How To Use Sentinel In A Sentence

  • “De devil, goot Edie,” answered Dousterswivel, “why does you speak so loud as a baarenhauter, or what you call a factionary — I mean a sentinel?” The Antiquary
  •     Hesper, awaiting thee each sentinel holdeth alarum. Poems and Fragments
  • Having thus escaped the danger, the Romans threw their sentinel down the rock; while on Manlius they conferred by vote a reward for his bravery, intended more for honour than advantage; for each man gave him a day's rations, which consisted of half a Roman pound of meal, and the fourth part of a Greek cotyle of wine. Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
  • All mice were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in which sentinel mice were periodically monitored for common murine pathogens.
  • Several barriers in his consciousness that normally stand sentinel around his impressions of women become pliable and my image begins to migrate towards that of his mother.
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  • Clutch-y orlandosentinel. com - 25 hours ago orlandosentinel. com - A rather dapper-looking Dwight Howard - the ascot was a nice touch - started barking in the northstationsports. com - 3 days ago northstationsports. com - North Station Sports has been reporting on the BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
  • William Dampier observes that he remarked that the man-of-war birds and the boobies always left sentinels near their young ones, especially while the old birds were gone to sea on their fishing-expeditions, and that there were a great number of sick or crippled man-of-war birds which appeared to be no longer in a state to go out for provisions.
  • The spinach, arugula, tatsoi and mache all appeared like green sentinels standing up to Old Man Winter's blanket of white snow.
  • After walking down a short hall another door came into view; this one had only one sentinel.
  • At either end of the bridge a sentinel stood with rifle at ready.
  • From the Sun-Sentinel: MILWAUKEE -- To complete the ultimate quest of "The Lord of the Rings," Carl Hostetter has left his home in Maryland to navigate roaring rivers and cross vast plains — all to stride bravely through looming masoned gates in search of a nearly hidden glass door. March 2004
  • His entire body was caked with minute particles of dried salt, and it was beginning to drive his Sentinel sense of touch off the irritation scale.
  • These lavender-blue sentinels stand 80cm tall and are attractive to bees and butterflies. Times, Sunday Times
  • A watchword is the familiar code used by a sentinel to tell the approach of a friend. Party Watchwords: Fairness and Fear
  • The same night the Spaniards tooke one of our soldiors appointed for a forlorne Sentinel, whom they presently put to the sword. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • We must stand sentinel to protect ourselves
  • The sentinel still stood at attention directly under the lantern, not moving but to breathe.
  • The noble animal seemed to understand the purpose of their watch; for he looked from time to time at the rich folds of the heavy pennon, and, when the cry of the sentinels came from the distant lines and defences of the camp, he answered them with one deep and reiterated bark, as if to affirm that he too was vigilant in his duty. The Talisman
  • It is the habit of crows to perch like sentinels on the tops of isolated trees, where they can see what is going on in all directions.
  • Thus, sentinel lymph nodes can be detected by the injection of blue dye or radioactive colloid around the tumor, which travels to and identifies the first draining sentinel lymph node.
  • In our mind's eye we can see the tipis scattered along the sheltered areas with always a few sentinels at the tops of the hills.
  • Amphibians are regarded as sentinel vertebrates in the current drama of global extinctions.
  • «12: 48: 43» {hiblios} do you think that when Sentinel enclosed the term anime in 's that he was being a bit, trollish maybe? Anime Nano!
  • Performing sentinel lymph node biopsy requires coordinated expertise between nuclear medicine physicians, pathologists, and surgeons.
  • In sentinel biopsy, radiolabelled technetium is injected into the tumor or surrounding lung, and a gamma camera is used to detect the nodes that the cancer is most likely to spread to first.
  • And, of course, if there's one thing worse than being disturbed by neighbour noise, it's being disturbed by neighbour noise and then being told you don't have neighbours, which is what happens to poor Cristina Raines in The Sentinel, a Michael Winner film that looks battier with each passing year. Why aren't more slasher movies set in blocks of flats?
  • A lady in full feather approached the sentinel on the sward.
  • Most of us view volcanoes as static sentinels: bastions of strength and rigidity that are unmoving and unmovable.
  • The presence of an Iron Age dun on its western edge suggests that it also had a much earlier sentinel role.
  • The Blackcrest Mountains were very tall here, and they stood like foreboding sentinels with their black peaks protruding like worn teeth.
  • It was black or dark like tar, and sentineled to the east and north by tall, dark pines — the serried spears of armed and watchful giants, as they now seemed to him — ogres almost — so gloomy, suspicious and fantastically erratic was his own mood in regard to all this. An American Tragedy
  • Wolfe himself, with the good ship Centurion standing off like a sentinel at a point where the Basin, the River Montmorenci, and the North Channel seem to meet. The Seats of the Mighty, Complete
  • Instead “they will smoke, drink, eat murphies, brawl, box, and set the house on fire about their ears, even though you had a sentinel standing over with a fixed gun and bayonet to prevent them.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Surveillance for West Nile is also conducted by testing pools of mosquitoes and flocks of sentinel chickens.
  • The only green that remained was the spreading, tired, dark foliage of the occasional live oak tree standing sentinel in sere pastureland.
  • He is accused of possessing a.22 double action Sentinel revolver recovered during a raid on a house in Toothill last year.
  • And as in the case of all the other lakes seen this day, the banks to the very shore line were sentineled with those same green pines — tall, spear-shaped — their arms widespread like one outside his window here in Lycurgus. An American Tragedy
  • The shuttle left the station at the same time that the invisible ship, the Sentinel, left their orbit for the torus.
  • A link to the latest development in his saga is here, courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel Round 42: Home Depot vs Wellpoint - The Consumerist
  • The day lilies in the ditch north of Five Corners are orange summer sentinels, fully at attention.
  • She knew not whether to fear it or love it; at this moment she only wished to find someplace where she could sit, unnoticed by the sentinel who stood near the fire at the east end of the encampment.
  • Should I employ the force which Heaven has lent me, I might imbrue my hands in blood, and after all find it impossible to escape through a number of successive doors, locks, bolts, and sentinels. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • Once there, she ducked down into the shadows again and hid behind some hogshead barrels as a few sentinels turned the corner and passed by.
  • They march to water in Indian file, with the bulls leading, and when threatened, take strategic advantage of ridgy ground, slinking warily along in the hollows, the bulls acting as sentinels, and bringing up the rear in case of an attack from dogs. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Take out the launchers as quickly as possible, then wipe out the remaining soldiers and sentinels with your mutant powers.
  • She led me through a foyer with Greek and Roman sculptures into a large library decorated with sets of antique books and out the back door to a swimming pool big enough to scrub down a herd of cattle and sentineled by topiary sculptures the size of radar dishes. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • I pass between mighty sentinel-like pines and come out at a crest with Wellington City below to my left and the Harbour glittering metallically beyond.
  • Having brought with me over the mountains a few head of beef cattle for the hungry Indians, without thinking of running any great personal risk I had six beeves killed some little distance from my camp, guarding the meat with four Soldiers, whom I was obliged to post as sentinels around the small area on which the carcasses lay. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • And I have been told, upon a sentinel at Rome, as he stood to guard the temple, burned the latchet of his shoe, and did no other harm; and several silver candlesticks lying in wooden boxes, the silver was melted while the boxes lay untouched. Essays and Miscellanies
  • = The sentinel in the discharge of his duties will be governed by the regulations for sentinels of the main guard whenever they are applicable -- such as courtesies to officers, walking post in a soldierly manner, challenging, etc.; he will not turn out the guard except when ordered by proper authority. Manual of Military Training Second, Revised Edition
  • The tall, dark, spear pines that sentineled the shores on either side and gave to the waters at the west a band of black shadow where the trees were mirrored so clearly. An American Tragedy
  • Expand the use of Sentinel Surveillance Networks to complement other surveillance methods for detecting and monitoring emerging infections.
  • Ajax, not the sleeping sentinel of the past, but the fierce and waking Guardian of the present. SPLITTING
  • Expand the use of Sentinel Surveillance Networks to complement other surveillance methods for detecting and monitoring emerging infections.
  • Mr Kench rang Sentinel, which has a partnership with Barclaycard, among other issuers, to protect cards against fraudulent use.
  • The fire, having remained unreplenished for some time, had subsided to a considerable extent, when one of the embers fell apart and caused such a displacement of the burning wood that the light flared up and penetrated with its former vigor beyond the tree which sheltered the sentinel. Two Boys in Wyoming A Tale of Adventure (Northwest Series, No. 3)
  • According to her own notes and this account in today's Sun-Sentinel, Jeck asked whether the rationale for Scalia's well-known opposition to cameras in the Supreme Court was "vitiated" by the facts that the Court allows public visitors to view arguments and releases full argument transcripts to the public, and that justices go out on book tours. How Dahlia Lithwick would like you to think about Supreme Court appointments: liberal = moderate, conservative = extreme.
  • = When a horse is taken sick, the sentinel will notify the noncommissioned officer, who in turn will call the farrier, and see that the horse is properly attended to. Manual of Military Training Second, Revised Edition
  • In 1820 Scott, with other prominent Tories, secretly financed the new Tory journal the Beacon (latter reissued as the Sentinel), whose aim was to assail radical Whiggism.
  • We here present a model of field study, based on the use of sentinel species, that we are currently applying to risk assessment in the area around a focus of pollution.
  • A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical injury.
  • The beetles' affinity for certain trees, like maples, poplars, willows, and elms, is significant because such attractive species may be used as sentinel trees.
  • The beetles' affinity for certain trees, like maples, poplars, willows, and elms, is significant because such attractive species may be used as sentinel trees.
  • The walls and the moats, the gates and the sentinels, the long High Street with the great government buildings, and the constant rattle of drums and blare of trumpets; they made my little heart beat quicker beneath my sagathy stuff jacket. Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
  • A former contractor with SeaWorld told the Sentinel that the 30-year-old, 12,300-pound male orca, which is also called Tillikum, is typically kept isolated from other orcas and that trainers were not allowed to get in the water with him because of his violent history. News for
  • Immediately, a sentinel standing guard near the jail confronted him.
  • District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleges that Sentinel Management Group Inc. misused customer segregated funds by "commingling" its assets with its customers 'assets and using as much as $444 million in customer funds to securitize a loan with the Bank of New York. Regulator Sues
  • Along the West Bluff Road, Washington and Second Streets, they finally made their way across the Hannibal Bridge to Harlem, and from thence along the winding and hill-sentineled river road to Randolph An American Tragedy
  • Sulpicius declared openly that he would punish all according to the usage of military discipline, being deterred by the consentient shout of the soldiers who threw the blame on one sentinel, he spared the rest. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • Where the sun falls aslantwise under the arch a sentinel, with musket and bayonet, paces to and fro in the entrance, and other soldiers lounge close by. Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 2.
  • Fail and they'd be stuck here fighting Sentinels and Covenant ground forces until hell froze.
  • Note 82: For information on Bellamy, see his obituary in Columbian Sentinel, March 28, 1835, Finch, Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • The sentinels could be seen upon the ramparts, standing like statues of stone, and showing no signs of life; while above the barbacan gate the watchman was at his post, motionless and asleep. The Story of Siegfried
  • De devil, goot Edie," answered Dousterswivel, "why does you speak so loud as a baarenhauter, or what you call a factionary -- I mean a sentinel? The Antiquary — Volume 02
  • Now the robbers wore national guard costumes and sang the carmagnole, so the sentinel took them for patriots and went inside. THE DIAMOND
  • Therefore, D. melanogaster can be a sentinel organism for long-term release of toxicants into the environment.
  • You can recharge the Coleman Sentinel in any household outlet, or when the power is out, just crank the handle.
  • Interestingly, the Milwaukee Sentinel published some stories in the early 1880s that were unusually sympathetic to the city's Asian laundrymen.
  • In the Close of Durdlebury, greenswarded, silent, sentinelled by immemorial elms that guard the dignified Gothic dwellings of the cathedral dignitaries, was James Marmaduke Trevor born. The Rough Road
  • Then he bodily picked up Orlando Sentinel reporter Donna Blanton and twirled her around on his hip.
  • Palm trees stood sentinel on the far bank and a graceful minaret rose against the vivid blue sky. SANDS OF TIME
  • constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty
  • Deputies were initially unable to handcuff Gonzales, but finally subdued him with two shocks from a stun gun as they p;inned him on the judge's conference table, the Sun-Sentinel reports. Ex-Marine charged with attacking wife during divorce hearing
  • You might think this qualifies as news, but it appears that the South Florida Sun-Sentinel was the only newspaper in the entire country to cover it.
  • New York record-label flunky Garrett (Long) manages to score with Erin (Barrymore), a Stanford journalism grad student in the final weeks of her summer internship at something called "the New York Sentinel.
  • In this version of history, he was the sentinel leading the verligtes throughout his career in politics.
  • From a distance, they tossed the coconuts and other offerings into the aquamarine waters toward the white-sand beaches, hoping to coax the Sentinelese out of the thick forest. India's Most Elusive Address
  • It soon held the image of the Science Directorate ship powering away from Sentinel.
  • A sentinel stood on top of the wall, an easy target.
  • They tromped past the neat brick houses lined up along the street like sentinels. Choker
  • I looked back toward the fire where Kane stood like a lonely sentinel surveying the steppe in all directions. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Israel's 'Internet Megaphone' Psychological war propaganda machine is being used against notmytribe Israel's 'Internet Megaphone' Psychological war propaganda machine is being used against notmytribe Israel's 'Internet Megaphone' Psychological war propaganda machine is being used against notmytribe Caldara baselessly suggested Obama has proposed to "communize" health care Daily Sentinel's Harmon mischaracterized Employee Free Choice Act Not My Tribe
  • Looking south you see the 220 ft sea stack, sentinel of the beach, Am Buachaille - the herdsman - which was first climbed in 1967.
  • Palm trees stood sentinel on the far bank and a graceful minaret rose against the vivid blue sky. SANDS OF TIME
  • So say the sentinels guarding the long coastline of the country this weekend.
  • He sat at a table chaotic with books and papers, his typewriter a lonely sentinel of order; in the room, people came and went, acolytes, aspirants and hangers-on, some immensely talented, others merely parasitical.
  • He looked for the “divert” spell Willie had mentioned, and when he finally got through it, noticed the semicircle of Sentinels pointed toward the castle, shieldless. Memory of Fire
  • There has been some speculation that Charles was assassinated, but from forensic examination of his skull it is fairly certain that an enemy sentinel caught sight of his head peering over the parapet and managed a lucky hit.
  • Ajax, not the sleeping sentinel of the past, but the fierce and waking Guardian of the present. SPLITTING
  • Contraindications to sentinel node biopsy include a clinically positive axillary node, prior axillary surgery, pregnancy, or lactation.
  • A lone sentinel stood in the middle of the roadway to the castle standing on the hill.
  • The Rigi is a mere outlying sentinel, and the view it commands is too distant to be very striking. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • But not on the Helper Hermes did sleep take hold as he sought within his heart how he should guide forth king Priam from the ships unespied of the trusty sentinels. The Iliad
  • Combining ‘sentinel species’ with specific biomarkers provides important biological information on the potential impact of xenobiotics on the health of organisms and ecosystems.
  • Those trees used to stand like sentinels on either side of the path leading to the bandstand from the Glass House.
  • The beetles' affinity for certain trees, like maples, poplars, willows, and elms, is significant because such attractive species may be used as sentinel trees.
  • Well, because of a public records request, we were able to get our hands on, as well as the Fort Lauderdale "Sun-Sentinel" newspaper, a letter -- a letter that states back on December the 11th, written from Roy Black to the state attorney's office, asking for a pretrial intervention in which case there would be -- charges would be dropped, and there would be called null process. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2004
  • It was he who called the nouveau-riche women of Boca the "Bocahontases" in his popular Sun-Sentinel column while he was still living in West Palm Beach. - News
  • The Loring-Corliss case is now a matter of record in the dusty files of the "Usher Sentinel" and its decidedly disesteemed contemporary, the Sundown Slim
  • At 10: 36 p.m. PDT, Google's "crawler" -- the technology that finds Web pages -- discovered a new link on the Web site of Tribune's South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper in a section called "Popular Stories: Business. UAL Story Blame
  • It is probable that the term watch was given to each of these divisions, from the practice of placing sentinels around the camp in time of war, or in cities, to watch or guard the camp or city, and that they were at first relieved three times in the night, but under the Romans four times. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • The final chapter discusses therapy, with an emphasis on sentinel lymph node biopsy techniques, immunotherapy, and vaccine therapy.
  • A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance.
  • Ajax, not the sleeping sentinel of the past, but the fierce and waking Guardian of the present. SPLITTING
  • The sentinel still stood at attention directly under the lantern, not moving but to breathe.
  • Eight Corinthian pillars sentineled it, resting on a marble base which seemed to spring up out of the flag-stones themselves, and towering to the projecting entablature above. The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • Men who have merited this last distinction are to be suffered to pass all guards and sentinels which officers are permitted to do.
  • How, now, my vigilant sentinel, can see anything of those you call the Iroquois, on the main land "! The Last of the Mohicans
  • Contraindications to sentinel node biopsy include suspicious palpable axillary adenopathy, pregnancy, and multicentric carcinoma.
  • Then, having got the first gun on deck -- already prepared in Port Royal dockyard, by being encased in a stout cylindrical packing of planks -- we passed the bights of our two hawsers round it, one at each end, and with all hands tailing on -- except one, whom we set to watch as a sentinel -- proceeded to parbuckle it up the face of the cliff. A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
  • The people live in communities, every man being obliged to belong to and reside in one particular kampong, which is fenced in, is governed by its kapella or head man, has its constable or police officer, and is guarded at night by one or two sentinels, armed with spears, stationed at the gate. Mark Seaworth
  • Then he bodily picked up Orlando Sentinel reporter Donna Blanton and twirled her around on his hip.
  • While at Bucknell University, he edited the conservative newspaper, the Sentinel.
  • These old sentinels have witnessed droughts, hurricanes, logging, turpentining, and development across the river.
  • One of the sentinels, posted inside the tower, wrote one day on the door of the king's chamber: "The guillotine is permanent, and is awaiting the tyrant, Louis XVI. The Ruin of a Princess
  • The sentinel was stationed on a hill.
  • A sentinel pacing near the watchfire while Lincoln was once telling some stories quietly remarked that "He had a mighty powerful memory, but an awful poor forgettery. Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z
  • The lips of the sentinel quivered as he spluttered out the words: ‘I - apologise, my Lord!’
  • These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner, watching the sentinel on guard, and dressing a sallad and cucumber.
  • The sentinel stood lounging by the shaft that led down into the underground labor system.
  • Caldara baselessly suggested Obama has proposed to "communize" health care Daily Sentinel's Harmon mischaracterized Employee Free Choice Act Not My Tribe
  • A group of sentinels stood to stop the elated pilots, but were gunned down with one well-placed salvo from the Omegas.
  • By the third week the men practiced guard duty, receiving instructions on walking their posts and performing interior and exterior guard duty, and learning the general and specific orders of a sentinel posted for guard duty.
  • The formations tower over the river basin below like ancient sentinels standing watch over the crusty earth that conceals the fossilized treasures concealed within.
  • At low elevations, charred trunks today stand sentinel on steep slopes where fire burned very hot, consuming every needle and pine cone.
  • We entered the Fifty-mile River; we were in a giant valley; tier after tier of benchland rose to sentinel mountains of austerest grandeur. The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
  • I looked back toward the fire where Kane stood like a lonely sentinel surveying the steppe in all directions. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • A soldier high on the roof behind his machine gun watched vigilantly over the far horizon - a silent sentinel.
  • A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance.
  • Rainbow Valley was wind-haunted and star-sentinelled only where he was, but afar from the upper end came the gay notes of children's laughter and voices. Rainbow Valley
  • The first lymph node into which fluids from a tumor drain is called the sentinel node.
  • The key finding is that for women with apparently limited disease before lumpectomy and what's called a positive sentinel node, taking out all the cancerous nodes from the axilla armpit has no survival advantage after five years. Dr. Elaine Schattner: New Study Supports Less Surgery For Breast Cancer
  • The sentinels who had stood watch throughout the night before watched those roadside dwellers with weary but alert eyes, should they suddenly decided to start a riot in front of the palace.
  • A pile of newspapers and letters for the master of the house; the Newcome Sentinel, old county paper, moderate conservative, in which our worthy townsman and member is praised, his benefactions are recorded, and his speeches given at full length; the Newcome Independent, in which our precious member is weekly described as a ninny, and informed almost every Thursday morning that he is a bloated aristocrat, as he munches his dry toast. The Newcomes
  • The sentinel on the distant ridge was riding his pony in short-looped circles and waving a blanket in a peculiar way above his head. Blazed Trail Stories and Stories of the Wild Life
  • The warm, jovial man that had met us at the drawbridge now had solidified, becoming a cold-hearted sentinel that seemed to march metallically across the carpeted floor.
  • Rousing slumbering T cells is the job of dendritic cells, the sentinels of the immune system.
  • “There is a lodging, certainly,” said Otto to the sentinel, who pointed towards the castle with his bartizan; A Legend of the Rhine
  • Examining the medical records of more than 5,200 patients who underwent breast-conserving surgery for early, invasive breast cancer, researchers found that tiny cancer cells in the sentinel lymph node -- the first node to which malignant cells are likely to spread from a primary tumor -- detected with a diagnostic procedure called immunohistochemical IHC staining had no effect on overall survival. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • When they are about to descend upon a field of oats or wheat, two or three mount guard as sentinels, and on the approach of danger, cry _Geck-geck - geck_; this precaution seems a work of supererogation, as they are so saucy that they will hardly be frightened away; and if they rise it is only to alight on the same field at a little distance, or fly up to the trees, where their look-out posts are. The Backwoods of Canada Being Letters From The Wife of an Emigrant Officer, Illustrative of the Domestic Economy of British America
  • To send away another man, were to harass the sentinels to death — unthrifty misuse for a household. The Abbot
  • Allah, the sentinels also being duly set, the warrior who is to fall in battle on the morrow lies down to sleep as peaceful as that of the babe he has left behind in the aoul, and soft as if the canopy overhead were not the star-spangled curtain of the skies. Life of Schamyl And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia
  • Fail and they'd be stuck here fighting Sentinels and Covenant ground forces until hell froze.
  • To do it, he'll be clad in a shoe called the TNF Sentinel BOA that features a proprietary tightening system free of pesky laces. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Talos glanced at the empty shell corpse of his brother Sentinel lying in the corner of the room. NaNoWriMo: Talos’ Story « The Graveyard
  • He was challenged by the sentinels; he gave the word confided to him by Murat, and was instantly made prisoner by the soldiers. Ferdinando Eboli
  • Poor lad! he was coming down the pass last night, not knowing that it was sentineled by the enemy. Then Marched the Brave
  • It is important to remember that, at this point, the patient is facing a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy with possible axillary dissection.
  • The beetles' affinity for certain trees, like maples, poplars, willows, and elms, is significant because such attractive species may be used as sentinel trees.
  • Monty throttled the engines back as they passed the sentinel points of a reef.
  • Officially called the RQ-170 Sentinel, the spy aircraft may have been operating out of Afghanistan for some two years. NY Post: News
  • Flanking the elevator on both sides stood the Shadow Lord's black-garbed sentinels, his sinister Warrior disciples.
  • Four silent sentinels still mounted guard at each point of the coffin but the long queues of visitors had gone.
  • Even Cabell refused to speculate on how much time the planet had, but to a few of the Sentinels each minute felt like something to be thankful for.
  • I kept getting distracted by how villain Growing Man looked like a Sentinel, although his shtick is the classic “every time you hit him, he gets bigger, so how do you stop him without engaging him directly?” Agents of Atlas » Comics Worth Reading
  • And everywhere soldiers sentineled the streets -- soldiers whose tone and accent reminded her of the negro-trader. Balcony Stories
  • Definitely seems like the Sentinel overblew Tiger's injuries. Waggle Room
  • The Sentinel banked and turned to line up with their relatively close destination.
  • The Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel has been doing a fantastic job watchdogging hurricane-related fraud in Miami-Dade County, Fl.
  • Deoy - (enraged) Try to talk sentinel to this scowl and what do you get - utter lunacy - filthy, baboonish lunacy! The Sea at Sea (or Why is There a Question Instead of Not a Question)
  • Palm trees stood sentinel on the far bank and a graceful minaret rose against the vivid blue sky. SANDS OF TIME
  • Identity Theft Statistics: * The Federal Trade Commission: www. • Consumer Sentinel now • The FTC received over 800,000 contains over 4.3 Million Consumer Sentinel complaints in Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Hummer___(ragline)___The Sun Magazine: Poetry: Reading a Swedish Poet___(ragline)___Santa Cruz Sentinel: Longtime local newspaperman William Akers dies at 88___(ragline)___The Star: Singer-composer Zubir Ali dies___(ragline)___The Budget: Gloria Almack___(ragline)___Red Bluff Daily News: W. Archive 2009-03-01
  • From the line of the abattis came the shout of a sentinel, then the ring of his musket and, in a few seconds, the sound of a general alarm. Washington
  • Canadian Sentinel's post sounds interesting, though calling premenstrual Asian labourers "coolies", and white people "ivories" isn't very PC. This just never gets old.
  • Sandy Neck, Barnstable, and First Encounter Beach, Eastham, are Cape places to observe shearwaters, jaegers, phalaropes, ducks, gannets and for a few lucky sentinels, an occasional northern fulmar.

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