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[ US /ˌsinˈjɔɹ/ ]
[ UK /sˈɛnɐ/ ]
  1. a Spanish title or form of address for a man; similar to the English `Mr' or `sir'

How To Use Senor In A Sentence

  • Some of the confidence and assertiveness comes from having spent time in government, and now we've identified ways where we want to make our push," said a senor administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss White House thinking on the Middle East developments. As Arabs protest, Obama administration offers assertive support
  • 30 -- Habla, mi señor; que tu esclava sólo desea servirte. Novelas Cortas
  • In Queretaro: Cheap but clean and just a few blocks west of the Plaza de Armas, The Hotel Senorial, probably about $24 dols/day. The colonial cities
  • Adults let senorita fish and several species of surfperch clean them.
  • Eastern senators extolled the peace while Senor Villa descended on the tents & adobes of the 13th Cavalry, Columbus, New Mexico
  • The boys are dressed like dusty caballeros and the gals are decked out like the pretty señoritas on old Havana cigar boxes.
  • _gold_, senor, that is, with the solitary exception of a strong wooden box (which, even after so long an interment, offered considerable resistance to my efforts to open it), containing an assortment of what I took to be pebbles of different kinds, but which I afterwards found were unpolished gems. For Treasure Bound
  • What does Demosthenian mean, Senor Don Quixote?" said the duchess; "it is a word I never heard in all my life. Don Quixote
  • Bound hand and foot, under an escort of thirty men, the next morning we set off to cross the deserts and prairies of Senora, to gain the Mexican capital, where we well knew that a gibbet was to be our fate. Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
  • Senor Wormer, yo pongo la verga en el senor Zombie's chocha. The Velvet Hot Tub | Freshest Stories
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