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  1. of or relating to a sentence
    the sentential subject

How To Use sentential In A Sentence

  • The only difference is, in the modern sentential calculus φ and ψ are not construed as terms denoting truth-values, but rather as sentences having truth conditions (though, in the semantics of the sentential calculus, sentences are assigned truth-values as their ˜semantic value™, and they are considered true/false according to which truth-value serves as their semantic value). Gottlob Frege
  • However, although words considered in a local context may seem perfectly acceptable in the sentential context these combinations may be unlikely.
  • His treatment of conditional sentences and disjunctions is more difficult to appraise, but it is at any rate clear that Aristotle made no efforts to develop a sentential logic.
  • For many people, ‘feel like’ has become a complex verb that takes sentential complements.
  • The present experiments aimed to explore with the letter-detection task whether the capitalization of nouns in German fulfills a specific role in the extraction of sentential structure.
  • Metaphorical expressions in songs may be divided into two types: sentential metaphor and discourse metaphor.
  • Unlike redundancy theories, however, the prosentential theory does not take the truth predicate to be always eliminable without loss.
  • intrasentential co-occurrence
  • And even if it is, sentential most important is well-attested in the Oxford English Dictionary and on the Internet: The open secret of sentential adverbs « Motivated Grammar
  • To the same purpose we must, therefore, briefly also consider what is usually disputed about our own personal righteousness, with a justification thereon; as also what is called sentential justification at the day of judgment. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
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