How To Use Sensorial In A Sentence
From whence it appears that the propensity to action, whether it be called irritability, sensibility, voluntarity, or associability, is only another mode of expression for the quantity of sensorial power residing in the organ to be excited.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
But as a greater torpor follows this exhaustion of sensorial power, as explained in the next paragraph, and a greater exertion succeeds this torpor, the constitution frequently sinks under these increasing librations between exertion and quiescence; till at length complete quiescence, that is, death, closes the scene.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Now this increased action of the system, during the hot fit, by exhausting the sensorial powers of irritation and association, contributes to induce a renewal of the cold paroxysm; as the accumulation of those sensorial powers in the cold fit produces the increased actions of the hot fit; which two states of the system reciprocally induce each other by a kind of libration, or a plus and minus, of the sensorial powers of irritation and association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Sometimes people think there is something magic about sensorial math materials.
My unequivocal preference for artisanal bread rests on sensorial grounds: It is much more enchanting to my touch and my palate.
The Rise of Nations

It is probable, that when mild emetics are given, as ipecacuanha, or antimonium tartarizatum, or infusion of chamomile, they are rejected by an inverted motion of the stomach and oesophagus in consequence of disagreeable sensation, as dust is excluded from the eye; and these actions having by previous habit been found effectual, and that hence there is no exhaustion of the sensorial power of irritation.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
This one is billed as a one-off, decadent celebration of the sensorial confusion and 'modernity' championed by the 20th-century movement.
Times, Sunday Times
Where this fever is continued, though with some remissions and exacerbations, the excessive action is at length so much lessened by expenditure of sensorial power, as to gradually terminate in health; or it becomes totally exhausted, and death succeeds the destruction of the irritability and associability of the system.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The nation's industrial heart, Ho Chi Minh City whacks the visitor like a sensorial avalanche.
If the quantity of sensorial power remains the same, and the quantity of stimulus be lessened, a weakness of the fibrous contractions ensues, which may be denominated _debility from defect of stimulus_.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
I have been crusading vehemently but vainly in the professional and national press to prod artisans to bake to finish, without which the bread cannot attain its sensorial apogee.
The Rise of Nations
This torpor of the general system remains, till the accumulation of the sensorial power of association has increased the associability so much as to overbalance the defect of the excitement of association; then the torpor ceases, and if the first affected part has recovered its activity the other parts are all thrown into excess of action by their increased associability, and the hot fit of fever is produced.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Where are the activity centers with sensorial objects?
Brandy Ferner: In These Halls
When fibrous contractions succeed or accompany other fibrous contractions, the connexion is termed association; when fibrous contractions succeed sensorial motions, the connexion is termed causation; when fibrous and sensorial motions reciprocally introduce each other, it is termed catenation of animal motions.
Note II
This was typical of the vivid sensorial immediacy with which he soaked up the world.
The Times Literary Supplement
Now by frequent repetition the surprise, incongruity, or novelty ceases; and, in consequence, the pleasure or pain which accompanied it, and also the degree of volition which was excited by that sensation of pain or pleasure; and thus the sensorial power of sensation and of volition are subducted from the catenation of vital actions, and they are in consequence produced much weaker, and at length cease entirely.
Note VII
In the first situation it is called the sensorial power of irritation, in the second the sensorial power of sensation, in the third the sensorial power of volition, and in the fourth the sensorial power of association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Designed by the same designer Wave is a sensorial coffee table, inspired by the fine lightness of textile works and made for modern house living areas.
Case Coffee Table
To help towards a clear understanding of both tendencies, Goethe describes an exercise which is characteristic of his way of schooling himself in what he called exact sensorial fantasy.
Man or Matter
As for visual cognition, in addition [to these two causal factors,] it requires an external object as the focal condition (dmigs-rkyen) for its arising, while the visual sensors [the sensorial cells] of the eyes are what are called the dominating condition (bdag-rkyen).
What Is the Self, Does the Self Have a Beginning, Will It Have an End?
a time into the cold air, the sensorial power of irritability is accumulated and they become stronger.
Note VII
In which latter situation the accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation increases by its superabundance the associability of the fibres of the stomach, so as to overbalance the defect of the excitement of their association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
And by frequent repetitions of exhaustion by great stimulus, these vessels cease to acquire their whole natural quantity of sensorial power; as in the schirrous stomach, and schirrous liver, occasioned by the great and frequent stimulus of vinous spirit; which may properly be termed irritative paralysis of those parts of the system.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The Hurt Locker, the senses are stretched to a point of acute tension and wary, analytical alertness; but one facet of Bigelow's greatness is the way that this sort of subjective state, as well, can be seen, heard, and felt to overflow as a kind of nonsubjective sensorial immersion.
Warren Ellis
Through such experiences and spectacles, the modern, detached, moderate rationality of the narrator, and often the hero, is linked to a restored sensorial excitement, as the novel connects the reader vicariously to a passional self momentarily free from habitual restraint (although in practice, still carefully insulated from any action that would seriously offend conventional proprieties).
Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
In that case the link in catenation, that is, the first of the associate train, is rendered torpid by defect of excitement of its usual quantity of the sensorial power of association, and from there being no accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation to increase its associability, and thus to contribute to actuate it by overbalancing the defect of the excitement of its association.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The emotional and sensorial kick to the gut the film gave to my 9-year-old self continues through to this day.
MIND MELD: Anime Film Favorites (+ The Top 14 Anime Films of All Time!)
These people are experimental and sensorial, no surprise given the centrality of digital and pharmacological media in their lives.
Globe and Mail
When any cause occurs, which diminishes to a certain degree the supply of sensorial power in respect to the whole system; as suppose a temporary inexertion of the brain; what happens?
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
This is what I have referred to as sensorial convergence.
Planet Atheism
In like manner if the actions of the stomach, intestines, and various glands, which are perhaps in part at least caused by or catenated with agreeable sensation, and which perpetually exist during our waking hours, were like the voluntary motions suspended in our sleep; the great accumulation of sensorial power, which would necessarily follow, would be liable to excite inflammation in them.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Information technologies have become instruments of mind expansion and sensorial scaffoldings that increase and augment our capacity to process greater amounts of information, allowing us to extract richer gradients of meaningful data about the world and our experience.
Jason Silva: The Beginning of Infinity
Hence the stomach continues torpid in respect to its motions, but accumulates its power of association; which is not excited into action by the defective motions of the spleen; this accumulation of the sensorial power of association now by its superabundance actuates the next link of associate motions, which consists of the heart and arteries, into greater energy of action than natural, and thus causes fever with strong pulse; which, as it was supposed to be most frequently excited by increase of irritation, is called irritative fever or synocha.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Now by frequent repetition the surprise, incongruity, or novelty ceases; and, in consequence, the pleasure or pain which accompanied it, and also the degree of volition which was excited by that sensation of pain or pleasure; and thus the sensorial power of sensation and of volition are subducted from the catenation of vital actions, and they are in consequence produced much weaker, and at length cease entirely.
Note VII
Great first rider with plenty of sensorial gadgets.