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How To Use Semantics In A Sentence

  • Consequently it has provided a testing ground for a number of competing hypotheses concerning the relationship between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in linguistic theory.
  • He embarks on a semantics lecture, suggesting the term “shelter” sends the wrong meaning: “The word connotes impermanency. A Billion Lives
  • The task also has a start node, however, this node is optional and does not change the execution semantics of the task, which can only begin execution when the input is available.
  • His remarks on French, focus on syntax and semantics, all but omitting phonology, phonetics and orthography.
  • Most procedural programming languages follow natural semantics of control flow and hence are easy to understand.
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  • But there is a great many discoursive structures, a lot of semantics and pragmatics, that are not learned until much later, even in monolinguals. MULTILINGUAL KID.
  • Hence meaningful concepts of "intuitionistic truth" and "linear-logic truth" can be derived from the semantics of computability logic.
  • Based on the existing researches, this paper carries out homonymy research from different points of views, like lexicology, semantics, rhetoric, pragmatics, comparative linguistics and so on.
  • The results suggest the right side of the brain is important for processing emotional tone, or prosody, while the left side is important for processing emotional meaning, or semantics.
  • We must attend to social and cultural history in order to make sense of semantics.
  • Exactly; it all seems to come down to semantics to me, which isn't a compelling argument for existence or non-existence, and therefore epistemologically interesting, but useless in practice. Against Darwinism
  • However, existing knowledge modeling approaches for product configuration can not express products' constraint semantics, parameter variable configuration and customers' needs explicitly.
  • For anticausativization, I review recent arguments suggesting that derived inchoatives have causative semantics as part of their lexical representation, consistent with the MH.
  • In retrospect we can see Leśniewski's obsession with the fine detail of axiomatics and his rejection of semantics as conditioned by his own idiosyncratic development and the predominant research interests of the 1910s and 1920s. Stanisław Leśniewski
  • I cannot accept these submissions which I have to say on occasions seemed to me to savour of semantics.
  • Having stated this position, Jackendoff immediately points to two cases where syntax and semantics fail to match up; one concerns the grammatical relation of clausal subject, the other the lexical category of noun.
  • In a wider sense, the phrase refers to any verb form whose grammatical object is a reflexive pronoun, regardless of semantics; such verbs are also referred to as pronominal verbs, especially in grammars of the Romance languages. Page 2
  • The deictic, directional, and locative constructions differ, however, with respect both to their semantics and to the kinds of items that are eligible to fill the X and V slots.
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • Bleached conditionals probably tell us something about the semantics or the pragmatics of conditionals, though I have never been able to put my finger on exactly what.
  • Wittgenstein discusses numerous problems and puzzles in the fields of semantics, logic, philosophy of mathematics, and the philosophy of mind. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • A further model that we briefly outline falls into the set theoretical semantics paradigm of nonclassical logic and it is due to Dunn and Meyer. Combinatory Logic
  • Or it's a matter of semantics when they claim that Sonia Sotomayor is a "racialist" which, far as I can tell, is the smooth jazz version of being a racist. John Ridley: Never Mind the Race Haters, Remember Loving Day
  • In the next article, we'll examine the algorithmic approach, in which third parties use structural and heuristic techniques to derive machine-readable semantics from HTML Web pages targeted at people.
  • Then the structures of euphemism are discussed in detail from three aspects:rhetoric, semantics and word-building.
  • These include matters of epistemology, ontology, semantics, and logic.
  • I was proud of myself for giving up for a while, than resigned, and then I realized that the whole thing was semantics anyway.
  • The term semantics is a recent addition to the English language.
  • The algebraic approach to programming language semantics has several features to recommend it.
  • Had I stumbled on a right-wing plot to subvert the semantics of English collective nouns?
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • Six tenets proposed in cognitive semantics can be conceived of as the important guideline for the studies of meaning of language.
  • My argument is a terminological one, not in order to have tidy semantics, but because words can govern other behaviors.
  • At least in some orthographies, semantics play a larger role in single-word naming than previously thought.
  • The point is that the semantics we use are not tick box mechanisms.
  • Therefore, from the viewpoint of semantics, verse metre turns out to be even more relevant than genre – choliamb and iambic trimeter are both the metres of satirical verses, but their semantic structures are very different.
  • Semantics is traditionally concerned with the linguistically determined meaning of an expression, pragmatics with the contextually conditioned interpretation of an expression.
  • At the same the, th e validity in the system is set ap art to the validity of syntax and semantics, they can be judged by the way of formal proof and semantic analysis.
  • The problem with my post's briefness on that is that I really did not go into the semantics of the issue - you cover a lot of it, but perhaps due to the brevity of my post, some things were not communicated clearly (or at all). On Profanity: 4
  • ‘Simple semantics may help quell patients' fears that they will be seen by a scruffy, disinterested youth who may well later report their intimacies in the bar,’ he writes.
  • The process is sometimes called denominal derivation, and it’s extremely widely studied in linguistics and psycholinguistics, as it provides a lot of interesting clues not only into the, shall we say, archeology of language, but also into semantics and how we process meaning. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Modern Practice of Making Certain Nouns into Verbs”
  • She combines the methods of history, semantics, and semiotics to show how and why the formulae were first adopted in organic chemistry.
  • From logic we have model-theoretic semantics, and from that possible-worlds analyses of modal and epistemic discourse.
  • Judging the quality of interaction by the quantity of bits exchanged is flawed, as it lays on a false premise of indistinguishability between the syntax and the semantics. Reinventing Dialogue
  • But Rayner also readily acknowledges that orthography, semantics and syntax are important in reading.
  • That is, the structure, semantics, composition and constructs of Maori language itself.
  • I cannot accept these submissions which I have to say on occasions seemed to me to savour of semantics.
  • Kaplan does not call what he is doing "pragmatics" but the semantics of indexicals and demonstratives. Pragmatics
  • There are several kinds of systems of connexive logics with different kinds of semantics and proof systems. Connexive Logic
  • The act of signifying is signification, a term that is often used synonymously with ‘meaning’ and ‘sense’, and occurs in the discussions of students of semantics and semiotics.
  • This paper focuses on the semantics of implicit arguments and compares it with that of explicit indefinites.
  • Since the years of generative semantics, it has been claimed that the adverbs ‘again’ and ‘almost’ have access to different parts of verbal meanings.
  • It's not a matter of semantics this time, as were my arguments with people over what to call the sniper.
  • I hate to say this, as a part-time semanticist, but Harnad's criticisms of the above post are mostly semantics. Yes, HR 801 is about Open-Access Journals
  • People get so stuck on semantics, using the term knit graffiti is a sarcastic or fun play on words but looking at how graffiti is evolving beyond just a scratched painted image, why can’t yarnbombing be called graffiti, just as light can be called light graffiti etc. Knit that Shit!
  • She combines the methods of history, semantics, and semiotics to show how and why the formulae were first adopted in organic chemistry.
  • Albert's semantics becomes innovative when he admits that propositions have their own proper significate, which is not identical to that of their terms (see especially his Questions on the Posterior Analytics I, qq. Albert of Saxony
  • In Latin, perfective and aoristic semantics fused in the perfect, leaving the perfect and imperfect stems.
  • He really got into semantics
  • Set theoretical semantics in which the intensional connectives are modeled from relations on a collection of situations have been the preferred interpretation of nonclassical logics since the early 1960s. Combinatory Logic
  • My ideas on semantics needed more careful exploration.
  • Again, this kind of statement is born out of faulty semantics.
  • And semantics aside, the defendant isn't sorry that he killed Angelo Coluzzi. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • Normative teleosemantics can be construed as making a similar move: Here, it is those dispositions realizing the biological function of the mechanism of using an expression that determine meaning (where ˜biological function™ is taken to be something normative; cf. Millikan 1990, The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • Internalist semantics could really have saved a lot of trouble here.
  • For instance, Chinese does not use explicit grammatical morphology marking the syntactic category of a word and semantics may play an important role in differentiating different syntactic category.
  • Now, after demanding Sadr surrender, not only will his militia be "disbanded", which is semantics for sent home with their guns, he'll be allowed to escape. Archive 2004-04-01
  • However, they can be disentangled sufficiently to allow our study of lexical semantics to proceed.
  • Even if Ockham's semantics, as well as his theory of mental language governed by a trans-idiomatic mental grammar transforming the theorems of terminist logic into a theory of thought processes (William of Ockham, Summa log., 1974, 11ff), [46] was by no means undisputed, and came under severe criticism by his opponents as well as no less severe modifications by his ˜followers™. Medieval Semiotics
  • So his little game of semantics backfires on him, a very interesting development indeed considering how clever he can be at manipulating a situation.
  • I do research in computer science, in the formal semantics of programming languages, and it looks like my subfield is on the verge of a phase change -- I think that very soon paper proofs of theorems will stop being acceptable for publication; we will have to submit formal, machine-checked proofs. Memetic Suicide, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I then present three arguments that this dynamic approach is more faithful to natural language semantics than static Montagovian theories.
  • Besides having suitable genes, he had been through the Intelligence Corps 'unmercifully rigorous courses in linguistics and metalinguistics, semantics and metasemantics, every known trick of concentration and memorization; he had learned how to learn. The Rebel Worlds
  • Metaphor plays an unreplaceable role in the development of vocabulary. It causes the change of prototype meaning, the expansion of semantics, and the development of category.
  • Well, linguistician that I am, my first thoughts set me to playing about with semantics and, as is my wont on these occasions, to casting my thoughts back to the bard.
  • We can only say that the web contains richer and richer machine-processible semantics, and thus it is more and more closer to be the ideal semantic web. Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online
  • A text would entail its interpretation only if meaning was exhausted by sense, the coded or literal meanings studied by semantics.
  • Song thus contains both words and music, but speech performance is also more than just a neutral deliverance of verbal semantics.
  • As in the pronominal anaphora case, descriptive material does the work that reference does in most other accounts of the semantics of temporal and modal discourse.
  • For him, senses play a role in semantics (by constraining the notion of synonymy and the truth conditions of attitude reports) without encapsulating the cognitive significance of an expression for a group of speakers. Names
  • Stalnaker's semantics uses a "selection function", F, which selects, for any proposition A and any world w, a world, w², the nearest (most similar) world to w at which A is true. Conditionals
  • Another characteristic of the semantics of slang is the tendency to name things indirectly and figuratively, especially through metaphor, metonymy, and irony.
  • This is an experimental work devoted to linking words through sound, to the near exclusion of semantics.
  • Semantics can often be a distraction, but in this case, the conflation is at least in part due to Behe's own voluntary participation in the Dover trial. Behe and Theistic Evolution
  • A psychosemantics such as Dretske's (1986) that makes essential reference to function might therefore distinguish representata here. (iv) To the extent that each creature's two eyes differ functionally from each other, the creature has two different and nonequivalent visual systems. Representational Theories of Consciousness
  • Page 132, Volume 2 erable interest in analyzing the semantics of environ - mental theory, and the meaning of such words as “en - vironment,” “possibilism,” and “determinism.” ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE
  • I was taught that semantics is about meaning as something that sentences have, whereas pragmatics is about meaning as something that people do.
  • On the ground of empiricism, basing on the body perception of the objective world, cognitive semantics thinks that semantic is the process of conceptualization and categorization.
  • Though let me stress that what I have offered here is not an expert opinion; I have done no serious quantitative work on this topic, and I have no real expertise in diachronic lexical semantics.
  • Proof theory semantics provides a proof procedure, corresponds to model theory semantics, which may lead to the implementation of model theory semantics.
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • Besides phonetic and morphological arbitrariness, there is an unpredictable element in the semantics of hypocoristic forms, at least in Australia. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • In this chapter we will take up the first two topics, which constitute a major portion of semantics.
  • Edit a book on lexical semantics
  • Semantics is not even in second place; what comes next in respect to time devoted to it in linguistic curricula is phonology (the study of speech sounds).
  • But he will need more than semantics to see him through this one the more so as he is pledged to cut the public spending increase to single digits by 2004 and onwards.
  • Soon after Porter's piece, I asked two experts in the field to take on the debate, which often gets lost as semantics: Alberto Andreu, Chief Reputation and Sustainability Officer with Telefonica, Campher took us through the evolution of the term 'CSR,' concluding that corporate social responsibility , does indeed, fit best. News
  • The author reveals the encoded semantics of images depicted on amulets, drawings, potter's stamps, and toreutics.
  • A change in language, in the fundamentals, in the semantics, the grammar, the very essence of the language.
  • Was it merely a question of semantics, or did it depend on different traditions, climates, ecologies, religions, politics or what? THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • In my topics in the semantics of questions course, we were discussing negation in questions, and - I can't remember the reference now - someone's theory of their being sort of metalinguistic.
  • To argue semantics again, though, I don't think trustworthy is the same as, uh, right. This is why I don't have a blogroll. Or friends.
  • These include for example syntax and semantics, and the use of information about compounds, commonly used phrases and idioms.
  • In the coming years, it will be interesting to see how new areas such as Internet word analysis develops in relationship to traditional areas such as lexicography, semantics and linguistics.
  • The approach combines a constrained-based semantics with a general mechanism of conversational implicature.
  • The issue here is not one of political semantics but of analysis and prescription.
  • Semantics has not always enjoyed a prominent role in modern linguistics.
  • As regards metaphor, the cognitive approach appears to share something of both semantics and pragmatics.
  • It is significant that many linguists have sought to limit the role of polysemy in linguistic semantics, if not to eliminate it altogether.
  • These well-meaning campaigners are chronically tone-deaf to pop cultural semantics and subtleties.
  • The constraint-based theories Head-driven Phrase Structure grammar (HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) integrate syntax and semantics in the account of anaphoric study.
  • People are sometimes referred to by media types as "sheeple" - so language (semantics) is a big factor in dishing out news and information in doses measured such that it can be easily understood or "absorbed" by the average individual, whose attention span is about 55 seconds on the net (that's the average amount of time a visitor spends on any given website or blog). Dave Lucas
  • Frame semantics is a linguistic theory which is currently gaining ground.
  • A solid piece of research that draws theoretically interesting conclusions about the semantics of the perfective aspect of Old Church Slavonian will have people questioning the wisdom of financing academia with taxpayers' money.
  • A variety of interpretations for intuitionistic logic have been extended to intuitionistic and constructive set theories, such as realisability, Kripke models and Heyting-valued semantics. Set Theory: Constructive and Intuitionistic ZF
  • Burke has become a philosopher aiming at a system which com - bines psychoanalysis, Marxism, semantics, and “what - not” with literary criticism. LITERARY CRITICISM
  • So we move from semantics to pragmatics, from virtual to actual meaning.
  • This conclusion is not about semantics or language but has enormous implications.
  • To a linguist, "sounds like" obviously suggests phonology, "looks like" suggests graphology, and "means the same" suggests semantics.
  • A pointer that you use to iterate in a buffer also has value semantics - you initialize it to point to the beginning of the buffer, and you bump it until you reach the end.
  • We all try for the same goal, in the end, though we call it by different names and kill each other over the semantics.
  • A more serious objection to the handling of characters in ordinary dictionaries involves semantics.
  • Such a semantics states truth conditions for counterfactuals in terms of relations among possible worlds.
  • In the process, we calculate the posterior probability of semantics by unlabeled samples information.
  • But this interpretation is outlawed by the semantics of referential dependence associated with reflexives.
  • In this age of ‘Political Correctness’, his Newspeak is a warning to us all about what can happen when tyrants gain control of semantics, history and media.
  • Lost in semantics and tears, he heads to his mother's house, where he hopes he at least will be in time for dinner.
  • This causes problems when a client is coded to use one service, but tries to use another service with different semantics.
  • The lexical semantics thereby become their core.
  • Effective communication techniques can eliminate different types of communication barriers such as: information overload, status difference, semantics, filtering, paralanguage, and poor interpersonal relations (Green, Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • 1962 Hintikka proposed a tense-logical construal of his possible worlds semantics, maintaining that ˜if we do not want to tie our logic to old-fashioned physics, we are undoubtedly wiser if we ¦ no longer require that the alternativeness relation (in this case it could perhaps be more appropriately termed “futurity relation”) effect a linear ordering™ (1963: 76). The Sun Is Not
  • Look, the discussion here really needs to be disencumbered by semantics. JPPPI Don’t Like Frum People | Jewschool
  • These iconographies dictate the semantics of his copper extracts and moderate to become the lexicon of his visual language.
  • The heart of the grammar is the syntax; the phonology and the semantics are purely "interpretative," in the sense that they describe the sound and the meaning of the sentences produced by the syntax but do not generate any sentences themselves. A Special Supplement: Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics
  • Supposedly, there's never been a form of semantics, a language, that has existed that long.
  • Dawkins conflated meta-ethics with semantics (and then dismissed its importance) - a serious flaw in an argument in which lack of proof either way inevitably leads one into the realm of philosophy. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • And while this particular statement may lack the torturous semantics of its predecessors, it still adds up to in-your-face guff.
  • So, the logic is justified by a semantics; the semantics is justified by a meaning-theory.
  • The purpose of mathematical formalism is to cause the writer to not only be logically tight, but also specific enough to avoid arguments over semantics. Caldwell, Hayek, and Math, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This paper compares generative grammar and cognitive grammar from four aspects: philosophical basis, universal view of language, research methodology and the status of semantics.
  • It played a major role in debates over the ontology of general relativity and was an important part of the background to the development of the modern concept of categoricity in formal semantics (for more on the history, influence, and demise of the principle of univocalness, see Howard 1992 and 1996). Einstein's Philosophy of Science
  • Morningside Analytics 'John Kelly, details Sanchez, has developed 3D modelings that shine light on everything from "term valance" -- that is, the semantics employed by different clusters of online conversations to talk about everything from "home schooling" to "preemptive war" -- to topics that bookmarking reveals to be of deep interest in some sectors but spark little visible online feedback. Daily Digest: On Blogosphere Imaging, SEC's XBRL, and "White-Collar Populism"
  • Yet since the type-I genitive case (prototypically -as) is almost identical phonetically to this other case (prototypically -is), I find it odd that they didn't just merge considering that they would then also have almost identical semantics too! Ipa ama hen
  • The only difference is, in the modern sentential calculus φ and ψ are not construed as terms denoting truth-values, but rather as sentences having truth conditions (though, in the semantics of the sentential calculus, sentences are assigned truth-values as their ˜semantic value™, and they are considered true/false according to which truth-value serves as their semantic value). Gottlob Frege
  • It's too bad that (as far as I know) linguists who study syntax, semantics and pragmatics have not been involved in this enterprise to any significant extent.
  • Questions such as how clinicians can be patient centred in email consultations require innovative approaches to researching consultations that place emphasis on semantics (as written words are the sole conveyors of information).
  • I even know of non-native speakers who work almost solely on English semantics.
  • In this chapter we will take up the first two topics, which constitute a major portion of semantics.
  • This paper analyzes and summarizes many classical multilevel security database models, comparing their advantages and disadvantages in detail as well as the availability under different semantics.
  • And if we all were to do that, we would realize that we don't need to fight over formalities and semantics.
  • These include matters of epistemology, ontology, semantics, and logic.
  • Still a third example involves the semantics of perceptual reports with naked infinitive complements, as in ‘John saw Mary cry’, which is analyzed as ‘John saw an event which was a crying by Mary’.
  • The Object Request Broker (ORB) pass by reference option determines if pass by reference or pass by value semantics should be used when handling parameter objects involved in an EJB request.
  • What differs, I submit, is not the semantics, but the pragmatics.
  • For good readers, word identification is fast, fluent, and automatic – it must be so that their attention can be fully focused on using semantics and syntax to comprehend the text (ibid.). Barriers to Reading Comprehension « Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • A master list was formed using the codings from the two reviewers, and guidelines were grouped together based on similarities in semantics and therapeutic purpose.
  • It seems like adding figure-tertiary is just making up semantics to satisfy presentational concerns. A design pattern for image and figure alignment | FactoryCity
  • This paper describes a family of logics whose categorical semantics is based on functors with structure rather than on categories with structure.
  • Frame semantics is a linguistic theory which is currently gaining ground.
  • A neo-davidsonian analysis that posits an event variable in the syntactic structure is a step towards the right kind of compositional, internalist semantics that linguistics should aspire for today. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The latter has been questioned on the grounds that even if it is true that ˜green™ ought to be applied this way, the ˜ought™ in question may not have anything to do with semantics but, say, with religious practices (Byrne 2002: 207). The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • Under this condition, using Situation Semantics to rebuild modal logic, trying to develop a formal system which is dynamically sensitive and mathematically rigor, determines one of the basic trends...
  • It's enough to make anybody believe in the feasibility of linguistic semantics, at least for a while.
  • Both in his translation and in his other exegetical work, he employed philological techniques unusual for Jewish scholars: he attempted to derive the literal meaning of the texts from the semantics of the individual words.
  • You should also walk away from this article with solid knowledge regarding the semantics required for any OBEX application.
  • This article Based on this close relation we seek method from cognition and semantics to locate the Kansei factor. Then translate perception to design factor with "Kansei Engineering".
  • My ideas on semantics needed more careful exploration.
  • In this paper we present a precise semantics for the two series of counting numerals of Latin: the cardinals and the collectives.
  • Although the semantics of Priest's connexive logics is simple and transparent, the underlying idea of subtraction negation is not unproblematic. Connexive Logic
  • Semantics, my dear chap. Norman might mean "Norseman", but William and his peeps spoke French and worshiped God, not Thor. Army Rumour Service
  • The sixteen articles are organized into sections on phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse analysis, historical/comparative linguistics, and graphemics.
  • This paper deals With the usage of prepositional phrase indicating continuous sense in view of semantics.
  • On the other hand, while philosophers have not ceased their effort to excogitate what matter must be and cosmologies have still been produced, more interestingly perhaps, because cosmology has not been the center of philo - sophical interest, theories of matter have been derived from, or even only implied by, disciplines that were — epistemology, semantics, theories of action. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • And the mouthy brat says, ‘What car, this is a van,’ prompting mom or dad to reply, ‘Don't bother me with semantics!’
  • It's too bad that (as far as I know) linguists who study syntax, semantics and pragmatics have not been involved in this enterprise to any significant extent.
  • You can have a mentor, call it whatever you will as semantics are irrelevant here.
  • Similarly, in the absence of the historically manifested “whence?” and “whither?”, directional question words both, and which have both collapsed into the locative “where?”, it becomes necessary to add preposition-like semantic cues into utterances in order to re-establish the appropriate semantics. Where are you (at)? « Motivated Grammar
  • Maybe it's just semantics, but Israeli society has not been "brutalized" by the occupation. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • The real communication problems arise surely from divergent vocabulary and semantics.
  • Peirce's tripartite division of semeiotic is not to be confused with Charles W. Morris's division: syntax, semantics, and pragmatics (although there may be some commonalities in the two trichotomies). Nobody Knows Nothing
  • It is not difficult to say with the book itself in front of us, that it is an example of xylographic printing, but it was a great feat on the part of Retana, who had never seen a copy, to resolve apparently irreconcilable differences of opinion on the part of several unquestioned authorities by deducing that it was all a matter of semantics -- what did _printing_ mean? Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
  • a petty argument about semantics
  • As stated, this view is consistent with Millianism (it would be Millianism if we assumed that the semantic value of a definite description was the individual it referred to), however in practice it is always coupled with a view on which definite descriptions have either a Russellian (see the section on Russell's theory in the entry on descriptions) or an intensional semantics (see the section on Sense Theories above). Names
  • Once again, then, armed with the correct contextualist semantics for the relevant claims, we can see that the conclusion of SA may be true, but that, contrary to appearances, that conclusion is not incompatible with a typical claim to know various mundane matters of fact. Epistemic Contextualism
  • To me, the sound of a poem is at least as important as the semantics; so is the visual.
  • How about this - once Tariana starts addressing the real problems within her portfolios, we can discuss the semantics.
  • By a contortion of semantics he led the so-called Liberal Party.
  • The following is a very interesting exercise in semantics and is not intended to offend.
  • Also, it was really more of a "mikvah" than a "pool" but I think that's just semantics. Yo, Yenta!
  • I even know of non-native speakers who work almost solely on English semantics.
  • These orders of abstraction are organised into three levels or strata - semantics, lexicogrammar and phonology (or graphology).
  • Take your word smithing and semantics and stick 'em where the sun don't shine. Slashdot: Your Rights Online
  • To use it to describe one's negative reaction to an author's treatment of a text creates a dissonance of sorts - rape is bad, usually refers to things that women/men suffer at the hands of men/women, and has become something of a conversation killer/dampener due to the semantics and paralanguage embedded these days (especially in the US - I'd argue mostly due to rape survivor advocacy centers not not to any sort of puissant puritanism still lingering in my country). On Profanity: 4
  • It is closer in kind to what is termed "categoricity" in formal semantics, a categorical theory being one whose models are all isomorphic to one another. Einstein's Philosophy of Science
  • By a contortion of semantics he led the so-called Liberal Party.
  • His remarks on French, focus on syntax and semantics, all but omitting phonology, phonetics and orthography.
  • However, existing knowledge modeling approaches for product configuration can not express products' constraint semantics, parameter variable configuration and customers' needs explicitly.
  • An informal description of the "relational semantics" is given.
  • The above examples demonstrate the compositional semantics of CSP -- namely how the Parallel construct can be used to compose layered networks from fine-grained stateless components.

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