How To Use Sense In A Sentence
I thought he had a bit more sense, but no.
The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
The result of such rack-rent can only be evil, abuse and neglect of the soil, deterioration in the character of the laborers, and a widespread sense of injustice.
VIII. Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece.
In a sense the inclusion of an implied term of correspondence with description is a little surprising.
It's all a lot of fuss and nonsense got up by some pesky civil rights activists, some of whom you can find here at Stand.

His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
It is not only our senses, but our very intuitive faculties that cease to provide us with the necessary adaptive knowledge.
I don't think you're playing devil's advocate (a word every/filmer seems to want use) simply by making entirely senseless comparisons between films like Transformers and There Will Be Blood, and ranting on with points of view that even someone in defense of Transformers would never use.
Things I Noticed While Watching 20 Minutes of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek | /Film
The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film.
Film flam
It takes years to build up your image and esteem to the point where the your inner sense of worth meets your outer sense.
This blogger is a seriously insecure woman who needs to examine her shaky sense of privilege before again attempting to write about transpeople.
The Brave One Goes Crazy And Murders Weekend Box Office
I felt something akin to the tender hatred one can sense when staring hard at a photograph of oneself.
I have returned to campus enlivened by a sense of professional renewal, and I have developed course syllabi, assignments, and activities that incorporate many ideas from my fellowship experiences.
The court say that, "to be a citizen it is necessary that he should be entitled to the enjoyment of these privileges and immunities, upon the same terms upon which they are conferred upon other citizens; and unless he is so entitled, _he cannot, in the proper sense of the term, be a citizen_.
An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting
Ruling was in a sense a job, a calling, the only thing he knew how to do and could conceive of doing.
inconceivability" is used in the sense of relative inconceivability, it is incorrectly used, unless it is qualified in some way; because, if used without qualification, there is danger of its being confused with inconceivability in its absolute sense.
A Candid Examination of Theism
Another friend showed his great sense of humor in dealing with the obvious statements.
A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it. Stephen Richards
They have a strong sense of pride in their work.
Yet he's also studied jazz and Indian music and learnt to play the sarod, so his band achieves a curious rapprochement between world-jazz and heads-down, no-nonsense boogie.
In the strict sense overfine speeches are yet almost everywhere.
Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial
The sense of camaraderie was strong and uncontrived.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition to receiving the best education that the South could offer blacks at that time, Ella inherited a powerful sense of service that made her civil rights efforts extraordinarily unselfish and untiring.
She is charged with the task of ensuring the government's lifelong learning plans make sense to the public.
The seething sense of unfairness is almost palpable.
Times, Sunday Times
Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
Both the antisense drug and glibenclamide led to 75% reductions in spinal cord lesion volume six weeks after the injury, compared with sham-treated animals, the researchers reported.
Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
Punters and racegoers have felt only a sense of deprivation through the snow and ice of recent weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
A successful fighting man must have a strong sense of pride and self-respect.
The captain continues the bitter commentary for a moment before calming himself down, saying he knows that Jenko wouldn't have wanted them to get angry about his death, and himself would have "rapped" to them about balance in the cosmos "and some nonsense about karma.
Tomato Nation
She felt a burden lifting off her shoulders and smiled at the carefree feeling that permeated her senses.
The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
Does it really make sense to conceive of a tutorial existing in isolation?
He paints in oils and acrylics with a unique sense of color and shape.
Of course, a sense of catharsis is central to a book of this nature.
We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.
The other senses corroborate themselves, but this is removed from any proof but its own, and foreruns the identities of the spiritual world.
Preface to Leaves of Grass, 1855
This involves the prevailing sense of disregard for life at the fetal stage on the part of legislators.
He has written of the thoroughgoing nihilism of this class: their sense that life has no meaningful shape but is only one thing after another.
As each hoplite was unshielded on his right side, he relied on the man next to him for protection, encouraging by necessity a strong sense of unity in battle.
Alexander the Great
Some areas are left uncarved and unpolished, giving a dramatic sense of the raw material.
Whatever the fate of sense-datum theories might be as general theories of exteroception, their appeal as a model for understanding pains and other intransitive bodily sensations is very strong.
There was a sense of disorganisation at times, as in the 20th minute when Gabriel Heinze pumped an innocuous-looking high ball towards the penalty area which Brown and Smalling both went to clear and then left to one another.
Chris Smalling helps make a shaky case for Manchester United's defence
Gesenius considers this equivalent with "cohabit;" and from this single passage draws the sense which he assigns to [Hebrew: 'iyzebel] This seems rather far-fetched.
Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850
The Christian conspectus or theatre in the old sense has a happy ending, whether the protagonist triumphs or is damned, because God's justice has been done.
His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.
They are able to sense very minute vibrations in the ground, and feel their way through total darkness with their paws and whiskers.
Life was a continual struggle for them. However, continuous is much more frequent in this sense.
And I think very much on his part there's just a sense that the whole thing - gladness that the whole thing is over.
They showed a lack of common sense that beggars belief.
There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad.
The local curate expressed understanding at their sense of loss.
This conundrum poses two questions: First: does collective stupidity actually have a bottom limit or is it some kind of great cosmic suckhole from which reason and common sense simply cannot escape?
The End-of-the-World Survival Kit
It was to our disbenefit in a sense," he told his colleagues.
Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
Harvard-educated Internet entrepreneur and cosmopolite Alex Vik and his wife, Carrie, set out to conjure up a comprehensive personal vision here that involves ranch life, sports, and luxury; a genuine sense of place; and a reach for something universal.
Off the Beaten Track
Faustianism, in the modern sense of endless questing, had come to be regarded as a virtue.
Unlike English, Latin has two words for 'father': genitor, meaning 'begetter', and pater, meaning 'father' in a spiritually fuller sense.
The Feast of St. Joseph
Now, whether the presentative faculty of the soul be identical with, or different from, the faculty of sense-perception, in either case the illusion does not occur without our actually seeing or [otherwise] perceiving something.
On Dreams
They are sensitive to the sense of struggle and resignation in this dramatic movement and their rubato, though fluid, never damages the integrity of the underlying pulse.
Give us some sense about the probabilities that you are talking about here and what you are looking for.
Pictures like "Snoball," which portrays a snow-cone shack with a yellow topped cone is softened by his gentle sense of humor: it is almost a "Pop" painting.
John Seed: Rod Penner: Rust on Poles, Crumbling Asphalt, Light Hitting the Grass (PHOTOS)
He took an aesthete's view that some of the writing in the issue was ‘indecent in the sense of offending against delicacy’ but ‘would not deprave or corrupt save in point of literary style’.
It was with a great sense of loss when I heard of influential economics blogger Doris "Tanta" death.
Burma: Condolence message from a Burmese blogger monk
Thus, in the Western philosophical tradition, occasionalists in the proper sense of the term emerge in earnest in the wake of René Descartes (1596 “ 1650) in the form of “Cartesian occasionalists”.
My father, who fought in the First World War, described fear as not so much a sick feeling as a heightening of the senses.
A gong, cymbals, a triangle, and a timpani, as well as the pentatonic scale, create a sense of the Far East.
Encouraged by her example, they all set to work with a fresh sense of purpose.
Having access to big portions can override our natural sense of fullness.
No matter how outlandish and farcical some of the events become everything remains firmly grounded in a sense of reality.
In this sense, he saw scientific psychology as anti-life: the more the critical reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes; but the more myth we are capable of making conscious, the more life we integrate.
He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
But there is, in this review, talk about the actors, about the sense of wonder, and fer pete's sake, man, the * entire review* is about how and why I was able to suspend my disbelief.
Non-sense viral video for Samsung with the goal to communicate the series of LCD TVs with ultraslim LEDs.
Archive 2009-03-01
It suggests a sense of humour, a willingness to make an effort, an aspiration towards the airy, healthy, beardless Scandinavian lifestyle.
She has had successful exhibitions of her ceramics and sculptures and has a sense of having her identity back.
Times, Sunday Times
And he was so scared, he did not go to school yesterday because he sensed that, for being what they call a snitch, something bad would happen to him.
CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
I read once that a prude is a good woman in the worst sense of the word.
How good is good?
He had a gentle, kindly manner, twinkling eyes and quick smile, a keen sense of humour and a penetrating wit.
There was not the same sense of hopelessness that prevailed in previous conflicts.
Here's John Adams on Thomas Paine's famous 1776 pamphlet "Common Sense": "What a poor, ignorant, malicious, short-sighted, crapulous mass.
William Hogeland: How John Adams and Thomas Paine Clashed Over Economic Equality
Pettin's men surged up the steps at them, weapons flashing in the guttery light; Del's screaming, shrill as an angry hawk's, stabbed through Joanna's panic like the senseless sounds of nightmare.
The Silicon Mage
He exudes a sense of self-possession and hauteur that leads critics in the media and among his party to label him arrogant.
Over the years, the giant retailer, in exercising its own brand of censorship, has forced recording artists to change lyrics, 'sanitize' album covers, removed certain 'objectionable' magazines from its racks, and generally cultivated its own corporate sense of what the public should or shouldn't see.
Al Norman: Wal-Mart Picks Free Speech Fight with Union
That this, however, was in any proper sense an ostensorium in which the Host was exposed to view is not stated and cannot be assumed.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
There was something about the collective multiplicity of images, the sense of being surrounded by them, that made it all so potent.
There seemed to my perverted sense a certain poetic justice about the fact that money, gained honestly but prosaically, in groceries or gas, should go to regild an ancient blazon or prop up the crumbling walls of some stately palace abroad.
Worldly Ways and Byways
Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humour.
This sense of internationalism can be traced right back to when Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1840s.
I just said that one could resist the argument by objecting that there is no reason to think that seeing a non-physical flower sense-datum is the same type of mental state as seeing a real flower.
In its classic sense, war means an armed conflict between two sovereign nations disputing control of territory.
Or the first man awakened to a sense of the divine.
Christianity Today
Our own Hemingway wrote so much grandiose nonsense about this so-called sport that the reader feels a certain dread as the climactic spectacle approaches — a dread heightened by the awareness that Montherlant was a matador in his teenage years.
Monster of Marriage
These measures restored some sense to the balance sheet and provided sufficient liquidity for the company to carry on.
Times, Sunday Times
It was economic "takeoff' in the full modern sense.
THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
I believe in the sixth sense, telepathy and rebirth as I have experienced it.
Both have lost their sense of smell and say this stops them enjoying their food.
The Sun
And not in the astrophysically cool sense of the word.
Sharon Glassman: Countrify-Me: Confessions of a Thru-Yorker
As described in Section 1.6, the constructive empiricist argues that one can make sense of the observable/unobservable distinction, even if observation is theory-laden.
Beyond the Voice
Many say a sense of sisterhood motivates them to protect other mothers from the fear and pain they have faced.
Objective : To improve retainers aesthetics and alleviate buccal retainers peculiar sense for patients removable partial denture.
I meant painted in the sense of a pigmented cementitious finish that is applied to the surface of the brick before firing.
Green Building Elements: Brick
Toray users chose theirs for the ultrasonic feature, which, when taken along with the previous question, suggests that the word-of-mouth effect, therefore the quality (or at least the sense of quality) of the cleaning given by their brushes is very high.
Why Japanese teeth are often wonky
A team of chemists found that when certain substances are diluted in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.
What he is saying may make some sense to pointy heads, but to many it will seem unconvincing and vague.
Times, Sunday Times
More critical are analogous words that have acquired easily mistakable senses, such as eventually/eventuellement (‘possibly’), actually/actuellement (‘currently’), or to attend/attendre (‘to wait’).
French/english Translation: the Unusual History of the English Language « Articles « Literacy News
They also have acquired a ‘natural moral sense’ that inclines them to perform the social duties required for the species to flourish.
The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits.
When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.
With a penetrable fourth wall, a spot of audience participation and plenty of gleeful nonsense, this is pantomime in all but dame.
The high frequency of I as theme helps to maintain a sense of continuity and a coherent point of view.
Are there effluvia analogous to what we call odour: effluvia of extreme subtlety, absolutely imperceptible to us, yet capable of stimulating a sense-organ far more sensitive than our own?
Social Life in the Insect World
I wanted to soak up the sense of preparation and anticipation.
Times, Sunday Times
They perform what they call "unseen dance" -- original dances experienced through senses other than sight.
The New York Public Library: Dancing in the Dark: Experiencing Dance Without Sight
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the staff for their patience.
Lia could feel a familiar weight reside within her chest, an overwhelming sense of unease overcoming her.
Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.
I know this won't make sense to anyone else but I just have to get it out, in hopes that by writing it out loud I can figure it out, unmask it, and take away its power over me.
Elongated roars and fragments of voices gave a sense of atmospheric portent, while syncopated pings, clicks and chirps added a desultory counterpoint.
It is quite another to attribute a sense of mechanical consciousness to ancient pre-industrial civilization.
A ha'porth of commonsense's sometimes worth volumes of statutes.
there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired
A rather odd thing has just just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker; after being bitten by a radioactive spider, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered in that he can scale walls and ceilings, and he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger.
Listal promoted
Does our work provide us with a sense of purpose and meaning that goes beyond just making money?
At one time or another I also participated in extemporaneous speaking, poetry and prose reading, and in a particular lapse of sanity, number sense.
Everybody has a sense of shame.
His talent is amazing, his superb phrasing and sense of rhythm as flawless as a perfectly cut diamond.
In this sense, mercy can be thought of as the opposite of grace, or perhaps more correctly - the inverse.
Sometimes people don't just pick up the phone & ring Crimestoppers out of some sense of duty, but they will do it for filthy luker.
200 Weeks
There's a lanyard loop (don't laugh, they make perfect sense, especially for a hard-working gun) and the grip frame is grooved on the rear and front straps to enhance your grip.
And it is precisely this intangible element - a sense of shared values and community - that is the legacy that seems to be the driving force sustaining and vitalizing this collection.
But you make me laugh, puttin 'on airs an' pretendin 'to do it for spoort -- "Wimmen ha'n't got no sense o' spoort, "says you, all solemn as owls.
Corporal Sam and Other Stories
In this painting, the harmony of rich tones evokes a sense of the marital relationship it depicts.
Times, Sunday Times
Besides, he had, it seems, a weakness in his voice, a perplexed and indistinct utterance and a shortness of breath, which, by breaking and disjointing his sentences much obscured the sense and meaning of what he spoke.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
The weather invokes a metaphysical sense of coming apocalypse, signaled by the bells that continue to toll throughout.
We see here clearly how Thomas has appropriated Plato's thought for his own ‘existential’ (in the sense of esse) purposes.
The rapture effected by an aesthetic of the sublime is often more persuasive than any rational argument in its direct exploitation and manipulation of the audience's sense of actualities, possibilities, ethical duties and emotional affinities/antipathies.
On the Sublime
And you are right, since salaries and general common people welfare dropped under retirement pension level (while profits and PIB soared during the 30 past year and more) it is the pensions that should be lovered, that makes sense ...
Countryside Agency spokesman Chris Dashper said community involvement in caring for local heritage such as fingerposts was valued, as such features could contribute to a sense of place and identity.
Linear perspective is not a major concern for these painters, but the some paintings do achieve a sense of aerial depth through the mixture of brush strokes and the varied diluteness of ink.
Stories from The Sun
Jonson's use of strict verisimilitude helps to facilitate yet another layer of deception by employing a fixed sense of time.
Of course it is circular in the sense that, based on my proffered definition, since intelligence ultimately permeates all aspects of being, what we call sentient beings (life forms) are simply different manifestations of intelligence playing with itself, or as one old text puts it in the title: 'You are the Eyes of the Universe.'
Telic Thoughts
Still; the findings did not make complete sense.
Times, Sunday Times
But this light relief could not obliterate the all-pervading sense of crisis, disillusion and frustration in the country.
Hannah's remembrances of things past, however, are sometimes skewed by subtle dissonances and a sense of anxiety that disturb the apparent placidity of his picture-perfect world.
The acute sense of smell is important, since the badger's eyes are quite small, and its eyesight is not particularly good.
The common characteristic of criminal summary procedure in a narrow sense is the exemption or substantial reduction of courtroom investigation procedure.
Over the top rhetoric makes sense for the illiterati that the GOP courts to win their votes, but feeling the need to use it for the party power brokers is a disturbing new concept.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 4, 2010
Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it's common sense. Ronald Reagan
It's about time these highways officers had some foresight or common sense.
Ball believes the high rate of share ownership has contributed to a strong sense of purpose.
Of course, in some sense, this is a regressive tax as poorer laborers are probably the least likely to have flexibility in setting their work schedules for the sake of avoiding the higher taxes.
Those people who need others to confirm their sense of existence fear solitude and find nature's indifference to human beings unendurable.
The sense of freedom was absolutely fantastic.
In "Sunset Park," Auster is more interested in the neighborhood's vast semi-industrial stretches peppered with nondescript houses, all the better to endow the proceedings with an enforced sense of dreariness.
Paul Auster Paints a Dreary Picture In 'Sunset Park'
Tilbury attributes the success of their friendship to a shared sense of fun.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, the hard but essential task now will be to maintain the sense of priority and importance about indigenous issues once the front page splashes die away again.
I believe this is in retaliation for all the nescient liturgical nonsense that I've been trying to ingest the past few days.
Chewing on clouds
The word yurt is originally from the Turkic word meaning "dwelling place" in the sense of "homeland"; the term came to be used in reference to the physical tent-like structures only in other languages.
How can he be allowed to get away with such blatant, unhistorical nonsense?
Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.
There were lots of thrusts and gyrations in the class, which makes sense, since they're burlesquers, but I just don't have the coordination, sadly, to shimmy and walk backward at the same time.
I hurried through the cold dark streets, guided more by my sense of direction than my eyes.
They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell.
The Sun
He has always liked to stitch his folk songwriting to a muted electronic backbeat, and he retains that sense of cautious experimentalism here.
Neoclassical economists say impatiently that it makes sense to borrow against the additional earnings that a university degree may generate.
Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness.
Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
This common-sense approach to philosophy had a profound impact on early American history.
Christianity Today
Through its use of color and light, the building celebrates a child's sense of joy and fresh discovery and is perfectly scaled for its young users.
I see only those with a very short attention span and a cruel sense of humour finding it entertaining.
Times, Sunday Times
Richard Kraft: Something With Birds In It | A site-specific installation composed of four elements, Something With Birds In It invokes the friction and fluidity between familiar polarities--between the sacred and profane, sense and nonsense, play and violence, reflection and action.
Bill Bush: Seeing Red: This Artweek.LA (October 24-30, 2011)
Sri Aurobindo's "prescription for a spiritualized aesthesis" rids us from the burden of "responsibility" dogging or any nagging sense of lack or guilt.
Archive 2008-03-01
In this sense cognitive therapy might sometimes serve a preventive function.
The novel is also natural in the sense of man's everyday life, done without pretence and pose.
Many listeners are, rightly, suspicious of free jazz as a refuge for those who simply cannnot "play" in the accepted sense.
So, like any good Washington pundit who imagines that proximity translates into perceptiveness, I feel entirely qualified to look into the president's eyes to get a sense of his soul.
John Feffer: Barack Obama's Secret State of the Union
The latter was an example of overreach that made no sense from an American standpoint.
In this sense, peasants were simply tenants who worked a strip of land or maybe several strips.
Pavel is right: Bruce Willis made over $100 million for The Sixth Sense.
Johnny Depp To Earn $56 Million For Pirates 4? | /Film
Since I would go to Tibet if I chose, but could not transmute dustballs into gold under any circumstances, only the first course of action is in this sense a possibility for me.
Remember to use all necessary safety precautions - and common sense - when working on a roof, and call on a professional roofer for any repairs you're not fully comfortable undertaking on your own.
First, it was a good thing that the negotiation process was led by a pair of egocentric men whose machismo instincts somehow consistently outweighed common courtesy, common dignity and common sense.
To many people in the art world it made perfect sense.
Times, Sunday Times
I do not agree with the conclusions attributed to my name, and in no sense did I "coauthor" anything on your website.
Archive 2008-05-01
She paused just inside her showroom, looking round with a sense of achievement.
One thing was certain: she must have ten minutes to pull herself together, reactivate her brain to make sense of all this.
Don't give me that nonsense that you are saving the environment.
It is utter nonsense to say it is domestic rubbish.
The Sun
It probably comes from my very humble origins and a sense of needing to be financially secure.
Times, Sunday Times
Through the mind-hopping Ezili, who "swims" through time and space, the novel's multiple strands exist simultaneously, suggesting that all three characters are, in some sense, plural aspects of a single woman.
The Little Professor:
Kelly is portrayed as a slow witted young man, with a strong sense of injustice, who feels uncomfortable in the role of gunslinger.
Sound effects can provide a sense of realism for your project.
As a character study, I've often thought this president was the worst of two worlds: a sense of elite Eastern entitlement without the intellectual rigor and Texas bravado minus the bigheartedness.
Jamie Stiehm: When Oliver Stone Makes a Movie, Bring It On
It is the abuse of the filibuster that has been the issue here and that repugs have no integrity, no honesty in dealing, no sense of fairness or justice — there should be some way to preserve the filibuster in order for the minority to be heard, but something must be done to prevent the abuses of the repugs.
Think Progress » Sen. Tom Udall Calls Reid’s Promise To ‘Take A Look At The Filibuster’ A ‘Warning Shot’ To Republicans
There is a sense of all rational control or deliberation seeping away or being under much less deliberative control.
A sense of unease and foreboding quickly descended on the crowded chamber, followed by a hush minutes later when confirmation came through of what had happened.
He sensed more than heard the scuffle of trainer shoes on concrete behind him and threw a casual glance over his shoulder.
In almost every sense, this is a massive improvement on the first game.
What we do need is a sense of justice that doesn't succumb to moral purity or compromise with political power (and today, that means spinmeisters more than the tyrants).
But it's all kept very low key with no rock-star nonsense by surf-celebrator Malloy, whose stylish documentary elevates all of the tour's nuances Endless Summer-style, with human moments outweighing grandeur and without the bro-chatter of the latter.
Mike Ragogna: HuffPost Reviews: Jack Johnson, R.E.M., Train, Dolly, Carly, and More, Plus U2 Plays The Rose Bowl, and This Week's New Albums
Mr Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour.