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How To Use Semiquaver In A Sentence

  • The original sources maintain some distinction between the lengths of appoggiaturas: whether those notated here as acciaccaturas are in reality semiquavers is unclear (surely they must often be realized as such).
  • It's pretty unusual to find hemidemisemiquavers in pieces of music, because most of the time they're too short to be significant - just 1/64th of a semibreve.
  • The opening melodic phrase is repeated throughout the piece, decorated sometimes by acciaccaturas, trills, or flowing semiquavers.
  • There was this very specific attention to every hemidemisemiquaver and how quintuplets were going to inter-relate with this and how the texture of the cymbalom would work with the mandolin versus the harps and so on.
  • We may not all know how many semiquavers make a minim, but we know what kind of music helps us to relax after a hard day.
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  • Each phrase, each note, each semiquaver rest must be locked into position before eternity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within these prohibitive technical limitations, the performer is asked to make rapid scalic runs and, in one place, semiquaver leaps, and the piece ends with a double glissando.
  • Endless varieties of notational patterns (up to hemidemisemiquavers) and ornaments can be created by combing the characters in the font
  • In Beethoven's music any note from the semiquaver to the minim is capable of functioning as the main beat, and such virtuosos as Liszt and Paganini simply played some of their own music as fast as possible.
  • Maybe there is something to be said for inhabiting a separate little musical world of adulation, ‘luvvies’ and cascading semiquavers!
  • In the third movement, Haitink's lucid communication of the music's textural contrasts made it a joy to listen to, and the violins’ cheeky acciaccaturas tinkled wholeheartedly from their instruments; the finale was brisk, with almost maniacal handfuls of semiquavers, and the trumpets were on top form.
  • One recurrent motif I noted in the book of 1980 was the group of eight quavers or semiquavers beginning off the beat, a simple signature.
  • We hear his dizzy, endless melodic chain of hemidemisemiquavers pouring from the chromatic button keyboard of three accordions.
  • More startling, his manic-depressive nature is expressed by sudden changes of tempo, juxtaposing passages in semiquavers with slow-moving minims and semibreves.
  • Today, the upbeats will become more downbeat as the trumpet tootles peter out and the sax puts a lid on the headlong rush of demisemiquavers for another year.
  • At the end the boy's open-stringed fiddling turns into arpeggios of A major and minor, and disperses in semiquaver thirds, now floating up instead of down.
  • The tone was firm and sweet, and fiendish semiquaver flourishes attacked with unanimity and boldness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jackson is a noted perfectionist who wants to get every hemidemisemiquaver right, and if the material is strong enough that true emotion gets through the handiwork, all the better.
  • A pity; with such spirited playing one longed to hear every scurrying semiquaver. Times, Sunday Times

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