How To Use Sequential In A Sentence

  • Here is a supreme example of sequential planning.
  • It's frilly and inconsequential and best known for its appearances on princesses, dolls and blushing faces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike Church, Turing developed his disproof of Hilbert's conjecture around the conception of a hypothetical machine which would decide the truth of statements by a set of well-defined sequential operations.
  • Clause 19.4 excludes all liability for indirect or consequential loss or damage on the part of either party.
  • According to the synergetics theory economy, social and ecological subsystem should coordinate with each another, in order to maintain the water resources system as an sequential system.
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  • The destruction of buildings seems less consequential than the destruction of human lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their view is called 'act consequentialism'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Lawyers acting for the victims - including the parents of twins who suffered kidney failure - are claiming damages for injury and consequential loss. The Sun
  • To finish the portrait, the bearing of the gracious Duncan was brief, bluff, and consequential, and the upward turn of his short copper-coloured nose indicated that he was somewhat addicted to wrath and usquebaugh. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • For sources that give contemplations on two stages of bones, the whole skeleton and the disjointed bones are designated as distinct objects for meditation in two sequential stages.
  • Sequential block designs can lead to biased allocation.
  • We know that the surgeon may not kill one of her unconsenting patients to save five others, and we know that this must be so regardless of whether a careful consequentialist calculus supports this result.
  • Where appropriate, significance tests were one-tailed and were corrected by the sequential Bonferroni method to control the Type I error rate.
  • Things that are inconsequential stop fights taking place. Times, Sunday Times
  • His notion of synchronicity is that there is an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time rather than sequentially.
  • But the noose and lifeline metaphors dramatize the in-culture ‘factness’ of much writing, its consequentiality, rather than the seductive pleasures of its speculative realm.
  • Bone remodeling, which repairs damaged bone, is a sequential process in which bone resorption precedes bone formation.
  • Graphic novel series in sequential order, all grouped by publisher. Brian Ruckley · When in Doubt, Meme
  • Her little flirtation in Rome seemed inconsequential by comparison with the schedule of cruelties she had dealt out. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • That leaves a lot of space for non-consequential blah in between.
  • And the algorithm is also used to be a sequential solver on single PC.
  • Anonsters: There will be no mainstream scientific evidence showing these differences until and unless it is established that it is okay consequentially for the data to show these differences. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • During the brief summer, it is warm enough for a few days or weeks to create meltwater; a few, inconsequential streams tumble down from the glaciers above the valleys.
  • The design method of gravity network on the basis of the principle of the linea- programming and the sequential optimization is given.
  • Consider, for instance, the seemingly inconsequential object of temptation. Christianity Today
  • While my view of the moral landscape can be classed as "consequentialist," this term comes with fair amount of philosophical baggage, and there are many traditional quibbles with consequentialism that do not apply to my account of morality. Sam Harris: Toward a Science of Morality
  • It was envisioned, the story goes, as a short-term, inconsequential distraction, not a lasting symbol of the Tory campaign's ineptitude and crudity.
  • That is, for him, a propositum is "sequentially relevant" if and only if it logically follows from the positum alone; it is "incompatibly relevant" if and only if its contradictory opposite follows from the positum alone; it is "irrelevant" if and only if it is neither sequentially nor incompatibly relevant. Medieval Theories of Obligationes
  • To reduce costs in a structured and well planned manner that does not surprise the teams or result in unforeseen consequential costs.
  • “A polynucleotide system based on a ribozyme polymerase able sequentially to add the correct nucleotides and thus copy itself might work.” Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
  • From a medical standpoint a week is usually not a consequential delay.
  • This went to a dispensing pharmacist, together with a sequential alphanumerical code list.
  • At some moments the soloist's rubato might have seemed overly attenuated, but it would be curmudgeonly to complain, particularly in the light of his ravishingly beautiful treatment of sequential passages.
  • It is consequentialist overall, but in the conduct of life, just as in the conduct of a game, rules and principles have the paramount authority that deontologists wish.
  • To overcome this poor responsiveness, recombinant poxvirus vectors, including vaccinia, fowlpox and modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA), can be genetically engineered to express one or more tumor-associated antigens to greatly enhance the immune system's ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells bearing any of the targeted antigens. ® and CV-301 are prime-boost vaccines, sequentially combining two different poxviruses (vaccinia and fowlpox). Reuters: Press Release
  • We were inconsecutive, illogical, and inconsequential. CHAPTER VIII
  • A wide variety of structured activities are supported, including sequential and parallel processing and condition looping.
  • `You're so beautifully dressed,' she said and added quite inconsequentially, `Can you stay the night?'
  • The development trend of computer architecture is toward distributed parallel processing, which overcomes the restraints of conventional sequential computers.
  • It's frilly and inconsequential and best known for its appearances on princesses, dolls and blushing faces. Times, Sunday Times
  • This book has an airy lightness and inconsequentiality about it.
  • LBJ may not have done as much in foreign affairs as Reagan, but noses him out for 3rd spot in "consequentiality" for the permanent impact of Great Society, Civil Rights legislation, NASA, and elevating liberalism and reform to institutions an ongoing operation. Harvard sociology prof Orlando Patterson sees racism in Hillary's 3 a.m. ad.
  • Judges present decisions behind the veil of abstract principle which often conceals the naked face of consequentialist considerations of loss distribution.
  • The former will tend to require an indexed sequential file on a direct access device.
  • Later sections will cast further and more consequential doubt on the adequacy of the inductivist stance on observation.
  • The Smart is very easy to drive and the semi-automatic sequential gearbox is fine - once you get used to it.
  • Then there are actors who are haunted by what they perceive as the trivial and inconsequential nature of their work.
  • These are undramatic attributes, but they are powerfully consequential when well-used and central to a successful presidency. Romney: The Conservative Who Can Beat Obama
  • In this paper we present a new sealed-bid auction scheme using the sequentially revealable commitment by the chain of one-way functions.
  • But it all feels so inconsequential. Times, Sunday Times
  • John T. Kennedy seems to misapprehend "consequentialist libertarian" -- at least as I use it and see it used. Of Markets and Ideas, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I figure this pack of yapping hyenas will just keep prattling about the insignificant and the inconsequential, which is fine. Blagojevich and Obama: Takes From the Right - The Caucus Blog -
  • Evidence is not given sequentially - it comes out witness by witness and needs to be marshalled and arranged issue by issue.
  • A marginal difference in fees may seem inconsequential but can have a big impact on returns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Post-modern scenarios for organizational concepts emphasize on the process evolution systems, which means an organization evolves into a sequential organizational structure in space, time or function.
  • Our experiences vary in intensity, we have a perception of time passing so we have sequential experiences, we experience some synesthesia between senses, etc etc.
  • Similarly the Buddha taught that human individuals are not to be seen as isolated from each other, but as conjoined to each other in a weighty and consequential relationship.
  • In the construction of hydroelectric power station, eco - environment will be consequentially destroyed to some extent.
  • Time is inconsequential here and events are triggered by elements of nature.
  • A comic panel is a graphical representation of an instance in time of a sequential course of events.
  • A new display method for field-sequential-color liquid-crystal display (FS-LCD) that reduces the negative effects of color break-up associated with moving objects has been developed.
  • To no one's surprise, the plot is predictably weak, but who really cares if it's all just inconsequential fluff when the action's this much fun?
  • With a continuation-based web framework I could do reuse of sequential sets of pages, which would be nice; I could write a function to let the user choose a number, which spits out a form with an embedded continuation then suspends until the form is submitted, after which it decides whether to redisplay the page (search button pressed) or to return the chosen number (grab button pressed). Snell-Pym » Another thing I hate about Web application frameworks
  • It's not like this absorption in the inconsequential is anything new. Dr. Jim Taylor: I Don't Care About LeBron James or Lindsay Lohan or...
  • But the numbers remain almost inconsequential. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sequential character is known as an earthquake swarm, a phenomenon of periodic tremors that can continue for months or even a year before quieting.
  • As the infection progresses, however, each sequential form of the virus envelope increasingly escapes detection.
  • However, this campaign need not be sequential to be effective, the cumulative effect across all regions will help achieve the results we seek.
  • These are undramatic attributes, but they are powerfully consequential when well-used and central to a successful presidency. Romney: The Conservative Who Can Beat Obama
  • The nurse has a seemingly inconsequential introductory speech about being technically able to play the piano, yet unable to make music. Times, Sunday Times
  • Legume intercrops generally grow for some time past the corn harvest, and can take land away from the tightly scheduled sequential cropping typical of Asian agriculture.
  • His Honour then goes on to make plain that the discharge of that duty required the Council to undertake a sanitary survey and then consequential action upon that.
  • But there is a third, no less consequential. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one view, known as consequentialism of rights, if the only way to ensure respect of a certain right of A and B is to infringe the same right of C, we shall be justified in doing so. Terrorism
  • Our results suggest that the adsorption of pulmonary surfactant to an air-liquid interface can be considered in terms of two sequential steps.
  • Risk assessment is to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the risks in the production system and assess the system's hazard possibility, the consequential loss and loss magnitude.
  • Since signals must be transmitted in noise channel, it will produce many inaccurate code consequentially. Adoption of error-correcting technique can assure accuracy and reliability of data.
  • The slippage caused physical damage, delays, and consequential losses, and necessitated extensive remedial works.
  • The mixture was sterilized by sequential filtration through 0.45 and 0.22 m filters.
  • This latter case will favour the use of a sequential magnetic tape file.
  • Seriously, consequential cultural issues are at stake, not least the issue of finding ways for writers and other cultural workers to be fairly paid and support themselves from their work.
  • A squadron of soldiers preceded it, chatting inconsequentially among themselves, resplendent in embroidered capes over light mail, carrying the rumored shields of camelopard skin. Kushiel's Avatar
  • The particular situation may require that the steps be carried out concurrently rather than in sequential mode.
  • Remember, during the Gulf War we started things in a sequential way, if you would, with air first and then we walked down the road over about a six-week period.
  • If in the event of a correspondent bank's lapse the customer's bank or the correspondent itself is to be made liable, either at common law or by statute, the issue of consequential damages must be faced up to.
  • But this is based on the mistaken idea that modernism and postmodernism are sequential stages in history.
  • The background of sequential substation is introduced, in which the operating system automatically completes the sequential operations according to the selected sequential operation command.
  • A set of inconsequential random and rare moments of happiness joined together by swathes of mundaneness.
  • You can think of this as a form of sequential turbocharging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Warburton calls it, “rational and consequential,” reflection in these lines with the anonymousness, or the alarm, of this Gentleman or Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • This position allows consequentialists to recognize the possibility of irresolvable moral dilemmas.
  • In an earlier paper I described my discernment of a duodenary, sequential constellation map or zodiac incised on a stamp-seal from Karanovo, Bulgaria and dated to 4800 BCE.
  • Besides, anyone who wants to pick out a smaller set of moral theories that excludes this absurd theory may talk about evaluative consequentialism, which is the claim that moral rightness depends only on the value of the consequences. Consequentialism
  • We pay more and more for less and less and are dismissed as inconsequential and treated like children by bullies who want everything their own way.
  • What team members will discover is that all failure modes are not equally consequential.
  • You still need the sequential, programmed, methodical approach to your child's overall learning.
  • For the estimation of satellite state, the extended sequential estimation algorithm was applied. The numerical method was used to integrate state vector and error covariance matrix.
  • As I kind of anecdotally referenced with NRF in New York, the former Symbol business or the EMB business is improving sequentially. Home Page
  • I will not hesitate to seek for an immediate legal redress through my solicitors for any consequential loss.
  • Yes, he certainly imagines the whole of cultural life as shot through with these forms of play, and the question of their consequentiality seems ultimately to be answered in the affirmative. Game as Cultural Form, Play as Disposition
  • My circumstances were drastically less consequential. Christianity Today
  • They counted money, arranging bills in sequential order. LA Times Series on Life in Cairo, #3: Cairo Mini-Buses
  • How did we ever come to perceive body and mind as separate, nature as dead resource, and place as inconsequential?
  • A log structured file system writes all modifications to disk sequentially in a log like structure, thereby speeding up both file writing and crash recovery.
  • But the sort of sequential nature, the fact that you have one natural disaster followed by another, it can have a pretty significant psychological impact.
  • The forms will be sequentially numbered to record all proprietary plant and services purchases and any overspends or under spends to the budget.
  • By now, one of the film's main themes, consequentiality, has certainly been launched.
  • In a moment which summed up the technical brilliance and supreme inconsequentiality of the tweet-happy live stream at ISTEK, Gavin Dudeney boldly tweeted that he was about to wave his arm above his head. 2010 April « Ken Wilson's Blog
  • There is no conjecture there - it is all supported, sequential, logical and consistent.
  • This distinction mirrors a major fault line in ethics between what are known as consequentialist and deontological theories.
  • Aunt Eliza," said Aurora one day, "you have instilled into my sensitive nature an indelible aversion to men, compared with which all such deleble passions as affection and love are as inconsequential as summer zephyrs. The Holy Cross and Other Tales
  • For me that is self-evident and denotes the obvious contradiction between intentionality (as a teleological standpoint and its extrinsic finalities) and consequentialness (as the most important moral standpoint). Democracy: What We Want Is What We Get, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It's often the little, inconsequential things that spark off such thoughts, rather than the huge, grand gestures.
  • Pictures come, nonsequential pictures that tell no stories and give no names. If I Told You, Would You Want To Hear?
  • The sequential maturation of the intellectual and social aspects fosters a sense of assurance in the child and acceptance by others.
  • Most of this is spent on expensive and inconsequential workshops and seminars; or is pocketed by the political elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with many hybrid views, the deontological and consequentialist components tend to pull apart, with each threatening to subordinate the other.
  • The judge held that section 2 provided compensation only for physical damage and not for consequential losses. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also does not become entirely clear how exactly, in this case, the logics of consequentiality, appropriateness, and interpersonal trust play into each other.
  • During the American Revolutionary War, although the Battle of Green Spring was fought nearby at the site of former Governor Berkeley's plantation, Jamestown was apparently inconsequential.
  • That decision-making process was clearly affected by the provision of wrong information, with the consequential result that the opportunity to go elsewhere was lost.
  • If sense prevails, both of these formats will remain inconsequential. — Did Warner Brothers Just Kill HD DVD? - Bits Blog -
  • Since signals must be transmitted in noise channel, it will produce many inaccurate code consequentially. Adoption of error-correcting technique can assure accuracy and reliability of data.
  • The second sequential component to happiness is the phenomenon of retrospective recall.
  • Yu's work ostentatiously references film strips - suggesting sequentiality, narrative and subjectivity through contiguity, rhythm and fragmentation.
  • When writers describe themselves as consequentialists rather than as utilitarians, they are normally signalling that their fundamental evaluations will be in terms of not only welfare but also some other goods.
  • Something had gone wrong: there was talk of consequential losses. Times, Sunday Times
  • To our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which florid parvovirus infection and subsequent recovery was documented by sequential bone marrow examination.
  • One striking indication is that Davos really embracing social media and consequentially opening up. Don Tapscott: The State of the World: 10 Belated Reflections on 2011 Davos
  • But there is a third, no less consequential. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arsenic is distributed and stored in all tissues of the body and is metabolized for elimination by two sequential processes.
  • In order to figure out the problem, the approach uses bSQ(bit Sequential) grid image data format, then rules tree is adopted to avoid the cost of producing large frequent itemsets.
  • It was envisioned, the story goes, as a short-term, inconsequential distraction, not a lasting symbol of the Tory campaign's ineptitude and crudity.
  • The preference of auditory learning indicates your basic reflectiveness coupled with a tendency to process information sequentially.
  • It is another to argue for obedience to a specific set of laws on consequentialist grounds that have nothing to do with law-abidingness in general. The Volokh Conspiracy » Law and Economics Training for Religious Leaders:
  • This is no inconsequential matter: nice underwear can put you out of house and home at regular prices.
  • The steps are sequential and linked in the sense that each step was not possible without the previous step, and each step was motivated by the previous one.
  • I presume you were rather surprised not to see my _consequential_ name in the papers [1] amongst the orators of our 2nd speech day, but unfortunately some wit who had formerly been at Harrow, suppressed the merits of Long [2], Farrer [3] and myself, who were always supposed to take the Lead in Harrow eloquence, and by way of a _hoax_ thought proper to insert a panegyric on those speakers who were really and truly allowed to have rather disgraced than distinguished themselves, of course for the _wit_ of the thing, the best were left out and the worst inserted, which accounts for the _Gothic omission_ of my The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 1
  • But, especially where the identity of the relevant comparator is a matter of dispute, this sequential analysis may give rise to needless problems.
  • Laughing and smiling, unlike other sequential face movements, are more readily disturbed from the right brain than the left.
  • I guess I'd be a capitalist in that I like liberty for consequentialist reasoning (lots of people flee their crappy countries for prosperity in the U. S, few go in the other direction) and have some distaste or even revulsion for libertines. Tyler on the Problems of Libertarians, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • MJ posted: "But perhaps more importantly, a 'centrist' is someone who strives objectively to understand the world as it really exists before he acts in it in consequential ways rather than someone who interprets that world through an ideology that ignors inconvenient facts and acts in total disregard of all who question its vision. Sound Politics: The Religion of Peace Marches On
  • Given what else is going in this big bad world, a decision on whether or not a golf tournament should be played is inconsequential, to say the least.
  • It's close enough consequentiall as it eliminates all profit motives, collectivizes property in the State, and assumes everyone will work for everyone else without any compensation whatsoever other than your personal say so. Technocracy
  • Rise above the landscape, and experience yourself as the whole sky - with clouds drifting inconsequentially through your vastness.
  • The deep recession experienced by Britain in common with much of the rest of the world meant that demand for labour was weak and the economic attractions of migration consequentially limited.
  • In less urgent cases sequential dilation, for example, with either balloons or semirigid dilators, is preferred.
  • Moreover, they fail to contextualize Artemisia's experience and uncritically assume that the rape and trial were the most consequential events of the artist's long life.
  • In the meantime, here PDF; hat-tip: Legal Theory Blog is a discussion of rule consequentialism, which is the form of utilitarianism that I think most obviously shows similarities to natural law. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Clones with multiple deletions were made by introducing individual deletions sequentially.
  • Sure it's a money making business but doing it this way is sort of like saying OK thanks for watching the movie so far - the next bit is in 'inset dead language' and we've got no subtitles so we won't show you, instead you can ask your friend who lives in 'x' to tell you what happens (whatever happens is inconsequential but to find out they'll let you know). Je Regrette
  • Dat suttinly am a most inconsequential mannah in which to project a transmigatory object in contiguousness to mah predistination. Through Space to Mars Or the Longest Journey on Record
  • But in the absence of intrepid investigative reporting and editorial courage, they smothered the audience in inconsequential material about the most consequential of topics.
  • Similar sequential and reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme regulate the early steps of development in all ectodermal organs.
  • The emergent self is protean, shifting, cunning, humorous, unencumbered, sometimes angry, but equally capable of accepting its own absurdity and inconsequentiality.
  • David Schwartz: Anonsters: There will be no mainstream scientific evidence showing these differences until and unless it is established that it is okay consequentially for the data to show these differences. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • The research questions are answered in sequential order, with a clear statement for each question.
  • The shocking reality is that he became a consequential president, an extremely important president, and one who might even be called a transformative president.
  • In isolation, it was inconsequential, almost laughable. The Sun
  • With The Instance of the Fingerpost, Pears created a new kind of masterwork-a historical novel constructed intricately to work like clockwork, which glides sequentially from one subjective narrator to another, so that each section unveils new explanations that upend the previous narrator's picture of the characters 'motivations and actions. The Inverse Square Blog
  • We propose an retiming algorithm which can quickly optimize sequential circuits. We have conducted some experiments on the ISCAS89 benchmarks and the results sustain our opinion.
  • These hee-hee councils splendidly illustrate the inconsecutiveness and inconsequentiality of the Folk. CHAPTER XIV
  • There were other voices in the background: inconsequential static.
  • It would also be very straight forward to make a solendoid activate the sequential shift, so that you can have paddle shifting, with the paddles or buttons wherever you want.
  • Sequential hermaphroditism (functioning as male during one life phase and as female during another) is common in marine fishes, with protogyny (sex change from female to male) predominating.
  • So in the new era, the study and the application of sports recreational functions not only becomes a consequentially trend, but also makes important sense.
  • It makes them feel inconsequential. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, the LXX makes the sequential reading even more explicit: kai eplasen ho theos eti. Had Been Getting Tense In Genesis
  • The entire book is laid out on a pair of giant cork boards on the wall above my desk, each card pinned down in sequential order. CHECK, PLEASE
  • As long as your high cards are sequential, the motto applies. Times, Sunday Times
  • As is the case with much of this sort of fiction, there is a lot of close-up observation of inconsequential things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something had gone wrong: there was talk of consequential losses. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the numbers remain almost inconsequential. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor need the courts assess the extent to which such harms are measurable against any standard of consequential morality.
  • By this, presumably, was meant the isolation of single figures in sequential positions like a Muybridge series in three dimensions.
  • Some anarchists lean on that kind of consequentialist argument; I don’t. Libertarian Follies
  • This might be a fixed length pipeline, or even a single sequential processor.
  • The most disturbing lesson is that it is not too difficult to flimflam the public on the most consequential matter there is.
  • Admittedly, this oversimplifies consequentialism, which in reality has a rather robust philosophic tradition.
  • And yet most often we program real - world applications in sequential programming languages. This is uncessarily difficult.
  • Provided you have more sequential cards than the number of missing higher cards, you have guaranteed extra tricks. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been thought that the ability to retain sequential items in short-term auditory memory ends at seven years of age; thus, prevailing intellectual wisdom and Miller's research has been that most people can repeat back about seven sequential items -- plus or minus two, referred to as "7 + or - 2"; yet, as in all things, some people do a little better, and some do a little worse -- but the magic number seven is the average, and describes the ability of most of us. The Full Feed from
  • This was because these systems employ passive memory inspected by a sequential central processor.
  • Laughing and smiling, unlike other sequential face movements, are more readily disturbed from the right brain than the left.
  • The movie actually offers a brief summation of this premise during its closing credits, which present highlights sequentially from both Cocoon and the sequel.
  • Whether or not you voted for either of these let-downs is inconsequential. CNN Poll: Palin's popularity on the rise
  • The meanings and purposes they attach to this behaviour are largely inconsequential.
  • The story is also told non-sequentially - starting in the middle, then showing us the beginning and ending - adding to the theme of nonconformance. REVIEW: "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman by Harlan Ellison
  • Wundt's notion of apperceptive separation is one of the most philosophically original, consequential, and ambiguous of his theories. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • You need to edit the Sequential File stage to identify the comma-delimited file that contains the input data.
  • If we were discussing the attachment of a support ledger or shear bracing, the choice of screws could be consequential.
  • Everybody rose, shook, palavered inconsequentially for a bit, and then the director herded Nick back to the hallway and shoved him down it toward the elevators. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • Each amniocentesis carried a risk of miscarriage or preterm labour, and as some pregnancies needed several of these procedures the risk was not inconsequential.
  • The authors report a case of esophageal perforation after sequential double-lung transplantation for bronchiectasis.
  • This is designed to prevent a market collapse, which could have serious consequential effects in the current recessionary climate.
  • This paper presents an original non-frictional and sequential operation's stepless speed regulator on the basis of overview of the main weakness of impulse stepless speed regulators.
  • Most of what she said was pretty inconsequential.
  • The sequential development of multiple summit calderas of shield volcanoes gives clues about how the spatial location of shallow magma chambers evolves with time and how the magma supply into these chambers evolves.
  • Although far from dreadful, it's just rather silly, shallow, unconvincing and inconsequential.
  • It might appear rational for every government decision to be based upon an evaluation of its expected consequences - a rationale that is termed consequentialism - but that rationale is far from being the general rule. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]

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