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How To Use Sepsis In A Sentence

  • *Although the link between microorganisms and infection was yet to be established, the connection between pus—purulence—and sepsis, fever, and death, often arising from an abscess or wound, was well known to Bennett. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • However, hospitalization is indicated for patients who are exhibiting signs of sepsis, who are vomiting and unable to stay hydrated, and who are having contractions.
  • In addition, other factors such as endotoxaemia, sepsis, and fever may contribute to further exaggerate these circulatory abnormalities.
  • Crude surgery without anesthesia or asepsis has been replaced by modern painless surgery with its exquisite technical refinement. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Staph can cause skin infection as well as more serious conditions such as pneumonia or sepsis, which is blood poisoning. Staph Bacteria Found in Supermarket Meat
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  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • The remaining cases included asphyxia, aspiration, sepsis, and unknown cause.
  • However, relatively few successful pregnancies have been reported, and there is a risk of hysterectomy because of sepsis of necrotic fibroids.
  • Surgical hand antisepsis / hand rub with an FDA-compliant, alcohol-based surgical hand rub product should follow a standardized application according to the manufacturer's written directions for use.
  • It includes invasive infections such as bacteremia, sepsis, and meningitis, as well as non-invasive infections, such as pneumonia and otitis media. Pfizer Submits Applications to FDA and EMA for Use of its Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, Prevnar 13®, in Adults 50 and Older - Yahoo! Finance
  • We are not questioning the value of asepsis, which is only a learned phrase to express absolute surgical cleanliness. An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals
  • Anaesthesia and an acceptance of the importance of hygiene, asepsis and antiseptics revolutionised childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The importance of asepsis and sterilization of instruments and supplies for invasive procedures became widely accepted.
  • Not doing them could miss signs of sepsis, meningitis or pneumonia with lives being lost as a result, charities say. The Sun
  • During sepsis, we are learning that immune-endocrine crosstalk is not an epiphenomenon but is critical to the organism's capacity to cope with severe stress.
  • Until science has a better understanding of the etiology of this infectious protein, medical professionals must remain vigilant in asepsis and patient advocacy.
  • Traditional surgical hand antisepsis has involved using a brush, water, and antimicrobial soap.
  • Then, with his assistant, he put on his white robes, mask, gloves and other precautions for asepsis, setting out the apparatus for the intravenous administration of the drug that would kill the spirillum. The Romance of Elaine Sequel to "Exploits of Elaine"
  • A trial by Annane et al published in JAMA in 2002 used a corticotrophin stimulation test to divide sepsis patient into those who responded with a cortisol increase to some decided upon cut off and those who did not. Corticosteroids in septic shock-the wheel keeps turning
  • At the same time, fever can make us worse in cases of widespread blood infection, or sepsis.
  • In addition to assessing participants' tolerance of the two protocols and compliance with hand antisepsis, surgical site infection rates were calculated 30 days after the procedures.
  • Persistent antimicrobial activity, measured in hours, helps decrease rebound microbial growth after surgical hand antisepsis.
  • ‘She emphasized the importance of sterile asepsis for the safety of the patient,’ says Baxter.
  • The diagnostic workup, including imaging studies, was negative for identifying the source of sepsis.
  • At the same time, fever can make us worse in cases of widespread blood infection, or sepsis.
  • Skin surface preparation and dressing application provide students with opportunities to understand asepsis.
  • Malnutrition, typhus, tuberculosis, sepsis, and universal diarrhoea (probably functional rather than infective) were rife.
  • Use of antimicrobial soaps and lengthy scrubs required by presurgical hand antisepsis protocols may put perioperative nurses at high risk of developing hand irritation.
  • The overwhelming message was the need to teach and practice familiar prevention strategies, including asepsis, antisepsis, adjunctive measures, and appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • All patients were dead of severe sepsis and multiple system organ failure.
  • Stepping back a generation, doctors were familiar with hospital wards full of patients succumbing to sepsis in the pre-penicillin era.
  • Other diagnoses included sepsis, liver failure, neurological dysfunction, and recent cardiopulmonary arrest.
  • Research trauma state of mononuclear cell gene expression: a serious trauma often leads to fatal sepsis and toxic shock.
  • Other characteristics of septic patients and sepsis origins are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
  • In the field of medicine, physicians were familiar with Louis Pasteur's germ theory and knew of Joseph Lister's discoveries in the fields of bacteriology and antisepsis.
  • Rigorous adherence to the principles of asepsis is the foundation of surgical site infection prevention, and this should never be circumvented to save time or money.
  • However, our findings would raise the possibility that local monocyte-mediated inflammation may play a significant role in pulmonary microvascular injury during sepsis.
  • Joseph Lister, MD, developed the principles and practice of antisepsis in the 1800s after he used antiseptic solutions on open bone fractures.
  • While rupture of the membranes is carried out under strict asepsis, we do not transfer these women to the delivery room, but perform this simple act in the labor room while the patient is on a bedpan.
  • In passing, until the advent of anaesthetics and antisepsis about 200 years later, the only internal operation generally undertaken was removal of bladder stones, or lithotomy as it was called.
  • Interventional treatments should be reserved until perianal sepsis and inflammation are well controlled.
  • The overwhelming message was the need to teach and practice familiar prevention strategies, including asepsis, antisepsis, adjunctive measures, and appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • If the infant has been in the nurseries and sepsis is suspected, the antibiotic regimen should include vancomycin and gentamicin.
  • Many perioperative nurses report that new providers and clinicians have a limited understanding of medical versus surgical asepsis.
  • The CDC has reported that at least half of the two million nosocomial infections, and half of the ninety-eight thousand deaths estimated by the IOM to result annually from these infections, could be prevented if physicians and the hospital staff under their supervision would follow the handwashing and related policies on asepsis which have been established as standard procedure in each acute-care hospital in the nation. Doctors Are Spreading Infections That Kill Patients
  • The common potentially reversible causes are sepsis, excessive diuresis or paracentesis, and nephrotoxic drugs.
  • Prevnar 13 is meant for the prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease (sepsis, meningitis, bacteremia, bacteremic pneumonia, and empyema), pneumonia, and acute otitis media caused by 13 types of streptococcus pneumoniae in infants and children of 6 weeks - 5 years of age. Healthcare Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Severe sepsis and septic shock are life threatening complications of infections and the most common cause of death in intensive care units.
  • Failure to do so may result in serious wound infections and possibly sepsis.
  • The term surgical hand antisepsis refers to the antiseptic surgical scrub or antiseptic hand rub performed before donning sterile attire preoperatively.
  • We concentrated on publications on the pathogenesis of sepsis and treatment of septic shock.
  • Levels of cleaning can be divided into the following categories: sterilization, disinfection, cleaning and antisepsis.
  • Her study looked at how much money 309 U.S. hospitals spent to care for patients with a life-threatening illness called sepsis in which the immune system responds so dramatically to infection that a number of organs start to fail.
  • After surgery she deteriorated noticeably with oliguria, disseminated intravascular coagulation, respiratory distress, bleeding duodenal ulcer, sepsis, and Clostridium difficile diarrhoea.
  • No reports were made of wound infection or neonatal sepsis.
  • Pilot trial to compare tolerance of chlorhexidine gluconate to povidone-iodine antisepsis for central venous catheter placement in neonates. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, one of the biggest concerns with appendicitis, which is inflammation of the appendix, is that your appendix in the surrounding intestines can actually rupture and that spreads bad bacteria into the abdominal cavity and eventually that could get into the bloodstream causing sort of body-wide infection known as sepsis. CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2007
  • Thus, large doses of the drug may be required in some patients with septic shock, possibly due to α-receptor down-regulation in sepsis. 111 Cardiovascular Effects Norepinephrine therapy usually causes a clinically significant increase in MAP attributable to its vasoconstrictive effects, with little change in HR or cardiac output, leading to increased systemic vascular resistance. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Chinamen (cited by Mr Candidate Mulligan) in consequence of defective reunion of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that (as he said) one ear could hear what the other spoke, the benefits of anesthesia or twilight sleep, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of pressure on the vein, the premature relentment of the amniotic fluid (as exemplified in the actual case) with consequent peril of sepsis to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the womb consequent upon the menopause, the problem of the perpetration of the species in the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that distressing manner of delivery called by the Brandenburghers STURZGEBURT, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the catamenic period or of consanguineous parents — in a word all the cases of human nativity which Aristotle has classified in his masterpiece with chromolithographic illustrations. Ulysses
  • The most important progress in the surgical management of patients during the past 100 years has resulted from non-operative components of surgical care: anaesthesia, antisepsis, and asepsis.
  • Another typical combination is DKA, dehydration, and hyperventilation from pneumonia or sepsis.
  • Experimental reports in septic models demonstrate no increase in extravascular lung water when hydrostatic pressures are maintained at low levels, indicating that in sepsis, the primary determinant of extravascular fluid flux appears to be microvascular pressure rather than colloid osmotic pressure. 65 Taken together, these data suggest that when lower filling pressures are maintained, there is no significant difference in the development of pulmonary edema with crystalloids or colloids. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, the incidence of neonatal sepsis is definitely cut down by these strategies.
  • Strain 90-226 was originally isolated from the blood of a patient with sepsis.
  • This causes the skin to blister on contact, which can result in infection, sepsis, and death.
  • Two patients developed sepsis related to catheter infections, and one patient developed septic emboli from a catheter infection.
  • In addition, other factors such as endotoxaemia, sepsis, and fever may contribute to further exaggerate these circulatory abnormalities.
  • Research trauma state of mononuclear cell gene expression: a serious trauma often leads to fatal sepsis and toxic shock.
  • Candidate antisepsis therapies have included agents that target host cell activation, mediators of the inflammatory response, agents that boost the immune response, and prostaglandin inhibitors.
  • Despite initial pancytopenia and neutropenic sepsis, she has tolerated three cycles of chemotherapy.
  • It may also present with signs of sepsis, or increased drainage output from previously placed chest tubes and drains.
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • Induction of matrix receptor and inhibin may facilitate the inflammatory reaction in sepsis.
  • Endotoxemia and sepsis also induce mitochondrial dysfunction, sarcolemmal injury, and weakness and fatigability of the diaphragm.
  • She also had a blood infection -- known as "sepsis" -- that her body could not fight off. - Local News
  • If an alcohol-based, hand rub product is chosen for surgical hand antisepsis, the hands and arms should be prewashed and dried before application of the hand rub product because alcohol-based hand rub products do not remove soil.
  • Postoperatively, blood cultures were positive for gram-positive rods, and ultimately severe sepsis due to clostridium developed.
  • By the 1880s, antisepsis had been superseded by asepsis, which involved the scrupulous attention to maintaining sterile operating conditions. Gowns, Germs and Steel
  • Although this study found an increase in hand antisepsis initially, it is unknown if compliance with hand antisepsis will continue.
  • I learned that sepsis is the tenth most common cause of death overall, in North America. Lessons Learned @ Attack of the Redneck Mommy
  • Surgical hand antisepsis with an antimicrobial soap or an alcohol-based hand rub with persistent activity is recommended before donning sterile gloves.
  • The culprit is an acute, severe, systemic infection known as sepsis, which leads to septic shock, the onset and progression of which closely parallel the bodily changes seen during aging. Forever Young
  • ANTIBIOTICS IN SEPSIS 2 Monotherapy with carbapenem antibiotics = β-lactam and an aminoglycoside (Netspan) Extended spectrum carboxypenicillins or ureidopenicillins combined with beta lactamase inhibitors (Tazact) have been shown to be effective for the treatment of suspected infections in febrile, neutropenic cancer patients and in patients with peritonitis or nosocomial pneumonia. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We included all consecutive patients with blood culture-positive sepsis and measured organ dysfunctions and mortality.
  • If infant is anuric or oliguric, think about dehydration, sepsis, renal abnormalities, or obstruction.
  • Sepsis can produce ventilatory failure because of respiratory muscle dysfunction and increased metabolic demands.
  • Bacterial infections can cause a condition known as "sepsis," where the blood is poisoned by toxins, causing a high fever and the inflammation of vital organs. Wired Top Stories
  • Rarely, perineal sepsis occurs as a complication of rubber band ligation of internal hemorrhoids.
  • Instead of the respiratory improvement, the patient died 15 days later of abdominal sepsis after intestinal perforation.
  • These agents were suggested and used by health care workers in areas where soap and water were not readily available and patient contact was frequent, necessitating hand antisepsis between patients.
  • He said sepsis was not spotted at first, and at one point a rare tropical disease was considered. The Sun
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • As more is learned about the role of coagulation and inflammation in sepsis, other therapies may emerge.
  • Third, sepsis and organ dysfunctions are synergistic in worsening outcomes.
  • Trials of anti-inflammatory treatment regimens for sepsis have had few successes.
  • Outpatient treatment is not recommended in women with severe sepsis or complicated pyelonephritis, or in men.
  • This conference was prompted in part by a survey that indicated most physicians believe sepsis is misdiagnosed or diagnosed too late because of lack of a clear definition.
  • For those patients with an unclassified type of diabetes, two had sepsis, one had alcoholic pancreatitis, and another had a history of excessive intake of soft drinks as precipitating causes.
  • This guideline addresses preoperative preparation of patients, hand and forearm asepsis for surgical team members, management of infected or colonized surgical personnel, and antimicrobial prophylaxis.
  • The catalog of proteic molecules associated with sepsis is extensive and includes cytokines, chemokines, adhesion mediators, soluble receptors, and acute-phase proteins.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that although B. cereus is normally associated with food poisoning, other infections caused by these bacteria have been documented in patients with weak immune systems, including sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia and wound infections. Alcohol pads and swabs recalled due to bacteria contamination
  • It" is bacterial infection in the blood, also called bacteremia, and it's a major part of the very serious illness called sepsis. Emaxhealth
  • Each year around the world there are 18million cases of sepsis, resulting in eight million deaths. The Sun
  • In such outbreaks, pneumococcal infections have included sepsis, meningitis, purulent conjunctivitis, recurrent otitis media and sinusitis.
  • But back then, the fear-mongering did some good, by cleaning up the worst asepsis in the inner cities, and introducing the concept of hygiene as desirable for all. Chris Weigant: Germs Don't Care If You Are Legal Or Not
  • The Viennese have contributed medical innovations such as antisepsis and new therapies such as psychoanalysis to the world.
  • Increasing age and underlying organic brain disease are two major risk factors for confusion in any patient hospitalized with sepsis.
  • The sinusoidal pattern may have been due to sepsis or necrosis in adjacent tissues.
  • The Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee provides an in-depth review and guideline for hand antisepsis in healthcare settings.
  • Ninety-five percent of neonates with GBS-positive infections and signs of sepsis exhibit them in the first 24 hours of life.
  • Semmelweis, for instance, is associated with 1847, the year when he introduced antisepsis by chlorine washings to prevent puerperal fever.
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • The development of penicillin during World War II added the last "A" to modern surgery's triad of anesthesia, asepsis, and antibiotics. Gowns, Germs and Steel
  • The project director and perioperative participants believe this evaluation demonstrates that brushless scrubbing maintains surgical asepsis in the perioperative environment.
  • During sepsis, red blood cells can become injured and leak an iron-based substance called heme that's normally part of the hemoglobin that carries oxygen. Weather News
  • Wooden operating theaters were created to accommodate hordes of students who learned by watching professors perform surgery, and Joseph Lister's ideas about antisepsis added to the importance of these arenas.
  • He returned to his desk, took down his two massive volumes of The Complete and Concise Home Doctor, and began to revise the sections that dealt with 'bleeding; dressings; shock; tourniquet; bullet wounds; burns; cuts; stabs; asepsis; drainage and irrigation of wounds; lockjaw; pus; trepanning for the relief of depressed fractures of the skull.' Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Vulvovaginitis is a very contagious disease, and before the days of hospital asepsis, which is so perfectly maintained today in our large institutions, this disease used to go right through a children's ward because of carelessness in the handling of soiled diapers, etc. The sign of this disease is a yellow-white vaginal discharge, while the surrounding skin covering the inside of the thighs and buttocks may be very much reddened. The Mother and Her Child
  • In chapter 1, I introduced the concept of cytopathic hypoxia, which is seen in acute sepsis and septic shock, as a model for accelerated aging. Forever Young
  • It is illogical that a protective vaccine or a modulator of immunity to cancer would follow the same pathway for registration as a drug for treating constipation, sepsis, or dermatitis.
  • It has been more than 100 years since Osler described the development of tetraplegia in a patient with sepsis, yet research on the neuromuscular sequelae of critical illness remains in the early stages.
  • Also known as blood poisoning, sepsis occurs when the body's normal reaction to an infection goes into overdrive, even in patients with weak immune systems. Faster Care for Blood Infection
  • Muscle catabolism is a hallmark of sepsis and results from accelerated breakdown of myofibrillar proteins, such as actin and myosin.
  • Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis associated with evidence of one or more acute organ dysfunctions.
  • The most important progress in the surgical management of patients during the past 100 years has resulted from non-operative components of surgical care: anaesthesia, antisepsis, and asepsis.
  • Key elements include past or family history of calculi, duration and evolution of symptoms, and signs or symptoms of sepsis.
  • Pneumococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae and can result in multiple disease manifestations, including invasive infections, such as bacteremia / sepsis and meningitis, as well as pneumonia and otitis media. Presseportal
  • Severe sepsis and septic shock are important causes of death in intensive care units.
  • In chapter 1, I introduced the concept of cytopathic hypoxia, which is seen in acute sepsis and septic shock, as a model for accelerated aging. Forever Young
  • Nurse educators and CNSs also supported the program coordinator by teaching classes on medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, asepsis, and sterility, focusing on surgical patient care.
  • And why "luckily" - if you had let the Jocks stay you might have invented something, a tyre say, or a telephone or even penicillin or antisepsis (Just couldn't resist that - and I'm not even a Jock!). Army Rumour Service
  • Patients predisposed to acute renal failure include patients with any degree of pre-existing renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, age greater than 65, volume depletion, sepsis, paraproteinemia, or patients receiving known nephrotoxic drugs. Featured News and Stories
  • If meconium is delayed, look for meconium plug, sepsis, narcotic exposure, Hirschsprung's disease, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, or imperforate anus.
  • Alcohol-based rubs can replace some portion of hand washing, but repeated use of these hand rubs for skin antisepsis can lead to dry skin.
  • If the patient has apparent bladder to stimulate symptom, hematuria or pyuria, but asepsis make water person, want to notice to have kidney tubercular possibility.
  • This causes the skin to blister on contact, which can result in infection, sepsis, and death.
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • A basic principle of perioperative nursing care is surgical asepsis.
  • The importance of asepsis and sterilization of instruments and supplies for invasive procedures became widely accepted.
  • Policies for general hand hygiene and surgical hand antisepsis should be established in conjunction with infection control practitioners and meet the particular needs of the practice setting.
  • She accuses his doctor of misdiagnosing him and treating him improperly; never mind that his presenting symptoms were not consistent with pneumonia or with sepsis.
  • Enterobacter sakazakii new - born babies may have contracted meningitis and sepsis, a serious cause of infant death.
  • Again, the controversies over antisepsis, asepsis and germ theory are dealt with summarily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other diagnoses included sepsis, liver failure, neurological dysfunction, and recent cardiopulmonary arrest.
  • Activities that can minimize risk include instructing a patient about showering or bathing with antiseptic soap or teaching a new learner about surgical asepsis.
  • Also known as gram-negative bacteremia and gram-positive bacteremia, sepsis occurs when infectious agents like bacteria or fungi or products of infection like bacterial toxins enter the body, most often through a wound or incision. Forever Young
  • During her time at Children's Hospital, Lucy received care from the multidisciplinary liver team and related programs: the neonatal liver GI team determined her treatment plans during daily rounds, and infectious disease experts consulted on her enteroviral sepsis. Liver Transplant — Nora and Lucy
  • She died later that day from sepsis caused by meningococcal septicaemia. The Sun
  • Perioperative nurses have significant expertise in the areas of surgical asepsis, safe medication handling, and traffic control, and they serve instrumental roles in these areas.
  • A 63 year old man recently admitted with sepsis was noted to have oliguria, with a urine output of approximately 20 ml an hour. Latest headlines from BMJ
  • The effect of different hormone concentration on the multiplication and rootage of Dutch gardenia was studied using the asepsis seedlings of Dutch gardenia as explants.
  • After Conaway was discovered unresponsive on May 11, manager Phil Brock first said that an overdose of painkillers was a likely culprit, but that theory was disputed days later by Pinsky, who said that there was no sign of an intentional overdose and instead the actor was suffering from pneumonia and the blood poisoning known as sepsis. Top headlines
  • At 3 months of age, the female infant was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit of the J.W. Goethe University Hospital at Frankfurt am Main with the classic presentation of FHL characterized by a sepsis-like clinical picture with hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, and impaired liver function. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At the same time, fever can make us worse in cases of widespread blood infection, or sepsis.
  • The incidence of Gram-negative bacteremia was significantly higher in bacteremic ICU patients with septic shock than in those with sepsis or severe sepsis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • It represents the brick and mortar essentials for a successful surgical procedure: credentialed staff, technology, a surgical suite, and mechanisms to maintain asepsis.
  • Research trauma state of mononuclear cell gene expression: a serious trauma often leads to fatal sepsis and toxic shock.

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