- the day in 2001 when Arab suicide bombers hijacked United States airliners and used them as bombs
How To Use September 11 In A Sentence
- Surely one of the agonizing attributes of our post – September 11 age is the unending need to reaffirm realities that have been proved, and proved again, but just as doggedly denied by those in power, forcing us to live trapped between two narratives of present history, the one gaining life and color and vigor as more facts become known, the other growing ever paler, brittler, more desiccated, barely sustained by the life support of official power. 'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
- Log in to Reply gor (UID#2620) on September 11th, 2009 at 10: 19 pm Joe Wilson – Republican – South Carolina – Professional Jackass | My[confined]Space
- This one took place on the actual date that the play premiered, that is, September 11, 2011. Michael Giltz: Theater: ERS Tackles Hemingway; Nelson Tackles 9-11
- Security Council, in its reaction to the September 11 attacks, obliged member states to "criminalize" terrorist attacks - not to declare war on terrorists. Daphne Eviatar: Graham Bill Plays Right Into al Qaeda's Hands
- After September 11 everyone was talking about masculinity, mostly because any heterosexual woman who hadn't previously fetishized firemen now felt compelled to do so, if only out of gratitude.
- KING: A year ago, as we saw some of it in that piece, the vice president was the one who directed the government's response from a minute-by-minute basis back at the White House -- today, the vice president back in what we became so familiar with in the days after last September 11, what we call a secure and undisclosed location. CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2002
- September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war.
- Domestically, September 11 has sparked debate about the permissible extent of civil rights abridgements in times of national peril.
- Since the events of September 11, and with the ambiguous source of anthrax attacks, there have been concerns of suspect packages.
- In a September 11 article in the leading French newspaper Le Monde, titled "Sarah Palin, a funny kind of parishioner" (Sarah Palin, une drôle de paroisienne) sociologist Yannick Fer gives a competent overview of the Charismatic movement to which Palin belongs, but his conclusion is widely off the mark: Scott Atran: Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don't Get It