semantic role

  1. (linguistics) the underlying relation that a constituent has with the main verb in a clause

How To Use semantic role In A Sentence

  • We use the term ‘valence’ to describe semantically an actant of the verb, i. e., to describe the semantic role of the actant.
  • The concept of an occurrent thought is that of a causally-mediating logico-semantic role player, whose determinate empirical/ontological character, and thereby logical space for some form of “identity theory” is so far left open. Wilfrid Sellars
  • Transitive verbs typically have actants that play thematic semantic roles.
  • But imperatives, interrogatives and declaratives are grammatical forms, while demanding action or requesting or giving information are semantic roles.
  • But imperatives, interrogatives and declaratives are grammatical forms, while demanding action or requesting or giving information are semantic roles.
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