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How To Use Seminary In A Sentence

  • The Book of Lights traces the spiritual quest of two rabbis, Gershon Loran and Arthur Leiden, through their seminary studies and separate paths in the secular world.
  • Who can appreciate better than seminary students the incomprehensibility of God?
  • At his junior seminary in Cumbria, the outwardly pious enforced a regime of physical and sexual abuse.
  • When the call to religious life and priesthood made itself known to me, I moved directly to a Roman Catholic seminary.
  • Involvement in campus ministries was often the next step, typically at a denominational or private liberal arts college that sent substantial numbers of students on to seminary.
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  • A leading layman in the Presbyterian Church, he held for years the post of honorary director of the Union Theological Seminary.
  • I spent one summer during seminary working nights in a factory that manufactured them. Christianity Today
  • The region's three three top spellers went head-to-head for four more rounds until Wyoming Seminary seventh-grader Benjamin Hornung was done in by "sorghum" - a type of grass or a syrup from the juice of a sorgo. Times Leader News
  • Traveling choral groups have been part of seminary's tradition since 1962, when the first men's "octet" began touring the country during the seminary's summer hiatus from classes. News from SVOTS.Edu
  • By His grace, Cherith Baptist Church was founded in 1958 by Rev. Maak Hay Chun, a young missionary from Hong Kong sent by the America Southern Baptist Seminary .
  • You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education, like feminist analysis,or literary criticism, or liberation theology,or African American approaches, or Latino approaches.
  • The discovery of Noah's ark would reinforce a literal interpretation of the Bible, says Claude Mariottini, an Old Testament professor at Northern Baptist Seminary outside Chicago.
  • His education extended to a theological seminary, as well as graduate work in literature and gerontology.
  • Subsequently, he pursued his study at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a degree in Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages.
  • The revision of the 1983 edition enhanced an already solid sourcebook, and it will continue to be a collection used by many seminary students.
  • I liked the idea that he'd have to go clear to Camp David (it is pretty) to find a Southern Baptist minister (unless you go into Anacostia) near Washington... and isn't this the seminary that was started in the "disfellowshipped" (how literate is this denomination anyway?) Report: Obama's new pastor is Southern Baptist who studied at Southwestern | RELIGION Blog |
  • An added point of interest, and a circumstance of which we were espacially glad, was that a seminarian friend of mine had brought some of his fellow alumni of the Bamberg archdiocesan seminary. Mass at My Parish II - Reminiscere with German Seminarians
  • For some time after its foundation, Manly was the only seminary in Australia preparing students for the secular priesthood.
  • Changing those perceptions is the first priority for the Sudanese-born Magid, 45, who has earned high marks as an outgoing bridge-builder who heads the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, a congregation of 5,000 families in Sterling, Va., just outside Washington, D.C. Magid succeeds Ingrid Mattson, a soft-spoken but unflappable Hartford Seminary scholar who was elected as the group's first female and first convert president in 2006. Reclaiming Islam And Emboldening Muslim Women In America: 10 Minutes With Mohamed Magid
  • One of the faculty happened to be nearby and he emended the statement to: the glory of Central Seminary is its faculty. I Got the Idea from Ben « Unknowing
  • The balance of clarity and detail makes this commentary useful for students of Paul in seminary and college courses.
  • No details on how the couple will navigate these religious shoals have leaked out, just a few tantalizing hints -- such as Chelsea's attendance with Marc at Yom Kippur services last September at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the flagship institute for Conservative Judaism. Chelsea Clinton Wedding Update: Will The Bride Convert?
  • The region's three top spellers went head-to-head for four more rounds until Wyoming Seminary seventh-grader Benjamin Hornung was done in by "sorghum" - a type of grass or a syrup from the juice of a sorgo. Times Leader News
  • In the early 1970s, while in seminary, I wrote a seminar paper for Professor Glenn Hinson on the roles of deaconesses in the early church.
  • His father was persecuted again when his son decided to enter a seminary. Times, Sunday Times
  • His name was Martin Luther King Jr., and the same inimitable public speaking style that catapulted King to the top at the Crozer Theological Seminary would also steer the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Our seminarian intern, Luke Xie graduated from Christian Witness Theological Seminary in May with a Master of Divinity.
  • Additionally, the International Seminary of Miami is offering some extension courses.
  • Although he is a Sabbath walker rather than a regular churchgoer, Berry is no stranger to either church or seminary, although he admits to feeling strange in both places.
  • “See Ernest Dowson, page seventy-nine, a thin book of thin verse ladled out with porridge to young women detentioned at Mills Seminary,” Forrest went on. CHAPTER III
  • Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, is one of the largest in North America.
  • One of the strengths of the seminary as a site for preparing lay ecclesial ministers is that it offers an early experience of collaboration.
  • Under Tyranowski's tutelage, Karol Wojtyla decided to be a priest and enrolled in a clandestine seminary in Krakow.
  • Since Chutney and Mike have both mentioned the possibility of a Spirit-oriented or "pneumatological" liberal theology, I thought I should mention that I took an amateur crack at the topic back in my first year in seminary. Philocrites: September 2006 Archives
  • When the Thompson Female Seminary graduated my mother in June of 1939, my mother was hurt to realize that the Dairy School had already had its graduation and was closed; the fancier, out-of-town boys had gone home, and her two or three 'beaus' (as she called them) — who she might have hoped would ask her to her own graduation dance — were gone. The Hotel New Hampshire
  • After getting her licentiate degree in literature, she studied theology at Northern Baptist Seminary in Chicago.
  • We might risk preaching on the streets like seminary students in downtown Atlanta.
  • Mr. HENDRIX: You know, for a Jesuit seminarian who spent most of his seminary career as a missionary in the poorest parts of the world, it's probably the most violent, harsh thing he's ever said. New Orleans Lawmaker Faces Uncertain Future As Cultures Clash
  • I am disappointed that the seminary succumbed to the lure of media exposure in orchestrating this event.
  • Authorized users from Jewish Theological Seminary wishing access must obtain a Columbia University Library Reading Card.
  • I brought my kit, which included a tiny paten and a screw-together chalice, a seminary graduation gift.
  • The Book of Lights traces the spiritual quest of two rabbis, Gershon Loran and Arthur Leiden, through their seminary studies and separate paths in the secular world.
  • After a year as a novitiate in De Soto, Missouri, he proceeded to the major seminary of the Redemptorist Fathers in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
  • Sunday mornings left me feeling as if air traffic controller school might have been a better choice than seminary. Christianity Today
  • In any case, it is clear from his comments when moderating the debate that he picked up many compromise views at his seminary.
  • An inspiration to generations of students he was a champion of renewal in all its forms, in theology, catechetics, liturgy and the style and content of seminary training, with a special interest in ecumenism.
  • Also having that call affirmed through several rounds of discernment, in my congregation, and then at seminary and then in the diocese. Mpho Tutu: Her Faith, Her Ministry And Her Father
  • But in 1973, Case's career took a sharp turn when he decided to study divinity at the Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena.
  • Still, somewhere beneath your feet is a subterranean passage that obligingly ran from this all male seminary to the next door convent of Nazarene nuns.
  • During the same period he also taught apologetics, church history, and patristics in the Bergamo seminary and had to survive a brief and unjust accusation of sympathy with Modernists.
  • Then he asked me whether I had thought about applying to enter a minor seminary. Seminary Boy
  • I can think of him now as he sat there, wresting out of his easeless years one moment of those seminary dreams; the color of far-away, the sweet shock of the alien and the bizarre, the enormous odds, the Game. The Best Short Stories of 1917 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • She would have sketches of scenes between Delphica and M. Falarique, with whom the young Germania was cleverly ingenuous indeed -- a seminary Celimene; and between Delphica and M. M.tharete, with whom she was archaeological, ravishingly amoebaean of Homer. One of Our Conquerors — Volume 4
  • Its 14-story height, considerably greater than that of its neighbors, echoes the brick and limestone gothic tower of the Union Theological Seminary, which stands cater-corner across the street. NYT > Home Page
  • Attached to the novitiate are a teacher's seminary and practice school. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • (seminary attached to the mosque) as a softa (student) where he learns grammar, ethics, and theology. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • But because he was not always master of himself on those occasions, so as to regulate his time, and that he was sometimes obliged to leave his privacy, he commanded a young man of the seminary of Sainte Foy, whose name was Andrew, to come and give him notice when the two hours, to which he was limited, were expired. The Works of John Dryden
  • I could surrender everything to the Lord - my dear wife and children, my congregation as a dear flock, the seminary and its staff.
  • The dissolution of the Jesuits also gave impetus to reformers in Charles III's Spain, where secondary schools, such as the Madrid seminary of the nobility, were created to educate the hidalgos.
  • The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007.
  • She also has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary.
  • If many current students come to seminary without fixed notions of biblical authority, how can a prime teaching goal continue to be disabusing students of rigidity?
  • On completing his studies at the Morelia Seminary, Ocampo matriculated from the University of Mexico, majoring in law but also studying physics, natural sciences, chemistry and botany. Melchor Ocampo (1814–1861)
  • Our seminarian intern, Luke Xie graduated from Christian Witness Theological Seminary in May with a Master of Divinity.
  • His father was persecuted again when his son decided to enter a seminary. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I was a student in seminary I had as an assignment to write a paper on Calvinism and Birth Control.
  • A new generation of fervent Sikh preachers is being educated in this seminary near Amritsar.
  • There are only three institutions with the title pontifical: (1) The Pontifical Seminary of Kandy, Ceylon; (2) The Pontifical Seminary of Scutari (Collegium The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Jamie, 30, can be forgiven his exuberance: he came to the campaign straight from a Catholic seminary.
  • He graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 1996 with the Master of Divinity, was ordained in 1997 and received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Texas Christian University in 2006.
  • For some time after its foundation, Manly was the only seminary in Australia preparing students for the secular priesthood.
  • You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education, like feminist analysis,or literary criticism, or liberation theology,or African American approaches, or Latino approaches.
  • In the 1980s and 90s, the emergence of centers within the orbit of the seminary has accented new mission challenges.
  • After attending Mercer University and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, he pastored churches in both the North and the South between 1903 and 1917.
  • However he was ejected from the seminary at the age of 25, a move which was to have a profound impact on his life.
  • He is a doctoral student in liturgics and church history at The General Theological Seminary in New York and a priest of the Diocese of California.
  • Unlike his predecessors and most Lutheran clergy, Hanson earned his first divinity degree at a non-Lutheran institution, Union Theological Seminary in New York.
  • St. Vladimir's Seminary (SVS) has substantially altered its Master of Theology (ThM) program in an effort to better serve its students in their graduate studies. News from SVOTS.Edu
  • A graduate of St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, he served as an Air Force chaplain, stationed during the early 1990s at Edwards Air Force Base. Fresno priest comes out as gay, opposes Prop. 8
  • Lloyd recalled the forlorn little woman in a wispy crêpe veil, who had enlisted her sympathy to such an extent one Thanksgiving Day that she and Betty had walked over to Rollington from the Seminary to carry the greater part of the turkey and fruit that had been sent them in their box of Thanksgiving goodies. The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation
  • It was the appropriation of certain funds – whether they should be applied towards increasing their seminary, so as to fit it for the proper education of ministers for their church, or whether they should not be applied to some other purpose, and their priesthood be still allowed to spring uncultured from the mass. Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
  • Ask any Bible college or seminary how many of their students are from the UK.
  • Antonio, who had been brought up in the seminary of Sainte Foy. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16
  • Rachel T. Keeney is a seminary graduate and ordained deacon who currently ministers as a church secretary for a small urban congregation.
  • One city factor of production is homeward the village flows, develop at coastal economy seminary area.
  • The editor of this collection of essays contends that the standard works in seminary apologetics have become dated in light of contemporary developments in analytical philosophy.
  • In 1941, after two decades of valuable service, the seminary suddenly discontinued its classes.
  • College and seminary students studying American religion will undoubtedly find this anthology on their required reading lists.
  • Education in this study is defined as whether or not a minister has received an advanced level of college and seminary training.
  • He astonished his friends and family by attempting to become a celibate priest but two years of seminary studies persuaded him he lacked a vocation.
  • A number of the principles have roots in ecumenical agreements that date back more than 50 years, noted Dr. Kinnamon, a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister and professor at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. The Rev. Chuck Currie:
  • John Howard Goddard, "The Contribution of John Nelson Darby to Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology, " (Th. D. Dissertation from Dallas Theological Seminary, 1948), p. 85.
  • The Seminary has a series of lectureships provided for students and the local community.
  • During his years at South western Seminary, McKinney had worked part-time as music editor for Robert H. Coleman, a songbook and hymnal publisher in Dallas.
  • The charred remains of hospitals and even a madrasah (seminary) litter the landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • His book should be widely read by pastors, seminary students, and members of adult education classes in local congregations.
  • By His grace, Cherith Baptist Church was founded in 1958 by Rev. Maak Hay Chun, a young missionary from Hong Kong sent by the America Southern Baptist Seminary .
  • He sought to create a learned and virtuous clergy, and for this purpose spent much care on the material, moral, and scientific equipment of his seminary, which he called the apple of his eye. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The modern reader is surprised to learn the specifics of the devil's power to ‘prevent the erection of that member which is adapted to fructification… [and] prevent the flow of vital essence by closing… the seminary ducts.
  • On a spring day in 1944, two seminarians chatted about ordination to the diaconate with its commitment to celibacy, scheduled for the following morning in the seminary chapel.
  • His father was persecuted again when his son decided to enter a seminary. Times, Sunday Times
  • His name was Martin Luther King Jr., and the same inimitable public speaking style that catapulted King to the top at the Crozer Theological Seminary would also steer the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • And he was dressed like a sacristan in a Catholic seminary, and he held a bible.
  • He attended a local church school and then went to train for the priesthood at the Orthodox Seminary in Tbilisi.
  • Kirill has also established a theological seminary for catechists, nurses and choir trainers in part of the administrative complex.
  • Students of divinity are typically preparing for ordination in some form of Christian ministry, such as pastor, seminary professor, or denominational administrator.
  • There were a few shiurim classes, talks, lessons, whatever there, most notably a really striking, gorgeous one by a rab student at a different seminary on the love of the Divine. Awake to Tell the Tale - Danya Ruttenberg
  • Pastor Chang graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with the degree of Master of Divinity.
  • In seminary we were cautioned not to beat on a few hobby horses. Christianity Today
  • She is associate professor of liturgics at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois.
  • Wiggins was a student of theology for many years before leaving the seminary.
  • In addition to serving as rector of the seminary, he has continued to teach homiletics.
  • For the first six centuries of its existence, Cambridge, like Oxford, was a seminary, and until 1871 fellows were required to be celibates in holy orders.
  • One of my favorite classes in seminary was Hymnology, taught by Dr. Tom Troeger, an eminent hymnist hymnself. Philocrites: Hymn: The rising sun.
  • At present he is instructor in liturgics at the Japan Lutheran College and Theological Seminary in Tokyo.
  • Ryan continues to serve as an elder at Corinth church and will be graduating with a ThM in systematic theology from Calvin Theological Seminary in May, with a focus on the theology of Calvin, Edwards, and Bavinck. Challies Dot Com - Informing the Reforming
  • Therese of Lisieux arrived right on schedule at the city's main Catholic seminary yesterday morning, where hundreds awaited the arrival.
  • Marie Colvin breathlessly reports in The Sunday Times that THE Palestinian group Hamas, blamed for last week’s massacre of eight students at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem, has revealed that hundreds of its fighters have been trained in Iran. Third winner of the weekly NotaSheep "No shit, Sherlock" award
  • He has traveled around the world recruiting for his abbey's Catholic seminary.
  • Located in Salt Lake City, the seminary is an interdenominational school of biblical and theological studies.
  • He received his master of divinity degree from Moravian Theological Seminary in 1988 and was ordained that same year.
  • But as a student in seminary, I was challenged to believe that God also redeems and restores all of the cosmos, just as God has redeemed you and me.
  • Apostolic of the Western District, proposed to the community that they should abandon the monastic state and become a kind of diocesan seminary under himself. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Nominations were made to fill the vacancies in the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary at Princeton: and also to fill the vacancies in the Board of the \yestern Theological Seminary. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
  • Albert Mohler Jr. , president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, says Bell's book is "theologically disastrous.
  • The result is a fine introduction, useful for advanced lay groups, college students, and introductory seminary courses.
  • He completed his MA in Counseling at Asbury Theological Seminary, his MDiv at Duke University, a ThM at Harvard in World Religions with a thesis on evangelical Christians and Islam, and is now a doctoral candidate at Durham University in Great Britain writing a dissertation on the New Atheism. Ben DeVan: Evangelicals And Muslims Loving God, Each Other, And The World Together?
  • I am very grateful for the many times not only seminary colleagues but also seminary students have ministered to me in times of terror or grief.
  • July 1, 2009, Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord, -- In the ICRSP seminary in Gricigliano: Solemn Pontifical Mass by Bishop John Basil Meeking, with ordinations to the subdiaconate and diaconate. Archive 2009-06-01
  • This past weekend, Swenson and her peers gathered in the hills of Berkeley, Calif., for the first National Transgender Religious Summit at the Pacific School of Religion, an ecumenical seminary that prepares students for ordination in the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church and the Disciples of Christ. Gender And The Pulpit
  • Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a leading conservative evangelical, wrote that in the video Mr. Bell "affirms what can only be described as universalism," the belief that ultimately all people are "saved. What Happened to Heaven and Is Gandhi There?
  • We’ve had to negotiate treacherous waters to establish a pedagogically progressive seminary in a nation (and church) where traditionalism is often idolized. The Next Generation of Global leaders
  • Students often came to seminary because their church and community had decided that was to be their vocation.
  • While St. Francis Seminary no longer serves as an academic seminary, the Jesuit School of Theology is a theologate in good standing. National Catholic Reporter
  • Seminary education was divided into four segments, initial preparatory school being the only one which offered some Slavonic.
  • At some seminary or other a master wrote "bunkum" on an essay, and the student couldn't make the letters out -- thought it was a Latin word "luckum. Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series
  • These books may be more attractive for use with college students than in seminary classes.
  • Inasmuch as the governor of the said islands was made cognizant of the above, he ordered in the year 601 that one hundred pesos of common gold and two hundred fanegas of unwinnowed rice be given the said religious annually for four years, for the support of the said seminary, to be taken from the fund of the fourths The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • The Alliance Bible Seminary is located at 22 Peak Road, Cheung Chau.
  • The revision of the 1983 edition enhanced an already solid sourcebook, and it will continue to be a collection used by many seminary students.
  • An institution that trains candidates for ministry or the priesthood; a theological seminary.
  • The region's three top spellers went head-to-head for four more rounds until Wyoming Seminary seventh-grader Benjamin Hornung was done in by "sorghum" - a type of grass or a syrup from the juice of a sorgo. Times Leader News
  • In 1960, just before becoming the first professor of liturgics at General Theological Seminary, he visited and lectured in ‘the mission field’ in southeast Asia.
  • This will be especially true of clergy and seminary students, particularly those in my care.
  • When I tell my Catholic confrères that in Lutheran seminary we were taught that every minute of a twenty or thirty minute sermon should be preceded by at least an hour of preparation, they respond with incredulity.
  • The region's three three top spellers went head-to-head for four more rounds until Wyoming Seminary seventh-grader Benjamin Hornung was done in by "sorghum" - a type of grass or a syrup from the juice of a sorgo. Times Leader News
  • Police guard Naqeeb says that distance between Dara Adam Khel and Paracha Town Kohat is only four miles, the militants had conversation with him in local dialect of Pushto language, and were local militants of a Jihadi organization existing within Kohat district, huge number of strange bearded people are staying in religious seminary located in Paracha Town Kohat and are having no identity cards, but they claim that they are student of seminary. Police guard survivor of militants attack
  • Therese of Lisieux arrived right on schedule at the city's main Catholic seminary yesterday morning, where hundreds awaited the arrival.
  • Château-Gontier, he studied philosophy in the seminary of Le Mans, where he received the subdiaconate in 1839. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Rote memorization was the most vexing problem, compounded by bleak seminary finances which effected a shortage of qualified teachers, overcrowding, a lack of teaching materials, and facilities in a state of utter desuetude.
  • The problem of heterodox priests ad-libbing in the liturgy is, I think, more of a matter of discipline, or lack thereof, which can and should be addressed by the bishops in seminary training and for older priests in presbyterial councils. More from Cardinal Arinze on inculturation and liturgical "updating"
  • The priestling was to turn courtier and perhaps soldier; Asti was to be exchanged for Turin, the seminary for the academy; and even the old chief of Donnaz betrayed in his grumbling counsels to the boy a sense of the exalted future in which they might some day serve him. The Valley of Decision
  • Science must stick to its own field of competence," concurs Monsignor Richard K. Malone, a professor of moral theology at the Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Massachusetts.
  • The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007.
  • One Dallas professor was speaker at Westminster Seminary's graduation ceremony.
  • Leading the charge against Graham was none other than Reinhold Niebuhr, the venerable professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.
  • It was near night before a suitable time came, and my billet-doux contained the following: You are cordially invited to be present at the Commencement Exercises of the ——Female Seminary, on the evening of July 3d, 1863, at eight o'clock P. M. Compliments of Gertrude ——. The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson
  • He earned his doctorate from the New Orleans Baptist Seminary in Louisiana for studies in nonconformity, particularly focusing on Roger Williams.
  • The toughest resistance in Homesh came at a religious seminary, where troops protected by shields used wire cutters to cut lengths of concertina wire that resisters had placed around the roof's perimeter.
  • The exhibit includes images from Mount Saint Mary's Seminary and other sites in the archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore.
  • In the seminary classroom I taught relative clauses by transcribing examples of Kiswahili sentences on the blackboard with their English equivalents.
  • In purely theological matters they will be educated as in Latin seminaries, if not actually sent there for lectures, but in the Oriental church rites, discipline, liturgical language, music, and customs the proposed seminary will fill a place for the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In 1987, Chancellor Ismar Schorsch announced that the seminary would confer the diploma of hazzan on two women, Marla Barugel and Erica Lippitz. Conservative Judaism in the United States.
  • This is in stark contrast to Abbott who in a relatively short life has been through university in Australia and overseas, the seminary, business, journalism and politics.
  • The ecclesiastical seminary, first established at San Lúcar de Barrameda, in 1830 in the archiepiscopate of Cardinal Francisco Javier de The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • How do we strive for justice and peace in our work with these minority groups in our seminary and diocesan community?
  • The Fuller Theological Seminary opened in 1947.
  • The last big,big boogey man of historical criticism is eisegesis If you go to any kind of seminary, they'll warn you against eisegesis.
  • AUTHOR CRAIG GLICKMAN holds a BA in philosophy, a ThM from Dallas Seminary, a doctorate in biblical studies and philosophy, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence. ONCE UPON A Love Song
  • It is also the seminary that is bringing us a new theology featuring what Kansas City Baptist minister Keith Herron calls a religious sexual obsession that links the Bible with "the ickiest viewpoints about sex and procreation and pleasure. Christine Wicker: Full-Quiver Theology
  • The architects have woven a rich tapestry of restrained luxury into the constrained fabric of an early nineteenth century neoclassical seminary of high heritage significance.
  • Seminary, a notorious communist-fronter; and Roger Baldwin. The Invisible Government
  • In the fall of 1951, following his graduation from a Catholic boarding school, the now-renowned historian and public intellectual Garry Wills entered a Jesuit seminary in Florissant, Missouri, intending to become a priest. The Loyal Catholic
  • In such a beautiful and spiritual atmosphere I spent nine of those noontime years - three in the minor seminary, one in the novitiate, four in the major seminary and one in the infirmary when I was stricken with a severe bout of tuberculosis.
  • Last December, he gave a day of recollection at Dunwoodie Seminary for the priests of the archdiocese.
  • My father used his black graduation robe from rabbinical seminary as his priestly garb.
  • One of my classmates at seminary snorted contemptuously at this notion, which he termed irrational superstition. Beginner’s Grace
  • John is attending a seminary in the hope of becoming a priest.
  • These tended to be younger people, such as Bible college or seminary students.
  • The fire that caused $2.5 million in estimated damages to the Immanuel Chapel at the Virginia Theological Seminary last week was ruled accidental. Va. seminary fire ruled accidental
  • Hey, DJ, they even took me in – a former UCC who went to a Methodist college but attended a Presbyterian church, went to an interdenominational seminary and ended up an Episcopal priest married to a (formerly) Quaker girl! I’ve never been a huge fan of stained glass windows « Dating Jesus
  • Beneath the rampart is a tidal river, and on the other side, for a long distance, the mossy walls of the immense garden of a seminary. A Little Tour of France
  • But over the past two weeks, administrators and parents at the elite Quaker private school in Lower Manhattan have become quick studies after Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz publicly criticized Friends Seminary for inviting a musician he called a "notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier"—accusations that Mr. Atzmon, who was born Jewish, staunchly denies. School Hits Sour Note
  • The seminary offered women more of a liberal education than the grade-school academies.
  • Gruber insisted that he must study for the doctorate, while Zenner demanded that the candidate for the doctorship must continue to reside in the seminary. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • He completed his MA in Counseling at Asbury Theological Seminary, his MDiv at Duke University, a ThM at Harvard in World Religions with a thesis on evangelical Christians and Islam, and is now a doctoral candidate at Durham University in Great Britain writing a dissertation on the New Atheism. Ben DeVan: Evangelicals And Muslims Loving God, Each Other, And The World Together?
  • In those days, there were few women clergy, very few women seminary professors, and not many women seminary students.

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