How To Use Send out In A Sentence

  • The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products. Computing
  • If you send out information two months after a consumer requested it, that's not timely.
  • Tow truck came back about an hour later, hooked up the car… after a little panic when his tow rope stopped moving… and I had visions of them having to send out another truck.
  • Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
  • After years of keeping quiet it is time to find his voice, time to send out echoes into the uneasy silence.
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  • Make sure that you include your payment terms on all quotes and invoices that you send out. The Sun
  • Furthermore, compared to the resources available to the alcohol industry to send out that message, the resources available to governmental organisations to imprint a health warning were risible.
  • If the government refuses to provide aid, it would send out all the wrong signals to the rest of the world.
  • But then, in the late 1980s, credit reports went automated, allowing card companies to send out their first deluge of "preapproved" card offers. rss feed
  • Who would actually send out a press release announcing to the world that you were the dumper and not the dumpee?
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • That led to the second key decision, to send out much of this work to maintenance depots and arsenals in places like Watervliet, N.Y.
  • Besides, the only way to enforce obedience was to send out more British troops. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • But it is a good excuse for us to send out a patrol of our own.
  • Try as she might, her MS Word Document fax won't send out of the outbox.
  • Rather than detecting reflected light waves to see objects, bats send out ultrasound waves and use the reflected sound to work out where things are. Smithsonian Mag
  • 'cleavers' or 'cliver,' and the wild madder (_Rubia pelegrina_), are instances of this -- then there are others which send out simple tendrils from the point of each leaf. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 454 Volume 18, New Series, September 11, 1852
  • The account may have been hit through a process called phish-spam-phish, where a hacker will phish for usernames and passwords, then send out spam through those people's accounts, then use links to phish for more. Top Tech News
  • If the government refuses to provide aid, it would send out all the wrong signals to the rest of the world.
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • We must send out a message that to vandalise public facilities is neither big nor clever.
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • I generate my own electricity, and send out impulses to trigger contraction.
  • Her films are thoughtful, touching and send out a positive message. Times, Sunday Times
  • The software will send out an alert when the user reaches his or her threshold and can also automatically free up more space for the user, if desired.
  • Besides, the only way to enforce obedience was to send out more British troops. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • Once the gas-filled microbubbles seek out the cancers and attach to their vessel walls, they send out strong signals that are picked up by standard clinical ultrasound scanners.
  • They have applied to the government to ditch the traditional polling booth in favour of a pilot to send out 165,000 eligible voters a postal ballot.
  • Its usefulness is limited, though, as it can't tell you when your payment arrive until about a week before they send out the check. Where's My Stimulus Payment? - The Consumerist
  • At some point also I would be given a sheet that covered any codes for anything I would need to do, such as if "john smith" meant "we have formed" or whatever I would send out "john smith" in morse code during the mission at the appropriate time. Biography of John G. Thiel Sgt, Radio Operator/Gunner, B-24, 576th Sqdn
  • Echolocation works like this: bats send out a series of high-pitched squeaks and then listen for its return.
  • PHILLIPS: Finally, the message you want to send out, just about your life, spina bifida, this ad? CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2008
  • A number of surgeries now send out reminders via text messages of upcoming appointments.
  • A large share disposal might send out a bad signal, so watch out also for persistent small disposals.
  • Every so often, when business seems slow, they send out last-minute invites to come see that evening's show for free if you just pay the two-drink minimum.
  • You're so untanned you're practically grey... Well, you want to send out for pizza? MY BABYSITTER HAS FANGS
  • The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products. Computing
  • Colleges that are so desperate for students that they send out prefilled out applications. Vintage NBA logos (link roundup)
  • Meals were often just bread and marge or a bit of bacon dripping, or send out for a chip supper, with fish if they were lucky. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Send out for instance foldout , share a government the online feedback of some major activity.
  • Apart from giving the children a holiday each year, we also send out many tonnes of humanitarian aid.
  • The crew did not send out any distress signals.
  • An event of this kind would create a huge crater, send out shock waves, and create tremendous atmospheric disturbance.
  • All the officers on deck are required at their stations, and the commander has authorized what I call a flanking movement, which I purpose to send out under your orders. A Victorious Union
  • Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send out labourers into his harvest field.
  • Another thought experiment (Kirk 1974b) involves a team of micro-Lilliputians who invade Gulliver™s head, disconnect his afferent and efferent nerves, monitor the inputs from his afferent nerves, and send outputs down his efferent nerves to produce behavior indistinguishable from what it would have been originally. Zombies
  • And straightway he began to send out market-baskets loaded with dead-head tickets. 'Who Is Mark Twain?'
  • Let's send out for a pizza.
  • Car hire companies cannot afford to send out a car with dodgy brakes or a low oil level.
  • What do you say we send out for Chinese?
  • And when he returned to England, he linked up with his old school to send out unwanted books.
  • In late spring, the parent plants send out chicks often on long colourful stems called stolons that form dense carpets.
  • What kind of a message does this send out to the cretins who ruin the town with their pathetic unartistic scribbles?
  • Besides, the only way to enforce obedience was to send out more British troops. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • Make sure that you include your payment terms on all quotes and invoices that you send out. The Sun
  • This software can now, for example, send out a real-time alert to Outlook users when it picks up on an appointment conflict.
  • We need the courts to issue tens of thousands of lifetime bans to send out a message that driving is a privilege you can lose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ditch the diary Use a digital calendar that the whole family can use and send out reminders by email. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, the only way to enforce obedience was to send out more British troops. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • It found the company had continued to send out brochures advertising the offer even when it knew it would be unable to meet demand.
  • We're narrowcasting; there's any number of simultaneous streams we can send out to homes.
  • Senator Clinton had to send out a surrogate to speak on behalf of this plan, and all she could find was, get this, a lobbyist for Shell Oil, to explain how this was going to be good for consumers.
  • Exercise is also great for skin and gives you a pinkish glow around the cheeks that send out loads of healthy vibes!
  • It's time to send out the bailiffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must send out as much mermen and mermaids as possible to battle those squids.
  • Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
  • I hope she will now send out letters defending the honor of U.S. soldiers and disassociating herself from the behavior of the students involved in the current controversy.
  • Eventually the banana will send out a large pink flower.
  • To do that, he says, scientists must understand how a cell self-destructs, which means understanding how mitochondria send out signals that kill cells as well as energize them.
  • So, hmmm, I sold a few not many, mind short stories, and there have been some positive noises about two more, and someplaces have been hanging onto my stories forever, so I am in dire need of some short stories to send out. Mikandra: short stories
  • The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products. Computing
  • Marbois 'representations, and Luzerne's prepossessions against our trade with their colonies, occasioned him, as minister of that department, not only to reverse the ordinance, but to recall Chillon and send out Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 3
  • The skipper was experienced and had faced worse seas before and so sudden was the calamity which overwhelmed him that he was unable to send out a Mayday call.
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • The 2d Rhode Island, which was at the head of the column, was now ordered to send out skirmishers; also the carbineer company, Captain History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • It will send out letters of apology this month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who would actually send out a press release announcing to the world that you were the dumper and not the dumpee?
  • If the government refuses to provide aid, it would send out all the wrong signals to the rest of the world.
  • And send out blasts of tambour voice, team and team of religion warriors had standed guard places. Mini Star | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Whether cars are abandoned in residential streets or remote lay-bys they do not send out the message we want.
  • The exercising muscles send out their own calcium entry channel blockers. Living with Angina
  • Her films are thoughtful, touching and send out a positive message. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let the courts make an example of the perpetrators, and in doing so send out the message to others that their vandalistic and blackguardly ways are not acceptable to the decent majority.
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • The council is to send out more road sweepers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
  • Disarmed and piloting a disarmed ship, the crew of the Excelsior is forced to send out a squadron of the unfamiliar shuttlecraft that now occupy their hangar bay.
  • Analogies of this kind suggest that sense organs and nerve cells send out impulses because some part of their surface has become depolarized. Edgar Adrian - Nobel Lecture
  • Fungal spores stick to the surface of the insect, germinate, and send out hyphae which penetrate the cuticle and invade the haemocoel. Chapter 8
  • They are also offering to send out rubbish patrols after closing to pick up bottles, flyers and food wrappings in the immediate vicinity of the premises.
  • Gibson's new offering uses digital technology to separate the sound from each string and send out a digital signal that can be manipulated with reverb, distortion, coloration and other effects.
  • They'll swell with moisture and send out roots faster in the soil than ones planted dry.
  • I'm trying to write a leaflet thingy to send out with any prints that I sell.
  • These selective or directional cells are produced by base stations that send out narrow beams at the entrances to tunnels or along roads in rural areas.
  • Stripped of unessential gear and backup systems, it cannot send out a rover to explore the local terrain but must instead rely on a single robotic arm to probe the site.
  • Asking it to keep track of six or seven other players and send out constant messages and update your screen 30 times a second with fabulous 3D graphics is enough to make almost any machine stutter.
  • We could send out way more jobs per hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • They would send out a squad car to check things out and by then the kid would be gone.
  • Send out sease and desist Letters adressed from your compeatitors to your other competitors. then when they start bashing each other on the internet step in and bye the voice of reason…the peace maker warning each party to shake hands and be mature and professional. Alan Moore as a Neil Gaiman character
  • It appears to be part of an internet hacking trend dubbed swatting - tricking police to send out a SWAT or emergency response team to an unsuspecting home by hacking into people's computer accounts to disguise the origin of the 911 call. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
  • The crew did not send out any distress signals.
  • Mrs Newsome has decided to send out an ambassador to rescue Chad and bring him home.
  • I say we send out a bulletin to all myspace users, to not use their accounts for a day or so, and then see what happens. reply aishwarya Rumors Of The Decline Of MySpace Are Exaggerated
  • Ahead of M-day, send out a list of what you will be discussing, and in what order, as well as what you hope to achieve. Personal finance and money news, analysis and comment |
  • I should send out a couple of "real" academic articles dealing with the stuff I actually dissertated on.
  • Here in Ohio, we regularly send out mailers to new registrants, saying welcome to being a voter and please vote for our candidates.
  • Make sure that you include your payment terms on all quotes and invoices that you send out. The Sun
  • If an invoice is not paid within seven days, we automatically send out a reminder.
  • The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products. Computing
  • There's not much to eat in the fridge. Should I send out for a pizza?
  • And all this retro fashion stuff does rather send out the message: you are not watching a mere champion, you are watching a legend. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mayor Alvarez has yet to learn that FEMA's job is to send out officials in polo shirts to stand next to the governor at press conferences and nod their heads. October 2005
  • The moment a Conservative government is in office we will send out a clear instruction that the pension should be uprated [raised] by earnings, not prices.
  • A study at New York's Medical Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center found tumors send out tiny cells call cyst which can reproduce the tumors. CNN Transcript Dec 28, 2009
  • Her films are thoughtful, touching and send out a positive message. Times, Sunday Times
  • For invitations send out little gingham sachets of dried herbs (from last year's harvest) with a tag telling the recipient about the luncheon including the date and time.
  • Maybe enough cylon blood surfaced in Bobby Zimmerman to send out the distress signal to set the wheels of destiny (that is if destiny was a hotrod) in motion. A Brief Comment About BSG
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • By an oversight, we did not send out the agenda for the meeting.
  • Good, that's all settled - you send out the invitations for the party, and I'll organize the food.
  • Let's get going or they'll send out a search party .
  • Look for instance at plants: vandalized trees send out new shoots, grass grows on rubbish dumps, flowers spring up in scrap yards.
  • We didn't go for speed, we just went for people who had proved themselves in the past to be very competent baton changers and then the plan was to send out the fastest four in the semi finals.
  • The ferry did not even have time to send out an SOS.
  • The Magyar will send out word that his precious primadonna is missing? Fat chance.
  • By an oversight, we did not send out the agenda for the meeting.
  • In House races, lightly covered by the press, news is mostly generated by incumbents, who get to send out "franked" mailings to constituents that testify to their greatness at taxpayers 'expense. There Might Not Be a Tidal Wave
  • When spores reach a favorable place to grow, they germinate and send out long, thin filaments called hyphae," she said. The Times Today's News
  • Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
  • We can send out the powerful message that upskirting is unacceptable.
  • A common way to move a brigade support area is to send out a quartering party to establish a new operating area before moving the main body.
  • Otherwise we send out for a Chinese or get something prepared for us downstairs.
  • I know of a group of regular sharkers in Rhode Island that hang a bag of D batteries over the rail to send out an electrical pulse. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • You could have leaflets printed which you distribute or send out as part of a mail shot.
  • Once they figured out how to get Trojans onto computer, creating their own virtual spamming super computer, spammers have adopted this method for most of the spam they send out.
  • Send out a distress signal; the ship is sinking.
  • Bowsers to send out warrantes to all the Tenantes & other friendes of the Colledge, that they should send in extraordinary provision against every Feast, which accordingly was performed; some sendinge money, some wine, some venison, some other provision, every one accordinge to his abilitye. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • I don't think he's on the Internet but I have this theory which I cribbed from Peter Pan that if we all send out good thoughts, somehow they'll get to him.
  • I have to get going - they're about to send out the campus monitors to enforce lights out.
  • Rather than detecting reflected light waves to see objects, bats send out ultrasound waves and use the reflected sound to work out where things are. Smithsonian Mag
  • And today he became one of the first to answer a citywide call for people to tie white ribbons to their doors or windows to send out an anti-war message to the world.
  • He was forced into an admission, including the use of 2,000 prepaid envelopes to send out the forgery, and hoped to brazen things out with an apology.
  • If an invoice is not paid within seven days, we automatically send out a reminder.
  • Mothers and fathers send out the message that boys are awkward, ungainly and silly.
  • The idea behind radar was to send out radio waves and listen for echoes from enemy craft.
  • In the distance, one or two unnamed birds send out a cry from the distant dense forests.
  • The academy's mission is to send out the message that women are not weak and will stand up against abuse.
  • Let's get going or they'll send out a search party .
  • The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products. Computing
  • LEYMAH GBOWEE, LIBERIAN PEACE ACTIVIST: So (inaudible) today is to send out a signal to the world that we, the Liberian women in Ghana, at this conference, we are fed up with the war, and we are doing this to tell the world we are tired of fighting, the killing of our people. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
  • Look for instance at plants: vandalized trees send out new shoots, grass grows on rubbish dumps, flowers spring up in scrap yards.
  • Ask for milk with your tea and many establishments will send out small non-dairy creamers along with the lemon.
  • We need to send out a message that we do have standards and we are not an amoral society. The Sun
  • Digital cell phones send out compressed information through microwave pulses of electromagnetic radiation.
  • We need to send out a message that we do have standards and we are not an amoral society. The Sun
  • The message that magazines send out to females around the world affects them negatively, causing a drop in self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Ask for milk with your tea and many establishments will send out small non-dairy creamers along with the lemon.
  • The underground and aboveground stems send out roots from each joint.
  • Their discreet designer labels send out waves of attitude like bullets, but secretly they delight in the attention.
  • The panel emphasised the need to send out a'strong message that such deplorable behaviours do not have a place in football '. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would send out decoys who would lure the unwary into crap games and then he would swoop down and grab them.
  • Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
  • Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue.
  • And send out the message that in these belt-tightening times, there is no such thing as a free ride. The Sun
  • He said the crew are collecting bottled water, blankets, tinned food, tarpaulins, sleeping bags and net curtains which could be used as mosquito protection, to send out to Asia.
  • It looks like something released in 1975, covered in the imagery bands once used to telegraph their ascendance to the rock aristocracy and send out the message: we are rich, we are famous, we've swapped the dank air of Aylesbury Friars for the kind of places people like you will only ever get to see when the Bounty hunters go searching for paradise in the ad breaks during World of Sport. Kings of Leon: Come Around Sundown - review
  • Digital cell phones send out compressed information through microwave pulses of electromagnetic radiation.
  • View Comments larry iron man rules and all else drools''.im keeping my fingers crossed that whip-lash is actually a hired assassin, wose working for the even more bad-ass villian the mandarin''.it would be kick-ass if a non seen mandarin, whose voice was heard and dark figure was seen, but nothing else,to add to the suspense, until of course the next sequel''.then all hell will break loose'' mandrin can send out even more recruits such as crimson dynamo, madame masque,and even grey gargoyle, before going up against iron-man himself at the films climatic ending''. future baddies for the franchise? Collider Goes to the Set of IRON MAN 2 – Read a Preview – Plus Pictures of the IM2 Challenge Coin –
  • It said that more than half of workplace retirement schemes could improve the literature that they send out to members. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you cut your rubber plant back, it should send out new side shoots.
  • Applications would be registered to send outgoing traffic.
  • Mothers and fathers send out the message that boys are awkward, ungainly and silly.
  • All the people, animals and outbuilding and the big house survived but I did have to send out a "pipa" and the firemen came also. Fires
  • Oregano is a prolific grower that can send out shoots that grow to six feet in a single season.
  • They are also offering to send out rubbish patrols after closing to pick up bottles, flyers and food wrappings in the immediate vicinity of the premises.

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