How To Use Sequestered In A Sentence
How long wilt thou keep thy son Kamar al-Zaman sequestered from the eyes of the folk?
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
As a result, the domestic herds denude the land of CO2-absorbing plants and churn up the ground with their hooves, releasing soil-sequestered carbon in the process.
US Cattle Farmers Adopt Eco-Friendly Methods
The observational record from Mauna Lao since the International Geophysical Year in 1957/8 shows an increase, but what is lost in this record is the increased flux sequestered by the ocean and the terrestrial biospheric carbon pools.
He settled himself, with this view, upon a patch of wild moorland at the bottom of a bank on the farm of Woodhouse, in the sequestered vale of the small river Manor, in Peeblesshire.
The Black Dwarf
The check-in lines are long, your patience is short, and, to top it off, you're traveling for business, which means you'll likely be sequestered in a chilly conference room for much of the time you're away.

The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.
Shrines fallen into desuetude were primed with sequestered objects and reprimed with new castings.
† in Istria, a sequestered prison, which had been so recently polluted with royal blood.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
I actually was sequestered in Los Angeles with everybody else who wasn't able to fly.
THE house they had taken was quiet, and sequestered from the noise of the streets, and had a small garden attached to it.
The Semi-Attached Couple
The facts of these soldiers' cases are under wraps, partly because they've been sequestered from the media by their commander.
With the hydrophobic portions of the molecules sequestered from and the hydrophilic surfaces exposed to solvent, there is little driving force for the soluble peptide oligomers to associate with membranes.
Jurors in the trial of a man accused of killing an Indiana University student got "giggly" while sequestered at a hotel, records show -- with men racing each other wearing high heels, food fights, football and Frisbee.
Archive 2006-12-01
May exist before but usually occurs after extraction, due to an error in aseptic technique, sequestered bone, a residual nerve root or a non curetted cyst.
Chapter 6
Until that time would arrive, however, he was sequestered - thanks to his parents - in the family apartment just above the garage, without a single clue as to what he wanted to do with his life.
the estate was sequestered
However, the outcome is one that makes less of a bridge between that sequestered domain and the outer world.
Some soldiers had saved their mounts by hiding them on farms; other horses had been sequestered in countries far and wide.
The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.
And there was the manor, tucked away in this sequestered spot, but noted as a particularly fine Elizabethan gabled mansion – though on a modest scale compared with a great Somerset house like Montacute.
Country diary: Wigborough, Somerset
The most effective and common of these clinical agents contain a toxic metal called gadolinium, which is sequestered by wrapping the metal in organic molecules called chelates.
Health News from Medical News Today
He had spent most of his life in a sequestered village in Little Russia, where he tilled the soil and even wore the national peasant costume.
In fact, practically every story written on her lately has breathlessly played up how she sequestered herself in a cabin in the woods near Ottawa in the months leading up to making the album.
Hence, several farms have not been able to sell their milk, which was sequestered by the local health authorities and destroyed.
Cars will be banned, and transportation within the sequestered ‘campus’ will take the form of bicycles and electric jitneys.
The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.
I knew there was more at stake then the murder of Gorey's sister in a far away city; there had to be something, in or around the heights of Richmond, which drew their black attentions to this remote and sequestered hamlet.
a sequestered jury
But after a crushing injury-or any condition that depletes protein stores like liver failure or malnutrition-the fluid becomes sequestered in an extravascular space.
Slate Magazine
But the jails themselves should not try to "reshape" the sequestered, or experiment on them.
Do We Need Prisons? An Exchange
So they actually bought their own small roulette wheel, sequestered themselves in their rooms at the Pension Russe, spent hours practicing, and returned to play day after day.
Beside roaring factories and in sequestered nooks on which deer and bear peer shyly from nearby leafy coverts, there have sprung up innumerable gardens.
After the war in 1944 German property in Belgium was sequestered, and the shares in the subsidiary sold.
He goes completely out of his way to try and keep her sequestered from the rest of the crew while he hustles to get a male replacement sent up.
Short Story Break: Heinlein & Tiptree « A Working Title
The change requires that the carbon used as a tertiary injectant must be sequestered in permanent geologic storage to qualify for the credit.
Green Options
Because plant productivity was limited principally by a low rate of N supply, it appears that the mineralization of litter or soil organic matter, or microbial solubilization of organic N, increased, and that the plants rather than the microbes sequestered the "extra" N in inorganic or organic form.
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
Considering the number of walkers about, he would stay sequestered for a few days!
It has been observed in the earlier ages of the church, that none lived such healthful and long lives, as monks and hermits, who had sequestered themselves from the pleasures and plenties of the world, to a constant ascetic course, of the severest abstinence and devotion.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
Henry David Thoreau took this to heart when he sequestered himself at Walden Pond and wrote Walden as a response to his experiences.
There can be few novelists who live and work in such a sequestered spot- and perhaps this explains why the 64-year-old academic is so prolific an author.
Each colony consists of up to several hundred siblings that remain together for nearly a year, pupating as a group and then transforming into butterflies while still sequestered in the nest.
She and Amy might be sequestered from the world, but TV brought the world to them.
They might have cheerfully stomped her to death had not the dates sequestered the squirming she-devil.
The intense blue of the sky and the sweeping horizons accentuate the sequestered villages.
The cations were sequestered
sat close together in the sequestered pergola
It turns the boulevardier into a sequestered individual, the flaneur into a figure of privacy.
But that fact hides dramatic income inequality: while wealthy citizens live luxuriously in sequestered Guatemala City neighborhoods, the poor are barely noticed, living like feudal peasants in the countryside.
Hungry in Guatemala
She shares this sequestered spot with her cartoonist husband, Bob, and their two enormous, exuberant dogs.
Alone, in a sequestered place, surrounded by vestiges of old time and decay, it rather has a tendency to call a shudder into being.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The volunteer participants were then sequestered in hotel rooms, exposed to a cold virus and observed for five days. Fifty-four of them came down with colds.
Morton accompanied him to a sequestered grassplot, where their colleagues awaited them.
Old Mortality
The jury were sequestered during the trial.
Some soldiers had saved their mounts by hiding them on farms; other horses had been sequestered in countries far and wide.
This jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.
There the women are free to work and hold positions of power, while the men are kept sequestered in prisons called mardanas this is a play on words: in Hossain's time, women were relinquished to a part of the house called zenana, and mard is the Urdu word for man.
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To undo the damage, our heroes head to Tibet for the mysterious healing skills of the sequestered monks.
He had spent his prime sequestered here, in this room, working from the shadows and in disguise.
I found them at last, sequestered in a quiet alcove around the corner from the high gallery bar.
I have been insomniac, dyspeptic, paranoid and weepy, mostly after hours but occasionally at lunchtime, sequestered between my big bookshelf and my desk.
And a wood-fire bickered on the iron-work fire-back, under whose oak over-mantel Sir Philip sat with us ten minutes, then took himself away into his own sequestered nook of the house.
It is assumed that holders of other sequestered shares will now try to regain their voting rights.
I found a sequestered spot at the bottom of the garden and lay down with my book.
The day after her unit withdrew from Monrovia, Black Diamond's compound and the sequestered house presented a desolate sight.
It is probable that this remote and sequestered place was used in latter times for the celebration of Mass, when the Romish religion was not publicly tolerated.
Nothing could be more English than the sequestered village near Bath where she lives and works.
That runs counter to the finding of the judge that he has realisable assets in a certain amount in excess of those sums which have been sequestered.
Yet he himself was a middle-class intellectual who disdained the working class and sequestered himself for decades inside the British Library in lieu of direct observation of the conditions he railed against.
Eventually he sequestered himself in a tower on Mt. Soledad, overlooking La Jolla, and wrote book after book after book.
The jury were sequestered during the trial.
Stairs lead to where the children will be sequestered and it has twin beds and its own bathroom, thank goodness.
BERLITTO: For the first time in history, the cardinals will be sequestered, but moved back and forth from the Sistine Chapel, to basically, a dormitory just behind the Vatican, the Domo Sante Marta (ph), the hotel or the house of Saint Martha.
CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
But it will not take place ‘over there’ in some sequestered place away from where we all live and where something called ‘the economy’ operates.
They live retired and sequestered from the eyes of their fellow-citizens.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Now it is to tell us that he has found yellow archangel growing under a sequestered hedge "on the left hand as you go from the village of Hampstead, near London, to the church," or that "this amiable and pleasant kind of primrose" (a sort of oxlip) was first brought to light by Mr. Hesketh, "a diligent searcher after simples," in a Yorkshire wood.
Gossip in a Library
Much water was sequestered in glaciers and sea level was about 100 m below its present stand.
The most effective and common of these clinical agents contain a toxic metal called gadolinium, that is sequestered by wrapping the metal in organic molecules called chelates.
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They knew the bench; it was "sequestered" -- they had praised it for that together, before, and liked the word; and after they had begun to linger there they could have smiled (if they hadn't been really too serious, and if the question hadn't so soon ceased to matter), over the probable wonder of the others as to what would have become of them.
The Golden Bowl — Volume 1
Objective. To present an unusual case of dorsally sequestered cervical disc herniation and to briefly review the literature on this condition.
Christians; and the bishops and clergy of those sequestered regions derived their ordination from the Catholic of Babylon.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Marriage to Yoshiki Kuroda, a Tokyo urban planner, means the only daughter of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko must leave the sequestered environment of the Imperial family for a new life as a housewife.
He then sequestered himself in a cave for nine years and sat gazing at the wall.
What was supposed to be a sequestered monastic retreat became a hive of modern American productive activity.
There is at least one example where PA accumulated by aphids from their host plant are in turn sequestered by the aphid's predator, ladybird beetles.
The domestic ideal held out to young women no longer meant that she was to be sequestered from the world in her palace; her influence could now reach past the front door.
He sequestered himself in his study to write a book
I don't think it gets sequestered at any point however – the time constant for it to get outgassed is very long compared to the numbers observed.
Water on the Moon: What Does it Mean? | Universe Today
Spas used to conjure up visions of rich, fortysomething women, slathered, pummeled and anointed, sequestered from the world while a plastic surgeon's handiwork healed among plush surroundings, granola farms in Battle Creek, or extreme fitness.
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prophesyings," or the assemblies of the zealots in private houses, which, she apprehended, had become so many academies of fanaticism; and for this offence she had, by an order of the star chamber, sequestered him from his archiepiscopal function, and confined him to his own house.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
The same criticism can be made of ducal palaces like Chatsworth, Stowe, Woburn, Blenheim, sequestered in their parks.
And while the hawks and owls must remain sequestered to prevent developing an unhealthy comfort around people, their large flight aviaries have hidden cameras to capture and project their fascinating lives on large screens in our shelter, and into your home through our website.
Ken White: New Digs for the Dogs, And Everyone Else
And since last night, the bearded mentor had sequestered himself in his prayer closet, taking only water as he fasted.
The jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.