How To Use Sense of smell In A Sentence

  • Both have lost their sense of smell and say this stops them enjoying their food. The Sun
  • there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired
  • The acute sense of smell is important, since the badger's eyes are quite small, and its eyesight is not particularly good.
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • A super-efficient sense of smell is no longer vital to our existence.
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  • But before you stock up, consider this: The Food and Drug Administration in 2009 warned consumers not to use any intranasal zinc products because of concerns that it can make people lose their sense of smell. No cure in sight for fighting the common cold
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • In order to perceive the smell of a grapefruit, our sense of smell only requires just two molecules, the chemical eye needs hundreds if not thousands to stick to its gold chips.
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • With their poor eyesight and keen sense of smell, they can get dangerously close.
  • 'Of food' comprises the senses of smell and taste together: it denotes the sense of smell on the ground that that sense is connected with earth, which may be 'food,' and the sense of taste in so far as 'anna' may be also explained as that by means of which eating goes on (adyate). The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • Its sight is marvellously keen, hearing exceedingly acute, and sense of smell wonderfully perfect.
  • He has a good sense of smell.
  • With some, the sense of smelling is so dull, as not to distinguish hyacinths from assafoetida; they would even pass the Small-Pox Hospital, and Maiden-lane, without noticing the knackers; whilst others, detecting instantly the slightest particle of offensive matter, hurry past the apothecaries, and get into an agony of sternutation, at fifty yards from Fribourg's. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
  • Week 1 Puppies are born blind and deaf and with a limited sense of smell. The Sun
  • A super-efficient sense of smell is no longer vital to our existence.
  • On the day of the test none of the subjects reported to be suffering from nasal congestion or any other symptom thought to affect their sense of smell.
  • A crocodile's sense of smell is very acute, and its hearing is also excellent.
  • Man's sense of smell is much less informative than his sight.
  • Man's sense of smell is much less informative than his sight.
  • Ogle 17.49 mentions a negro boy in Kentucky whose sense of smell decreased as the leukoderma extended. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Cover scents hide the hunter from an animal's keen sense of smell.
  • Dogs have a far superior sense of smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • With her keen sense of smell, she could tell if you were a smoker from the other side of the room.
  • He has an acute sense of smell.
  • Humans may have two nostrils, but these don't necessarily share the same sense of smell.
  • Eelpout have a well developed sense of smell and they are used to finding most of their food in the dark.
  • Humans have a pathetic sense of smell because over half of the 1000 genes coding for our olfactory receptors don't work.
  • In his newly renovated laboratory on the second floor of the Lillie Building, Dionne is studying the sense of smell in the mud puppy, a large freshwater salamander.
  • All anteaters have an excellent sense of smell; sight and hearing are not as well developed.
  • The bear's sense of smell tells it where prey is hiding.
  • Well, I have an acute sense of smell and hearing, which is sometimes good, sometimes bad.
  • The first reasonably reliable and convincing learning task for Drosophila involved training them using just this sense of smell.
  • He has an acute sense of smell.
  • Olfactory: pertaining to the sense of smell: those lobes of the deutocerebrum from which the nerves supplying the antennae arise. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Wild cats have a well developed sense of smell and hearing.
  • Humans, once they have been transformed, have a greater sense of smell, better vision, and elevated hearing.
  • Accompanied with an extreme sense of smell (I smell things that aren't there) and what I call chaotic thoughts. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • Taste buds can only distinguish between sweet, salt, sour and bitter and the sense of smell is relied on to obtain the flavour.
  • He is powerfully built, but lithe and well balanced, with a light footed, smooth and graceful gait, has a keen sense of smell and is well able to point, set and retrieve.
  • A warder in a Paris prison lost her sense of smell, taste and the hearing in one ear after she was beaten by an inmate earlier this year.
  • I suspect that your problem is more likely to be due to an impaired sense of smell rather than your taste buds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, lobsters' small antennae work like the human nose, only the crustaceans' sense of smell is keener.
  • Dogs have a marvellous sense of smell.
  • They have poor vision but a very good sense of smell and touch.
  • The sense of smell is keen and the snout is used to probe when searching for food.
  • Some even home in on their destination using a finely tuned sense of smell.
  • Dogs have an acute sense of smell.
  • Some fishes, such as bullhead and dogfish, have a true sense of smell, detecting by their nostrils very dilute substances permeating the water from a distance. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • Some women find that they have an enhanced sense of smell and are more sensitive to odors during pregnancy.
  • Good chef must have a good sense of smell.
  • He has a good sense of smell.
  • An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival.
  • Blind animals may survive by their sharp sense of smell.
  • These animals track their prey using their excellent sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing.
  • Humans may have two nostrils, but these don't necessarily share the same sense of smell.
  • Smoking can really ruin a person's sense of smell.
  • Unlike other spray collars that traditionally contain liquids such as citronella, which can interfere with the dog's necessary sense of smell, JetCare® System cold spray training and anti-bark collar for dogs contains only an inert cold spray that is completely odorless and harmless to the dog. Press Releases
  • Bible says He is a God who appreciates the sense of smell.
  • When it comes to the character of whisky, the blender's nose is one of the most valuable instruments in the whole process - and his acute sense of smell is legendary.
  • Anosmia [absence of the sense of smell] was defined as concentration levels zero to three, severe hyposmia [reduced sensibility to odors] as levels four to five, moderate hyposmia as levels six to eight, mild hyposmia as levels nine to 10 and normosmia [a normal sense of smell] as levels 11 to 12," the authors note. Kansas City infoZine Headlines
  • He elsewhere classifies it as erogenic, in accordance with his unusual application of Freudian theory to the sense of smell. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Its sight is marvellously keen, hearing exceedingly acute, and sense of smell wonderfully perfect.
  • Young children have a particularly acute sense of smell.
  • A vendor sold Tom a dozen bottles of cadaverine, which they sprinkled on their clothing, and a jar of peppermint goo that they dabbed on their upper lips, to kill their own sense of smell. Rot & Ruin
  • No trail is laid or dragged and the bloodhounds have such a keen sense of smell that they can follow the scent left by the running shoes.
  • Her size makes it impractical to use her as a patrol dog, but her sense of smell is so keen she can detect even trace amounts of drugs.
  • Note that phantosmia is different from another disorder of sense of smell, known as parosmia, in which a smell is present in your environment but is distorted. All Topics
  • Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
  • He still figured it out, although an acute sense of smell might have helped that one.
  • Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell.
  • Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell.
  • Dogs have a very keen sense of smell.
  • She loved her sharp sense of hearing, her sharp sense of smell, her sharp vision, and her sharp claws.
  • Losing your sense of smell is usually the result of your nose being blocked. The Sun
  • But more important, the keen sense of smell of foxes, shrews, and coyotes means any meat left unguarded is fair game.
  • With someone of that age, the sense of smell is not irretrievable and there are different ways to successfully solve the problem, including hypnotherapy.
  • Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease can make people lose their sense of smell.
  • Most of what is commonly called the sense of taste is in fact the sense of smell, whether applied to wine, or any food or drink, since by chewing we transform our food into liquid which gives off smellable vapour.
  • People had trichromatic vision, acute aural capacities, a fair sense of smell, the ability to feel textures and taste bitterness. Dawkins and ID
  • However, occasionally patients may also present with parosmia (a distortion of the sense of smell), phantosmia (smelling things that aren't there), or permanent damage of the olfactory system. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Sense of smell is projected in uncus [ "uncus" means hook] and hippocampus which are also parts of temporal lobe on medial aspect. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I am not particularly strong, I lack speed, my senses are dull in comparison, my eyesight sucks, my sense of smell and that of hearing are almost negligible.
  • Cigarette smoking by itself does not cause complete loss of the sense of smell.
  • It was most amusing to discover that the sense of smell actually existed.
  • Imagine a hawk's sight; a sense of smell far superior to a bloodhound's; being able to taste minute traces of impurities in drinking water.
  • His sense of smell failed him this time
  • I've taken to wearing 5-spice beef around my neck and it really helps in warding off witches, as well as warlocks, wizards and basically anyone with an acute sense of smell.
  • Speaking of aging one of your commentators noted that Parker is now 60, the age when the sense of smell and thus tast starts to fade. Tasting Bordeaux 2005 blind with Robert Parker | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • It's hard to breathe, your nose drips constantly and your sense of smell just isn't what it used to be.
  • Dogs have a marvellous sense of smell.
  • Fishes, however, do have a highly developed sense of smell, as do many marine invertebrates.
  • Dogs have a very good sense of smell.
  • In addition this animal has an exceptionally keen sense of smell.
  • A crocodile's sense of smell is very acute, and its hearing is also excellent.
  • With their poor eyesight and keen sense of smell, they can get dangerously close.
  • They have a keen sense of smell, acute hearing, but poor eyesight.
  • Alex enjoys playing ball, thanks to his keen sense of smell and his acute hearing.
  • The three-year-old bearded collie uses his keen sense of smell to sniff out missing people.
  • If you have a keen sense of smell, try sniffing beneath the chocolate, caramel and vanillic elements in the Thierry Mugler classic Angel; you will detect a methyl benzoate effect. Strange Fruit: The Flavor and Fragrance of Feijoa
  • For instance, a hunting dog that could smell prey reduced the need for humans to have an acute sense of smell for that purpose.
  • As an immunologist and neurobiologist, Mombaerts has decisively contributed to the basic mechanistic understanding of olfaction (sense of smell).
  • Smoking can also affect your breathing, taste and sense of smell.
  • Police dogs have a very keen sense of smell and can scent even the slightest traces of drugs.
  • In terms of child care, having no sense of smell has an up side and a down side. The good thing is that changing dirty nappies is so much less unpleasant.
  • Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
  • Smokers have a weak sense of smell, because cigarettes destroy the inner lining of the nose.
  • Dogs have an acute sense of smell.
  • Dogs have a far superior sense of smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Polar bears have an acute sense of smell, and it is the most important sense for detecting prey on land.
  • Turin instead proposed that our sense of smell works in much the same way as a spectroscope - an instrument used to identify elements and molecules.
  • The patient should be asked about the use of tobacco or cocaine, because these substances can adversely affect the sense of smell.
  • Dogs of course have a much keener sense of smell than we do, so it can't be too bad. The Sun
  • I have a quite acute sense of smell, even if it is a bit overwhelmed with bleach and antiseptics.
  • Usage of these products can and has induced permanent anosmia - that is, a complete loss of the sense of smell, rather a severe consequence to risk in an attempt to avoid some of the discomfort associated with (of all things) the common cold!
  • An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival.
  • This discovery suggests that this particular odorant receptor gene plays an integral role in olfaction, or sense of smell, and these results point the way to potential new methods for controlling the behavior of insects.
  • Most mammals use their sense of smell to find food.
  • Combined with good hearing and a sense of smell, human eyesight can be used to penetrate darkness.
  • Losing your sense of smell is usually the result of your nose being blocked. The Sun
  • A super-efficient sense of smell is no longer vital to our existence.
  • Its sight is marvellously keen, hearing exceedingly acute, and sense of smell wonderfully perfect.
  • She looked up and found her sight, hearing, and sense of smell had improved amazingly.
  • The wines are fresh and intense sense of smell and surprising the sense of taste.
  • For the sense of smell, odors are processed in an area of the brain called the olfactory bulb.
  • When people lose their sense of smell a condition called anosmia, nearly half of them will notice a massive decrease in sexual interest and nearly a quarter of them will report difficulties in sexual performance and a great reduction in the pleasure associated with sex. How to Speak Dog
  • As an immunologist and neurobiologist, Mombaerts has decisively contributed to the basic mechanistic understanding of olfaction (sense of smell).
  • Scent hounds are valued for their sense of smell and are generally used in a pack, known as a cry of hounds.
  • The Food and Drug Administration in 2009 warned consumers not to use any intranasal zinc products because of concerns that it can make people lose their sense of smell. The cure for the common cold? There is none
  • ‘All dogs have an intense sense of smell, and every dog likes to sniff,’ Smith said.
  • He knew that although the snowy owl has the most far-seeing eyes of any animal, his sense of smell is poor. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Sharks have a highly developed sense of smell.
  • Both have lost their sense of smell and say this stops them enjoying their food. The Sun
  • Losing your sense of smell is usually the result of your nose being blocked. The Sun
  • In addition to concerns regarding the efficacy of intranasal zinc therapy, increasing evidence indicates that this medication may be linked to severe, potentially permanent hyposmia (reduced sense of smell) and anosmia (loss of smell)," the study says. Turkish Press
  • From the lower portion of the most forward portion of the forebrain are a pair of outgrowths which received the nerves from the nostrils and are therefore concerned with the sense of smell. The Human Brain
  • Because dogs have a very high sense of smell, they were able to detect minute quantities of the organic compounds produced by tumors.
  • I'm a diagnosed autist with emotions as stunted as my sense of smell. Correlation Found Between Sense of Smell and Emotional Sensitivity » E-Mail
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • Dogs have a far superior sense of smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to concerns regarding the efficacy of intranasal zinc therapy, increasing evidence indicates that this medication may be linked to severe, potentially permanent hyposmia (reduced sense of smell) and anosmia (loss of smell), "the authors said. Medindia Health News
  • Both have lost their sense of smell and say this stops them enjoying their food. The Sun
  • Hummingbirds don't have much sense of smell, so the scent of the herbs won't deter them from seeking nectar from their blossoms.
  • They have a keen sense of smell, acute hearing, but poor eyesight.
  • It has a very acute sense of smell, and it has a natural explorative behavior.
  • The 'meatus' contains three distinct channels; and the air, loitering, as it were, in it, and being longer in contact with the sensitive membrane by which it is lined, contributes to the acuter sense of smell. The Dog
  • I have indeed been accused of that very thing, but then maybe its because of my keen sense of smell that I am so finicky.
  • Despite extensive reconstructive facial surgery, he was left blind in one eye and with no sense of smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within the skull were well develop sinus cavities indicating that they had an advanced sense of smell, and some have suggested the sinuses may have held a chemoreceptor organ similar to the CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Week 1 Puppies are born blind and deaf and with a limited sense of smell. The Sun
  • Young children have a particularly acute sense of smell.

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