How To Use Sepulcher In A Sentence
You are the whited sepulchres of our society, for you have abnegated your responsibility to the public every bit as much as have the police.
With No One as Witness
Called the Chamber of Paladine, the sepulcher was a large rectangular room, built far below the ground where the destruction of the Tower did not affect it.
Dragons of Winter Night
The most moving moment, and one that I had not anticipated, happened during my descent to the sepulcher holding the body of St. James.
He got to a sepulcher where four Satanists were gathered.
In fact, you might just want to cut out the middleman and head on over to the nearest cemetery - your dream date may in fact have been skulking around the local sepulchres, and you never even knew.

Antonio and I looked closely at their wrappings and noted the way in which their mummied forms had been ranged before this idol -- that certainly belonged to a primitive time -- the more were we inclined to believe that this weird sepulchre belonged to the very far back past.
The Aztec Treasure-House
And he took it down, wrapped it in a long linen swathing cloth, and laid it in an unused sepulchre hewn from the rock.
For instance, armour and other trophies were often displayed above sepulchres.
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
All around, she could feel the shapes of sepulchres and headstones.
He got to a sepulcher where four Satanists were gathered.
His story concludes with this hybrid verse: "There laid they Jesus, and rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher, and departed.
Thomas Jefferson's Cut-and-Paste Bible
But who is it that you call the whited sepulchre, Katie?" demanded the judge.
A confirmation of this aversion on the part of some members of the Commission for the expression "sepulcher" can be found in N. Giampietro, op. cit, p. 312.
He told the shepherd to tell his own people that he would use these weapons to regain the Holy Sepulchre.
Deep inside, St. Francis' bones are locked away in a sepulcher, the immense weight of the Basilica - a place he would have hated - weighing down on top of him.
And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
In the ritual of internment, the slab is rolled back from the sepulchre and the coffin is lowered down to the chamber below.
How wretched are lovers all," Hapless are lovers all e'en even in the sepulchre, tombed in their tombs,
The Life of Sir Richard Burton
Dante's punishment for the "arch heretics and those who followed them" was that they be "ensepulchered" and to have some "heated more, some less."
And Cosdroe, king of the Persians, subdued to his empire all the realms of the world; and he came into Jerusalem and was afeard and adrad of the sepulchre of our Lord, and returned, but he bare with him the part of the Holy Cross that S. Helena had left there.
The Golden Legend, vol. 5
So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
He thought himself in a sepulchre, into which a ray of sunlight in pity scarcely penetrated.
What! stuff my mouth with cotton265 ere in sepulchre I’m laid?’
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
For instance, armour and other trophies were often displayed above sepulchres.
Zoophyta, polyparia, crinoidea, conchifera, and crustacea, {60} are the orders of the animal kingdom thus found in the earliest of earth's sepulchres.
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
The famous bodysnatchers Burke and Hare were never charged with violation of sepulchre because they eventually resorted to murder as a way of finding bodies to sell.
King Arthur, and the chivalrous train who shed their blood to redeem the holy sepulchre from the hands of the infidels.
Chapter 2
The real origin appears to be this: it was a part of the religious belief of the Egyptians that, as a reward of a well-spent and virtuous life, their bodies after death should exist and remain undecayed forever in their tombs, for we find in the "Book of the Dead" the following inscription placed over the spirits who have found favor in the eyes of the Great God: "The bodies which they have forsaken shall _sleep forever_ in their sepulchres, while they rejoice in the presence of God most high.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
Bethlehem (Ge 35: 19), where her sepulchre is still shown.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
_rosaria_, in which sepulchres were profusely decorated with the favorite flower of the season.
Pagan and Christian Rome
Upon whose tombs these verses following were written: Hic jacent in Duno qui tumulo tumulantur in uno, Brigida, Patricius atque Columba plus, which is for to say in English: In Duno these three be buried all in one sepulchre:
The Golden Legend, vol. 3
The altar stone within the sepulchre is of white marble, the place able to confeine but foure persons, right ouer the sepulchre is a deuise or lanterne for light, and ouer that a great louer such as are in England in ancient houses.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
His servants therefore took him out of that chariot, and put him in the second chariot that he had; and they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died, and was buried in one of the sepulchres of his fathers.
_Ferondo, having swallowed a certain powder, is entombed for dead and being taken forth of the sepulchre by the abbot, who enjoyeth his wife the while, is put in prison and given to believe that he is in purgatory; after which, being raised up again, he reareth for his own a child begotten of the abbot on his wife_ 169
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
The sepulchre is still standing See Hobhouse, p. 204. —
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Ephraim -- The sepulchre is at the modern village Awertah, which, according to Jewish travellers, contains the graves also of Ithamar, the brother of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar [Van De Velde].
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Ancient historians acquaint us with only seven wonders in the world: the Temple of Diana, at Ephesus; the magnificent sepulchre of the king Mausolus, from whence is derived the word mausoleum; the bronze Colossus of the Sun, in Rhodes; the statue of
Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects and Curiosities of Art (Vol. 3 of 3)
I'll dance a jig on yer sepulchrees, ye swobs!" he roared, and he spat on the ground again in defiance.
The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
The earth was equally pitiless towards the dead in their graves: the sepulchers opened, and the buried were disentombed.
One vast common doom ensepulchres the world.
The Pope was then led, while the Te Deum was sung, to the Holy Sepulchre itself, into which, after having genuflected before it, he entered and spent several minutes in silent prayer.
Pope in the Holy Land: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
The public had been kept clear of the tomb, and it is unclear what level of access there had been to the king's remains before they were replaced in a new sepulchre.
In contrast, Moses arranged for his own discreet burial so that ‘no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day’.
But he would not allow so great a champion to lie unsepulchred, and had his body buried in the field that is commonly called Rolung.
The Danish History, Books I-IX
He sees the stone rolled away from the grave of Lazarus and three men approach the sepulchre where the man's body lies.
The picture provides this legend with monumentality since it turns it into an act of mourning performed on a sepulchre.
His servants therefore took him out of that chariot, and put him in the second chariot that he had; and they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died, and was buried in one of the sepulchres of his fathers.
A coral reef is not only an instrument of destruction, but a place of sepulchre; the submarine cliff is profoundly undercut, and presents the mouth of a huge antre in which the bodies of men and the hulls of ships are alike hurled down and buried.
A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
They are likewise bloody; for their throat is an open sepulchre, cruel as the grave, gaping to devour and to swallow up, insatiable as the grave, which never says, It is enough, Prov. xxx.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
Your workspace will become a wide open plain rather than a sepulcher of records of the past.
End the Paper Chase
The thousands daily knelled out of the world, who lie in gorgeous sepulchres, or rot unburied on the surface of the earth, excite no emotion compared to that conjured up by the meanest dead at our feet.
The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
To the north of the temple are the remains of an Arab town, where I saw some tombstones with Cufic inscriptions similar to those among the sepulchres of Assouan.
Travels in Nubia
In "Sepulchre," Mosse returned to the Languedoc of 1891 where the legend of a Visigoth tomb, a demon and a tarot pack led visitors into the mystical past.
Anna Mundow reviews 'The Winter Ghosts' by 'Labyrinth' author Kate Mosse
Unlike Angelica's self-contradictory and ultimately self-revelatory epistles, which are "keys" only to a whited sepulchre, the Biblical epistles reveal that the Bible provides its own authoritative guide to interpretation.
In contrast, Moses arranged for his own discreet burial so that ‘no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day’.
Moslems: in one of the Mameluke Soldans 'sepulchres near Cairo I found a granite slab bearing the "cartouche" (shield) of Khufu
Arabian nights. English
The place seemed as an open tomb, an unsealed sepulcher, a deathly resting place, quietly awaiting corpses to crowd its halls and fulfill its purpose.
The picture provides this legend with monumentality since it turns it into an act of mourning performed on a sepulchre.
The feud is only one of a bewildering array of rivalries among churchmen in the Holy Sepulcher.
Once again, monks come to blows at Church of Holy Sepulcher
There was a sharp report; mason swung into his aerial sepulcher, and Malemute Kid lashed the dogs into a wild gallop as he fled across the snow.
The White Silence
Within the sepulchre is a partition, and in the further part thereof is a place like an altar, where they say masse, and at the doore thereof is the stone whereupon the Angell sate when he sayde to Marie, He is risen, which stone was also rowled to the doore of the sepulchre.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Now he lay on the borders of an African swamp, unsepulchred, unwept; and
The Explorer
Originally the sepulchre stood above ground, and the entrance to it was by a solid arch of peperino, facing a cross-road leading from the Appian to the Latin Way; but the soil in the course of ages accumulated over it, and buried it out of sight.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
` All you that in the condemn'd hole do lie, 'groaned the Bellman of St. Sepulchre's in his duskiest voice, and they who held revel in the condemned hole prayed silence of their friends for the familiar cadences:
A Book of Scoundrels
The place seemed as an open tomb, an unsealed sepulcher, a deathly resting place, quietly awaiting corpses to crowd its halls and fulfill its purpose.
Both deny charges of ‘violating a sepulchre without the authority of the relatives or executors of said unknown person’.
And he took it down, wrapped it in a long linen swathing cloth, and laid it in an unused sepulchre hewn from the rock.
St. Sepulchre's in his duskiest voice, and they who held revel in the condemned hole prayed silence of their friends for the familiar cadences:
A Book of Scoundrels
Duke’s group, the Eu - ropean-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO, get it?) - a kind of whited sepulchre containing the shade of the Ku Klux Klan that Duke once helped to lead - has been agitating over a situation in Charlottesville.
First CHS/UVa Attacker Charged and Sentenced at
In the ritual of internment, the slab is rolled back from the sepulchre and the coffin is lowered down to the chamber below.
The west wind blew strong; the clouds were heavy; now and then the moon shone on a sullen sea; now and then the darkness broke over rank maremma vapours; at times he heard the distant bellowing of the herds, at times he heard the moaning of the water; mighty cities, lost armies, slaughtered hosts, foundered fleets, were underneath that soil and sea; whole nations had their sepulchres on that low, wind-blown shore.
Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
At length, our leaders decided to beleaguer the city with siege machines, so that we might enter and worship the Savior at the Holy Sepulcher.
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The First Crusade: A short narrative from contemporary sources
The revelation not only shocked Mary, but made her wonder how many of her hitherto respected elders might be whited sepulchers.
On the entrance of His Holiness into the [Pauline] chapel, illuminated by 567 wax candles, the Verbum Caro is sung, and on arriving at the altar the Pope delivers the chalice containing the Sacrament to the Cardinal deacon who deposits it in the sepulchre where it is incensed by the Pope; Monsignor Sacrista locks the sepulchre and delivers the key to the Cardinal Penitentiary who is to officiate on the following day.
Rare Images of Holy Thursday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel and a Description of the Papal Ceremonies of those Times
And ye shall understand that before the church of the sepulchre is the city more feeble than in any other part, for the great plain that is between the church and the city.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
First, saved from waters of old Nile, among bulrushes, a bed of fasciated wattles: at last the cavity of a mountain, an occulted sepulchre amid the conclamation of the hillcat and the ossifrage.
The tomb itself, as already stated, is known in funerary texts as the "House of the Ka"; and as each king on his accession began immediately to build his pyramid or excavate his rock-cut sepulchre, it followed that he was as much interested in providing for the future accommodation of his Ka as in providing for the future accommodation of his mummy.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
Her watchfulness is untiring; she who guarded the sepulcher was the first to approach it, and the last to depart from its awful yet sublime scene.
The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories
Christians, from beggars to princes, believed passionately in the saving power of sacraments, which only the church could administer, and in the sanctity of the holy sepulchre.
Both deny charges of ‘violating a sepulchre without the authority of the relatives or executors of said unknown person’.
Let the wolves' black maws ensepulchre their brother beast.
Now a little half-grown black and white cat squeezed herself through the bars of the iron gate and came purring lovingly about us, unawed by the time or the place, unimpressed by the marble pomp that sepulchers a line of mighty dead that ends with a great author of yesterday and began with a sceptered monarch away back in the dawn of history, more than twelve hundred years ago ....
Mark Twain: A Biography
History, watch over the land: it is a sepulchre; Death is within and around it; Decay writes defeature upon every stone; but the Past sits by the tomb as a mourning angel; a soul breathes through the desolation; a voice calls amidst the silence.
Godolphin, Volume 4.
All those who thus died are graveless and monumentless, the great circle of the heavens is the dome of their sepulchre, and the recurring blossoms of springtime their only epitaph.
The old Santa Fe trail The Story of a Great Highway
Poetry, Fable, History, watch over the land: it is a sepulchre; Death is within and around it; Decay writes defeature upon every stone; but the Past sits by the tomb as a mourning angel; a soul breathes through the desolation; a voice calls amidst the silence.
Godolphin, Complete
He also routinely contemplates such arcane and uncomprehensible matters as how "Hawthorne's auburn-haired woman in her secret sepulchre" came to somebody "with unpleasant vividness.
“The way of a man with a maid may be too wonderful to know. . .”
And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
In the cemetery of Pere – Lachaise, in the vicinity of the common grave, far from the elegant quarter of that city of sepulchres, far from all the tombs of fancy which display in the presence of eternity all the hideous fashions of death, in a deserted corner, beside an old wall, beneath a great yew tree over which climbs the wild convolvulus, amid dandelions and mosses, there lies a stone.
Les Miserables
A few belonged to preceptories of Knights Templars in their neighbourhood; and perhaps we may see in their apses a reference to the circular form of the Holy Sepulchre.
The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
He sees the stone rolled away from the grave of Lazarus and three men approach the sepulchre where the man's body lies.
Monsignor Sacrista received the key from the celebrant, opens the Sepulchre while the Pope places incense in the thurible, and thrice incenses the boat.
More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
Large family sepulchers featuring urns, statues of angels, and obelisks, spread out as far as the eye can see.
Pulchre's bell_, the great bell of St. Sepulchre's Holborn, close to Newgate, always begins to toll a little before the hour of execution, under the bequest of Richard Dove, who directed that an exhortation should be made to "... prisoners that are within, Who for wickedness and sin are appointed to die, Give ear unto this passing bell.
Musa Pedestris - Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes [1536 - 1896]
Hardening my heart with all the memories of the times mother and I visited the sepulcher where father's ashes lay in the soil, I put another foot forward.
For instance, armour and other trophies were often displayed above sepulchres.
Hardening my heart with all the memories of the times mother and I visited the sepulcher where father's ashes lay in the soil, I put another foot forward.
Amarkantak, at the source of the Nerbudda, is the sepulchre of the Maharajas of Rewah, and was ceded to them with the Sohagpur tahsil of Mandla after the Mutiny, in consideration of their loyalty and services during that period.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
It was these very doubts and fears which led him to see and resee so frequently the dethroned Charles, and which at last drove the conscience-stricken Puritan into the sepulchre of the decapitated king, that he might gaze into the still face of the royal victim, whose death he had himself effected.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
The public had been kept clear of the tomb, and it is unclear what level of access there had been to the king's remains before they were replaced in a new sepulchre.
The first thing you see in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is Christ's morgue slab, a polished piece of marble on the floor, guarded by the inevitable squadron of hanging lamps.
Often this is in a little detached garden, containing a small stone building (where there is no rock), resembling a house, which is called the sepulcher of the family -- it has neither door nor window.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
On one side of the adytum is a small dark chamber, in which is a deep sepulchre, with a large lion sculptured in the wall immediately over it; and, on the other side, behind the wall, is a passage, communicating with the pronaos, and containing a staircase which leads up to the top of the building.
Travels in Nubia
The first passage refers to a _partial_ resurrection, inasmuch as it makes mention of those only who shall hear the voice of the Son of {37} God, and hearing shall live; whereas the other passage asserts that _all_ who are in sepulchres (_mnêmeiois_) shall hear his voice, and divides these into two classes -- those that have done good, who rise to _live_
An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality
Altera trans-Rhenana ingressa sepulchrum recens apertum, vidit cadaver, et domum subito reversa putavit eam vocare, post paucos dies obiit, proximo sepulchre collocata.
Anatomy of Melancholy
In the context of the original inscription with nesna in it (TLE 372: Θestia Velθurnas nesna), if we are to pursue her avenue of reasoning, it should then be better translated as "sepulcher" (hence "Thestia Velthurna's sepulcher") given its archaeological context.
Archive 2007-10-01
All around, she could feel the shapes of sepulchres and headstones.
It was Mary Magdalene that brought the report to him, as appears, John xx. 1, 2, where this story of his running to the sepulchre is more particularly related.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
` That all have revolted, that they are become unprofitable, that is, none who does good, no not one; their throat is an open sepulcher; there is no fear of God before their eyes, '(Psalm 5: 10; 14: 3) he deplores, truly, the impiety of his own age; yet Paul (Romans 3: 12) does not scruple to extend it to all men of every age: and with justice; for it is not a mere complaint concerning a few men, but a description of the human mind when left to itself, destitute of the
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
In fact, you might just want to cut out the middleman and head on over to the nearest cemetery - your dream date may in fact have been skulking around the local sepulchres, and you never even knew.
The most moving moment, and one that I had not anticipated, happened during my descent to the sepulcher holding the body of St. James.
First, saved from waters of old Nile, among bulrushes, a bed of fasciated wattles: at last the cavity of a mountain, an occulted sepulchre amid the conclamation of the hillcat and the ossifrage.
A large quantity of wheat and Indian corn had been secretly buried at the Marquis's Quinta, or Country House; and thirty pipes of good red wine there also ensepulchered.
Upon the scrubbed flagstones within the sepulchre was the square, painted in black by my very hand earlier that day and which, now, seemed to give a faint glowing light.
He had brought them back to Aix-la-Chapelle now Aachen, where he built a chapel, modeled on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, to display them.
The Parisian Jewel for the Jerusalem Crown
The disease of the body may cause disease in the soul; yet not the less trust we in the mercy of the merciful -- not the less strive we to keep feeding and trimming that spiritual lamp which is within us, even when it flickers feebly in the dampy gloom, like an earthly lamp left in a vaulted sepulchre, about to die among the dead.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
With Elizabeth dead, ensepulchred in Florence, their son provided the sustaining focal point of his father's remaining twenty-eight years of life.
What finer sepulchre of honour could any Marine ever aspire to?
God, and voyde of all earthly corruption: had there no sepulchre in very diede, for that he being a spirituall body conceiued by the breathe of the holy ghost coulde not suffre, but should come againe to be iudge of the Gentiles: This saieth Segonius, and many other thinges sounding to like effecte: whiche the Mahometeines are wonte to throwe out against the Christians, bothe foolisshely and wickedly.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
But how strangely and luridly those eyes of quartz and crystal must have gleamed from the depths of that dark sepulchre of Meydûm into which no ray of daylight had found its way for nearly six thousand years!
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
Large family sepulchers featuring urns, statues of angels, and obelisks, spread out as far as the eye can see.
Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.
Archive 2009-04-01
Deep inside, St. Francis' bones are locked away in a sepulcher, the immense weight of the Basilica - a place he would have hated - weighing down on top of him.