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  1. a port city is southern Indonesia; located in northern Java

How To Use Semarang In A Sentence

  • Sementara itu, drummer band Sky Liner dari Semarang, Arso mengatakan, para finalis akan menawarkan karya dan konsep panggung yang berbeda untuk menjadi yang terbaik di hadapan dewan juri nasional. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
  • Supriyadi, a student at state-run Diponegoro University in Semarang, works with Noor Huda on a program that provides employment to former jihadis. As Indonesia Dismantles Terror Groups, Successors Pose New Risks
  • In Semarang, the capital of Central Java, the fuel shortage is still plaguing the city, pushing fuel prices up.
  • Poortman searched Sam Po Kong Temple in Semarang and confiscated three cartloads of documents written in Chinese, some of which were 400 to 500 years old.
  • On Friday, police confiscated a huge haul of explosives, detonators and weapons from a bomb-making factory in the central Javanese town of Semarang.
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