NEWSROOM warning Serbia, again, to protect U.S. assets in the aftermath of the attack described as thuggish behavior. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2008
  • A Serbian friend of mine in L.A. also keeps her home well stocked with rakija. Anna King: Drinking Rakija In The Tiger's Wife and Los Angeles
  • Crusades, war against Russia, Serbia and others are the effect, the culprit is the ideology of globalization which has adopted the worst of communism, NS and capitalism. hardtruth Tell Obama: Dump Gates « Blog
  • In 1992 the national bank issued single bank notes of 500 billion Serbian dinars.
  • Smith said that he found out where the villagers had fled to in Serbia and went there to try to persuade them to return.
  • MacPherson H. Donaldson began POW services in Eger and Heinrichsgrün in July, the first composed primarily of Russian and some Serbian prisoners while the latter accommodated Italian POWs. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The Australian Government expresses its support for the democratic opposition in Serbia in its current efforts to force Mr Milosevic to relinquish power and welcomes what we hope is the imminent restoration of democracy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Developments in Yugoslavia
  • Sun, the 2004 women's Olympic doubles champion from China, combined brilliantly with Serbian Zimonjic to dominate the match and win 7-6(7-4) 6-4 in 81 minutes on Rod Laver Arena.
  • Milutin M. Milankovich, a Serbian mathematician, developed the idea that the Earth's rotational wobbles and orbital deviations have combined to affect in a cyclic way global climatic changes.
  • The talks also touched on Iran's involvement in Serbian petrochemical industry had been discussed during the meeting.
  • During the past hundred years, ever since the pashalic of Belgrade became free from the Turks, thousands of Macedonians have come up into Serbia for education and a life. The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • The pairs of collocutors will be from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia.
  • Opposition youth movements such as Ukraine's Pora and Serbia's Otpor have been instrumental in unseating governments in their respective countries.
  • In the early autumn fierce fighting took place, the gallant Serbians bearing a prominent part.
  • Turkey in support of the 'unredeemed' Serbs of Bosnia, and Serbia was joined by Montenegro. The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • In this small Moslem cabaret I think there was nobody more opulent than a small shopkeeper, but the performers numbered a male gypsy who sang and played the gusla, a very beautiful Serbian singer, a still more beautiful gypsy girl who sang and danced, and this danseuse de ventre, who was called Astral When Astra came round and rattled the plate at our table I found she was a Salonica Jewess, member of another colony of refugees from Ferdinand and Isabella who still speak Spanish, and I asked her to come and see me the next day at my hotel and give me a lesson in the danse de ventre. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: Part IV
  • And while much has been made of the video's effects on a shocked Serbian public, it remains to be seen where that public will stand once the furor recedes.
  • Moravians, Bulgars, Croato-Serbians, and Poles all sought to overthrow the Avars, but their power was not broken until Charlemagne appeared.
  • The polyglot Pope, at intervals, addressed the crowd in Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, and Polish.
  • When I was young we would go to Sarajevo and instead of going skiing, I would go to the town and get literally drunk on cevapi," said Vladimir Ocokoljic, the owner of Kafana, a cozy Serbian restaurant in the East Village. NYT > Home Page
  • Many bore on their person all the iconography of World War II "Chetnik" nationalists: bandoliers across their chests and huge combat knives on their belts; fur hats with symbols of skull and crossbones; black flags, also with skull and crossbones; and the full beard, which, as Ivo Banac says, "in the peasant culture of Serbia is a sign of mourning; somebody dies, one does not shave. America and the Bosnia Genocide
  • The Nato intervention was illegal (never authorised by the UN), based on a false prospectus (the Rambouillet conference concocted a pretext for attacking Serbia), unnecessary (the possibilities of a peaceful solution had not been exhausted) and incompetently executed (thousands of innocent civilians killed, non-military targets destroyed). Letters: Discredited foreign policy doctrines
  • My very good friend the novelist is actually a Serbian duchess, hereditarily; I'll pass the appeal along. Serbian speaker?
  • Staples of the Serbian diet are bread, meat, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  • Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province.
  • I thus felt it my duty to enter an urgent warning against the whole project, which I characterized as venturesome and dangerous, I recommended that counsels of moderation he given Austria, as I did not believe that the conflict could be localized (that is to say, it could not be limited to a war between Austria and Serbia). History of the World War An Authentic Narrative of the World's Greatest War
  • Under the much travelled Serbian coach Bora Milutinovic, China reached their first World Cup finals three years ago in South Korea and Japan.
  • Now I know what Albanian rakija tastes like, I'm looking forward to comparing it to the Serbian plum and pear versions. Anna King: Drinking Rakija In The Tiger's Wife and Los Angeles
  • On June 10, 1999, the UN passed Security Council Resolution 1244, which granted Kosovo autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia now legally succeeded by the Republic of Serbia, and placed it under a transitional UN administration and authorized a NATO peacekeeping force. Ziad J. Asali, M.D.: ATFP Backgrounder on the Question of Palestinian UN Initiatives
  • [Footnote 1: Although the name St. Petersburg was not changed officially to Petrograd until after the outbreak of the war, the latter name is used uniformly in the Serbian Blue Book and The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • At Königsbrück in Saxony, Jacob equipped a Serbian gypsy orchestra, while Michel organized and equipped an orchestra at Worms. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The Muslims were to be subjected to a final solution: more than 50 percent of them were to be killed, a smaller part was to be converted to Orthodoxy, while an even smaller… part — people with money — were to be allowed to buy their lives and leave, probably, through Serbia, for Turkey. America and the Bosnia Genocide
  • Kudos to President Tadic of Serbia for arresting him.
  • Kosovo, in the south, is considered the cradle of Serbian civilization.
  • Major exporters included Navip in Serbia who nursemaided a joint project with the Japanese in a well-equipped winery near Belgrade.
  • It is some godforsaken place in Serbia, south-east of Belgrade. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Serbia and Montenegro_: In the north of the Adriatic, _the entire coast, commencing from the Bay of Volosca_ on the frontier of Istria as far as the _northern frontier_ of Dalmatia, including the whole of the coast-line now belonging to Hungary, the entire coast of Croatia, the port of Fiume and the small harbours of Novi and Carlopago, as also the islands of Velia, Pervicchio, Gregorio, Goli and Arbe. Im Weltkriege. English
  • An ample reference section at the end of the book contains lists of rulers including emperors, ecclesiastics, caliphs, khans, and kings of Serbia.
  • Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week
  • The Serbia defender has a pretty straightforward attitude to his role. Times, Sunday Times
  • These days, the continent has all of the score of Kalashnikov variants, including the AKM, the Chinese Type 56, and the Serbian Zastava M70.
  • When Serbian tanks and fighters encircled the city, she was trapped outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also absorbed Albanians with rich military experience from Serbia and Croatia as well as foreign mercenaries and possibly "Afghanis" (the devout Moslem veterans of the wars in Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • It was not enough for my merely taking in nightly news reports from CNN and other mainstream American media; to conduct an investigation for inquiry of social fact, I needed to go to Serbia and investigate for myself. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • The steady decline of the Serbian dinar, which is close to the symbolic threshold of 100 dinars for war and passions of an anti-establishment movement are still fresh, will stage the - Articles related to Serbia: Cocaine Investigation Sparks Controversy
  • The national symbol of Serbia is a double-headed white eagle, a creature considered the king of animals.
  • The Sofia government treated these advances dilatorily, and was already leaning to the Central Powers, which were prepared to promise whatever Bulgaria wanted, in view of the fact that Bulgarian aspirations were directed chiefly to Serbian and Greek territory. 1914, Nov. 9
  • The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, at Sarajevo on June 28 by a member of a secret society of Serbian nationalists provided the chance. Armistice Day 2 0 0 5
  • Examples of compact plants are ‘Goldflame’ spirea, dwarf Serbian spruce, and ‘Red Sprite’ winterberry.
  • China respects Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and takes note of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Kosovo issue.
  • The region was split three ways, between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.
  • Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province.
  • I spotted one spelling error - the excellent Serbian word inat is given as iant - and there may be others, but I will not be consumed by vengeful spite over it; also I imagine there is room for interpretation of some of the definitions, such as the 10 Albanian ways of describing a moustache, which to be do not seem very different from the ways we describe different moustaches in English. Stephen Fry and Poland; and Communism
  • Its central character is Josip Lasta, a child born in Bosnia in 1933 who loses all he loves at the hands of Serbian nationalists during World War II and Tito's Communists during the 1950s. Art and Literature
  • The vines are related to the Serbian Smederevka variety and the plant produces large copper coloured fruit.
  • But legally, Kosovo was not incorporated into the Serbian kingdom in 1912; it remained occupied territory until some time after 1918.
  • I was put at the head of the table in between Teodora, and Ivan, her Serbian uncle.
  • Peasants who sing fragments of it as they toil in the fields, and the minstrel, the guslar, who chants it for them of an evening, believe that it is, like their folk-songs, the anonymous production of the Serbian people. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1
  • Imagine allowing him to go to Serbia to have a barmpot massage horseplacenta into the area, when a proper operation was required. news feed
  • Islamic Community in the Republic of Serbia: 38000 Pristina; Pres. - Dr Redzep Boje.
  • Plunged into darkness, practically all of Serbia has been dealing with an acute electricity shortage as generation plants under perform.
  • The main opposition party, the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), led by Tomislav Nikolic, and the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), led by former prime minister Vojislav Kostunica, recently reached an agreement that the policy according to which Serbia would be compelled to seek membership of the European Union should be abandoned. Kosovo and Serbia – what sort of talks?
  • In the trading network, that's that dozen or so companies pre-embargo -- established companies operating under the direction of Serbia worldwide that continue to arrange, broker and conduct Serbian commercial activities, and those Serbian-controlled banks and financial institutions that are the same institutions financing the war effort and transferring hard -- attempting to transfer hard currency into Serbia. Background Briefing On Serbia
  • In the fourteenth century, Macedonia was annexed by Serbia and numerous churches were renovated and built, mostly in the shape with a central cupola placed on a high tambour.
  • Orthodox Serbians are asking for the Christmas period to be extended but the borough council is sticking with tradition and taking down the decorations tomorrow.
  • Serbia lacked the craft and the guile to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • The operation is resented in Serbian-inhabited areas of Kosovo because, by bolstering Kosovo's ability to police itself, it strengthens its independence. Security Mission to Kosovo Faces Local Reluctance
  • The airline has talked about buying the Polish and Serbian carriers, LOT and Jat, though a company statement says the board has yet to make a decision. Turkish Air Charts Growth Path
  • And while much has been made of the video's effects on a shocked Serbian public, it remains to be seen where that public will stand once the furor recedes.
  • When Serbian tanks and fighters encircled the city, she was trapped outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The republic would remain in a loose confederation with Yugoslavia, the ultimatum continued, which should be renamed the ‘Association of the States of Serbia and Montenegro’.
  • Whereas Cafe Fabrika served relatively upscale, traditional Serbian dishes such as cevapcici and sarma, Moct has scaled back a bit, though not in flavor.
  • Sava, fearful of the Roman influence, visited Nicaea and induced the Greek patriarch to recognize him as archbishop of all Serbia and as head of an autocephalous (independent) church. F. Serbia
  • At present the boxes are winging their way to countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho.
  • In the scenes from the Apocalypse or from Serbian myths and legends, drama and exaltation prevail.
  • Serbia and Montenegro may still be part of the same country, but they are drifting apart, and Montenegro's refusal to do business in dinars is step one in the divorce.
  • My friend had the cold Serbian appetiser, which included pastrami, parma ham, and the wonderful peppered creamed cheese.
  • She added that she drinks rakija regularly with Serbian friends, and that its effect is "strong" but "warming. Anna King: Drinking Rakija In The Tiger's Wife and Los Angeles
  • In the movie, Mr. Fehmiu plays King, "a handsome boxer-turned-barman" who falls for Rosa, "a fiery and untamable beauty in the decaying Serbian town of Bor," according to the movie's synopsis. A Baker Cooks Up Film for Tribeca
  • On 15 September French and Serbian mountain troops successfully attacked hitherto impregnable Bulgarian positions.
  • This looks a lot like Serbia/Kosovo after Jugoslavia fell apart. Some Things Will Never Change | ATTACKERMAN
  • On the other hand, Russian, Serbian, Romanian, and Italian prisoners suffered grievously from the lack of food supplements. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Serbia could not be satisfied with such brotherly advice.
  • quiz show (uploaded from a Serbian-language forum with a mystifyingly telling name ofParapsihopatologija - “Parapsychopathology”) - and has translated the question and four answer choices: Kosovo & Serbia: Independence Blogging
  • Serbia are walking a disciplinary tightrope as six of their regulars are on one booking. The Sun
  • If these officials are telling the truth, they gave in because they believed NATO was about to destroy urban Serbia and slaughter the civilian population.
  • He like Bismarck believed that Serbia had the mission to unite brotherly peoples.
  • Expect Greece and Serbia to start gravitating towards Russia and form stronger ties with Israel as a way of containing a common threat from a resurgent Turkey, while the Baltic States may look towards Poland for support against an aggressive Russia. Leon T. Hadar: Multipolarism sans the EU Pole? The Geopolitics of Europe's Economic Mess
  • Within Yugoslavian republics, colonial rule consisted of the centralized power of Serbia, while for Serbia, colonial rule consisted of the concept of the Federation itself with its manifold restrictions.
  • Tito's Yugoslavia included Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro
  • Serbian soccer supporters, some dressed in ski-masks, rioted by setting off fireworks, throwing flares onto the field and cutting up goal nets. Italy Vs. Serbia Euro Qualifier Suspended Due To Riots Over Gay Pride Parade: Report (VIDEO)
  • The Dinaric Alps that cover this area also extend southward into Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Dimitrijevic ( "Apis" - the "Holy Bull" was his endearing nickname, or, perhaps, the bee, from the Latin root, as Petrovic, the attache to the Serbia legation in London has it in "Black Hand Over Europe" by Heneri Pozzi) planned it all in 1901. Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • A significant reason for this was horse-trading between the Germans and the French who historically had been associated with Croatia and Serbia respectively.
  • In late July with Germany's support, Austro - Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia.
  • Draskovic has emerged as the strongest challenger to the leader of the Serbian government.
  • It is bordered by Croatia to the north and west, Serbia to the east, and Montenegro to the south-east.
  • The subject matter is a vivid and graphically explicit look at the fratricidal Bosnian war of the 1990s, which pitted Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia against each other along ethnic and religious lines, leaving an estimated 100,000 people dead, 50,000 women raped and introduced the term "ethnic cleansing" to the lexicon of war. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Serbian grill featuring cevapcici, burgers, sausages, and steaks along with items like crepes. Chicago Reader
  • The murders of police officers and Serbian gangland criminals share similar characteristics.
  • Like a dream come true, there I was in Beograd Serbia against all odds and complaints from my friends. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • The Germans' second group game against the Balkan nation promises to be a fascinating encounter, not least because Friedrich's club-mate Gojko Kacar is likely to start in attack for the Serbians.
  • While defence and foreign affairs are run jointly, Serbia, with a population of 7.5 million, has remained with the dinar, while Montenegro, population 660,000, uses the euro.
  • KOSOVO JOURNEY: Serbian president Boris Tadic visits the 14th century Orthodox monastery in the western Kosovo town of Decani, April 17 2009. SofiaEcho RSS feed
  • (Serbian for "chamberpot") is a theater company that has built a reputation locally for its visually stunning productions. Undefined
  • A new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was formed, with only two of the six members of the former socialist Yugoslavia: Serbia (together with its provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina) and Montenegro. 1992, Jan
  • Under the much travelled Serbian coach Bora Milutinovic, China reached their first World Cup finals three years ago in South Korea and Japan.
  • It is bordered by Croatia to the north and west, Serbia to the east, and Montenegro to the south-east.
  • As the country around him disintegrated, he used "Yugoslavia" as a code word for Serbian domination. Foreign Policy In Focus
  • However, his move to Juventus, who are the early leaders in Serie A, appears to have reinvigorated one of the classiest midfielders around and during Friday's draw against Serbia, his performance was labelled "impeccable" by Gazzetta Dello Sport, who also named him man of the match. Five things we learned from the Euro 2012 qualifiers | Jacob Steinberg
  • Serbia and Montenegro cooperate in only some political fields (e.g. through a defense union).
  • Serbia lacked the craft and the guile to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • A former French legionnaire who returned to Croatia when the war erupted in 1991, Gotovina commanded the central operations that won the war for Croatia in August 1995, retaking the strategic town of Knin in the Dalmatian hinterland that was – the seat of a four-year-old Serbian insurgency that left Croatia crippled and partitioned. Croatia awaits verdict in Ante Gotovina war crimes trial
  • For Serbian elites it is the international community that must not be let down, rather than the electorate.
  • With so many assault rifles stockpiled, and other manufacturers competing—Arsenal in Bulgaria, Radom in Poland, Romtechnica in Romania, Norinco in China, F.E.G. in Hungary now closed, Zastava in Serbia, and others—Izhmash and Izhmech, the paired companies in Izhevsk responsible for Kalashnikov production, struggled to make sales. The Gun
  • With a certain trepidation we tried some Serbian sausages hoping they would be sausages, not hot dog type frankfurters you so often find.
  • Serbia lacked the craft and the guile to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church received with astonishment and regret news about brutal violence toward patients of the substance abuse in monastery Crna Reka in the Rasko-Prizrenska Eparchy. Global Voices in English » Serbia: Torture or Therapy?
  • But in one central place it took hold: in the great opencast coalfields of Kolubara, some 30 miles south of Belgrade, which provide the fuel to generate more than half of Serbia's electricity.
  • Crown Prince Alexander II of Serbia, who's the Queen's godson, and his wife Crown Princess Katharine sent their RSVP via their official website. Meet The Royals Attending Will <![CDATA[&]]> Kate's Wedding (PHOTOS)
  • The steady decline of the Serbian dinar, which is close to the symbolic threshold of 100 dinars for - Articles related to Serbia: Cocaine Investigation Sparks Controversy
  • He reminded listeners that in 1943 Yugoslav partisans in Serbia fought against numerically superior German forces and won.
  • Perhaps the customs officers had finally accepted that our last little tribute of leva and Serbian dinars was all that they were likely to squeeze out of this particular lemon.
  • For example, after the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914, the government of Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia, which Austria held responsible for the assassination. Ultimatum
  • The London-based rights group released a report Thursday saying Serbian authorities are driving a growing number of Roma, also known as Gypsies, from their settlements in the capital, Belgrade, and forcing them to live in inadequate housing. Rights Group Urges Serbia to Stop Evicting Roma
  • Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province.
  • This meant that it was unrealistic to harmonise the economic systems of Serbia and Montenegro because of major disproportions in the structure of the two economies, he said.
  • Milosh was recognized by the sultan as prince of Serbia (the pashalik of Belgrade), which was given a measure of self-government. 3. Serbia
  • Those who are turned back in Serbia are being taken to detention camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Balkan Warrior story is now damaging relations between Serbia and Montenegro, which became independent only in 2006.
  • Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in which the Baron severely censured the Belgrade press for its antimonarchical propaganda, and, implicitly, the Serbian Government for not controlling the press. The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • The mineral was unearthed in Serbia by geologists from the mining group Rio Tinto, which eventually asked the Natural Museum of History for help in identifying it because it was unlike anything previously known to science. Weird ‘Kryptonite’ Found in Serbia | Impact Lab
  • I mourn for those beautiful Serbian monasteries, at Decani, Pec and Gracanica, that will now, more than ever, be islands in an alien sea.
  • Upon my flight arriving in Beograd, all passengers left the plane in the usual manner except Serbian citizens were shuffled through customs quickly merely showing their passport. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • During the remaining weeks of the war, the Red Army and the Partisans gradually drove the Axis forces north-westwards through Serbia and Croatia until the German surrender of 8 May.
  • The man renowned as the “Butcher of the Balkans”—engineer of bloody ethnic wars across the former Yugoslavia, from Bosnia and Croatia to Kosovo, and whose actions created the term ethnic cleansing—hung on through debilitating sanctions and even a seventy-eight-day NATO bombing blitz in 1999 to force Serbian units out of Kosovo. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • On August 3, 1992, the day after Roy Gutman's first, highly graphic story on Omarska appeared in Newsday, the State Department deputy spokesman, Richard Boucher, faced reporters and announced that administration officials had not only been aware "that the Serbian forces are maintaining what they call detention centers" but that "abuses and torture and killings [were] taking place. America and the Bosnia Genocide
  • Mission creep may partly account for the curious defense of nonaction by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. John Shalikashvili, who argued that the threat of air power, so effective against Serbian tanks around Sarajevo, wouldn't work against the infantry assailing Gorazde. Shooting The Messenger
  • The really common thing that these people have in common is anti "westernism" - they will even ditch Muslims if it suits that agenda which is why many of them backed Milosovic in the Bosnia Serbia war. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...

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