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How To Use Sensing In A Sentence

  • Granted, we have reams of remote sensing data from that first investigation, including the information from the detailed dissection of the spider biot done by Dr. Laura Ernst. But the cosmonauts brought home only one artifact, a tiny piece of some kind of biomechanical flower whose physical characteristics had already irreversibly changed before any of its mysteries could be understood, We have nothing else in the way of souvenirs from that first excursion. Rama Revisited
  • The machine contour is artistic, Microcomputer ( PLC ) programmable control, Photoelectricity sensing.
  • Sensing trouble, Daniel shook his head and stuck his chocolate wafer into her cone.
  • The Ciona βγ-crystallin is only expressed in the palps and in the otolith, the pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus. Insight Into Eye Evolution Deals Blow To Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
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  • By Gerry Baldo 08/18/2009 Sensing the public outrage that hasn't subsided over what has been described as the ostentatious and luxurious lifestyles of President Arroyo and her entourage displayed during her New York has sent a memorandum to the Office of the Press Secretary, saying the New York Post report on the pricey dinner of President Gloria - Articles related to Developing Economies Like Egypt Can Lead the World Out of Recession
  • Infrared sensing pits enable them to hunt at night, when warm-blooded mammals are easier to find.
  • There are five basic types of automatic and programmable thermostats: electromechanical, digital, hybrid, occupancy, and light sensing.
  • He smiled, sensing an odd happiness welling up in her, even though tears began to roll down her cheeks.
  • Description Frame-mounted hypoid bevel gear with GKN ViscoLok speed-sensing limited-slip differential Undefined
  • There was something about the place, something in the air - not so much a smell, as an aura - that made you check your step, as if you were a rabbit sensing a lurking lurcher.
  • Class B : areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration.
  • Sensing the interest of the audience, the speaker warmed to his topic.
  • Sensing that they were gone, I was more afraid to look at Michael than anything else.
  • In the 0 - level satellite infrared remote sensing image, the striping noises would interfere the image qualities.
  • Adam's smile faded and he sank back into the bed, looking small and tired, sensing their thoughts.
  • Modern sensing devices detect objects or terrain disturbances even though they are well camouflaged.
  • Using a sensing laser the robot measures its position more than 1000 times a second.
  • Often worn at the waist, the simplest pedometers measure only steps and distance, recording steps by sensing body motion.
  • Originally this was applied to remote sensing for checking the effects of agrochemicals used by farmers, to increase efficiency and reduce ecological damage.
  • Sensing a surge of interest, other celebrity magazines have piled in with reports of marital disharmony.
  • As more women worked outside the home everywhere, they could not help sensing an increasing anxiety among men.
  • In this scenario, Lin and his high military commanders, sensing's treachery, plotted a preemptive coup d'etat.
  • ‘It's just a passing remark,’ he hurriedly back-pedalled, sensing something wrong.
  • But those predatory insects that locate prey through chemical sensing are not deterred.
  • NASA is interested in sensing contaminants because spaceships are tightly sealed.
  • Internet hyperbole was still rampant and some Wall Street types, sensing a mega investment banking deal in the works, raved about the huge valuation this business would command.
  • Their technique involves introducing light-sensing molecules, or "photoswitches," into retinas that have lost photoreceptor cells. And Tomorrow's Winners Will Be...
  • If the photon passes through the mirror, it automatically triggers a light-sensing device, which fires the gun and shoots the cat dead.
  • In this paper, we discuss the problem of how to select the weights of every band in multiband remote sensing image when we extract texture features based on gray level co-occurrence matrix.
  • It is an electrogenic fish, generating a weak electric field that is apparently used in navigation, sensing its surroundings, and in communication (the fish use eletrical pulses to send signals to other elephantnoses). Dinosauroids revisited
  • As I pocketed the bill, still sensing their hostility, I readied my escape plan.
  • He was correct in sensing that as far as telling a story was concerned it had long ago run dry. Ronald baatz | the elephants and everybody else « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Nocturnal animals, binturongs do most of their hunting at night, using their long whiskers as ‘tools’ for sensing food.
  • These use remote sensing and instruments that can scratch away surfaces to analyse the geology of the Red Planet.
  • Sensing the electorate's rightward shift, he embraced welfare reform.
  • In this thesis we analyze the sensing signal and sensor system noise, and bring forward methods of decreasing noises.
  • Lidar is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light in much the same way that sonar uses sound or radar uses radio waves.
  • It was not a straight line course either; the unmanned vehicles had to use their computer brains and sensing devices to follow a programmed route and avoid hitting obstacles.
  • Some, perhaps sensing that the window of opportunity is closing, are doing their best to milk the situation for all it is worth.
  • Sensors can be fitted to various parts of the operator's anatomy - for example, to the elbows to check interior space, or to bottoms for sensing seating positions.
  • I can only imagine what you are sensing as you, someone who works for and still has faith in the efforts to find commonalities for progress, watch the tightening of the power cumberbund, onethat iscinchingup aroundour waists. G20 Pbgh; Police State Ghost-Town; Pics and Video of Tear-gassing
  • We've become conditioned, what we like has been reinforced, and yes, yes, motion-sensing is cool, but just give us what we're used to ... we want more of THAT. Wilting The Evergreen
  • The scientists discovered that two Waardenburg-linked genes matched mustard plant genes for sensing gravity.
  • Populated by indigenous dendritic cells, medium and large human arteries have immune-sensing and T-cell–stimulatory functions.
  • The sensing of oxygen with phosphorescent probes is based on luminescence quenching.
  • A novel method based on top-down visual attention is proposed for object detection in remote sensing images. The method considers both object appearance cue and context cue in top-down attention.
  • The synapse is a mechanism that allows amazingly rapid communication between cells, and I don't see any major leap between co-opting an ensemble of proteins that senses the environment for sensing of signals from other cells. Another predictable argument against front-loading
  • Then she turned, sensing someone else nearby.
  • Their compound eyes have up to 30,000 facets, each of which is a separate light-sensing organ or ommatidium, arranged to give nearly a 360° field of vision, important for taking prey on the wing, as has done the female shown above. Michigan in Pictures
  • This may seem counter-intuitive, especially for those recalling decolonisation in the 1960s or sensing the growth of the boycott campaign. Undefined
  • Neil was suspicious of the old pilot's facetious tone, sensing that some elaborate practical joke was about to unfold. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • In an illustrative example, a first sensing vector is analyzed to determine whether it is suitable, within given threshold conditions, for use in cardiac event detection and analysis.
  • She is terribly frightened, no doubt sensing that she may soon be badly hurt or harmed.
  • Sensing an impending emergency, he went to his headquarters on Merdeka Square, just beside the Jakarta garrison.
  • She paused for a moment, hating the silent checkerwork of moonlight and shadow in the room outside and sensing through her skin the shortness of time. The Silent Tower
  • These results suggest that hexokinase is a bifunctional enzyme with catalytic and sugar-sensing activities in plants.
  • With this it is possible to control the emission control equipment and ensure peak efficiency thanks to cylinder-by-cylinder knock sensing.
  • The rat squeals and fights, sensing it may be headed to its doom.
  • Scientists have determined that this electrical sensing equipment ends up wired to the part of the brain that processes visual information ... in other words, platypusses literally see with their honker (that is, "visual" images appear to them). Science Question From a Toddler: What do blind people see? Boing Boing
  • The sensing element of a scintillation counter is a fluor, a substance capable of converting radiation energy to light energy.
  • Ross, sensing that he's been dismissed, nods and gives his father a meaningful glance, unseen by Tristan.
  • Mark watched the other ship draw closer, sensing the increase in their own speed as the sails filled again and the oarsman got their rhythm.
  • With the development of the photogrammetry and remote sensing, people can obtain abundant spacial information.
  • The pulse energies in the solid-state laser can be higher since these lasers store energy longer and more efficiently than fiber lasers, and this higher power improves the performance of lidar and remote-sensing systems.
  • Recent advances in remote sensing and computer based processing of digital imagery may overcome such problems.
  • Again GPS technology empowered art, as a digital aerial imaging sensor, an aerial photography system, satellite data, and 3D remote sensing software captured the vibrant, burgeoning fieldworks from planes and satellites.
  • Sensing something was wrong, Helen's mother managed to evade capture but it was only once on the train with her two sisters, grandmother and aunt did Helen realise the danger.
  • Prostate cancer treatment invitingly to the girlishly sensing pop logagraphia and you voider tinnitus a annular percoidean in the steering. Rational Review
  • The energy of sensing comes from external radio electromagnetic wave.
  • Sure enough, three of them leap at him, sensing the boy as the most powerful, planning to waste him.
  • By Gerry Baldo 08/18/2009 Sensing the public outrage that hasn't subsided over what has been described as the ostentatious and luxurious lifestyles of President Arroyo and her entourage displayed during her - Articles related to ID officials fly state plane, mining industry pays
  • It has a torque-sensing limited-slip front differential to give more traction in slippery conditions, and has a full diff-lock option for seriously rugged terrain. Quad 2009 ATV Buyers Guide
  • Sensing that he had built up enough power, Tony unleashed it all with a flick of his finger.
  • However, what is so unique about this method is that it includes intuition, and every massage is given differently because the practitioner is intuitively sensing their client's physical and non-physical clues.
  • There are other considerations as well such as monotonicity for electronic sensing, but the point of this post is to get you thinking about possible errors and how they might affect, most especially, regional and global averages – in other words, what errors “average out” and what errors “add up”? Karl and Hansen Condemn Poor USHCN Metadata « Climate Audit
  • It felt institutional and antiseptic and I kept sensing ghosts and shadows.
  • One of these oxygen sensing regulatory systems is the fumarate and nitrate reduction transcriptional regulator.
  • Recently I've been sensing one such presence, and it's coming back at increasingly frequent intervals.
  • Optical interferometers (and other refractive index sensors) have features that make them versatile platforms for biomolecular sensing.
  • Neither of us cries but we are obviously repressing deep emotions, and peo-ple, sensing this, avert their gaze.
  • Think of geomedicine as your personal health surveillance system -- always turned on and always vigilant about sensing changes in your environments communities, neighborhoods, households and worksites, both past and present that might impact your health. The Full Feed from
  • Using a sensing laser the robot measures its position more than 1000 times a second.
  • The remote sensing campaigns generated large volumes of data at a time when, due to the rover's orientation, there was less bandwidth available for downlinking the data.
  • The measuring system with microcomputer for inlet and outlet flow field of the Francis turbine runner is described. The pitot probe with 5 holes was used as sensing element.
  • Sensing change was in the air, it lobbied potentially influential politicians and policymakers in a frenzy.
  • Recent advances in remote sensing and computer based processing of digital imagery may overcome such problems.
  • A new demodulation method of fiber Bragg grating(FBG) sensing signal, which is by making use of the monotonic decline section of an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) light source, is proposed.
  • Barack Obama clearly sensing that his political opponents here are trying to gain some traction some political traction by this story.
  • He had not even climbed far into sensual decadence, a different mountain entirely, with play for the playboy tearing his crepe paper heart the inwardly lachrymose and outwardly debonair way that it did, with these bouts of sensing a woman's genitalia as vapid holes being banged as empty drums from inside by a man's stick; these conclusions that sex was just a bored erumpent man banging on any tin trash can in reach for a bit of sound and vibration, and brief moments of total, pellucid understanding called enlightenment as to the absolute absurdity of an instrument of urination being used for intimacy. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me,"These men are pretty easy to talk to.".
  • Quickly sensing the acoustic mismatch, the woman closes the bathroom door, muting the water sounds.
  • There are many examples in which hexose metabolism is required for sensing.
  • "Sit down, and I'll get you a drink, " Jones said, obviously sensing her discomfort.
  • Increasingly enhancement remote sensing information ( spectral or spacial ) has not been mined and processed yet.
  • He looks about him, sensing danger.
  • The disease attacks the macula - an area of the retina at the back of the eye that houses light-sensing cells.
  • Prostate cancer treatment invitingly to the girlishly sensing pop logagraphia and you voider tinnitus a annular percoidean in the steering. Rational Review
  • The sensitives believed themselves capable of sensing ghosts, and that is what they attempted to do.
  • The use of an electrometer or galvanoscope for sensing magnetic field or electric fields are well known.
  • Sensing that their prey was cornered, the trio spread out a bit, moving to flank her before closing in to finish her off.
  • Against this backdrop, it is easy to see why several funding agencies have expanded the area of research in biomimetics - in particular, biomimetic electromagnetic sensing.
  • The dynamics equation of sensor is constituted and the equation's solution is got. The relationship of output voltage and pendular angle of the sensing mass is gained.
  • Sara, sensing the urgency in Kit's voice and movements nodded curtly and then left the tent, barking order to those just standing around as she did so.
  • Cleante demanded, sensing that the introverted one was in danger of introverting herself into extinction unless a little human teasing could prevent it. Dwellers in the Crucible
  • Our results show that activation-induced CBF regulation in the brain does not operate through the release of vasoactive mediators on hemoglobin deoxygenation or through a tissue-based oxygen-sensing mechanism. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The horses snorted and pranced in place, apparently sensing the oncoming danger.
  • Sensing her despair, Malachi felt tears pricking his own eyes.
  • I could feel him there though, sensing me, moving cautiously, the way I was moving.
  • Nevertheless, knowing dialectally precise Ashkenazi Hebrew is useful in sensing the artfulness of much 19th and 20th Hebrew literature. Jewschool
  • Whether it's motion sensing, voice activation, or simply breathing, there are new ideas being concocted all over the place.
  • The other is a remote sensing system for conducting minimally-invasive endoscopy, colonoscopy, and proctoscopy examinations.
  • Rockwell Automation, for example, has ‘equal-sensing’ inductive proximity sensors that can sense whether a metal is ferrous or non-ferrous.
  • The craft will carry a host of instruments and sensors, such as cameras, multispectral imagers, thermal infrared imagers, star trackers, GPS receivers and sea-surface-height sensing radar. NASA Watch: News: July 2009 Archives
  • These work by sensing your proximity to the car and automatically unlocking the doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suspension Type: Fully independent, MacPherson strut suspension, front and rear antivibration subframes, and engine-speed-sensing, progressive power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering 2006 Lexus RX400h
  • Direct sensing mechanisms might involve proteins or ligands that bind or react with oxygen.
  • Sensing his potential as an actor, Shashi Kapoor deleted his scene as a junior artist playing a mourner from the English film "Bombay Talkie. Undefined
  • Developmental prospects of the remote sensing technique in marine environment pollution monitoring are also discussed.
  • Sensing that his armies would be routed, Ethelred conjured up a scheme to prevent them from facing the enemy head on.
  • Due to the unique high affinity and reversible interactions with diols , boronic acid-based fluorescent sensors can be used in carbohydrate sensing and recognition.
  • The combination of the statocysts and the statolith aids the mussel in maintaining equilibrium by sensing gravity.
  • A hierarchical object detection method based on vision saliency was proposed for automatic sensing image interpretation.
  • As remote sensing relies heavily on interpretation skills, local experts may help with the interpretation.
  • Sensing a losing battle, they began to study maps and guidebooks over a shared bottle of Chianti Classico.
  • It's got a photo-sensing thing, and as the acetate is spinning, the photo-sensing thing is getting those squiggly lines and interpreting them as sound.
  • Still, sensing the uncanonical nature of this church, the Council of American Bishops meeting in Pittsburgh in 1936 recognized the Synod of Bishops.
  • Neil was suspicious of the old pilot's facetious tone, sensing that some elaborate practical joke was about to unfold. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Sensing the tears welling inside her nose again, she swallowed quickly, still managing to keep the mask in place. TICKLED PINK
  • The customary view in remote sensing is the vertical one.
  • They use their vibrissae as sensing organs underwater to monitor the movements of fishes and other prey.
  • Using remote sensing predictions, the researchers calculate the likely range of a rare and range-restricted endemic bird of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the grey-winged cotinga.
  • More complex systems have built-in overrides using call-in, occupancy sensing or reaction to out-of-spec temperatures that turn on systems for zones having special needs.
  • Hyperspectral remote sensing can potentially have a significant impact in detecting geobotanical anomalies or trends.
  • The immune system, sensing trouble, then sends forth white blood cells called cytotoxic lymphocytes, or CTLs, to destroy the affected cells. Can He Find A Cure?
  • Reference data aids analysis and interpretation of remotely sensed data; calibrates sensors; and verifies information extracted from remote sensing data.
  • The chocolatiers designed a dozen different chocolates for Blass's approval, but sensing that he would resent not having a choice, they seeded the selection with several intentionally inferior pieces.
  • Brookes, riding HM Plant Honda, goes into these races sensing that he can take the lead in the title chase for the first time, having closed within four points of Hill who has had a problematic last two rounds.
  • The makeup of the arc light sensor, physical model arc light sensing and signal characteristics, discussed.
  • Sensing a feeling of neither pleasure nor pain, one senses it disjoined from it. A Verb for Nirvana by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • Sophisticated monitoring equipment and sensing devices for medical diagnosis have been available for some time.
  • All four regions are under threat from agricultural extensification and all four identify the household level as the key scale for analysis, remote sensing as a useful tool, and land tenure or institutions as key driving forces and issues of importance to managers. Protected areas
  • Sensing movement might help keep a fly from remaining in one place for very long, the same way the tail of a cow might help "shoo" the fly from its stationary position on the haunch, but does that mean flies go away or does it mean they just buzz around and land again somewhere else nearby? Repel Flies With A Bag Of Water | Lifehacker Australia
  • Then, perhaps sensing what I really want, he points to his window.
  • Luckily there is a produce stall just a few steps further, where you get a few handfuls of wild roquette, sensing that the arugula's peppery bite will work wonders with the plump whelks.
  • In order to minimize interconnecting wire, tactile sensing array is made up of a sheet of piezoresistive rubber and common column and row stripe electrodes.
  • For sensing air temperature under heavy loading (High electric current) appliances such as fan heater, hot air tunnel ...etc...
  • If its new role holds up, it will be the first time a temperature-sensing protein has been implicated in mediating thermotaxis in animals.
  • The people of Ngati Awa reflect on the life of their ancestors, sensing the ihi, or power, the wehi, or fear, and the mauri, life force, emanating from the land and the water.
  • Perhaps sensing the change in mood, his sisters turned to fix him with concerned looks.
  • (Strangely, plants use the gene as part of their system for sensing gravity, called gravitropism.) - latest science and technology news stories
  • New coastal ocean remote sensing techniques permit benthic habitats to be explored with higher resolution than ever before.
  • This paper brings forward a newly tactile sensing technology applying piezoelectricity of quartz crystal.
  • These acceleration-sensing gyroscopic devices are offered by some autopilot manufacturers as an option or as an integral part of the system.
  • Woods, sensing blood, hit a fantastic second from 149 yards that almost went in, leaving him a gimme birdie.
  • Sensing his once-a-year opportunity again slipping away, he slapped himself in the face after losing one frantic rally. Federer outlasts del Potro, will face Soderling for French title
  • The Fanhui Shi Weixing recoverable satellites were originally developed for photoreconnaissance but now are also used for remote sensing.
  • But the tough-looking kid, sensing she's about to lose her milk bottle, says, ‘I don't think so, baldy.’
  • Sensing no remonstrance from the two humans he knew to be nearby, he began walking, slowly, drawing Roman's mount along in his wake.
  • Vulcan thoughts and emotions can be difficult for esper species to avoid sensing. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • Remote-sensing and other geospatial data provide an accurate and visually compelling backdrop in which to embed related data and models.
  • I carried on with my questions, sensing a weak spot in his story.
  • Sensing the danger, Dan eased off his angle of bank and pulled up slightly, barrel rolling away from the direction of turn.
  • To achieve unipolar charge sensing over the largest possible portion of the detector volume, then, requires the smallest possible strip pitch compared to the thickness of the detector.
  • A revolution in remote-sensing technology is already making it possible for scientists to see the underwater pathways that marine mammals such as seals and whales use on their mysterious peregrinations.
  • This ability to control the excitonic properties in plasmonic fluorescent quantum dots is essential to the development of devices such as solar cells, light emitting diodes, or optical circuits and might improve the sensitivity of quantum-dot based biosensing assays," Cotlet said. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Today only a few species, such as sharks, sturgeons, and lampreys, have electro-sensing capabilities.
  • On those same dark and damp days, the light-sensing headlamps and rain-sensitive wipers kick in without touching the controls.
  • City opponents have redoubled their assaults, sensing that a Tory victory is not impossible.
  • Sensing my surprise, he continued: ` Moenie vir my se jy het nie geweet dat hy 'n moffie was nie.' ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Her secret horrors, the massive psychic wound from the loss of her golden torc (and yet that not as devastating as one might have expected), the monstrous metapsychic faculties for coercion, psychokinesis, creativity, farsensing, now walled up and latent like ravening beasts in squeeze-traps, never to be freed again. The Golden Torc
  • He nodded eagerly, sensing my desperate tone in my voice.
  • The Ciona βγ-crystallin is only expressed in the palps and in the otolith, the pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus. Insight Into Eye Evolution Deals Blow To Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • Alexander still held her arm cautiously, but he soon let go, sensing that the danger had passed.
  • Because of the inconvenient ice cover, most Antarctic geology can be studied only by remote-sensing methods such as seismology, which involves setting off explosions, bouncing the soundwaves down through the ice to the earth's crust and recording them on their way back up. Terra Incognita
  • Sensing his fury, one of his granddaughters burst into tears.
  • Taking the pressure sensor as information sensing element is proposed aiming at high - precision requirement to burst spot in depth charge in this paper.
  • Hyperspectral remote sensing refers to use very narrow and continuous spectrum of remote sensing image features continuous channel of technology.
  • Sensing the shift in ruling circles, and the possibility of winning government, they made a calculated decision that their best interests lay in burying the whole issue.
  • Sensing she was being watched, she spun round to face the doorway, the Beretta gripped tightly at arm's length.
  • Many precautions by the white-gods had Jerry been aware of, and so, sensing it almost in intangible ways, as a matter of course he accepted this barbed-wire fence on the floating world as a mark of the persistence of danger. CHAPTER III
  • And Clyde, as instantly sensing the profoundness of his own failure, his own cowardice or inadequateness for such an occasion, as instantly yielding to a tide of submerged hate, not only for himself, but An American Tragedy
  • At that time, a bunch of European and North American groups were just obtaining the first practical results of GPS positioning for airborne photogrammetry and remote sensing.
  • What's more, the United States is actively pursuing a series of initiatives — including further advances in anti-submarine and anti-satellite warfare; in missile accuracy and potency; and in wide-area remote sensing, aimed at finding "relocatable" targets such as mobile ICBMs — that will render Russia's and China's nuclear forces all the more vulnerable. The Perils of Primacy
  • But I kept sensing a presence behind the door, like a slight shadow, and when I opened the door Daniella was standing there.
  • He was looking downward now, but, sensing the movement, his head snapped up.
  • Active ground-based remote sensing uses pulsed electromagnetic radiation sources such as lasers and radars to probe atmospheric structure.
  • Sensing victory, she scolds rhetorically: "Are not feet that are unable to stand a person on her own truly wasted?"
  • With this it is possible to control the emission control equipment and ensure peak efficiency thanks to cylinder-by-cylinder knock sensing.
  • Ultimately, such novel protein architectures could be designed to include functional elements useful in sensing, separation or other technological applications on the molecular scale.
  • Politicians, sensing wide and profound dissatisfaction with the status quo, have proposed significant changes in our federal income tax.
  • Fear was upon the condescending pitiful crowd, for they did not know what the law would exact of them if the affair were not hushed up, and they were cathodoluminescent when West, in spite of my pressure-sensing generic ultram, dabbed to get rid of the thing quietly glamorous for a purpose I framed too well. Think Progress » Deja DiRita
  • Three examples are a squashable mobile phone, a cloth computer keyboard and a car seat with built-in sensing. Cloth Keyboards for PDAs | Impact Lab
  • Together with the engine-speed-sensing rack-and-pinion power steering, the suspension is designed to provide unerring road feel while quietly isolating the passenger cabin from unwanted noise, vibration and harshness.
  • Depth-sensing projectors, wearable digital assistants, and super-sensitive haptics were all on display.
  • In addition, the Princeton metamaterial is capable of negative refraction of light in the mid-infrared region, which is used in a wide range of sensing and communications applications. Semiconductor Structure Bends Light ‘Wrong’ Way | Impact Lab
  • Over the years, he's been uncomfortable in sensing differences. NFLPA doctor: Standardized tests necessary for concussion treatment
  • Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me,"These men are pretty easy to talk to.".
  • Taking the pressure sensor as information sensing element is proposed aiming at high - precision requirement to burst spot in depth charge in this paper.
  • Sensing a kindred spirit rather than a workplace to avoid, Dempsey applied for a job and was appointed commis chef at the bottom of the kitchen hierarchy.

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