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How To Use Senile In A Sentence

  • Okay, so I'm not totally senile, it IS a sewar ... Birthday Steel
  • Most of the residents here are geriatrics with senile dementia.
  • He aged and became senile, but no batter how shrunken his body became, he remained alive.
  • Mind you, when you get too old then they will dismiss everything you say because they think you're senile.
  • i told you all he is senile. mccain seeked the preacher's endorsement and now says he doesn't endorsement. flip-flop McCain rejects endorsement of a second controversial pastor
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  • Objective To discover the predisposing factors and clinical characteristics of the senile retinal detachment.
  • As the number and size of state hospitals increased, however, overcrowded wards housed chronic cases: long-term schizophrenics, the senile, paralytics, and epileptics.
  • “crying vehemently Zelmane help me, O Zelmane have pity on me”; and the old King, in whom the beautiful strange Amazon has awakened a senile amorosity, shows himself old and foolish, looking “very curiously upon himself, sometimes fetching a little skip, as if he had said his strength had not yet forsaken him”. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • ‘Now I have only one thing left to do,’ she tells her senile mother (who keeps mistaking Julie for her sister).
  • He spent many years caring for his senile mother.
  • Conclusions Microincision intraocular lens implantation an effective method for senile cataracts.
  • As I pointed out in a September 26th post, at least one physician sees signs of ‘presenile dementia,’ a precursor to Alzheimers.
  • The combination of a paralytic and a senile ectropion leads to a defect of eyelid closure in association with a disorder of lacrimal function.
  • Mr. Jared still lives in that house, now all alone, and the last I heard he was senile in old age, half crazy and awaiting death each day.
  • That's the way my senile grandfather looks when I tell him he would have made a great first baseman for the Yankees.
  • For a very long time I could barely distinguish one coin from another, and would spend countless hours at cash registers painstakingly rifling through the contents of my wallet like a senile woman.
  • I especially enjoyed the comic bit where the sleazoid Sayer confronts Viktor with an obviously senile old woman whom he purports to be Simone's abandoned mother.
  • It's the sort of movie that treats his grandparents as senile comic targets one minute and spouters of sentimental wisdom the next.
  • Squeezing her eyes so tightly shut that they looked like senile lips, Mary began to gabble.
  • His bungalow was a pretty big establishment, you see, just off the east end of the Mall, near the British infantry lines, with about thirty servants, and since there was no proper mem-sahib, and his khansamah* (* Butler.) was almost senile, there was no order about the place at all. Fiancée
  • We have here cases that are more or less closely allied to the paranoid form of dementia præcox, other cases that are apparently dependent upon involutional changes (Kraepelin's _praeseniler Beeinträchtigungswah_), still other cases that are characterized by absence or at least delay of mental deterioration, etc. A Study of Association in Insanity
  • Her voice blended in with the howls and shrieks of the senile old crones on the ward, the ones whom a phenothiazine cocktail never seemed to knock out and whose pleas to go home reverberated ceaselessly up and down the halls. Mortal Remains
  • One doctor thinks he shows signs of ‘presenile dementia,’ or an early onset of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Of the 473 accepted cases of dementia among men who died 10 or more years after their smoking habits had first been recorded, 95 were described as due to Alzheimer's disease or to presenile dementia.
  • Her father's going senile/blind/deaf.
  • The director was pensioned off when he got senile
  • When the card companies describe their targets as subprime customers, the people they're referring to are your near-senile grandmother, your addlebrained teenager and your slow cousin Ed. It isn't people with Ph.D. s who were falling into the snare of two-cycle billing and retroactive interest increases. Credit-Card Cos. Deserve Regulation
  • A study of the incidence of cholecystolithiasis in 128 senile patients with diabetes and 147 non-diabetes patients serving as controls was reported.
  • Halting, my strange traveller chanted in a feignedly senile and tremulous voice, as he beat time with his foot: Through Russia
  • Technically, these changes in skin color are called senile or solar lentigines and they're usually brought on by sun exposure. Out, Out Damn Spots
  • These results suggest that fish oil can regulate the functions of the senile and postpone the physiopathologic development of senility.
  • Using its Penetrating Therapeutics ™ technologies, Obagi Medical's products are designed to improve penetration of agents across the skin barrier for common and visible skin conditions in adult skin including chloasma, melasma, senile lentigines, acne vulgaris and sun damage. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • The show opens with a dud – Monument to the Spaniards Who Died for France, the monument in question surrounded by a clutter of programmatic emblems – and ends with a surprising attempt to make a proto-feminist of Picasso, pretty much against all the biographical evidence, in a room full of senile lechers and open-thighed nudes. Picasso: Peace and Freedom
  • Could either of these tests predict future disability and senile weakness?
  • She had to wonder if maybe Mrs. Hamstrom was losing her touch, after all she wasn't young anymore, maybe she was becoming senile.
  • There must be some old, ailing, senile politician, vaudeville comedian or sports-man around whose death-bed you could perch like a flock of vultures.
  • Herculeosque uelint semper numerare labores miratumque rudis se tollere Terea pinnas post epulas, Philomela, tuas; sunt ardua mundi qui male temptantem curru Phaethonta loquantur35 exstinctasque canant emisso fulmine flammas fumantemque Padum, Cycnum plumamque senilem et flentis semper germani funere siluas. Exordium to a Poem on Hunting
  • Old and senile leader said yes election, old lap dogs said 'yeh'. News
  • I discovered she had been extorting vast sums of money from at least two of her very rich - and, in one case, very senile - residents.
  • Senile idiots . What we call life is a - and - ten-cent store romance.
  • To observe the effect of combination therapy of acarbose and Liuwei Nengxiao capsule (LWNXC) in improving senile postprandial hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity.
  • John Quincy Adams, once President, but now a senile intermeddler, had been presenting petitions in Congress from various constituencies for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. Children of the Market Place
  • Reagan had pretty seriously deteriorated by this point, and the grand vizier has a lot of power when the sultan is senile. Matthew Yglesias » Health Care Note
  • She is suffering from senile dementia.
  • By the end - though of course they are much too polite to say so - I can see they are thinking that I must be either completely senile or completely mendacious.
  • While they're out manning the picket lines, Billy is left home to care for his senile grandmother.
  • His bungalow was a pretty big establishment, you see, just off the east end of the Mall, near the British infantry lines, with about thirty servants, and since there was no proper mem-sahib, and his khansamah* (* Butler.) was almost senile, there was no order about the place at all. Fiancée
  • Another senile mummer in the whitehouse setting insane foreign policy. Thompson: Saddam "Clearly" Had WMD And A Nuke Program
  • As the number and size of state hospitals increased, however, overcrowded wards housed chronic cases: long-term schizophrenics, the senile, paralytics, and epileptics.
  • And then nothing was left but a heap of disagreeables, a mass of corruption, a senile and disgusting old man fit only for the charity of nuns and the protection of an asylum. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • Probably because she had a tendency to take everything and everyone at face value, and every time Aubri went into his "senile old featherhead" act, she fell for it. The Silver Gryphon
  • Seniors are acting more & more like old senile people. how do you explane allof a sudden they start listening to the republicans when the GOP has never cared about them ever unless its an election year. GOP is 'no friend of seniors' DNC says in TV ad
  • Someone must have told this daughter to speak facts succinctly when dealing with a senile parent.
  • I pitied the poor souls who would listen to the rambling of the senile teachers on this most lazy day.
  • As petulance and lust belong to the young more than to the old, yet not to all young men, but to those who are not virtuous; so that senile folly, which is commonly called dotage, belongs to weak old men, and not to all. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume II (of X) - Rome
  • You can't trust anybody. "gb7 - it's even worse than that. he called sj senile too. The LoHud Yankees Blog
  • Once in a while they would say something about the leader being senile and wanting revenge on me.
  • Not only that, but millions of Americans voted for a senile warmonger and an airheaded beauty queen. Matthew Yglesias » The Decline of Product Placement?
  • In our case, the senile degeneration of connective tissue is suspected to be the occasion of comedo formation.
  • And I must say that the rôle of senile fool is one that fits you rather well, Uncle.
  • Objective:It is to correct the aging face and functional deformities caused by senile blepharochalasis and ptosis of eyebrow.
  • And we discussed a Slate article that showed how often the word McCain elicited the word "senile" and Obama the word "Muslim" in voters 'minds in 2008, though neither was either. HuffPost Radio: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin : On Obama's 'Enthusiasm', Brown-Whitman, Negative Ads & Jobless Over 50
  • I am all for the concept of middle-agedness kicking in somewhere around eighty-five or so, as I'm assuming most of my friends will all be too senile or stoned on their "glaucoma medicine" to join me in reckless frivolities by then anyway. Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • John McCain is a senile, old fool who lost what little mental abilities he had a long time agon. howie Levin takes on McCain over Afghanistan strategy
  • I am a senior and when I try to tell the younger generation what really happened they smile and more or less give the idea that old people are senile and the good people of the US would never have committed such an unforgivable sin.
  • She's a gun-shy divorcee whose surround-sound biological clock is ticking so loudly that everyone - from her senile aunt to her nosy butcher - is scrambling to set her up.
  • Not long before my mother died, my sister found her wandering on a rainy day, shoeless and senile in the middle of millionaire ghetto Hampstead, where she lived.
  • Let the people vote in who they want to even if he is a senile geriatric with one foot already in the grave.
  • But was I really supposed to have this older man pick me up at the Gamma Phi Beta house and have our senile housemother, aka “The Phantom,” mistake him for someone’s father? You’ll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again
  • George III became increasingly senile at the end of 1810 and in the following year the prince was appointed regent.
  • To observe the effect of combination therapy of acarbose and Liuwei Nengxiao capsule (LWNXC) in improving senile postprandial hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity.
  • She's a gun-shy divorcee whose surround-sound biological clock is ticking so loudly that everyone - from her senile aunt to her nosy butcher - is scrambling to set her up.
  • Some Marvel staffers, in terms they now regret or deny, denounced his work as the ravings of a washed-up, senile old man.
  • You also know you're senile when you go mad with rage because folks are on strike. I used to adore strikes - mine or anyone else's.
  • They seemed to stretch out their bony, senile fingers to grab her whilst the pitiful willow wept in sorrow at her distress.
  • This combativeness may have been a sign of presenile dementia.
  • She's so senile, but very sweet… and very happy.
  • And a caring, slightly puzzled expression covers Seibei's face as his senile mother constantly asks him which family he is from.
  • He is suffering from senile dementia: the deterioration of a super brain.
  • Salomon Seniler, an unbelieving hypercritic, in this respect hold an undesirable pre-eminence, his "Historiæ eccles. selecta capita" (3 vols., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • When she tells the nurse who is combing her hair that she never had TV before the nurse looks at her, thinking she's senile.
  • Ten minutes can be a very long time if one has to listen to someone go on about the digestive disorder their senile aunt suffered from a few months back.
  • It is stated in the said law that anybody, be they babies or senile people, must pay this tax if they wish to go abroad.
  • Delia quickly caught their senile cat, Picasso, as he was poking his fat little head out.
  • The others leave him alone, thinking he is senile.
  • Being blessed with many long-lived ancestors - nonagenarians all over the place - I am resigned to seeing Senile Decay as the rather monotonous cause of death.
  • The landlady Anika was a senile old bird and was always telling me off for not paying my bills when I'd just paid her the day before.
  • I'm already tired of can a senile rich woman's plaything beat an unlicked terrorist pup, however brilliant he may be I'm getting pretty tired of waiting for Obama to announce his VP pick.

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