How To Use Send for In A Sentence

  • Send for our free information pack for more details.
  • My, next to either you or Mr. Harte will be directed to Berlin; but as I do not know to what house or street there, I suppose it will remain at the posthouse till you send for it. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • The trees send forth many branches when spring comes.
  • It was proposed to send for a menuisier to pick the lock; but how was one to be found at three o'clock in the morning? Olla Podrida
  • A Godsend for anyone who has to submit work as it gets rid of the chance of sending a duff disk.
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  • Many companies distribute their disks through Transend for you to try out for up to 90 days.
  • “Were I to send for a physician, Sir,” cried Delvile, with affected chearfulness, “he would find it much more difficult to imagine what advice to give me.” Cecilia
  • These last threats, uttered more obscurely than the others, obviously concerned the person of the King, and at one time the Duke expressed his determination to send for the Duke of Normandy, the brother of the King, and with whom Louis was on the worst terms, in order to compel the captive monarch to surrender either the Crown itself, or some of its most valuable rights and appanages. Quentin Durward
  • The trees send forth many branches.
  • ` I will send for a glass of water, sir, 'said the clergyman leaving the vestry to call the verger, or clerk, ` the lady is fainting.' Valerie
  • She let others send for him when in her calls his ministration was required, and she was careful not to linger where he was likely to come. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • Those ideas are part of a blueprint Obama will send for consideration by a congressional "super-committee" tasked with finding at least $1.2trn in savings over a decade. Obama deficit cuts: the main points
  • Around the plutomum is a cylinder of beryllium, which is a godsend for our purposes. The Sum of all Fears
  • At the length, love to the youth, so prevailed with her, that she concluded on his contentation, and (come of it what could) shee would not send for it; but go her selfe in person to request it, and then returne home againe with it: whereupon thus she spake. The Decameron
  • Send for an educational video post-free.
  • Would this be a godsend for busy parents or a wrong turn for childcare?
  • – And indeed it was on these occasions that Mrs Rayland seemed to take peculiar pleasure in mortifying Mrs Somerive and her daughters; who dreaded these dinner days as those of the greatest penance; and who at Christmas, one of the periods of these formal dinners, have blest more than once the propitious snow; through which that important and magisterial personage, the body coachman of Mrs Rayland, did not choose to venture himself, or the six sleek animals of which he was sole governor; for on these occasions it was the established rule to send for the family, with the same solemnity and the same parade that had been used ever since the first sullen and reluctant reconciliation between Sir Hildebrand and his sister; when she dared to deviate from the fastidious arrogance of her family, and to marry a man who farmed his own estate – and who, though long settled as a very respectable land-owner, had not yet written Armiger after his name. The Old Manor House
  • I propose that this good little gentleman, that seems sair forfoughen, as I may say, in this tuilzie, shall send for a tass o 'brandy and I'll pay for another, by way of archilowe, * and then we'll birl our bawbees a' round about, like brethren. Rob Roy — Complete
  • Send for our free information pack for more details.
  • She jokes that by the age of eight she was already a godmother to many, making promises about what she would send for them when she finally got to America.
  • Those who like a good "gashly" book should, my Baronite says, forthwith send for _Lord Wastwater_ (BLACKWOOD). Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, December 31, 1892
  • Piercie; “I would advise you that such no more maketh a shooter, than doth one swallow make a summer — I have seen this springald of whom you speak, and if his hand can send forth his shafts as boldly as his tongue doth utter presumptuous speeches, I will own him as good an archer as Robin Hood.” The Monastery
  • The first is fraternal, popular entertainment, and a financial godsend for health care and education.
  • Send for your free sample today!
  • At his first arrival he finds it necessary to send for the taylor, perruquier, hatter, shoemaker, and every other tradesman concerned in the equipment of the human body. Travels through France and Italy
  • Send for your free sample today!
  • Wherefore I expect thee, I desire thee, I send for thee; for there be many things which trouble and molest me, which had I but thee in presence, I could quickly disburden myself of in a walking discourse. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Send for an educational video post-free.
  • I propose that this good little gentleman, that seems sair forfoughen, as I may say, in this tuilzie, shall send for a tass o’ brandy and I’ll pay for another, by way of archilowe,60 and then we’ll birl our bawbees a’ round about, like brethren.” Rob Roy
  • Nay, it was usual to send for people by pursuivants, a kind of harpies who then attended the orders of the council and high commission; and they were brought up to London, and constrained by imprisonment, not only to withdraw their lawful suits, but also to pay the pursuivants great sums of money. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
  • I want GPRS & MMS setting for my sony erricson W910i please send for bpl wap setting modle no. samsung beat450 please send bpl wap setting in my modle Modal Nokia 3110c Fri 24 Oct 2008 09: 33 PM ContentSutra
  • The near limitless play potential makes this game a godsend for obsessive, compulsive fans of this style of play, and the ocean deep gameplay ensures that there is always something new to do.
  • Perhaps, he suggested tentatively, they should send for Dr Band.
  • Send for free Endangered Desserts of the World poster!
  • Send for reinforcements — the enemy are attacking in strength.
  • I can send for a physician," said Lady Annabelle, looking dubiously at the corpselike figure on her hearth, "but I doubt he can get here under an hour; it's snowing something fierce out. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The trees send forth many branches when spring comes.
  • Consumers can send for the full set with purchase, and enter a sweepstakes whose grand prize is a trip for five to the set of a WB show.
  • If you would also like to play better golf then send for his brochure.
  • This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.
  • Pick up some Szechuan peppercorns when you are next in a Chinese grocery or else send for them by mail order. MOON PASSAGE
  • He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor.
  • Send forth lightning and scatter the enemies; shoot your arrows and rout them.
  • The trees send forth many branches.
  • Organized also to send for each classmate to have a benedictory and elegant birthday greeting card up the label, receive the classmates to bless and thank sincerely.
  • Her mother wanted her to send for her father; he was sick and needed to be seen by a specialist soon.
  • ` ` let us drink and gree like honest fellows --- The house will haud us a. I propose that this good little gentleman, that seems sair forfoughen, as I may say, in this tuilzie, shall send for a tass o 'brandy and I'll pay for another, by way of archilowe, and then we'll birl our bawbees a' round about, like brethren. '' Rob Roy
  • On receiving the unexpected order, Pepe rose from his habitual attitude of recumbence, stretched himself at his leisure, yawned several times, and then obeyed the summons, saying as he went out: "What the devil fancy has the captain got into his head to send for _me_? Wood Rangers The Trappers of Sonora
  • The department said in a notice today that it will issue regulations that disallow so-called triangular reorganizations that attempt to escape tax when they send foreign earnings to a U.S. parent company.... September 2006
  • In order to do this effectively it may be given powers equivalent to those of the High Court to summon witnesses, send for documents, administer oaths, etc.
  • Send for an educational video post-free.
  • It is at first perfect at the instant the kernel is going to send forth the acrospire, and form itself into the future blade; it is again discovered perfect when the ear is labouring at its extrication, and hastening the production of the yet unformed kernels; in this it appears, the medium of nature's chemistry, equally employed by her in her mutation of the kernel into the blade, and her formation thus of other kernels, by which she effects the completion of that circle to which the operations of the vegetable world are limited. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • 'I was told – I was assured –' said Bellamy, 'that a mad bull was running wild about the country; and I thought it, therefore, advisable to send for a chaise from the nearest inn, that I might return this young lady to her friends.' Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The trees send forth many branches when spring comes.
  • However, if you choose to travel further afield, to Ringsend for example, a woman's wash, cut and blow-dry will cost just £13.50 in one salon.
  • I jes 'tole' um," he said, "to send for Dr. Brooks, and he'd beat the devil gettin 'to me. Mistress Anne
  • The old banksman was forbidden to send for a doctor, but he contrived to dispatch a messenger for Parson Christian. A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
  • Send for reinforcements — the enemy are attacking in strength.
  • A Godsend for anyone who has to submit work as it gets rid of the chance of sending a duff disk.
  • When these flowers frill bloom they send forth a fragrance at once delicate and sweet.
  • I propose that this good little gentleman, that seems sair forfoughen, as I may say, in this tuilzie, shall send for a tass o 'brandy and I'll pay for another, by way of archilowe, * and then we'll birl our bawbees a' round about, like brethren. Rob Roy — Volume 02
  • At length it was resolved to send for Dewi, a celebrated teacher of theology at Mynyw in Pembrokeshire, who from motives of humility had not appeared in the assembly. Wild Wales
  • I'll bet that the number of people with microscopic hematuria that you need to send for cystoscopy and IVP in order for a single person to benefit is also quite high. Presenting Health Statistics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Send for our free information pack for more details.
  • Yes | No | Report from towery wrote 42 weeks 10 hours ago where do I send for my buld order? The Best No-Trespassing Sign Ever
  • Speculation would introduce the idea that lignification relates to a hormone influence proceeding from the leaves of a tree and that the leafless scion does not send forth hormones for stimulating the cells of the scion to the point of furnishing enzymes for wood building. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
  • The officers and gentlemen who are at Cawnpore, and Futtyghur, and Darunghur, and other places, by different means act very tyrannically and oppressively towards the aumils and ryots and inhabitants; and to whomsoever that requires a dustuck they give it, with their own seal affixed, and send for the aumils and punish them. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 11 (of 12)
  • The 40,000 electronic digits were hailed as a godsend for people who have lost their own. The Sun
  • Send for cunning women, that know how to compose mournful ditties, or at least to sing them in mournful tunes and accents, and therefore are made use of at funerals to supply the want of true mourners. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Accordingly he entered and Kamar al-Zaman knew him and told his sire who said, “O my son, leave him at this present: belike he is anhungered: so let him eat his sufficiency and recover himself and after we will send for him.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • ` ` let us drink and gree like honest fellows --- The house will haud us a. I propose that this good little gentleman, that seems sair forfoughen, as I may say, in this tuilzie, shall send for a tass o 'brandy and I'll pay for another, by way of archilowe, and then we'll birl our bawbees a' round about, like brethren. '' Rob Roy
  • Quoth she, My rede is that thou fillet thy head and feign thyself sick; then send for the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I've been kind of low-spirited, and, thinks I, if there is a place where I could get chippered up it's down to the poor-house, where it's always so lively and sociable; and if Mis 'Bemis ain't a-goin' to send for me I'll jest go over and find out the reason why. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885

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