- the musical interval between adjacent keys on a keyboard instrument
How To Use semitone In A Sentence
- Adjusts the overall key in semitone steps . Double - click the slider to restore the default value.
- The subject is almost all semitones, this time expressing yearning and anticipation, rather than sorrow.
- Great visual feed - back with semitone snap, and actual pitch indicator.
- Beneath the bubbling sixteenths an obsessive rhythm, a rat-a-tat on a repeated note with a semitone fillip on the end, adds to the feeling of desperation.
- What is called lichanos in the enharmonic is at the interval of a semitone from hypate; but when shifted to the chromatic, it goes two semitones away; and in the diatonic it is at an interval of three semitones from hypate. The Ten Books on Architecture
- In the Hypolydian, the semitones occur between the fourth and fifth, and seventh and eighth: [F: e - f g (a b -) c '(d' e - ')] Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
- If you choose a Response value that's too high, seamless portamenti turn into semitone-stepped glissandi, but the intonation will be perfect. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- This possibility, whether or not avoiding a sense of tonic in either scale, is facilitated by the fact that all of the omitted tones in WT collection 1 are (naturally) 1 semitone from 2 tones in WT 2 (one above and one below), thus providing the possibility of the feeling or motivation of the half-step "pull". Mod squad
- I remember being particularly horrified at the drop of a semitone on the word ‘Dona’.
- Thus, parhypate, which in the enharmonic is at the interval of half a semitone from hypate, has a semitone interval when transferred to the chromatic. The Ten Books on Architecture