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How To Use Send in In A Sentence

  • They are issuing posters appealing for people to ring a new helpline number or send information to an email address. The Sun
  • Targeting pod-equipped aircraft can make pre-raid surveillance videos, check for improvised explosive devices (IEDs), track targets such as gunmen or vehicles, and send information to ground units.
  • There's less than a month to go - so it is time to send in your nominations for our Community Pride awards.
  • But the licensing authority has reported her to the police, making it impossible to send in a post-dated cheque. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relay units will send information on the number of open spots to a centralized computer in San Jose via dedicated fast lines.
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  • Here the goods are either loaded on the backs of yaks or on mule caravans to send into Tibet or to Nepal and Bhutan to be forwarded to Tibet.
  • Their landlord has threatened to send in the bailiffs if they don't pay their rent.
  • He asked people to send in anonymous postcards (via snail mail) disclosing big secrets in their lives.
  • It will also send information about specials deals, new offers and other things you may be interested in.
  • Taxpayers who do not send in their forms face an automatic fine.
  • Maybe you should tweak a few sentences before you send in the report.
  • Gregor Townsend intercepted the ball mid - flight and raced away to score a crucial try that set up a Scotland victory not only in that opening match but in the Championship itself.
  • If I had my druthers, NATO would send in warplanes to take out every one of these knuckleheads. Three Tips for Surviving the Art Museum
  • Send in your poems and we'll publish the pick of the bunch.
  • The fact is Obama has to send in more troops as the trigger happy Bush and Cheney dropped the ball to go after Iraq and now the job must be completed, and even though we know who to blame Obama is man enough to take it all and do the right hing. Report: 'Bin Laden was within our grasp'
  • They don't necessarily need to send in troops - they send in men in suits and they colonise the place financially.
  • Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.
  • The foot and ankle have nerve endings which send information throughout the body for muscular co-ordination. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • You may send in your contributions in the form of cheque or draft or money orders directly addressed to.
  • The good folks of Ad Fontes in Lithuania send in this news: News, Video and Images from Lithuania: Ad Fontes and the Usus Antiquior at Riga Cathedral
  • He asked residents to send in any photos, slides or images of the area from bygone days.
  • Mazimhaka emphasised the importance of getting peacekeepers on the ground in Somalia as soon as possible: "African countries do not consider it necessary to have a place stabilised and then send in troops. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With fair frequency, the Sun's surface erupts with solar flares, which send intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation into space.
  • If you accept the offer, you are sent prepaid padded envelopes to send in your CDs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please send in your applications early as places are limited. Times, Sunday Times
  • French authorities forced strike-shuttered fuel depots to reopen to ensure gasoline supplies, and the interior minister threatened Wednesday to send in paramilitary police to stop rioting on the fringes of protests against raising the retirement age to 62. French Fuel Depots Forced Open Amid Strikes
  • Send invitation letter as well as company poster foldout.
  • Taxpayers who do not send in their forms face an automatic fine.
  • A surefire sign that the circus is almost over: they send in the clowns, and McConnell is a clown extraordinaire. McConnell: Reid bill 'the wrong direction to go' on reform
  • Send in your entry as soon as possible!
  • They held an online writing contest, where aspirants had to send in a chapter of a book they are writing.
  • The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation.
  • The seller, John Leitch, did send in a link to the auction page earlier this morning showing £110,000 had been bid and the reserve met - but this bid was later retracted.
  • The biennial is the Olympics of the contemporary art world, a century-old tradition in which countries send in their best artists to exhibit in pavilions and palazzos across the city. The Art World’s Olympics
  • The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.
  • Essentially, you send in the manuscript, the editor sends you and editorial letter, you make the changes, the book goes back, hopefully is accepted -- and the next time you see it it's got all these blue and red pencil marks all over it. I need a woman with eyes like rodin, see the body caught within the stone
  • The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.
  • Competition for the two places is expected to be tough and applicants will have to send in an audio cassette or video with their report of a sporting event as well as a written report on an Olympic or Paralympic sport.
  • If you do send in clips, I'll be looking at headlines, cutlines, weird indents (I hope I don't run across too many), cropping, teases and just about anything else on the page that involves detail work.
  • She revealed that moves were afoot to send in a representative of the Irish Coastguard Service to mediate between the two sides in about two weeks time to sort out the situation.
  • They automatically check counterparties ' credit lines and send information needed for clearing and settlement to back offices.
  • The nearest cell tower picks up these signals and informs the network where to send incoming calls.
  • You will need a court judgment or an ombudsman award before you can send in bailiffs to collect your compensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.
  • In 1960, the concept of combining a mic/line preamplifier, low- and high-frequency equalizer, and an echo send into one small module that used only one connector was revolutionary.
  • In an epidemic area, the plant quarantine organs shall send inspectors to participate in the work of local road joint inspection stations or timber inspection stations.
  • You can use this app to send invoices to tenants and export data to Excel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sheer senseless destruction to send in a cockleshell like the JERVIS BAY against the might of a pocket battleship, a folly and a bravado, that amounted to nothing less than madness. The Lonely Sea
  • I also understand that Ms. Clinton plans to send in busloads of supporters to protest thereby forcing the hand of the DNC and further dividing the party. DNC faces big challenge Saturday
  • Yew trust me, and yew'll find plenty of room; but if yew don't feel quite comf'table, if I was yew I'd just lie off for a bit while you send in one of your boats and Squire First Lieutenant there, to see what it's like, and the sooner the better, for the sun's getting low, and as I dessay yew know better than I can tell _yew_, it ain't long after the sun sinks before it's tidy dark. Hunting the Skipper The Cruise of the "Seafowl" Sloop
  • Democrats should instead urge that the United States send in more troops in a spreading ''inkblot'' strategy to secure neighborhoods and deny support and safe haven for terrorists, as numerous military experts have advocated since the war began. Archive 2007-03-25
  • If you know about it or if you know how to buy baneberries (dried or powdered), kindly send information.
  • In the old days it was all done on paper: Scouts would send in reports from games in the field by mail or fax, and the reports would be filed into thick binders.
  • These options have been to either send in shirtsleeve forces who must displace and fight from sandbagged 5-ton cargo trucks or send in forces equipped with 68-ton Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles.
  • The lyrics intermittently scan as clunkily as the predictable doggerel people send in to newspapers' obituary sections.
  • Forfeiting the opportunity to send in a high ball for the heads of the giant defenders, he instead skited it across the greasy deck.
  • And they put in potassium and they send in bicarbonate soda and anti-nausea medicine.
  • For full details of this exclusive offer, just send in a stamped addressed envelope.
  • You can use this app to send invoices to tenants and export data to Excel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation.
  • To add your support send in the coupon today or call us for a pack of petitions.
  • The foot and ankle have nerve endings which send information throughout the body for muscular co-ordination. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • Her robust lyric soprano, allied to striking good looks, should make her a godsend in this repertoire. Times, Sunday Times
  • If one's opponent has anti-tank weapons I should have thought the last thing to send in would be tanks.
  • The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.
  • He has announced that the company wants the public to send in its homemade videos - and he doesn't mind how mucky they are.
  • The FBI would have to coordinate with him, answer to him, or certainly send information to him.
  • Send in your poems and we'll publish the pick of the bunch.
  • People know that a huge network of necessarily anonymous readers send in those church bulletin typos and linguistic grotesqueries that other readers enjoy.
  • Some people just download existing PG texts, re-proof them very carefully and send in corrections. The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002
  • Writers who send in poor photographs are keelhauled.
  • If you accept the offer, you are sent prepaid padded envelopes to send in your CDs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parents of youths using the club are asked to note this and send in annual subscriptions without delay.
  • Please send in your applications early as places are limited. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inspired prophet cannot even get the number of Seven Sleepers correct, so the compilers of this latest rubbish send in a new revelation from Allah.
  • Shoppers can send in their orders by computer and pick up their goods later.
  • The only way was to send in Marines with rifles and grenades and flame-throwers.
  • The material to send in the whet room directly, adopt special stir to anticipate centrifugal wing wheel to separate compellable inlet pulp the machine.
  • Those businesses who cannot meet their rents will be at the mercy of their landlords who may send in the bailiffs to seize their stock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taxpayers who do not send in their forms face an automatic fine.
  • Send in your poems and we'll publish the pick of the bunch.
  • And then there was the suit with woollen gloves debacle in Gravesend in March. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her dry Aussie wit is a godsend in an industry choked with airheads, and her quicksilver intelligence animates her luminous beauty.
  • He deems all owners and jockeys to be bullies who ‘send injured horses to race and be abused by jockeys with whips.’
  • To complete the trilogy, we then asked you to send in your recollections of real love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Send in the subscriber card or go to to subscribe now.
  • From Feb. 8 to Feb. 27, kids received Power Rangers Lost Galaxy sonic clues and were asked to send in three clues to enter the sweepstakes.
  • Their landlord has threatened to send in the bailiffs if they don't pay their rent.
  • The Live 8 solution of 2005 was designed not to get us to send in our money to bowdlerise Mr. Geldof, but to raise awareness and educate the public. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Shoppers can send in their orders by computer and pick up their goods later.
  • If it is not vacated by today, the council will seek a court order to send in bailiffs.
  • In the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, business leaders are so concerned about spiraling drug cartel-related violence that they have asked the United Nations to send in peacekeeping soldiers to restore calm. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 13, 2009
  • Getting local bids is easy enough, but online sellers typically require you to send in your stuff, and some have confusing return policies. The Other Gold Rush: Selling It
  • Pharmaceutical companies could send interesting compounds to be tested to see if their new drug had an effect against some of the important tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis.
  • I live in "Texes" and really want to send in a wreck...but here's irony: I, the proofer, was deeply distressed when I discovered that my local grocery store cake decorators can spell and write well...bummer! What's That Spell?
  • A specialist cleaning company had to send in people wearing protective clothing and breathing masks to clear what turned out to be six tonnes of waste.
  • The English seem to turn bosks into lawns and topiaries; the Americans send in sheep and cattle to munch them into extinction.
  • And people were delighted to send in their stories of their exes.
  • The Pentagon has prepared contingency plans to send in airborne and ground troops to try to secure the weapons facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • All you need to do is download the pdf's and send in an entry form, entry fee and participation agreement.
  • Then Connolly connected with Lockwood's well flighted free-kick to send in a volley which Dobson did well to gather.
  • But she's not just an exceptional actress; her dry Aussie wit is a godsend in an industry choked with airheads, and her quicksilver intelligence animates her luminous beauty.
  • He said that if passengers were more than a hour late because of the breakdown they should send in their tickets and they would be recompensed under the company's customer charter.
  • The exhibit is juried, meaning quilters send in a photo of their work and a panel of judges select the pieces that will be on display at the convention. Local News
  • Older protocols for remote access such as telnet, send information such as telnet, send information such as usernames and password in clear text and may have other security loop holes Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Can I send in the bailiffs if the bank refuses to pay up? Times, Sunday Times
  • If you can send your, what they call workout package, if you can send that in one bundle so that they have everything that they need at one time, you're going to be more successful then you can send in your materials piecemeal over a period of time. CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2009
  • Bowsers to send out warrantes to all the Tenantes & other friendes of the Colledge, that they should send in extraordinary provision against every Feast, which accordingly was performed; some sendinge money, some wine, some venison, some other provision, every one accordinge to his abilitye. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • This shitstorm is the direct and predictable result of conservative ideology: the belief that all the evil in the world results from evil dictators running strong governments, and that if you just invade, kill the dictator, and eviscerate the government, and send in big corporate cronies on multibillion-dollar contracts to build oil refineries and gated housing complexes, then everything else will be just hunky-dory and you’ll have Southern California in no time. Matthew Yglesias » Stabbing and Backs
  • One of the most common scams at the moment is to send individuals with online bank accounts an official-seeming request for confidential details, which in fact enable crooks to siphon money off the account.
  • If two phones both send in bump events at the same time, the server notifies each one that the other is ready to send data. "Bump" iPhone app is cool
  • Second-hand stores and pawnshops in Vancouver send in 400,000 routine reports each year on the items they purchase.
  • Groklaw members report leads, scan and format legal documents, and send in eyewitness reports from sessions of the court.
  • For full details of this exclusive offer, just send in a stamped addressed envelope.
  • All you have to do is identify those plants and send in your answers on a postcard together with your name and address.
  • Please do not send in originals of proof of credentials and all nomination documents are non-returnable.
  • The only way of squaring the circle to Moscow's satisfaction would be to send in troops.
  • Their landlord has threatened to send in the bailiffs if they don't pay their rent.
  • It's your newsletter, so send in your caving news — simple!
  • Rather, the idea behind such a moratorium is a simple one: one does not send in the crime scene investigators while the fire is in progress -- one sends in the fire department. Ray Brescia: Strong Medicine: The Long-Term Health of the Housing Market Requires a National Foreclosure Moratorium
  • Applicants for the Stand-Up Award need to send in a VHS video cassette of their stand-up routine.
  • So they've boxed up yeast, Band-aids, film and seeds to send into space.
  • Bernie came across Overheard in Dublin, a site where readers send in snatches of conversation caught around town.
  • We send in the navy and the SAS, we spend more money, we talk tough, we lambast the people smugglers, we heighten the fears, but still the boats with their desperate human cargo come and Megawati refuses to answer John's calls.
  • You can use this app to send invoices to tenants and export data to Excel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foot and ankle have nerve endings which send information throughout the body for muscular co-ordination. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • The idea is as simple as it is tasteless, at Kontest. nl women can send in images of their bums, and the one with the best "bodywork" - behind wins a Daewoo car. Adland
  • People have been known to spit at villainous characters on the street or send in bottles of medicine when other characters are ill. Times, Sunday Times
  • Send in your poems and we'll publish the pick of the bunch.
  • So the 1996 film Brassed Off was a godsend in one sense, but a mixed blessing in another.
  • Or, perhaps more pertinently to my job search, if I see a desktop support position that I think I would be good for, but in which the hiring manager has placed this kind of condition on the position, do you think there might be a way to send in an application and politely tell the guy that my "piddly" A+, Network+, Security+, and MCP are more than sufficient for desktop support and that it makes no sense to be looking for a CCNA? Robert X. Cringely's blog
  • Sithole, a 20-year-old tiler who has been at the church for four months, called on South Africa to send in troops to topple Mugabe. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They'd have more gunnies than we could send in, even if we knew exactly where they were, and we can't send a young army barging around without anything but a flimsy suspicion to go on-the lawmen would throw us in the clink in nothing flat ... Masters Of The Vortex
  • Send in your comments
  • If you accept the offer, you are sent prepaid padded envelopes to send in your CDs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such as Matt "Sandman" Sanders, who Barrow calls "our traffic controller" in overseeing about 20 on-course spotters — including spotters assigned to each announcer — who send in details such as club selection and distance off tee shots that are then used in onscreen graphics. Small army sets stage for great golf
  • No wonder the other players feel queasy as they sit in the background pretending to play canasta and desperately hoping the ambassador will send in some chocolate before JT begins fluttering his eyelashes and giggling coquettishly about his ice cubes melting. Footballers' Spring launched by revolting players | Harry Pearson
  • The city is designing a logo and has asked companies to send in merchandising suggestions. Times, Sunday Times
  • But news people apply a deep discount to anonymous comments: the people who send in unsigned letters or won’t identify themselves over the phone. Mooning the blogosphere « BuzzMachine
  • Sacral nerves contain a mixture of autonomic and somatic fibers that send information in both afferent and efferent directions.
  • You, too, can send in your own beardy snaps. Times, Sunday Times

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