
How To Use Senegal In A Sentence

  • This is Europe's problem too," went the refrain, after more than 1,400 immigrant had arrived in Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the previous week, making 2,000 landing in the month, mostly from Senegal and Mali. The pace quickens
  • Intermingled with the Euphorbia scrub is a Zizyphus scrub that is characterized by Zizyphus nummularia with Acacia leucocephala, Acacia senegal, Anogeissus pendula, and Dicrostachys cinerea. Northwestern thorn scrub forests
  • Central bank leaders from throughout Africa met in Senegal to discuss ideas about how they better integrate economies across this landmass, which is home to more countries than any other continent. West Africa's Central Bank Governor Promotes Single Currency
  • The southern region of the country was once the prosperous breadbasket for Senegal.
  • The older travellers were certainly not blasés; they seemed to find pleasure and beauty wherever they looked: Ca da Mosto (1455), visiting the Senegal, detected in this graveolent substance, fit only for wheel-axles, a threefold property, that of smelling like violets, of tasting like oil of olives, and tinging victuals like saffron, with a colour still finer. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
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  • Assane Dione has painted a portrait of Amadou Bamba that has been reproduced and sold as a snapshot-sized print all over Senegal for several years now.
  • The special stage starts at Sadiola in Mali and heads south-west along the Senegalese border.
  • We remained nearly an hour beside our beneficent fountain, then took the route for Senegal; that is, a southerly direction, for we did not know exactly where that country lay. Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities.
  • Found above the falls are whitebacked night heron Gorsachius leuconotus, African finfoot Podica senegalensis and rock pratincole Glareola nuchalis. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • As you could not leave the refugee camp in Daker Senegal, what shall we do ?
  • Mr. GOLD: The particular percussion on that is (unintelligible), which are known as a Senegalese instrument, but it's part of what Toumani's saying, which is part of this (unintelligible) empire idea, whereas the (unintelligible) were very much from part of the Malian music as well. Diabate's Orchestra Showcases Sounds of Mali
  • Others such as Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, a NEPAD founding member, say the initiative failed to produce any tangible results since it was launched with great fanfare in 2001. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • There are small primate populations of potto Perodicticus potto, western black and white colobus Colobus polykomos, red colobus Colobus badius (EN), diana monkey Cercopithecus diana (EN), lesser bushbaby Galago senegalensi and chimpanzees Pan troglodytes (EN) which are close neighbors of the tool-using population in Bossou. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Sudan, already wracked by civil war fueled in part by failing rains, is projected to suffer as much as a 56 percent reduction in agricultural production potential; Senegal, a 52 percent fall. About: Blinded by Science
  • On their US tour they'd wear boubous, traditional Senegalese dress.
  • What's fairly certain is that Akon was born in St. Louis, Mo., sometime in the past 40 years and spent much of his childhood in the West African country of Senegal, which he describes as his "hometown. Akon's Recession-Proof Tune
  • Drag to Playlist hujeta/rocket/silver/characin gar, senegal bichir, acei cichlids in my planted tank my 55 gallon planted tank is home to a characin gar, senegal bichir, 16 acei cichlids, a few chinese algae eaters and a juvenile rainbow shark. - Business News
  • Six Senegalese porters lived in the single room below us, holding cheerful merguez barbecues with the window closed in case the landlord caught them.
  • For example, Senegal began to roll them out in 2007 to its health facilities, scaled up to every health facility within 18 months and saved a quarter of a million courses of ACTs every year.
  • Les oiseaux et les mammifères de la cuvette du Djoudj (delta du fleuve Sénégal). Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary, Senegal
  • At this very moment our freezer contains, in addition to food for us and frozen rodents for pet snakes, a painted turtle, a star nosed mole, a Senegal bichir, his pet rat "Pam" (who he's saving until his pine snake is big enough to eat her), porcupine feet, and probably many other things I have not found yet. A Freezer Full of Mystery
  • El - Hadji Diouf is also missing on African Nations Cup duty with Senegal.
  • The world tour is compressed into stop-offs in Senegal, Morocco, Estonia and Latvia, where the boys end up not so much handing the money out as realising how hard it is to part with it.
  • Senegalese herdsmen
  • Crewmen aboard the tanker sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal.
  • The smell of the ‘lakh’ [Senegalese food prepared from roughly kneaded millet flour, which is cooked in water and eaten with curds] cooling in the calabashes pervades the air.
  • Marabouts play a unique role in Senegalese society: in orthodox Muslim communities, marabouts are teachers of the faith.
  • In the Sahelian zone, such plantations are not established on an industrial basis and are less important, except in Senegal where plantations are created to stop desertification, which is a pressing ecological problem. Western Africa and forests and woodlands
  • Trucking in Senegal involves a long, often pot-holed route that cuts across Gambia, the small, 35-kilometer-wide country along the Gambia River. In Senegal, Concerns Linger after Gambia Blockade Lifted
  • On "Dakar-Kingston," N'Dour builds the musical bridge that links Senegal and Jamaica's capitals. Shawn Amos: PLAY > SKIP: This Week's New Music
  • You're listening to one of them, Senegalese superstar Youssou N'Dour. Senegal To Host World Music Festival
  • _A. vera_, termed Egyptian and Senegal "bablah," has been employed in tanning and dyeing. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Endangered mammals include the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), Senegal hartebeest (Alcelaphus bucelaphus), elephants (Loxodanta africana) and one of the three manatee species (Trichechus senegalensis). Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • Senegal to South Africa known as the tsetse-fly belt. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Drag to Playlist hujeta/rocket/silver/characin gar, senegal bichir, acei cichlids in my planted tank my 55 gallon planted tank is home to a characin gar, senegal bichir, 16 acei cichlids, a few chinese algae eaters and a juvenile rainbow shark. - Business News
  • Malouma is from Mauritania on the west coast of Africa, immediately to the north of Senegal, and could rarely have encountered such an unhelpful context in which to impress the huddle of promoters and journalists.
  • The traditional percussion instruments in Diallo's ensemble include the djembe and a small, loud Senegalese drum called the mbalax.
  • According to local press reports, the police detained Mr. Touré, better known to young Senegalese protesters and the press by his stage name, Thiat, for comments he made during a large demonstration over the weekend in which he called the octogenarian Senegalese president, Abdoulaye Wade, a liar and said he was too old to govern. NYT > Home Page
  • I first witnessed the picturesque beauty of Sabar dance along the streets of Brooklyn, courtesy of the music video "How Come" from Fugees member Wyclef Jean and Senegalese musician Youssou N'Dour. Sasha Brookner: Sabar: African Hip-Hop
  • Another handclap-driven number, "Africa Sweat," invites Senegalese vocalist/kora player Ali Boulo Santo in for another killer track. Derek Beres: Global Beat Fusion: Four for the Dance Floor
  • The population involved are black immigrants from francophone Africa, especially from Senegal, Mali, Mauritania and other francophone West African countries
  • The African jabiru is more commonly known as the saddle-billed stork, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis. Mystery bird: jabirú, Jabiru mycteria
  • When the plague raised its head again in 1944, it was smothered with DDT and sulfa drugs, therapies brought to Senegal as a result of the American military presence at the end of World War II.
  • Senegal is divided into 11 administrative regions, each headed by a governor appointed by and responsible to the president.
  • On "Dakar-Kingston," N'Dour builds the musical bridge that links Senegal and Jamaica's capitals. Shawn Amos: PLAY > SKIP: This Week's New Music
  • A number of myths are likely to have been dispelled almost as soon as Friday's opening match between France and Senegal has been completed.
  • Senegal will cut diplomatic ties with Iran after an investigation that showed that a seized Iranian arms shipment was intended for rebels fighting Senegalese troops. World Watch
  • Good afternoon and welcome to the last of the World Cup quarter-finals between Senegal and Turkey.
  • The special stage starts at Sadiola in Mali and heads south-west along the Senegalese border.
  • Early in my Peace Corps stint I was wedged between two big men in the middle seat of a “taxi brouse” Peugout 404 station wagon on a very hot day barreling along a sandy stretch of Highway 1 in northern Senegal near the Sahara. What’s the Weirdest Experience of Your Life?
  • Also known as the Senegal galago, bushbabies are small, nocturnal primates that leap from branch to branch among the treetops. ZooBorns
  • Sadio says Gambians think the Senegalese are their enemies, but that is not the case. In Senegal, Concerns Linger after Gambia Blockade Lifted
  • But most Senegalese are uninsured, especially the poor -- a common story across Africa and elsewhere.
  • Under the empty gaze of Senegalese guards, the men improvised shelters by burrowing into the wet sand. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • On Friday morning they gathered on a scruffy beach in Libreville, sang and laid flowers in the water for their compatriots who had died in 1993, shortly after taking off from the Gabonese capital for a World Cup qualifier in Senegal. Zambia 0-0 Ivory Coast (7-8 on pens) | Africa Cup of Nations final report
  • Senegal gum, buchu leaves, lava tips for burners, magic lantern strips, spiegeleisen nut washers, butchers 'skewers and gun wads. Love Conquers All
  • Although the band features players from the UK, Cameroon, France, Sierra Leone and Senegal, each member shares their musical foundation: open to influence, but without any dilution of content.
  • Thus it may have been gold, or silver, or copper, or a species of beautiful shells called cowries, or even a sort of mat called makutes, as in Congo; or ingots of iron, as in Senegal; or Negro slaves, as on the Guinea The Science of Right
  • Most Senegalese radio and television broadcasts are in French, but some are in Wolof.
  • Even more, the men in Senegal don't salivate over these dancers or seem to get turned on by the X rated moves -- a stark contrast to how males in America behave amidst the disposable aphrodisiac of female gyration. Sasha Brookner: Sabar: African Hip-Hop
  • Senegal's announcement Friday that Habre would be extradited on a charter flight Monday moves to end years of legal wrangling about what to do with the former Chadian leader.
  • Senegal and Guinea-Bissau - At least 50,000 young boys live in conditions that amount to a modern form of slavery.
  • I first witnessed the picturesque beauty of Sabar dance along the streets of Brooklyn, courtesy of the music video "How Come" from Fugees member Wyclef Jean and Senegalese musician Youssou N'Dour. Sasha Brookner: Sabar: African Hip-Hop
  • Senegal win a corner on the left, but there's a bit of argy-bargy in the box.
  • So what exactly is the difference between inserting the words "Senegalese" or "brown" at the end of the sentence? TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Senegalese people already think I'm wacky, so I waste less time caring about others' opinions of me. Maya Lau: Senegal's Accidental Hipsters
  • The diverse vegetation communities support a notable resident and migratory bird fauna, including cliff species such as fox-kestrel Falco alopex, Gabar goshawk Melierax gabar, yellow-billed shrike Corvinella corvina scarlet-chested sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis,, rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri, cliff chat Thamnolea cinnamomeiventris (abundant) and rock dove Columbia livia. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • Polypterus senegalus a.k.a. Senegal bichir a.k.a. Gray bichir a.k.a. "dinosaur eel", a "living fossil" fish, for its potential applicability for developing more advanced military body armor, vehicle armor Defense Review
  • There are small primate populations of potto Perodicticus potto, western black and white colobus Colobus polykomos, red colobus Colobus badius (EN), diana monkey Cercopithecus diana (EN), lesser bushbaby Galago senegalensi and chimpanzees Pan troglodytes (EN) which are close neighbors of the tool-using population in Bossou. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Wednesday in the small Senegalese village of Dal Diam, where he was given a traditional robe known as a boubou to wear, as if to justify the nickname the daily Le Soleil had given him that morning: "Clinton the African. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Senegalese sisters, eager to weave braids into the hair of women and men, spill from the salons.
  • This paper examines the phenomenon of microcredit by focusing on an interesting and unexpected outcome of village banks in a particular zone in rural Senegal: the emergence of a new class of female moneylenders.
  • The MIT researcher is also looking at other marine molluscs, including sea urchins, chitons, and the Senegal bichir. Three-Layered Snail Shell Inspires Better Body Armor | Inhabitat
  • Senegal's 1973 family code obligates grooms to register their intentions at the time of the first marriage - opting for monogamy, limited polygamy with two wives, or full polygamy.
  • I will do my best to penetrate the Senegalese market with this new product.
  • A Senegalese put on reggae music. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • In his statement, Wade also said that the giving of alms is required in Islam, the religion of more than 90 percent of Senegal's population. Senegal's Ban on Begging Under Review
  • Unlike some other areas of Africa, like Senegal, which have been inundated with aid workers and tourists, Mali remains comparatively unscarred by foreign intrusion.
  • Seven Koranic teachers in Senegal have been condemned to jail sentences after they were found guilty of forcing children to beg.
  • When the plague raised its head again in 1944, it was smothered with DDT and sulfa drugs, therapies brought to Senegal as a result of the American military presence at the end of World War II.
  • Last Tuesday, we posted a piece on the illegal immigration crisis on the Canary Islands, retailing how more than 1,400 immigrant had arrived in Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the previous week, making 2,000 landing in the month, mostly from Senegal and Mali. To our eternal shame
  • A left-wing coup failed after Jawara received backing from 3,000 Senegalese troops. 8. Gambia
  • Senegal is a moderately decentralized republic dominated by a strong presidency.
  • A river of western Africa flowing about , 2' km (700 mi) from northern Guinea through southeast Senegal and Gambia to the Atlantic Ocean at Banjul.
  • Senegal are not, arriving in the last eight as rank outsiders.
  • Arabic calligrams of people and birds are common popular arts of north Africa that are available and sometimes reproduced in Senegal.
  • Three species are found in Palestine, (1) the turtle-dove (Turtur auritus), (2) the collared turtle (T. risorius), and (3) the palm turtle (T. Senegalensis). Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • The plateau of Bandiagara is covered in a typically Sudanian savanna flora, including communities of Daniellia oliveri in association with Butyrospermum parkii, Parkia biglobosa, Terminalia macroptera, Khaya senegalensis, Vitex cienkowskii, Prosopis africana and brush species such as Combretum micranthum, Heeria insignis and Guiera senegalensis. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • Undeterred, Heavey flew to Senegal, reading an oil primer en route to learn the lingo.
  • But he is just as likely to be spotted busking on a Senegalese street corner.
  • The two largest include the 1.3 million Temne (Sierra Leone) and 1.2 million Serere-Sine (Senegal). Survey of West Africa: Peoples Summarized
  • Mr Wade, who says he needs another term to fulfil his promise to turn Senegal into a developed nation, has heaped scorn both on opposition protests and those from abroad. | Top Stories
  • The Senegalese film director and one of the founders of the Pan-African Film festival [FESPACO], Mahaman Johnson Traor is no more. Global Voices in English » India: Perspectives on Growing up in India
  • Found above the falls are whitebacked night heron Gorsachius leuconotus, African finfoot Podica senegalensis and rock pratincole Glareola nuchalis. Mosi-oa-Tunya Victoria Falls, Zambia
  • Portuguese navigators explored the coast of Senegal in 1445.
  • It makes for a dramatic backdrop to explore cuisine of Senegal, Cameroon and Mali, among others.
  • Senegal's 1973 family code obligates grooms to register their intentions at the time of the first marriage - opting for monogamy, limited polygamy with two wives, or full polygamy.
  • So I decided to run to the refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for Refugees here in Dakar, Republic of Senegal.
  • That is why Fatick's regional government partnered with Poitou Charente in 2008 to develop a renewable energy project in Senegal to give light to villages such as Langueme. Senegalese Villages Turn to Solar Power
  • Sorghum is grown especially south of Kaolack and rice in Casamance; dry rice is found in Senegal Oriental and paddy rice along the Senegal river. 1. Overview
  • Senegal, detected in this graveolent substance, fit only for wheel-axles, a threefold property, that of smelling like violets, of tasting like oil of olives, and tinging victuals like saffron, with a colour still finer. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • On going, at his earnest request, to speak to him at the gate, he communicated to me the interesting fact that the stranger in the burnoose was a young chim, who had resided in his family in Senegal for some twelve months, and who had accompanied him to England. Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • The fashion I'm witnessing is the result of a shift taking place in Senegalese style. Maya Lau: Senegal's Accidental Hipsters
  • You're listening to one of them, Senegalese superstar Youssou N'Dour. Senegal To Host World Music Festival
  • He delivered lectures in Cameroun, Zaire, and Senegal in French, and in Nigeria in English. How and Why Communication Media That Accentuate Sound Helped Engender Conservative Currents in the U.S. and Elsewhere
  • More than 250 soldiers from Senegal will join the West African peacekeeping force in Liberia.
  • Lindley has made us acquainted with a species of Salix belonging to Senegal, and therefore to the equinoctial region of Africa.
  • Senegal's 1973 family code obligates grooms to register their intentions at the time of the first marriage - opting for monogamy, limited polygamy with two wives, or full polygamy.
  • His interest in the Senegal project did not come from any great affinity for the oil industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in Senegal itself, crestfallen fans trudged through quiet streets in the capital after their team's failure to reach the last four.
  • The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.
  • Senegalese villages
  • He worries that if the mature locusts breed successfully in northern Senegal, a new generation of hoppers could grow their wings and wipe out this year's food crops just as they become ready to harvest in October and November.
  • It highlights the applaudable actions by the government in revoking 29 licenses to foreign super trawlers earlier this year, while exposing the urgency and the need for the establishment of sustainable fisheries policies in Senegal.
  • We remained nearly an hour beside our beneficent fountain then took the route for Senegal; that is, a southerly direction, for we did not know exactly where that country lay. Perils and Captivity Comprising The sufferings of the Picard family after the shipwreck of the Medusa, in the year 1816; Narrative of the captivity of M. de Brisson, in the year 1785; Voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons, in the year 1770
  • Ima Ebong considers the massive importance of Leopold Sedar Senghor's Negritude for artists in Senegal since independence.
  • They include ones against AIDS, whose pandemic, which is extremely serious in certain countries, counteracts development attempts, malaria which affects one and a half million Africans, and tuberculosis and bilharziasis, a disease which mobilizes specialists from the Pasteur Institute in Lille, in the valley of the Senegal river. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Senegal is thought to have only one elephant left. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, the fishing industry has overtaken the peanut sector as Senegal's No.1 foreign exchange earner.
  • European classical music replaces traditional Senegalese music on the soundtrack.
  • Marrakech is the great market of the south...not only the Atlas with its feudal chiefs and their wild clansman, but all that lies beyond of heat and savagery: the Sahara of the veiled Touaregs, Dakka, Timbuctoo, Senegal and the Soudan. Richard Bangs: Why Would Anyone Bomb Jemaa El F'na Square in Marrakesh?
  • Some countries where English is becoming a strong competitor to French, such as Algeria and Senegal, may see an immediate halt to the council's work.
  • And our tenth CNN hero is Viola Vaughn from Kaolack, Senegal by way of Detroit, I should say. CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2008
  • Some instruction is for military units, such as Special Forces training in Mali and Senegal.
  • FAO has warned from Rome that Senegal faces a new wave of swarms and what scientists call hoppers, newly-hatched wingless locusts, which have been spotted along the Senegal River valley and Ferlo valley.
  • The pair, who will dodge mine fields in Senegal and sweeten border officials with a supply of football T-shirts, will travel across France and Spain before catching the boat to Morocco and heading south to Banjul.
  • Jawara quelled the revolt by summoning Senegalese aid. 8. Gambia
  • Cameroon, Togo, Senegal and South Africa are among the other nations receiving imported frozen chickens and chicken parts.
  • But while the defending champions, Cameroon, and the 2002 World Cup quarter-finalists, Senegal, have already packed their bags and returned home, the two West Africans are still around.
  • Trans-desert migrants are attracted to the greenery of these sites, which are the only known breeding site in the Eastern Province for quail (Coturnix coturnix), spotted sandgrouse (Pterocles senegallus), and great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor). Persian Gulf desert and semi-desert
  • Good afternoon and welcome to the last of the World Cup quarter-finals between Senegal and Turkey.
  • They stalk the animals by using the stratagem of a cap made of the skin of a leche’s or poku’s head, having the horns still attached, and another made so as to represent the upper white part of the crane called jabiru (‘Mycteru Senegalensis’), with its long neck and beak above. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • Gambia is English, with a purely French trade; the latter is the result of many causes, but especially of the large neighbouring establishments at Goree, Saint Louis de Sénégal, and Saint Joseph de Galam. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
  • That would do much to single out the Europeans, but little to distinguish the Senegalese from the Solomon Islanders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • Under the empty gaze of Senegalese guards, the men improvised shelters by burrowing into the wet sand. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • Ground-nut oil and palm oil were exported from Senegal, and Saigon was occupied after a war with China in 1858-60 as an entrepôt for the import of raw silk destined for Lyons.
  • From the opening match in which Senegal beat reigning champions France, the World Cup rained surprises upon excited fans.
  • The World Health Organization has certified 180 countries free of transmission of dracunculiasis, including six formerly endemic countries: Pakistan (in 1996), India (in 2000), Senegal and Yemen (in 2004), Central African Republic and Cameroon (in 2007). Dracunculiasis
  • The Gullah, who are also known as the Geechee in some parts of the South, are descended from slaves specifically brought from West Africa (now Liberia, Sierra Leone and Senegal) because of their familiarity with farming rice and cotton.
  • His interest in the Senegal project did not come from any great affinity for the oil industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others who have been refused entry include Daara J Family, a Senegalese hip-hop outfit, who are BBC Radio 3 world music award winners, a Javanese artist and teacher, a Brazilian theatre company, South Africa's "edgiest theatre director" and a Palestinian poet. Government faces calls to overhaul visa rules for foreign performers
  • Sabar, the national pulse of Senegal, is also the term collectively used to describe the intricate and sophisticated genre of Senegalese inspired dancing that originated on the urban streets of Dakar. Sasha Brookner: Sabar: African Hip-Hop
  • The Tukulor, one of Senegal's seven main ethnic groups, converted to Islam in the 11th century, but animism remained widespread until the middle of the 19th century.
  • The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.
  • At the Fongoli site in Senegal, we observed ten different chimpanzees use tools to hunt prosimian prey in 22 bouts. RELIGION Blog |
  • The diverse vegetation communities support a notable resident and migratory bird fauna, including cliff species such as fox-kestrel Falco alopex, Gabar goshawk Melierax gabar, yellow-billed shrike Corvinella corvina scarlet-chested sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis,, rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri, cliff chat Thamnolea cinnamomeiventris (abundant) and rock dove Columbia livia. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali

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