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[ UK /sɛptˈɛt/ ]
  1. seven performers or singers who perform together
  2. a set of seven similar things considered as a unit
  3. the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one
  4. seven people considered as a unit
  5. a musical composition written for seven performers

How To Use septet In A Sentence

  • Urban Divide's septet originally began as a jazz quintet, and evolved from there.
  • Since then, however, the roster has relatively stabilized into a regular septet.
  • Few bands have emerged so perfectly formed, and lost their way so dramatically, as Glaswegian septet Belle and Sebastian.
  • Government sources in Jerusalem said that the inner cabinet, known as the "septet" - which last met on Sunday to discuss Israel's reply to demands made by US President Barack Obama, including an end to construction in east Jerusalem, an extension of the 10-month housing-start moratorium, and an agreement to deal with issues of settlements, refugees and Jerusalem in the proximity talks - would likely meet again during Pessah to formulate Israel's response. Latest Articles
  • To this end M. Saint-Saëns wrote his fine septette for piano, trumpet, two violins, viola, violoncello, and double bass; and M. Vincent d'Indy his romantic suite in D for trumpet, two flutes, and string instruments.] Musicians of To-Day
  • It is a chronicle of his life on the road during the 1990s, when he led a now-disbanded septet that some critics considered to be among the best working jazz groups in recent years.
  • No doubt the glowing septet differed singularly from the candid sonata; the timid question to which the little phrase replied, from the breathless supplication to find the fulfilment of the strange promise that had resounded, so harsh, so supernatural, so brief, setting athrob the still inert crimson of the morning sky, above the sea. The Captive
  • The septet created bold and rich soundscapes that utilized both the organic and electronic veins of music-making and everyone on stage was given ample room to show their strengths as both ensemble players and soloists.
  • The band, Septeto Tipico Tivoli, is named after the Tivoli district in their home city, Santiago de Cuba. Cuban Sound Invades New England
  • Ya'alon does have clout, by virtue of his position on the "septet," Netanyahu's supreme decision making forum where the country's weightiest policy issues are decided. Israelated - English Israel blogs
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