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  1. a Portuguese title of respect; equivalent to English `Mr'

How To Use Senhor In A Sentence

  • Ainda por cima, caríssimo blog, neste mesmo dia assisto a broncas como as desta senhora presidente de conselho executivo que eu sinceramente espero que tenha proferido estas palavras fora de contexto. Bronca
  • In Portuguese, it's ok but... fala portugues, senhor? FABC to call for the use of Asian symbols, melodies and values at Mass
  • Vos, senhora conuidada, nesta cea soberana celestial aueis mister ser apartada Four Plays of Gil Vicente
  • Don Emanuel is in high favor with the duke, and is now commissary-general with the army; and the senhora is the _belle_ of the Charles O'Malley — Volume 2
  • ‘She called you uma bomba,’ he replies, smiling. ‘It means that she thinks you're a babe. She thinks you're very beautiful, senhora.’
  • Mmm. Because, they left from there, from India, they came to work here, just like you, senhora, are here, doing work. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • I must warn you, senhorita, that having anything to do with drugs in this country is a very serious crime. T2©: RISING STORM
  • Então, senhor Sílvio, o senhor quer que nós, contribuintes brasileiros, paguemos a estada de sua senhora em Brasília … porque o senhor não pode ficar alguns dias por semana sem ela … Que gracinha! Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
  • If you're concerned with any important government stuff, I'm your senhor!
  • They are trying to kill me, senhor ," came the nervous reply. CODE BREAKER
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