
How To Use Separated In A Sentence

  • As sea levels rose and the northern Channel Islands separated, each fox population became genetically distinct.
  • As a lawyer who did a lot of conveyancing I have no problems with conveyancers coming in and doing conveyancing, provided it is done on a level playing field, and provided that they are largely separated from lawyers.
  • The researchers found no separated bones or partial skeletons, which suggests that the dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while still alive.
  • Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
  • It shows fractured blocks of ancient sedimentary rock separated by recent sand dunes.
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  • It would be interested to find out if this study separated San Jose/Silicon Valley MSA from the San Francisco/San Mateo/Marin MSA. The High-Tech Job Capital Is…The Big Apple? - Bits Blog -
  • The disciplines of science and engineering are not always sharply separated.
  • After they are separated, the keepers feed the chicks by hand and must teach them to swallow whole fish.
  • Each bottle rests in an independent sleeve from the others so it can also be separated and used again for your wine travel needs. 2010 February | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • In his novel, he separated the peninsula from the continent, thus permitting the cultural meeting of the peninsular peoples with those from the other side of the Atlantic.
  • There is a difference, too, between appeasing men of violence and seeking to limit their appeal, just as the leaders of global terror must be separated from those who could become their followers.
  • The whale calf is thought to have become separated from its mother in the lower Thames, where the sighting of another, larger bottlenose whale was reported.
  • The shell surface is distinctly annulated along its sides, with broad annulae that are separated by deep narrow grooves.
  • Adhering egg clusters along the spines are covered by thin, gelatinous sheath; tips of spines are separated from each other, with slight but distinct subterminal narrowing.
  • The northernmost point of land, the islet of Y’Ami in the Batan Islands, is separated from Taiwan by the Bashi Channel (c. 50 mi/80 km wide). Philippines
  • The teacher in this school gradually separated himself from the grammatist, and often the two were found in adjoining rooms in the same school. The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • In this paper, the researchers describe a technique in which nanowires of potassium niobate were synthesized in a special hot water solution and separated using ultrasound. Future for Nano-sized Light Source | Impact Lab
  • • Depersonalization, or separated from your environment i.e. derealisation. anxiety disorders? New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • The space between these anterior and posterior openings makes a large chamber, divided by a vertical wall into halves, each of which is still further separated into three irregular cavities by three bones, called spongy, from the porosity and delicacy of their texture. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • Most importantly, if mutations have no effect on organismal fitness, the genealogy of a sample can be separated entirely from the mutational process.
  • You're supposed to be somewhat separated from your client so you can divorce yourself from some of the emotional issues.
  • I was unsafely not, having just separated from my first wife. Times, Sunday Times
  • This part of the highway is separated by a parkway.
  • If you put your waste down the disposal, it flows, along with household sewage, to a plant where it gets separated into thick sludge and treated wastewater.
  • In the dry state, granular soil particles can be easily separated and identified.
  • One kind of tenant is a corporation's back-office operations or an entire division that can be separated from the How Business is Reshaping America
  • The reason is that some of these disyllabic prepositions are used as adverbs, and, when separated from their nouns, give one the impression that they are used as adverbs. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • These can usually be separated from the similarly sized dupondius by the laureate or bare head.
  • Although she was lucky not to have been separated from her son, Noreen was shocked by the situation they found themselves in.
  • the processed milk had separated into curds and whey
  • All three of the democratic frontrunners were only separated by a whisker's bredth. Top Edwards Adviser Joe Trippi: Hillary And Obama Are "Banging Down The Doors" For Our Endorsement
  • The sphere and valve seat is completely separated to eliminate wear of seal ring.
  • The dagger slid smoothly down the front of his tunic, each button snapped off easily until only one separated his bare chest from the cold dagger.
  • The Hippeastrum is easily multiplied in the original pot itself by bulbous offsets, which may be separated and potted.
  • Some believe that the government of the city was hereby separated from that of the shire wherein it was situate, and that the right of appointing their own justiciar which the citizens obtained by this charter was the right of electing a sheriff for the city of London in the place of the non-elective ancient port-reeve. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • Harding would only have had at his disposal sulphuric acid, but by heating this acid with the neutral fatty bodies he could separate the glycerine; then from this new combination, he easily separated the olein, the margarin, and the stearin, by employing boiling water. The Mysterious Island
  • Fine, evenly spaced, simple, prorsiradiate ribs are separated by narrow interspaces.
  • In this study, different solvents were used to extract vanillin from vanilla bean by ultrasonic. The extraction was separated by SPE, and analysed by GC-MS.
  • As if in relate of a king's barbarous thoughts, Oswald right widely separated appears lusting for a red red blood of bad Gloucester, a attempted attempted attempted attempted murder which would win a menial reward from Goneril. Archive 2009-11-01
  • They are separated by panels of chain fencing and the space between dotted with waste bins and park benches.
  • Inside, the main living area is open plan, with the sitting room separated from the kitchen by an archway.
  • Based on phytogeography, the Hengchun Peninsula can be separated from the rest of Taiwan by drawing a line through Fengliao, Pingtung County (22°21'39 N, 120°35'16 E) and Tawu, Taitung County (22°21'41 N, 120°54'02 E).
  • Her parents had been separated since she was two, but becoming refugees together was a last - unsuccessful - stab at reuniting.
  • Highlights were arms, chest and hams with standout poses being side chest (full length, a view that captures separated hamstrings) and back double biceps.
  • Viola is shipwrecked off the coast of Illyria and, separated from her twin Sebastian, believes him drowned.
  • Disheartened, Santa Anna separated from his large escort and planned to slip through the mountainous country with three attendants.
  • Once separated, I sat and hungrily ate her delicious breakfast.
  • Jack and Mary had been married for a long time but gradually drifted apart until they separated.
  • Baptism implies full membership of the Church and must never be separated from that understanding.
  • Clearly a lyric like ‘To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s Day’ could not be satisfactorily translated, but in Shakespeare’s major work there is something describable as poetry that can be separated from the words. Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool
  • -- The Australian scincids Egernia and Tiliqua, which have been separated for over 20 million years (as demonstrated by fossils) can still hybridise. The deer-pig, the Raksasa, the only living anthracothere… welcome to the world of babirusas
  • I love how they separated the word blueberries into two words. Akutag | clusterflock
  • The lead alloy was then separated into its component metals by cupellation.
  • Bertie's hour proved more eventful for both his comptroller and his equerry decided to show up right after the gentlemen separated from the ladies.
  • This limestone wave was shown to be one of a great series, running parallel with the Alps, and constituting an undulatory district, chiefly composed of chalk beds, separated from the higher limestone district of the Jura and Lias by a long trench or moat, filled with members of the tertiary series -- chiefly nummulite limestones and flysch. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • The two separated, moving to opposite ends of the clearing.
  • Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of quantum theory, used the word entanglement to refer to connections between separated particles that persisted regardless of distance. ENTANGLED MINDS
  • The posterior chamber is separated from the vitreous body by a transparent biconvex lens.
  • Graphical Symbol in full simplified diode, indirectly heated duodiode, indirectly heated or triode, indirectly heated or duotriode with separated cathodes, indirectly heated, heating filament with central tapping, internal screening of the system tetrode pentode, suppressor grid connected with cathode triode - pentode triode - heptode (according to the circuit, the systems may be drawn left-and-right reversed) 1.10. 1. Selected Graphical Symbols of Electrotechnology
  • Shoots comprising the two cotyledons and the hypocotyl were separated from the roots.
  • | Private Reply bubba! what you doin! ya gotta keep the tortillas and bread separated off in a bucket of water to mush up for the chickens and turkey's breakfast and the other slops is for the pigs. wendy devlin Seeking the Real Mexico
  • Down the hall, separated by a cordon sanitaire of three intervening rooms, yet another lawyer was ploughing through Butler's work, also using pen and paper.
  • Double bed is a tightly knit conceptual unit whose component parts cannot easily be separated.
  • Although these represent a small number of the euryhaline species, they are widely separated in the evolution of teleosts, suggesting that the osmoregulatory action of GH and IGFI may also be widespread among teleosts.
  • Next in order is the middle region, or chest, which comprehends the vital faculties and parts; which (as I have said) is separated from the lower belly by the diaphragma or midriff, which is a skin consisting of many nerves, membranes; and amongst other uses it hath, is the instrument of laughing. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Saturn's satellite Phoebe is too small for it to have separated into vertical stratifications when it formed.
  • Young, intense, lean, charismatic and stubbly, the two are separated by the great cultural wall that keeps Barcelona and Real Madrid apart. Pep Guardiola the extra-special one adds realism to romanticism
  • On the eve of November's Thanksgiving holiday, the couple announced they had separated.
  • Ship hulls could be encased in rust that had to be scraped or cut off; potentially valuable copper wires had to be separated from worthless refuse.
  • The northern and southern parts are subdivided into units separated by tectonic contacts or superimposed late grabens.
  • The dog leaped away without a sound; the man, raising his voice a little, said with a slow laugh, ‘Look at that wretched cur,’ and directly afterwards we became separated by a lot of people pushing in.
  • The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector.
  • In the Middle Ages, aristocrats and clerics were protected by a panoply of rules and customs - sumptuary laws, for example - that separated them from the peons.
  • The massecuite thus obtained is then separated into anhydrous crystals of maltitol and mother liquor by conventional separation methods.
  • Some are separated by grass baulks, others by stone walls.
  • Independence, admired the Revolution, and then artfully proceeded to depicture the prosperity that Australia would be likely to enjoy, if separated from the mother country, and become a republic. The Gold Hunters' Adventures Or, Life in Australia
  • While a technician shovels pomace into the small tractor-powered sheller, the pits are separated from the moist mash, which is then placed in an ordinary cement mixer.
  • The 53-year-old woman disappeared at Ynys Feurig, or Starvation Island, off the town of Rhosneigr on Sunday afternoon in strong, north-westerly winds after becoming separated from four companions. Search for missing kayaker continues off Anglesey coast
  • On Monday, December 2, the Shuttle Endeavour, and ISS, had undocked and separated that afternoon.
  • At present, the ship and objects are separated by a walk of a quarter of a mile through the dockyard.
  • We on the Emden had no idea where we were going, as on Aug. 11, 1914, we separated from the cruiser squadron, escorted only by the coaler New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • At each node, the optimal distribution is given with alternative equally optimal distributions separated with a forward slash.
  • Initially, Buller's drop is separated from the adaxial drop by its position on a knob called the hilar appendix, but the expanding drops coalesce when their surfaces make contact. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In the subfamily Bryocorinae, the mirids are separated into two tribes, Monaloniini or Odoniellini.
  • The inheritance of land is often separated from that of movable property.
  • Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon.
  • The island is situated at the mouth of the Canton River, and is separated by about sixty miles from the Around the World in 80 Days
  • The most interesting part is the five-sided apse, with in each side one long lancet window, and above it two small windows separated by an impost colonnette. The South of France—East Half
  • These ligaments can be sprained, disrupted, detached, or separated, depending on the severity of the injury.
  • To act like the worlds of politics and sport are completely separated and that there is no interaction between them at all is wrong-headed and ridiculous.
  • The auricles are small, clearly separated from the anterior and posterior margins of the shell and are found in the plane of the closing of the valves.
  • They straggled across the green, all three generations of them, bellowing at each other as if they were at least half a mile apart, rather than the two paces that actually separated them.
  • The submarine consists of six watertight compartments separated by transverse bulkheads in a pressurised double-hull.
  • An apparatus with a copper basket four inches in diameter has been found extremely useful in the laboratory for drying such substances as granulated sulphate of copper and sulphate of iron and ammonia, but more especially for drying sugar, which when crystallized in very small crystals cannot be readily separated from the sirupy mother-liquor by any of the usual laboratory appliances. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • “Delight Higgins,” Slyly Silas said as he pushed aside the dusty yellow cretonne curtain that separated his business from his house and entered the office. City of Glory
  • The nitric acid solution is then mixed with an organic solvent and the uranium and plutonium are separated from the waste products.
  • This thumb claw varied in size, shape and orientation among the sauropod groups: it was particularly big in diplodocoids, where it was also laterally compressed and notably deep, and clearly separated from the rest of the metacarpus. Archive 2006-04-01
  • I've railed against the Family Court system that allows fathers like me to be separated from their children.
  • They are being separated into divisions first before the serious competition gets underway.
  • Clinton must be sad that Rude-EE, her slightly less evil and a crapload lot dumber indentical twin separated from birth New Rudy Ad Features Bhutto Footage, Warns Of Death At Hands Of Radical Muslims
  • Through that month and the three following the liquid items follow with alarming monotony, only separated here and there by entries of "tee" and sugar and certain yards of "cotting" and "scanes" of silk for Sarah. Dwellers in Arcady The Story of an Abandoned Farm
  • How do you explain the existence of closely related species in widely separated locations?
  • Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin, and in some cases restores weakened or separated muscles. We Heart Gossip: The hottest celebrity gossip news - hearted or hated by you!
  • The cake still has a very high fat content, but the primary difference between it and some other pound cakes is that the eggs are separated, then the egg whites are folded in at the end. Bites from other Blogs | Baking Bites
  • Freedom is a risk and cannot be separated from responsibility.
  • Separated from a certain fascination that there was for her in Edward's acerb wit, she saw that he was doing a dastardly thing in cold blood. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Curtains separated the room into three, and one third was sectioned off and occupied.
  • The next day I looked over my load of matweed, having given it that name, and separated the different lengths from each other. Life And Adventures Of Peter Wilkins, Vol. I. (of II.)
  • she separated the whites from the yolks of several eggs
  • The parachutes opened and the missile stabilized at 5000 feet, at which point the parachutes separated and the rocket was ignited.
  • Soon after we separated, I heard about a class on how to teach English overseas and realized immediately that this could finance my wanderlust.
  • They were born joined at the hip and are learning to walk with artificial legs after being separated.
  • A curtained doorway separated it from the office.
  • Here was evidence of a glacial and a torrid period, separated by an aeonic gulf; but how the remains came to be piled one upon another in this way is a secret of the ancient earth. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • A familiar sender is here defined as a conspecific that was housed in the same cage as the subject at the time of testing, or had been separated from the subject no longer than six months before the testing started. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • My parents separated when I was 5, and I grew up living with my mother and visiting my father only once or twice a year.
  • Given the theme - children separated from their parents - Kindertransport could easily have been a multi-hankie weeper.
  • Police said the two boys, aged around 15, were punched, kicked and struck with weapons after becoming separated from friends.
  • Of special interest for the acceleration of protons in the range 200 to 600 MeV is the separated-sector cyclotron, which consists of a number of iron sectors, instead of Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • Also Jupiter has just separated by two minutes from a square of the Sun, which is an affliction.
  • The blow separated the two combatants, but it had another, more unexpected outcome.
  • Herbert was not mistaken: he broke the stem of a cycas, which was composed of a glandulous tissue, containing a quantity of floury pith, traversed with woody fiber, separated by rings of the same substance, arranged concentrically. The Mysterious Island
  • Until now boys and girls have sat together in class, but hereafter they are separated, the boy going to a boys’ school and the girl to a girls’. Chapter 4. American and English Today. 2. Differences in Usage
  • The suspension is then passed to a series of centrifuges where the cells are separated from the liquid residue, and these centrifuged cells are collectively known as mycoprotein.
  • He could start to feel where the stones separated and had been mortared in between.
  • Four feet of open air separated them, and four feet of heavy chain bound them together.
  • The apartments will be in two blocks separated by a newly - created close, continuing the use of The Old Fish Market Close.
  • The acids separated from it are known by the names of margaric, stearic, and oleic acids. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • I quoted the bit about the delimiter-separated values file format being being better than CSV to a co-worker once and it turned out he'd contributed the section when ESR had it up on his website for comments/additions/corrections. Insightful Book: The Art of UNIX Programming
  • This limestone wave was shown to be one of a great series, running parallel with the Alps, and constituting an undulatory district, chiefly composed of chalk beds, separated from the higher limestone district of the Jura and Lias by a long trench or moat, filled with members of the tertiary series -- chiefly nummulite limestones and flysch. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • Later investigations focused on the sea's thermal structure and determined that it is actually a huge body of warm water separated from the colder layers below by a pronounced thermocline - a zone of rapidly changing temperature.
  • It was incorporated with Galicia in a single province in 1786, but was separated from it in 1849, and made a separate crownland. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Similar processes would explain anomalies such as the existence of closely related species in widely separated locations.
  • Mark Pagel: We are learning to make phenotypes: "If these developments are not life changing enough, they will, in the longer-term usher in a new era in which our minds, the thing that we think of as" us ", can become separated from our body, or nearly separated anyway. Sentient Developments
  • [7] The Infoplease Dictionary says a Poise is, "a centimeter-gram-second unit of viscosity, equal to the viscosity of a fluid in which a stress of one dyne per square centimeter is required to maintain a difference of velocity of one centimeter per second between two parallel planes in the fluid that lie in the direction of flow and are separated by a distance of one centimeter. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • As many people know, the two sides are in close proximity, separated only by the so-called demilitarized zone, so its hard to see how, you know, a war would be in anyones interest. Seoul Resumes Propaganda War Against North Korea
  • A grey drizzle filled the valley, obliterated the mountains and separated the receding regiment of trees into saw-edged platoons.
  • Miss Carpenter, as she separated long strands of raphia and initiated her pupils into the art of twisting and stitching, was almost as merry as Miss Pennington, whose infectious laugh, as she related James Mandeville's latest speeches, kept them all in a gale. The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
  • In this paper, mucopolysaccharide in shark cartilage was extracted and separated and the optimum extraction scheme.
  • The surfaces of the hemispheres are moulded into a number of irregular eminences, named gyri or convolutions, and separated by furrows termed fissures and sulci. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • The bodice was corseted and tied all the way down the front with black ribbon and it was separated enough just to show a little bit of skin.
  • They straggled across the green, all three generations of them, bellowing at each other as if they were at least half a mile apart, rather than the two paces that actually separated them.
  • And then when we separated, I began to really study it, and I thought, uh-oh, I don't know.
  • First I took the case apart, separated the front panel from the case frame and cover.
  • He paused when he saw her by the iron railings that separated mown lawn from pasture.
  • A study of identical and fraternal twins separated at birth and adopted into different families showed the same heritability.
  • Next, the milk is separated into skim milk and cream.
  • When players collided, they simply separated and moved on, folding back into the turbulent maelstrom of sweat and speed.
  • The branch has separated from the trunk of the tree.
  • The Stoics attribute the cause of sterility to the contrariant qualities and dispositions of those who lie with one another; but if it chance that these persons are separated, and there happen a conjunction of those who are of a suitable temperament, then there is a commixture according to nature, and by this means an infant is formed. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The species are separated into the divisions Pteridophyta, Coniferophyta, and Magnoliophyta.
  • Rather, the coracoclavicular ligament (trapezoid and conoid ligaments) provides the major structural support for the joint and is the primary ligament injured in an AC sprain, otherwise known as a separated shoulder.
  • So happy to get separated,also glad that they are very powerful.
  • Nevertheless, in two cases in the separated group, the baby was given up for adoption because neither parent wanted custody.
  • Microscopic examination revealed nests and cords of clear cells separated by a fibrous and acellular mucoid stroma.
  • Recent "comeback attempts" by Cruise and Spears -- two publicity super shammies -- and Michael Jackson's recently announced "curtain call" concerts in London are separated from Estefan story by a miles-wide crevasse of entitlement. Jason Notte: Britney, Tom, Michael Jackson and the Case Against Second Acts for Famous People
  • At 2 weeks, 1 and 2 months, there was respectively one ADM that showed filemot and was separated by host in xeno-ADM group.
  • I spent 40 years in the Army, about six of them separated from my family and perhaps a couple more on maneuvers, training exercises and temporary duty.
  • Gharial females bury up to forty eggs, usually in two tiers separated from each other by a thick layer of sand.
  • By subjecting this lower layer to fractional distillation under 60 mm. pressure, it was separated into three fractions, of which the first contained 27 per cent. of hydroxylamine, the second 60 per cent., and the third crystallized in the ice-cooled receiver in long needles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 841, February 13, 1892
  • They are well separated, show a nice gaussian shape, and deconvolution based on just the chromatographic domain will likely already work. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Forcibly separated from the means of subsistence, by acts of enclosure in England, clearances in Scotland, they had little choice but to work for Gradgrind in his mill.
  • He points out that if the reader did not know the chronology, he would think Galileo and Descartes had been students of Nicholas Oresme, although 250 years separated them. March 25th, 2009
  • Economic and political union cannot be separated.
  • Everything is molten tetrafluoride, but U is separated from Th by bubbling F gas and that makes it gaseous UF6 reduce to UF4 again for use. Rabett Run
  • Sculpted from wooden strips separated by thin aluminum dividers, each panel consists of an array of wells of equal width but different depths.
  • The supernatant and the precipitate fractions were separated.
  • Besides, the conception of the crime constitution should be sublimed of liability should be separated.
  • To make a very long story short, it appears that a common human variant of the microcephalin gene originated on a chromosomal region that separated from the human lineage over 1 million years ago, only to come back “introgress” into H. sapiens about 37,000 years ago. The Panda's Thumb: Andrea Bottaro Archives
  • As it descends through the arm, it lies at first lateral to the brachial artery; about the level of the insertion of the Coracobrachialis it crosses the artery, usually in front of, but occasionally behind it, and lies on its medial side at the bend of the elbow, where it is situated behind the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia), and is separated from the elbow-joint by the Brachialis. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • Then I moved into my own space, but all it comprised was a recess off the main room separated by hardboard sliding doors.
  • As for the anachronism known as offside, experts in physiology say the human eye frequently cannot call offside accurately (try simultaneously tracking the ball and two or more sprinting players separated by 20 to 30 meters). Jonathan Littman: Innovation World Cup Style
  • Rather, we belong in some particular semiclassical history, separated out from other histories by the process of decoherence. Arrow of Time FAQ
  • Unbound phages were separated from phages bound to antibodies in normal plasma by centrifugation.
  • We would also suggest at the outset that the conduct and expression of these language wars cannot be separated from their mass mediation.
  • Nor would the accidents thus separated, and supernaturally supported, lose their character as accidents, since they would still retain their essential property, i.e. natural exigence of inhesion. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Traditionally, for example, mainstream advertising has been separated in time and place from actually closing the transaction.
  • In this brand of discipleship, serious study is not separated from practical experience-both are seen as catalyzing growth through continual dialogue with one another.
  • They separated these poor girls, and others beside them, in several villages, and drove them out of the church.
  • The naturist field is divided by a low fence, so although you are separated from the textiles you were still in full view of each other.
  • Joining and alighting, for two well-separated weeks; multiply up to make a year's use, and - bingo!
  • Company liquidation can be separated as voluntary liquidation and compulsory liquidation.
  • 'entresol', where I supposed she had taken refuge, to induce her to come down, fancying it safer that we should not be separated. Marie Antoinette — Volume 06
  • Nine mighty aqua jets propel water at the user, who lies half-sunken into the thing, but conveniently separated from the water by an impermeable surface.
  • A second class of mutant displays sensory organs in wholly ectopic positions, although these are always separated by epidermal cells.
  • The parish council has suggested that an off-road cycle path is provided alongside the road separated from the road by a small hedge or grass verge.
  • However, one more frequently finds the commonly described five lobes not separated by fissures.
  • By contrast, alternate technologies like people movers, mini metros and monorails require the entire route to be separated either by elevating it, putting it underground or fencing it off.
  • Later it becomes completely separated from the celomic epithelium and forms a suprarenal ridge projecting into the celom between the mesonephros and the root of the mesentery. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
  • Two of the squad, perhaps more accustomed to the city environment than jogging about in the sticks, got a little freaked out by the clusters of trees, and were separated from the main party.
  • Meanwhile, the drunken man on the other side of the room was struggling to break free of the flimsy curtain that separated us.
  • the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases
  • The characteristic landscape of Merovingian villages is a settlement composed of scattered little hamlets, with a multitude of little fields separated by uncultivated lands.
  • In short, the traditionally separated out categories of science and religious enthusiasm were in the eighteenth century as mutually invasive as Newton's own scientific and prophetical modes of enquiry.
  • The struggle cannot be separated from the struggle for freedom of despotism of all kinds.
  • By 1846, they came to an agreement over the disputed 3000 mile boundary that separated the two nations.
  • She separated it with a double-faced wall of bookcases, but kept the views of downtown clear with a large, open doorway.
  • Total lipid extracts were separated into neutral and polar lipid fractions by column chromatography on Florisil 60-100 mesh.
  • It is always to be remembered, that Saint John's Church thus consecrated and set apart to the worship of Almighty God, is by the act of consecration thus performed, separated from all worldly and unhallowed uses, and to be considered sacred to the service of the _Holy and undivided Trinity_. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • Bangladesh later separated from Pakistan and East Timor which at the time was a Portuguese colony but is now an independent country.

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