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  1. enormous and diverse cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs and vines and herbs including many weeds

How To Use Senecio In A Sentence

  • From east to west the vegetation changes in the ecoregion, from shrubland steppe with xerophilous shrubs such as Adesmia, Baccharis, Fabiana, and Senecio to grassy steppe with grasses of the genera Calamogrostis, Festuca, and Stipa. Central Andean dry puna
  • In the coming decade, the abuse of agrochemicals and uncontrolled fishing and hunting are expected to Euphorbia echinus, Euphorbia resinifera, Senecio put more pressure on the fragile ecosystems and the threatened endemic species, particularly in hotspots. Northern Africa and biodiversity
  • Helictotrichon pubescens, Dactylis glomerata, Agropyron tianschanicum, and Poa nemoralis and the forbs Solidago virga-aurea, Mulgedium azureum, Doronicum altaicum, Senecio soongoricus, Crepis sibirica, Aegopodium alpestre, and Cerastium dahuricum. Tian Shan montane conifer forests
  • In areas with wet soils and near streams Cyperaceae and Juncaceae dominate, with some genera forming dense and hard wind-pollinated cushions such as Oxychloe and Patosia together with beautiful large-flowered forbs such as Mimulus, Euphrasia and Senecio species. Southern Andean steppe
  • A square pewter container was next, containing black dogwood stems, large green chrysanthemums, white lilies, the palest green flowers surrounded by senecio and rosemary, and yellow cymbidium orchids cascading over the edge.
  • Another garden has a towering eryngium, variegated agapanthus, cotoneaster, the bottle brush tree, senecio, a red leafed Trachelospermum and a cotinus - a wonderful contrast of shades and shapes.
  • In the Youngs' garden, bluish senecio grows beneath a gray-blue pindo palm.
  • Plant up your pots, containers and window boxes with evergreen foliage plants such as senecio, ivy and skimmia to give you winter interest.
  • Common herbs include butterweed (Senecio glabellus), jewelweed (Impatiens capensis), and royal fern (Osmunda regalis). Mississippi lowland forests
  • A square pewter container was next, containing black dogwood stems, large green chrysanthemums, white lilies, the palest green flowers surrounded by senecio and rosemary, and yellow cymbidium orchids cascading over the edge.
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