How To Use Senatorial In A Sentence

  • He also placed them under equestrian prefects instead of the traditional senatorial legates and placed a Christian symbol on their standards.
  • Representing his home state, he subsequently became a dominant figure in senatorial politics.
  • dare i wonder what the fuss would be about if the short term senatorial nominations were made by republican governors? Russ Feingold's proposed constitutional amendment.
  • The Herald article quotes McGavick attacking his party organization for publicizing Stefan's work on Dotzauer's divorce: "I immediately had our campaign call the senatorial committee and tell them to knock it off, and I've already received an apology from them," he said. Sound Politics: Cantwell divorce file resealed by court, yet to be explored by mainstream press
  • Voter turnout is strong for his senatorial campaign.
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  • The Republican sweep in the senatorial and congressional contests.
  • I don't think his task is any of those things, including "titanic" -- it'll just be the sound of an error being erased, and the winners will write his brief, four year history, and his even briefer Senatorial history as just what it is: A study in futility, where minorities and guilty White-women experimented with the economy, well-being, and future of America so they could feel a burst of liberal-orgasm... Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Originally, the equestrians were a burgess cavalry; but gradually all who possessed estates of four hundred thousand sesterces were liable to cavalry service, and became enrolled in the order, which thus comprehended the whole senatorial and non-senatorial noble society of Rome. Ancient States and Empires
  • The officers were drawn from citizens who were enrolled as patricians of senatorial rank or equestrians, also known as knights.
  • Early exit-polling data indicated that he was leading in the North Carolina senatorial race.
  • Delegation was essential in so unwieldy an entity, and, like his predecessors, Augustus appointed senatorial legates and equestrian prefects to serve his imperium.
  • Yet, funny, but they produce a Governor Jesse Ventura and can't extricate themselves from the continuing farce with Al Franken, known as their senatorial race. Patrick Takahashi: A Pandemic Worse than the Swine Flu
  • Remonde has earlier identified as shoo-ins for the senatorial lineup Secretaries Jesli Lapus of the education department, Esperanza Cabral of the social welfare, Ace Durano of the tourism, Arthur Yap of the agriculture and Francisco Duque III of the health; presidential adviser on climate change Heherson Alvarez Jr. Sun.Star Network Online - Your Source of Philippine Community News
  • He brought all of these qualities to that town meeting, an event that in many ways defined his senatorial career.
  • He had for many years been a department subordinate at Washington; but, having accumulated some money, he had donned what was then known as senatorial costume -- namely, a blue swallow-tailed coat, and a buff vest, with brass buttons -- and coming to this little Michigan town he had established a Whig paper, which afterward became Republican. Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White, Volume I
  • He had tried to ensure senatorial rule and optimate supremacy against the challenges of tribunes and generals like himself. F. War and Politics, to 70 B.C.E
  • Then from that group, 4,000 will qualify for what are called senatorial or congressional nominations. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
  • On Hannity's popular afternoon drive-time show, the Tea Party-inspired Senate contender acidly criticized the party, specifically the National Republican Senatorial Committee, for not funneling any serious cash (beyond a pro forma $43,000) into her race against Democrat Chris Coons. Christine O'Donnell Tells GOPers: 'I've Got Sean Hannity In My Back Pocket'
  • He also placed them under equestrian prefects instead of the traditional senatorial legates and placed a Christian symbol on their standards.
  • Westbrook has been a major party contributor, and he chaired the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from 1993-1994.
  • The senatorial aristocracy with its widely dispersed estates had virtually disappeared, and the ownership of landed property tended to become more regional.
  • Similarly, some of the richest residents of Rome were imperial freedmen, former slaves of the emperor, who despite their wealth had a lower social status than less wealthy men from old Senatorial families.
  • After two recounts, he was declared the senatorial winner over the Republican contestant.
  • Nor did he ever appoint anyone to senatorial rank whom he did not know well personally.
  • The two senatorial candidates were earlier listed among alleged masterminds of a plot to overthrow the government that could be arrested without warrant.
  • She benefited from $8 million in support from the National Republican Senatorial Committee and avoided the major gaffes and scandals that hurt Ms. Whitman. With Democrats Ascendant, California Votes Contrarian
  • The progress of his idyl suffered a check when the great senatorial fight came on in the Legislature. Jennie Gerhardt
  • Always interested in increasing political opportunities for women, Wyman cochaired the senatorial campaigns of Dianne Feinstein. Rosalind Wiener Wyman.
  • His senatorial voting record and his record of writing legislation provides us with enough history for a factual and reasonable assessment.
  • The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has declared Chief Ayo Arise as winner of Saturday's senatorial re-run election which took place in all the five local governments of the state making up the senatorial district, having scored 36,674 votes. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • She addresses the senatorial figure of a black man in the formal suiting of another era.
  • Franken is a nice guy, but not what I'd call senatorial material. Al Franken Running For Senate
  • Side note: If the tables were turned and McGavick had a larger war chest than Cantwell we'd be bombarded with cries of "Big Money!" and schemes to reduce/eliminate financial support in senatorial races too. Sound Politics: Suppression of dissent in Mrs. Gregoire's Amerikkka
  • [1046] Metellus proper cantos senatorial ordinis ex Hibernia accurse jubet; eorum et variorum, quos ironers defeat, console habet A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Disclosures of these senatorial hearings were made public in March 1933.
  • Perhaps OUR UNDEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION will inspire Easterners to fight harder when Westerners seek to use their Senatorial advantages to gain undeserved highway and anti-terrorist funds. Balkinization
  • We see him tall, trim, handsome, usually in a navy double-breasted blazer with brass buttons, the silver hair shining, a man with a senatorial look, if not presidential.
  • Now the senatorial elite with its wide-ranging interests had lost power.
  • The literary traditions of the senatorial aristocracy had also survived intact.
  • The evangelist was joined by running mate former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Perfecto Yasay and senatorial bets broadcast journalists Katherine "Kata" Inocencio and Alex Tinsay, Islamic expert Dr. Zafrullah Alonto, lawyers Reynaldo Princesa and Ramoncito Ocampo, Latest News
  • She apparently never talks about politics and has ruled out a senatorial bid, but friends say she is interested in the governorship.
  • After tossing him a few softballs about the sex tape - and in the process proving that the former senatorial aide is unclear on the difference between "corroborating" and "collaborating" evidence - she went for the gold. Salon
  • She would have recognized that craggy senatorial face anywhere. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • He made his horse a Roman senator, complete with golden stall and senatorial robes.
  • The progress of his idyl suffered a check when the great senatorial fight came on in the Legislature.
  • The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) put out an ad in February saying -- in a stereotypically ethnic Italian accent -- Giannoulias would "make Tony Soprano proud" and calling him a "wise guy. Mark Kirk Increasingly Brings Up Greek Financial Crisis To Criticize His Greek Opponent Alexi Giannoulias
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • Why didn't the so-called leaders ever challenge him on these gratuitous little cat-tortures-mouse things, on his nonsenatorial, noncollegial, boastful, egomaniacal dictates to them and everyone else? Brutus Denies All
  • But much of the inner unrest of the fifth century was also due to the attempts by senatorial aristocrats to expand their power.
  • senatorial election
  • It needed only a few Roman officials, with a proconsul at their head, to govern this senatorial province; moreover, to judge from the epigraphic sources, very few Roman citizens were tempted to settle there.
  • [[994] Procurator] Over the senatorial provinces the senate appointed by lot yearly an officer, who was called "proconsul" and who exercised purely proconsul, civil functions. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • The highest offices, the two annual consulships, were almost exclusively held by an even smaller group within the senatorial class, and its families possessed special prestige.
  • But today there was no foreign enemy upon whom to declare war, just a senatorial decree to obey; so no fetial priest hurled a spear, and Enemy Territory was filled with Romans of the First and Second Classes. The First Man in Rome
  • It died because the Democrats and their media groupies overplayed their hand, as usual, and so turned a real scandal into just another fake scandal for senatorial windbags to huff and puff over.
  • Coming to the defense of her preferred Senatorial candidate, Joe Miller, Palin aired some explosive accusations aimed at the fourth estate. Sarah Palin: 'Corrupt Bastards' In Media Tried To Find Child Molester In Joe Miller Crowd
  • Amicitia principum, friendship with the emperor, was a sure way of gaining access to senatorial magistracies and other honorable positions.
  • By 1913, more than half of the states had already adopted mechanisms that effectively bound state legislators to the voters’ choice, and it’s hard to imagine their 21st century counterparts ignoring the people’s will in senatorial selection. The Volokh Conspiracy » Repeal the 17th Amendment?
  • Needless to say, providing pork often comes with a little senatorial sleight of hand.
  • After Publius Licinius Nerva’s letter confessing the extent of the crisis in Sicily reached Rome, Scaurus began to hear one senatorial name bruited about among the grain merchants; his sensitive proboscis smelled fresher — and gamier — game than the false scent of Fimbria and Memmius. The First Man in Rome
  • Agricola came of a senatorial family in southern Gaul.

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