
How To Use Sensitivity In A Sentence

  • A single incident suggests a great deal about Hennepinhis prudery, his belligerence, his sensitivity.
  • Superficially, the rationale of the style would seem to be its conjuncture of sensitivity and showmanship.
  • Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit.
  • An instrument used to measure tactile sensitivity.
  • The pickup features an exclusive transducer that Guild claim offers advanced sensitivity and dynamic range as well as low noise levels.
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  • T cells identify antigens, and the antigen-sensitised T cells produce cytokines and other soluble factors which mediate the hypersensitivity reaction, or else they develop cytotoxicity. The Different Types of Dairy Allergy
  • And the Puli will often show great sensitivity to the human's moods and feelings, actively communicating empathy.
  • For instance, the apparent lack of sensitivity of GLRs to amino acids could reflect the orientation of the proteins within the heterologous host membrane, rather than insensitivity to ligands.
  • In addition, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity -- the "fear of cognitive dyscontrol" and the "fear of publically observable anxiety symptoms" specifically predicted depression symptoms. Undefined
  • But the autumn of 1945 was not a time noted for sensitivity to the legal niceties of high treason.
  • This insensitivity must include disregarding the garbage that is thrown anywhere and everywhere on many a city street.
  • The PMD-induced pulse broadening may cause degradation of receiver sensitivity and has negative effects on the power spectrum of received signals.
  • It would certainly require an incredible level of diplomacy and sensitivity.
  • A delicate balance of smoulder and sensitivity that's best experienced on YouTube, where the track has rapidly earned a million views. F&M playlist
  • For example, an interest in the context sensitivity of realization in philosophy of mind (Wilson 2004, ch. 6) invokes issues pertaining to the context objection, individuation, temporality (especially causation versus constitution), and intrinsicality. Reductionism in Biology
  • The sensitivity needed in this area calls for an emphasis on certain points before the more controversial ones are attempted.
  • Our challenge is to be cautious not to take on a tone of self-righteousness and insensitivity to those whose policies we critique.
  • A heightened female sensitivity to ingested ethanol could possibly serve useful functions.
  • The sensitivity to local character and landscape and costume and, yes, even physiognomy.
  • Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.
  • Digital potentiometer sensitivity adjustment and breakage location.
  • The magnetic field sensitivity data are obtained by recording the response of the magnetometer for about 40s, performing a fast Fourier transform (FFT).
  • A male Cancer-Pisces, fearing that his sensitivity is a form of weakness, may try to assume an aggressive persona, hoping to conceal his feelings with an overt display of toughness or machismo.
  • The article continues: The APS is opening its debate with the publication of a paper by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which concludes that climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC modeling. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The sensitivity meets the quantification requirements for the residue analysis.
  • When the benzodiazepine receptor is stimulated, the sensitivity of the GABA receptor complex for GABA is increased and prolonged. Flumanazil
  • He said as a result, the man had suffered nerve and tendon damage, and lost feeling and sensitivity in his hand.
  • In the father sensitivity part of the study, fathers of firstborns appeared more sensitive than were fathers of laterborns.
  • Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.
  • She is a singer with musicality and sensitivity.
  • Theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate the new algorithm decreases the value of cross coupling when used in directional sensitivity calibration.
  • The sensitivity improved more than 100 - fold . The extraction procedure included conditioning , loading, washing, eluting and regenerating.
  • The magnetic field sensitivity data are obtained by recording the response of the magnetometer for about 40s, performing a fast Fourier transform (FFT).
  • One is the diplomatic sensitivity about upsetting Japan after the worst earthquake and tsunami in its history. Times, Sunday Times
  • All assay results were within one serial dilution of the average sensitivity values shown.
  • Sometimes people might have a hyposensitivity to it. CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2007
  • The athletes were tested for visual acuity, refractive error, oculomotor skills, stereopsis, color vision, contrast sensitivity, eye-hand coordination, eye-foot coordination, and overall ocular health.
  • We assayed in vitro survival patterns in eight tumor cell lines that vary in cellular radiosensitivity and genotype. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Hypersensitivity reactions have also occurred with lamotrigine therapy; some reactions have been fatal or life-threatening.
  • Besides, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity - the 'fear of cognitive dyscontrol' and the 'fear of publicly observable anxiety symptoms' specifically predicted depression symptoms. India eNews
  • If we wish children to develop awareness and sensitivity, Art and Nature must ramify their schooling from their early days.
  • The difference between human and animal sensitivity to scents is thus explicable mainly by the different composition of their brain-air.
  • One problem with tretinoin is increased sensitivity to sunburn.
  • I will take a sensitivity training class and attempt to mend my chauvinistic ways.
  • Consequently, the goal of the research was to try to begin to systematically explore what we called blasphemy sensitivity. Experimental Theology
  • What were the main theories of infancy which psychoanalysts had developed, based on their clinical sensitivity and intuition, by the time the trickle of infant research became a flood in the 70s?
  • A negative serologic assay for precipitins does not rule out disease, as many factors can decrease the sensitivity of the test.
  • Often, parents or caregivers are not aware of the risk of sensitivity to natural rubber latex.
  • The patient showed a central leukoma with some neo-vessels and, although reduced, a corneal sensitivity was present, while it was completely absent before the treatment.
  • Visual contrast sensitivity reflects and evaluates visual function more sensitively and actually than visual acuity.
  • Objective To assess feasibility, sensitivity of transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) in visualizing coronary artery segments and velocity ( CFV ).
  • The patient showed a central leukoma with some neo-vessels and, although reduced, a corneal sensitivity was present, while it was completely absent before the treatment.
  • The officers have shown insensitivity towards the prisoners, who all share a common faith.
  • High sensitivity, low collector dark current, high collector-emitter voltage type photocoupler.
  • In this paper we describe a method to improve the recording sensitivity by twice reflections of light ray without changing the inherent sensitivity of the instrument.
  • Films also vary according to their ISO number or film speed: their sensitivity to light.
  • A putative virulence region spanning an 80-kb region of pAPEC-1 possesses four iron acquisition systems (iutA iucABCD, sitABCD, iroBCDN, and temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin tsh), a colicin V operon, increasing serum sensitivity iss, ompT, hlyF, and etsABC. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Given the illuminant spectrum and the spectral sensitivity functions for the camera, we can calculate the estimates of the weights at each pixel from six sensor outputs.
  • Incensed by his insensitivity and spurred onward by the events earlier in the evening, Lucy's eyes smoldered with resentment.
  • It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
  • In some cases there is an inherited predisposition to produce specific antibodies, but often there is a more general sensitivity. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • Their insensitivity is matched only by their overriding self-belief.
  • In that case, hypersensitivity to human seminal plasma was diagnosed.
  • His efficiency, tact, patience and deep sensitivity meant that he was ideally suited for both roles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Richet calls this hypersensitivity with regard to toxins, anaphylaxis, in contrast to phylaxis or prophylaxis, meaning protection. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1913 - Presentation Speech
  • Another study presented at the same meeting combined edible oils from fenugreek, cumin, and pumpkin seed as well as oregano oil, and found that the oils may enhance insulin sensitivity and lower blood pressure in diabetic rats.
  • Happily, the technology is now doing its job, collecting data methodically and with exquisite sensitivity.
  • The cyclist's own record and a study made in March last year demonstrate that Oscar has a sensitivity in his bronchioles which is greater than that of the average of the population, and that causes him to have to take medication if he presents symptoms that might justify it. French doping agency studying explanation from Tour runner-up Pereiro
  • A sensitivity test should also be taken before undergoing collagen injections. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • She is not known for her sensitivity in dealing with complaints.
  • “The use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims may arouse sensitivity and create confusion among Muslims in the country,” Abdullah Mohd Zin said. Religion News Roundup — Islam: Music, Chess, and Sin
  • Dickens was lauded for his social and moral sensitivity.
  • But the rise in labor standards may also stem from the sensitivity or complaisance of a richer consuming public that decides that it can afford to do better by workers.
  • Excessive stiction means substantial impacts are needed to activate this fork, so it lacks small-bump sensitivity.
  • States of ‘altered consciousness’, hypnosis, autohypnosis, euphoria, and psychosomatic conditions such as hysteria, may be accompanied by insensitivity to pain.
  • They also satisfy his hyposensitivity, providing moving lights, repeated sounds and perpetual motion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ability to read with visual aids depends on the size and density of the central scotoma and the degree to which the person retains sensitivity to contrast.
  • In this respect, volatile anesthetics may alter the sensitivity of post junctional membranes to depolarization.
  • Since metastases of unknown origins are usually poorly differentiated the sensitivity of testing with these antibodies would also be reduced.
  • The arrow in Fig.4A denotes the point of intersection used for sensitivity analyses.
  • What happens when a stimulus prompts the organism to respond in a given way, is that some sensory nerve, whether of taste or touch or sound, sight, smell, or muscular sensitivity, receives a stimulus which passes through the spinal cord to a motor nerve through which some muscle is "innervated" and a response made. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • The only drawbacks to the use of EGFP are a slight sensitivity to pH and a weak tendency to dimerize. Archive 2005-10-01
  • An ensemble of three recorders, harpsichord, bass viol and theorbo supported the trio of singers with sensitivity and aplomb.
  • He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.
  • Conclusions: The data show a positive correlation of 25OHD concentration with insulin sensitivity and a negative effect of hypovitaminosis D on cell function. More thoughts on why low-carb the second time around | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Over the years his admirable private-eye hero, Spenser, has revealed intriguing depths of sensitivity and literary appreciation.
  • The lower limits of sensitivity for glucagon and atrial natriuretic peptide assay were 3.7 pmol/l and 1.1 pmol/l, respectively.
  • To diagnose gluten sensitivity, Dr. Fasano relies on a few tests to rule out other causes while confirming the reaction negative immune-allergy tests to wheat, negative celiac serology, negative duodenal histopathology, presence of biomarkers of gluten immune-reaction. Manuel Villacorta: Should Everyone Avoid Gluten for Good Health?
  • It's done with great sensitivity and style, but the style never overwhelms the content.
  • To probe a world as alien as the deep also takes sensitivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a highly gifted young singer, who combines a beautiful voice with unusual musical sensitivity.
  • The stress at which plastic deformation or yielding is observed to begin depends on the sensitivity of the strain measurements.
  • Tom freely acknowledged this just as Terry acknowledged his earlier insensitivity.
  • For the diagnosis of scabies, skin scrapings have high specificity but low sensitivity.
  • Perhaps he plumbed a depth beyond human sensitivity.
  • That heightened sensitivity makes prostate cancer cells resistant to existing antiandrogen therapies. HHMI News
  • And people with sensitivity to light tend to wear dark glasses. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sudden burst of sensitivity for the station's distaff set strikes some observers as a bit rich.
  • Gershwin was not a jazz musician; his music is not jazz, but his inherent sensitivity to African-American music allowed him to create music that was intelligently and rewardingly coloured by its textures and tonalities. Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue premieres at New York's Aeolian Hall
  • Her guitar work is raw and drips with attitude, while her singing bubbles with personality, passion and sensitivity.
  • Catsharks, like other elasmobranchs, have a high sensitivity to electric fields created by the movement of water, of other fishes, and even the movement of the earth.
  • I am interested in Benito’s reference to “sensitivity to temperature variation.” Jason Haas can’t find lightweight bottles that don’t look cheap | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Shot with great sensitivity and empathy for the confused emotions felt by a nine-year-old, this is a beautiful film that will have everyone but the most stony-hearted viewer reaching for the tissues.
  • A measure of the incredible sensitivity of this issue is the fact that no-one wants to talk about it.
  • He never ceased to surprise her with his insensitivity.
  • The sensitivity to vindesine and vinblastine in the drug-sensitive cell line increased about two-fold in the presence of GLA.
  • This region contains four iron acquisition systems (iutA iucABCD, sitABCD, iroBCDN and temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin tsh), colicin V operon, increasing serum sensitivity iss PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Objective To develop BSAS - ELISA for improvement of sensitivity to detecting serum circulating antigen of Schistosoma japonicum.
  • The tender moments could not compensate for the detachment and morose oversensitivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suppose you never lose the sensitivity and the rawness that an unpleasant comment can bring to you.
  • His comments show a lack of sensitivity.
  • While there is little that is new in Kirk's presentation, and the writing is marred by many infelicities and misprints, anyone who writes with sensitivity on this practitioner of Baroque poetry deserves encouragement.
  • He's obviously the boofhead and the clown of the family, as his siblings are models of sensitivity and decorum.
  • YATES: It's the effort we put into increasing what we call the sensitivity of the DNA technology. CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2007
  • It has been proposed on general theoretical grounds that the frequency selectivity of hair bundles, as well as their sensitivity to weak signals, is conferred by their proximity to a dynamical instability.
  • The Bruker machine runs at 750 MHz radio frequency, which is a twofold increase on solid state NMR used for biochemical studies and marks a 60% increase in sensitivity.
  • It was nevertheless suspended for three years, the brothers forced to attend sensitivity-training sessions.
  • Unfortunately, many of their acquaintances in the university showed considerable sensitivity to this latter mission of the Volunteers.
  • Professor Ison, from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in London, described how some strains of the gonococcal bacteria that cause the disease are now showing decreased sensitivity to the current antibiotics used to treat them - ceftriaxone and cefixime. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Symptoms of pink eye can include redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, itching of the eye, a gritty feeling in the eye, pain and increased tear production.
  • This sensitivity about representing race is not matched by an equal sensitivity about representing class.
  • Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity, such manic-depressive immediacy.
  • Only the much more uncommon protanopes and tritanopes suffer from a loss of sensitivity with respect to one of their groups of spectrally selective photoreceptors.
  • However, there is also a genuine decrease in sensitivity to light during a saccade - called saccadic suppression.
  • The latter bears discreet witness to her capacity for change, sensitivity and tact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man seen by many as Enemy No.1 of the environment has built a showplace of ecological sensitivity.
  • Quick intervention begins with keen sensitivity and sharp observation.
  • The author handles controversial exegetical areas with sensitivity and honesty.
  • For these reasons, conjunctive strategies are likely to have lower clinical sensitivity (i.e., many people who actually have a given disorder will fail to meet a conjunctive set of diagnostic criteria).
  • She is not known for her sensitivity in dealing with complaints.
  • Since gas bubbles increase sensitivity to sound, many ray-finned fish (e.g. herrings, elephantfishes and squirrelfishes) have modified gas bladders and swimbladders adjacent to the inner ear.
  • I just have some localised swelling left where the abscess is and a teeny-weeny bit of sensitivity.
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  • It all adds up to a mammoth change that will need to be handled with care and sensitivity.
  • On the basis of lots of preliminary tests of the hydrophone, sound pressure sensitivity in the air and directivity pattern were tested as well as the ability of receiving sound signal in water.
  • The downstream retinal neurons that receive and process information from photoreceptor cells are preserved for years after the onset of blindness," says Dr. Collins, "giving hope that visual sensitivity might be restored by allowing the artificial input of information to these surviving cells. And Tomorrow's Winners Will Be...
  • Paula expended her inheritance on building and supporting the twin communities and led her community of women with sensitivity and humility.
  • This early sequence, without a trace of dignity or sensitivity, sets the tone for the entire film.
  • Unfortunately for the government, its sensitivity over Tung's public standing has been brought into focus by a furor over a researcher's freedom to gauge popular opinion.
  • The result is a thirtyfold increase in the detection sensitivity when the system is operating near the lasing threshold.
  • Greater sensitivity can be achieved using laser activated fluorescence detectors.
  • A child who repeatedly sees violence or insensitivity towards himself, other human beings or animals becomes desensitized himself.
  • One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction.
  • Due to low amount of IgA in mucosal fluids, a high sensitive sandwich ELISA assay was set; sensitivity was enhanced by milk-based overcoating buffer and by a two-step biotin-streptavidin signal amplification. Elites TV
  • Salt sensitivity in obese individuals may be a consequence of increased sympathetic activity, decreased responsiveness to atrial natriuretic peptide, activation of the renin-angiotensin system or mechanical pressure on the kidneys that increases sodium reabsorption. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » And the 2009 “Salt Lick” Award goes to Pizza!
  • Since then, he and two graduate students have revamped the prototype, improving its range and sensitivity.
  • There has also been an increased incidence of atrophic gastritis and achlorhydria in patients with gluten sensitivity.
  • Older children may complain of a headache, photophobia (eye sensitivity to light), and a stiff neck, which is often noted by the doctor during a physical exam.
  • He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.
  • These results are directly comparable to the familiar sensitivity and elasticity of population growth rate.
  • The story of a nun and a marine could have easily become a cliché, but in their hands, it comes across with sensitivity and delicacy.
  • A good night kiss, as chaste and as innocent as it could be, just seemed the fitting response to that sensitivity.
  • Therefore risk experienced at risky junctions may improve recognition sensitivity.
  • This fact appears in the literature as the discrepancy between sensitivity curves measured with a monochromatic source and with polychromatic radiation observed in normal human skin fibroblasts.
  • Funny how one man's crass insensitivity is another's cheeky humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never mind, rather like buses, if you miss one chance to comment on the tabloids insensitivity, self-aggrandisement, condescension and general loathsomeness there bound to be another chance coming along shortly.
  • The end of a nerve fiber is stimulated to or above its sensitivity threshold level.
  • This essentially gives them sensitivity curves with very broad peaks, so their visual systems are nearly spectrally neutral.
  • On the side, Ernest trained with me (randy stroud) to help his sensitivity in the clinch, and agressive punching with some internal martial arts concepts and western boxing. - Articles related to Suspected arms dealer may be extradited to US
  • Mr Roth was immediately outraged at what he regarded as gross insensitivity and an attempt to create a false symmetry between the two deaths.
  • An important aspect of such chaotic behaviour is sensitivity to initial conditions.
  • This eliminates the need for removal procedures while avoiding long-term palpability and ambient-temperature sensitivity.
  • The biodegradible mixed base oil, with appropriate proportion, could keep the high property of the synthesized base oil, compatibility and sensitivity to additives.
  • Original caption: “The frequency distribution of simulated climate sensitivity using all model versions (black), all model versions except those with perturbations to the cloud-to-rain conversion threshold (red), and all model versions except those with perturbations to the entrainment coef fi cient (blue).” AGU Day 3 part C: How good are predictions from climate models? | Serendipity
  • Objective : To explore mathematical relation of sensitivity and specificity, likelihood ratio, predictive value in diagnostic test.
  • An instrument of greater sensitivity, and possibly one which can be read more accurately, might be needed.
  • Most assessments of climate sensitivity for the present day hover around 3°C per CO2 doubling (5), although if the longterm waxing and waning of continental ice sheets are considered it is probably closer to 6°C (6). Watts Up With That?
  • A conventional root canal procedure was performed and the patient continued to complain of sensitivity.
  • Such sensors, however, have been plagued by their sensitivity to wet and sweaty fingers, as well as to atmospheric humidity.
  • Gong Ning Oral Liquid could also enhance NK cell activity, increase the delayed type hypersensitivity reaction under immunosuppressive state and promote production of inhibition of serum hemolysin.
  • By analyzed the effects of fiber's spring, cycle flex, calorescence and the heat expand,[Sentencedict] the strain sensitivity and temperature sensitivity of FBG are obtained.
  • The difference between human and animal sensitivity to scents is thus explicable mainly by the different composition of their brain-air.
  • It is demonstrated that the detection sensitivity can be greatly improved, and the resolution of SFM(scanning force microscopy) image can reach nanometer order of magnitude.
  • Telomere function is one of the factors that determine radiosensitivity of cells and whole organism.
  • No, you use a printed silk foulard and express your sensitivity and refinement at the same time.
  • There was also an improvement on vagally mediated arterial baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity in a subset of ten testosterone patients who were compared with 12 placebo patients. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • To determine the sensitivity and specificity of the BaFT when compared to the "gold standard" of colonoscopy and ileal biopsies in the diagnosis of small bowel (terminal ileal) CD in the pediatric population. IBD clinical studies: diagnostic testing
  • Over 2000 cases have been reported, reflecting the sensitivity of that growing gland to radioactive iodine, especially in children already deficient in iodine.
  • In some people their sensitivity is quite highly developed, which enables them to be receptive to information provided by spiritual forces. 7/7 Bombs – Police To Blame SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • His sensitivity to surroundings is demonstrated by the Archaeolink Visitor Centre in Aberdeenshire, where a public gateway to the area's historic sites nestles into the landscape.
  • The legendary sensitivity of adolescence is a kind of self-absorption.
  • The lie, which soon became an untruth (for people came genuinely to believe this ungenuine account), was that Keats's sensibility, his sensitivity, the thinness of his skin, and the coagulatory thickening within his troubled mind were responsible first for his abdication, so discouraged was he by the reception of his poems, and then for his death. Keats's Afterlife
  • ÂSome stalwart grad student could write quite a paper on the undertones and resonances of a paragraph like this one: "Through British veins runs the poisonous fake idealism of "human rights" and "sensitivity," of happy-clappy multicultural groveling and sick, weak, deracinated moral universalism -- the rotten fruit of a debased, sentimentalized Christianity. Richard (RJ) Eskow: England's Ashes - America's Future?
  • Furthermore, the factor sensitivity analysis is also conducted, which includes the weaving segment length, the approach length, the cycle length, etc.
  • We'll offer multi-touch, both-hands haptics which invokes the remarkable human sense of touch, sensitivity and meaning.
  • For those cowed by all this ardent muscularity, turn to her to discover, at the last, a private Rubens, that man of exceptional refinement and sensitivity.
  • Compared with surgery, MR arthrography sensitivity for detection of ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears was 100\%, but there were three false positives. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Angkor Wat was devoted to Vishnu; this may reveal an awareness of and sensitivity to the larger Sanskritic world, since this sect was prominent at the time in India and Java. B. Mainland Southeast Asia
  • The software allows for complete head control with mass scale tuning, sensitivity calibration, and ionizer setup.
  • Objective: To characterize the clinical features and the treatment of photosensitivity dermatitis induced by thiazine diuretics.
  • Harms of antiviral treatment may include drug hypersensitivity and renal impairment.
  • Different host plant can induce the change of the activity of carboxylesterase, which is probably the main reason for the different sensitivity against pesticide observed in pests.
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda presents with photosensitivity, skin fragility, bruising, and vesicles and bullae that can become hemorrhagic.
  • A recent study looking at sensitivity of the penis in the circumcised and uncircumcised male found that the five most sensitive areas on the penis are removed at circumcision, and that the keratinized glans on the circumcised penis is less sensitive than the foreskin-protected, mucosa-lined glans on the uncircumcised penis. Ali A. Rizvi: Male Circumcision and the HIV/AIDS Myth
  • To probe a world as alien as the deep also takes sensitivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fifth, considerable skill and sensitivity is required to overcome potential opposition from organized labor. Human Resource Management in Government
  • This ‘Minister of Political Correctness’ is more interested in cultural sensitivity and environmental purism, than the protection of public safety in that area.
  • Such is the sensitivity of the information that only two people are allowed to know it.
  • Our heightened sensitivity to cold makes a chilly draught invariably feel more uncomfortable than a warm breeze. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among other things, voters will assume that a PNM victory in those circumstances would mean a sharp and irreversible rise, to the point of insufferableness, in the very arrogance and lack of sensitivity they now find so objectionable. TrinidadExpress Today's News

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