How To Use Sensible In A Sentence
And a very certain opposition as well: some of it sensible, a good deal of it plain hysterical.
Times, Sunday Times
They then proposed a sensible remedy to the problem.
The final question addressed was the need to institute a sensible programme for tourism.
No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson
No matter how anodyne, fatuous, sensible or irrelevant.
Times, Sunday Times

Things which experience gradual withdrawings and emptyings of their nature, and great and sudden replenishments, fail to perceive the emptying, but are sensible of the replenishment; and so they occasion no pain, but the greatest pleasure, to the mortal part of the soul, as is manifest in the case of perfumes.
They've turned sensible, if you take my meaning.
He scratched imprecisely with his right hand, though insensible of prurition, various points and surfaces of his partly exposed, wholly abluted skin.
It could be cold and wet so pack some sensible clothes.
I strongly urge him to do so, if he can reach a sensible and reasonable compromise.
These include some very sensible measures such as to shower rather than bathe and to use buckets rather than hosepipes when washing cars.
Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take.
I very much doubt Wales would take quite as long as Ireland did in adopting a sensible fiscal policy.
The £6bn lie
Whenever possible, forego fashion and stick with ‘sensible’ shoes.
She is campaigning for what she calls ‘sensible’ gun control, advocating trigger locks, childproof guns and mandatory background checks at gun shows.
She remained insensible of the dangers that lay ahead.
Savitri Era religion is the most sensible alternat...
Hegemony of Harmony
She, perhaps, is dead now, for when he last called she was bedrid, and nearly insensible.
Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
Sensible and justifiable decisions, properly communicated would raise morale rather than diminish it.
It is sensible to give the carp a balanced diet for we want the carp to do well on our baits.
This is not a great essay in historical writing, but a readable and sensible one.
Times, Sunday Times
She married a sensible, lovely fella.
Times, Sunday Times
Once again, what we get from Obama and his cronies is rhetoric, rather than a sensible plan of action.
Obama camp out with new gas tax ad, Clinton camp fires back
Dr Winiata showed on TV the other night during a rowdy and unmanaged debate just how quietly sensible, measured and controlled they can be.
Present castle incumbent Peter Frost-Pennington is a stoic, sensible Scot, who likes to keep an open mind on spectral matters, but readily admits a recent flurry in phantom phenomena has been pretty good for business.
I don't know Michael, Claudia, or Fred from the Fraser Institute although I'm sure that they're very sensible people.
It is true that Herbert Butterfield remarked that the trick of writing history lay in ‘the art of abridgement’, but abridgement must be both sensible and defensible.
It would be sounded high that he debased human nature, which has a "cognation," so the reverend and learned Doctor Cudworth calls it, with the divine; that the soul of man, immaterial and immortal by its nature, was made to contemplate higher and nobler objects than this sensible world, and even than itself, since it was made to contemplate God and to be united to Him.
Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
The former option would be much more sensible.
The influencer is clearly willing to work harder to ensure information flows through the Internet in sensible ways, but everyone else will need something more personal to happen as a result of tagging to warrant the amount of effort to do it.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Looking At Social Media Ecologies
His biography is eminently sensible on a subject about which much high-flown transcendental nonsense has been written.
Thus I think we now have a sensible solution to the reconstruction of the Old IE objective endings preceding the agglutination of “indicative” postclitic demonstrative *əi PIE *-i:
The trouble with the PIE 1st & 2nd person plural endings (3)
If your summers veer towards the torrid, a soft coat low e with a lower SHGC may be a more sensible strategy.
Finally, we know that Father Doria very likely will not be saved, because he is sadistic, "avaricious" 88, and completely insensible to Guilo's youth, innocence, gentleness, and beauty.
The Boy Martyr; Or, Manfresti's Page. A Story of 1567
We can do this with more competitive corporate tax rates, more sensible regulation, improved K-12 education, and better job training for skills that the market demands such as the computer literacy necessary even to operate today's machinery.
Washington's Knack for Picking Losers
All of this is a sensible carry-over to the second publication of what is being said in the House.
She offers sensible advice to the contestants and is a breath of fresh air.
The Sun
He was taken to see the doctors but fell into a coma and was insensible for three months.
Constructing Ballista Towers atop settlement walls allows a defending force to shower any attackers with iron bolts, a sensible improvement for almost any siege scenario.
Good, normally sensible drivers start thinking about taking chances.
The government is committed to balancing the books over a sensible period of time.
Times, Sunday Times
It has taken a practical, sensible approach to what is a tricky issue.
Times, Sunday Times
We need people to think and to be sensible about what they are doing.
Times, Sunday Times
I have an overall plan to be sensible as needed, and to treat myself well each day with simple pleasures, such as picnicking with a view or listening to favorite music.
Lea Lane: "The Worst May Be Behind Us": 15 Ways to Cut Back Anyway
The accurate measurement of area by this method must be achieved before it is sensible to talk about reflectance.
Honorius could remain insensible of the public disgrace, he might perhaps be affected by the personal misfortunes of his generous kinsmen.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
It's about time we sorted a sensible compromise and not a draconian law.
Even at his preparatory school, where he was known as a swot of the first water, he had displayed an unhealthy infatuation for that tongue; he loved its cold, lapidary construction; and while other boys played football or cricket, this withered little fellow used to lark about with a note-book, all by himself, torturing sensible
South Wind
Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
He oftentimes is so absurd and insensible of kindnesses done him that he renders evil for good.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
It has taken a practical, sensible approach to what is a tricky issue.
Times, Sunday Times
To take part, all you need to do is turn up in warm, old clothes, with sensible sturdy shoes.
Are you going out to search for it at this time of night? It seems hardly sensible.
Their conviction that human reason could acquire knowledge of supersensible entities, including the soul and God, necessitated, in Kant's view, a “critique.”
Kant and Leibniz
I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up.
Considering the array of expertise before the committee, one would think a rational, sensible person would want to give it some thought.
People who have been in contact with farm animals in the last two weeks were being asked to postpone their visit while others were warned to wear sensible footwear for walking over disinfected matting.
The sensible one who keeps her friends on the straight and narrow.
Times, Sunday Times
A sensible spelling reform as opposed to revolution of English spelling would eliminate the unpredictable pronunciations and the homographic heterophones, making English spellng as usable as French spelling.
Today’s “Today” | Linguism
The acquisition by schools would seem sensible as this forms a useful and accurate guide to vessel and organ location.
Even a sensible idea or a fine principle is exaggerated to the point that it becomes preposterous and untenable.
They may be caused by your shoes rubbing so padding and sensible footwear may solve the problem.
The Sun
Meanwhile the big publishers and the big retailers probably won't disappear, any more than the local supermarket will close if a few sensible people go to the farmers' market.
Your standard diet sounds very sensible.
The Sun
The sudden sensory deprivation is not going to render a grown man or even small child insensible and throw them into fits of panic.
All public representatives have to be sensible and intelligent and address this in a responsible way.
Since this has happened I have become embarrassed about what I thought to be a practical, sensible coin.
Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later.
His midriff is ample, though his menu choices are sensible.
Times, Sunday Times
To be even more blunt: If the entire haruspical tradition is from the Near East and related closely with Babylonian or Hittite religion which share the same practices, then why aren't Etruscologists doing the sensible thing and putting away their childish toys namely Capella's fictitious poetry and picking up a book on Babylonian or Hittite divination practices in order to understand Etruscan religion more competently?
Finding structure in the Piacenza Liver despite academic claptrap - Part 4
While he was talking about the forthcoming centenaries of the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme, Sean Brady's words also have significance for the era of Plunkett: I am asking that we be sensitive and sensible about how we conduct these commemorations.
Our pasts and the Permanent Things
This starts out as sensible cost-saving and but imperceptibly the boundary is crossed arid we enter the realm of skimping.
But it also behooves us to be very cautious in accusing someone of racism. sensible Cape Coral FL
Republicans say Carter playing 'race card'
Sensible Stella faltered and the long-buried Romantic Stella shoved her out of the way like a shopaholic on sale day.
More sensible use of appliances is always a good approach, but with competition now at least a partial reality, it also pays to work out if you could get a better deal on your existing service.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia
WITH their leering passengers and obstructive manoeuvring, stretch limousines are for many drivers a crime against taste, decency and sensible road use.
Times, Sunday Times
True, they ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts, and thus appeared to be acting with sensible restraint; but this sensible restraint is purely illusionary - and a simple example will show you what I mean by this.
The soul forms in itself likenesses of things inasmuch as, through the light of agent intellect, forms abstracted from sensible objects are made actually intelligible, so as to be received in the possible intellect.
Age with Spirit, as the title suggests, is a guide for the average sensible man to develop a certain poise, a psychologically sound and creative attitude to the process of aging.
It will certainly be less hassle to come to a sensible compromise on this, rather than getting involved in a legal wrangle.
Times, Sunday Times
With sensible planning and swift adoption of new technologies, governments can still make the planet work.
Times, Sunday Times
That seems to be a sensible idea.
I have a friend, a sensible, rational creature, not outwardly generous, but happy to share a garibaldi if pressed.
And the pledges were largely of the motherhood and apple pie kind-wholesome, sensible and entirely unobjectionable.
Here you can still buy a deerstalker hat, be fitted for a pinstripe blazer, slip on some sensible footwear, sniff out some musky cologne or get your balding locks tended by a traditional wet-shave barber.
On one hand the person wants to put two fingers up to sensible behaviour.
The Sun
Sporty hatchbacks, coupes and saloons would be tearfully exchanged for the bigger, sensible and practical but dull to drive estates.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 "reflects a sensible choice to leave complex epidemiological judgments about vaccine design to the FDA and the National Vaccine Program rather than juries," Justice Antonin Scalia wrote, referring to the Food and Drug Administration.
Supreme Court rules vaccine makers protected from lawsuits
Activists say they were given repeated assurances by a chief inspector from the Metropolitan police that they would be shown to safety after the protest, which she described as non-violent and sensible.
The Guardian World News
Marrying the two in a mutually beneficial collaboration seems a sensible solution and unlike most marriages, it needn't be expensive.
That makes it difficult to reach a sensible judgment on whether this is a justified expense.
Times, Sunday Times
And first, I am very sensible how much the gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to murmur, and be choked at the sight of so many daggle-tailed parsons that happen to fall in their way, and offend their eyes; but at the same time, these wise reformers do not consider what an advantage and felicity it is for great wits to be always provided with objects of scorn and contempt, in order to exercise and improve their talents, and divert their spleen from falling on each other, or on themselves, especially when all this may be done without the least imaginable danger to their persons.
An Argument against Abolishing Christianity
He added: ‘We do need in Scotland a sensible scheme to ensure the public is safeguarded and the profession is not pilloried.’
We also have said that the acquisitions are part of our growth strategy and we continue to make strategic and in our view very sensible acquisitions and then deliver what we say we do which is we said monogram be accretive of post the annualization and monogram is accretive post the animalization and its driving top line revenue growth because of the pricing and because of the unique to sort of test offering.
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This system (following the Byzantine system) was sensible for a large agrarian empire for which detailed cadastral surveys were impractical.
While I may be sensible enough to spend my free time sitting in poncy cinema cafés drinking coffee, a very silly friend of mine is running the London Marathon this weekend.
About 150 activists were arrested in Fortnum & Mason despite holding what Chief Inspector Claire Clark described as a non-violent and "sensible" demonstration.
Met police are accused of pursuing a 'vindictive' case against UK Uncut tax protesters
The 30 mph limit all the way from Waterhead through the village was surely sensible, and more likely to be obeyed.
No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson
And a magnificent animal he is!" remarked my grandfather; "but although a mastiff is the largest of dogs, I do not think it is as sensible as many others.
The Elson Readers, Book 5
Après, la retraite aidant, je compte diminuer sensiblement mes activités sur le net.
Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
Ignore the kind of self-helpy title: this is a fabulous and rather dense tome that manages to synthesize the state of the art in neuropsychology (Schwartz is one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy for the successful treatment of patients with OCD), neurobiology, quantum physics, Buddhist philosophy, and the question of free will into a sensible whole.
Ashes to ashes baby, dirt to dirt
You have to be sensible about it.
Times, Sunday Times
It is putting up 26 candidates and, apart from a moderately sensible policy querying the wisdom of allowing the current system of postal voting to continue, it's pure barminess all the way.
Anyone who lived in a factory would naturally be a bit pasty, and gloves are a sensible and hygienic precaution where food preparation is involved.
The question for a public inquiry is whether that is a sensible way of calculating the direct benefit.
That way we risk flattening our financial system, squeezing the innovation out of it, trying to return it to the world of yesteryear, which is neither sensible nor economically productive.
Tony Blair Takes on the World
You give him some sensible advice about not showing out.
Times, Sunday Times
(link) I wouldn't say Brown's record is appalling - although I think there are big questions over whether PFI was actually good value for money or a sensible way to build well-designed hospitals.
Amuchmoreexotic: A simple but brilliant theory
This resolution is sensible, it is sober, it is realistic.
What sane, sensible person would throw more than a billion dollars at the overseas sharemarket at a time of major volatility?
Plainly the company did not want to lose this, although it is hard to see who else could have handled traffic of this volume in any sensible way.
You have to be sensible about it.
Times, Sunday Times
Ron Paul, the one the media and rabid neocons have called a lunatic, is the only sensible candidate in this race. michael
Paul set to hold separate rally during Republican convention
I have not yet been given a sensible answer to that question, possibly because my reasoning is too logical and lacking enough restrictive nannying for the anti-everything brigade.
His midriff is ample, though his menu choices are sensible.
Times, Sunday Times
A sensible approach was taken to the game and copious quantities of water were supplied to the players in an effort to stop them dehydrating.
Increasing assessment once had the sensible intention of making it easier to measure the extent to which essential skills were being taught.
Times, Sunday Times
No one can look sensible with a nose that turns straight up, and I will have bright colors to wear -- I was brought up on wincey, color of mud, and all these London-smoke, battleship-gray colors make me sick.
The Next of Kin Those who Wait and Wonder
The best thing about a return to high waistbands is that ladies who enjoy their lunch can smooth away their pouchy tummies by investing in a sensible pair of ‘control’ knickers.
Well, surely that sensible widow was in on whatever distaff discussions went on overhead.
Not to be vain or conceited, but it was the truth and anyone sensible would agree.
Both will encourage hard work, thrift and sensible financial planning.
Times, Sunday Times
This is not barely affirmed, concerning these primitive Christians, but spoken of them as their high praise and encomium; as being a discovery of the refinedness, excellency, and greatness of their spirits, who could so far lift up themselves above sense and sensible things, as to place their highest and most vigorous love upon an unseen Object.
The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.
insensible to pain
The foreshore is the Queen's, but some sensible arrangement could be made about the driftwood, plastic bottles, condoms and winkles found there.
The Guardian World News
A number of normally sensible people in Europe have supported this proposition.
She was a sensible girl and did not panic.
However, there are conditions that may increase so-called insensible losses through sites such as the skin.
In Los Angeles, many argued for what they call sensible immigration reform.
CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2006
You might think so and so might any other sensible person.
Times, Sunday Times
I cannot think of a sensible reason for removing measures such as stopping shops placing junk food next to the tills.
Times, Sunday Times
No sensible person would drink the water; however it is important for people who have been in contact with floodwater to wash their hands and use basic hygiene.
This guy used to be a dyed in the wool reactionary but I've noticed that lately he's been well… pretty sensible and rational.
Or does it reflect a reasonably sensible estimate of where future value will be found?
made sensible of his mistakes
I'm going to ignore the fact that he used the odious phrase "women of a certain age" and just hope to high hell that we don't see an "Oh Susan Ugh!" or "Susan B-eautiful" line of polyester blend slacks and sensible pantsuits coming to a K-mart near you anytime soon.
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As for usability, it is extremely easy to use, with a lot of energy put into sensible search functions.
This is a sensible and careful judgment.
Times, Sunday Times
This suggests that it is sensible to explore aspects of subjective risk in the controlled environment of even this relatively crude simulator.
Sarah had always been so sensible and rational and now she actually sounded as if she believed what she was saying.
She said Caroline was a sensible and practical teenager, and prepared well for her trip.
It's not injection moldable which makes the film approach more sensible.
If you've got a congested street with a primary school and lots of cyclists it may be more sensible to have a 20mph zone.
Times, Sunday Times
At least then I could spot them in good time (clipboard, sensible cardie and wild-eyed look of desperation) and take avoiding action without looking too obvious.
However, it is clearly sensible for a business to adopt standard contract formation procedures.
The virus may also be noted by a lack of appetite, general sluggishness and achiness, and by the strong feeling that everything is too much effort, including speech, eye-movement and sensible thought.
The theory relies on what James takes to be the experienced relations of sensible compresence and sensible continuity.
My sane sensible side reasserted itself quickly, but just for one second after seeing a room for let in Brighton, I was about to just up and leave.
Yet his record should have demanded a more coherent and sensible end to his tenure.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a rebuttal of someone's writing that it was "sensible" for NASA to back-pedal from metric (again!) because of the potential problems with the Space Shuttle documentation.
NASA Finds The Metric System Too Hard To Implement for Constellation - NASA Watch
The measures also provided sensible discriminations between the more- and less-creative participants, irrespective of ESP scores.
Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. Socrates
When a piece of zinc and silver are connected together, and the zinc is put in a situation to decompose water, and oxidate, a current of hydrogen gas will separate from the silver wire, provided this be immersed under water; but when it is not, a current of electricity passes, which is sensible to the electrometer.
Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
Going on about Polish parties that think poovery is wrong (how dare they) or some Czech bloke who thinks global warming is a load of bollocks (sounds a sensible person to me) and some Danish MEP who thinks Islam is bent on World Domination.
Yet his record should have demanded a more coherent and sensible end to his tenure.
Times, Sunday Times
In these straitened times it would be a very sensible way of reducing government spending.
Times, Sunday Times
But with copper, and substances not sensible to ordinary magnetic impressions, _similar_ poles on opposite sides of the plate neutralize each other; _opposite_ poles exalt the action; and a single pole at the edge or end on does nothing.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
She wallows in television, bonding with characters as if they're her friends, while ignoring the sensible advice from her real friends.
Rather than letting prisoners out early for good behaviour, it might be more sensible to keep them in longer for bad behaviour.
It isn't sensible to make predictions based on evolution when cloning and germinal choice technology are a decade away.
It would be sensible for dioceses to establish procedures for arbitration in case these are needed to settle disputes.
Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes.
Keeping the public informed on the risks to their safety and security is clearly sensible.
Times, Sunday Times
The young prince showed, among other virtues, a disposition to frugality, which, had he lived, would soon have retrieved these losses; but as his health was declining very fast, the present emptiness of the exchequer was a sensible obstacle to the execution of those projects which the ambition of Northumberland had founded on the prospect of
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
Any sensible legal system has to rely in part on sanctions brought to bear after people have stolen property or looted corporations.
There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
I was dizzy, confused and unable to string sensible sentences together.
Times, Sunday Times
This story has been repeated innumerable times, and structures how we think about law and judging today: formalism is naïve, bad, or false; every sensible and candid person is realistic about judging.
He's richt sensible an 'eident whiles; but when the fey blude gets intil his heid, an' he gets into the middle o 'ony rig, he's juist as daft as the rochest haflin that ever fee'd.
My Man Sandy
The Congressional Budget Office produces a lot of sober-minded, sensible, reality-based policy analysis.
Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives Prepare to Abandon Newfound Love for CBO
Rather than do the sensible thing of pocketing it, he drew attention to it and then dared everyone to gob on it.
It's good to see another famous political blatherer actually blathering something sensible.
Bourne has dcme the fodishest thing that ever a sensible man was guilty of; he made solimtationa tQ the Duke of Devonshire for a Chaplsinship to a Man of War, and is now sailed in the Ruby, in Boscawen*s squadnm, for the £ast Indies: this he dkl uakaowtt to most of hitr friends, and without any view of other inlepest than the heim
Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
A partnership can be formed and operated with the minimum of formality - no written agreement is required, although it is always sensible to have one.
This parachuting in of unskilled manual labour does not seem like a sensible way to run a postal system but we aren't here for our mailing ability.
Times, Sunday Times
It is all probably sensible advice, but if you are an anxious parent you will be able to look after your kids already, and if you don't care then a po-faced web site isn't going to make a difference.
This is a simple but perspicuous consequence of the Cartesian doctrine of sensible qualities and its conception of matter.
While I read "at once" to mean "all at the same time" you obviously read it as "immediately." so while your follow up made little sense to me since it was redundant in the manner in which I read the thread starter's comment, it was quite sensible in the manner in which you read it. therefore, I dug you back up. brool story co.
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
On Europe, the UK Independence Party has apparently sunk this strategy because it shows that only the Tories are the sensible pragmatists.
The only sensible and morally defensible route is to promote greater understanding and tolerance, and to educate the population on immigration issues.
Gatwick remains the sensible choice for its location, capacity and potential for speedy construction.
Times, Sunday Times
In an ideal and organised world, the motorist would be sensible enough to refuel his car before joining a motorway.
Times, Sunday Times
Self-control will help them appear strong, sensible, and reasonable rather than demanding, argumentative, or stubborn.
However the exaltedness of some minds (or rather as I shrewdly suspect their insipidity and want of feeling or observation) may make them insensible to these light things, (I mean such as characterise and paint nature) yet surely they are as weighty and much more useful than your grave discourses upon the mind, the passions, and what not.”
But there was a drawer full of the proper sensible stuff.
Times, Sunday Times
The invective I saw on these threads particularly from the one I referred to as the fragrant one (now disappeared) was never true, nor were her accusations, but you were a different story - never rude, a sensible and balanced lady but totally appalled by the spectre of an Obama presidency - what I am really asking you is why you are so out of sync with the mass of intelligent Americans thatI have spoken to or heard.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
His hands, which he'd put lightly on his wife's shoulders to persuade her to go home, felt something very irregular underneath that sensible, dowdy dress.
By the first rill, which is a simple light, the memory has been lifted above sensible images, and has been grounded and established in the unity of the spirit.
The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
Getting shot of this grocery chain is a sensible strategic decision, especially as the proceeds will help support the all-important divi.
They may be caused by your shoes rubbing so padding and sensible footwear may solve the problem.
The Sun
It may be sensible to use it to pay for a major home repair or improvement that will enhance the quality of your life.
She remained insensible of the dangers that lay ahead.
This car is as sensible as its name is silly.
Times, Sunday Times
First, you must manage your money in a sensible way to accumulate wealth.
He did not appear to be sensible of the difficulties that lay ahead.
It is sometimes found, in old cases, that there is no sensible acidity of stomach; but a _pyrosis_ -- a burning sensation in the stomach, or a little above, in what is usually termed "the pit of the stomach.
A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
You have to be sensible about it.
Times, Sunday Times
Up to the late 1700's, everybody travelled on the left side of the road because it's the sensible option for feudal, violent societies of mostly right-handed people.