How To Use Self-worth In A Sentence

  • On October 4, Venus and Jupiter meet up in a quirky quincunx, offering us the opportunity to gain perspective on society, self-worth and our ability to give and receive love. Aries Full Moon 2009: The Harvest Moon
  • Likewise, colonial occupation gives the occupiers an easy sense of self-worth and powerfulness.
  • Successful people owe a great deal to their confidence in self-worth and the desire to prove themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • She looks at herself in the mirror, with her short and kinky hair, and doubts her self-worth and attractiveness.
  • Obama's ability to convey his feelings of self-worth to others may have helped him project the image of competence and confidence that voters found so compelling, " Zeigler Hill told the Digest.
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  • Naturally, the narcissist is attracted to the codependent's lack of self-worth and low self-esteem.
  • He is going to see you as a woman who knows her own self-worth, which is very attractive to the opposite sex. Become Your Own Matchmaker
  • He bolsters his non-existent self-worth by putting other people down in order to build himself up.
  • How can we increase the awareness of self-worth of our black children.
  • Our shopping has gone from an activity that required some consideration and thought to an impulse run wild, a substitute for self-worth or a way to shut out the world and shut off our own thoughts. Judith Acosta: How To Defend Yourself Against The Media’s Fear Tactics
  • Your choices say that you're terrified of intimacy and hooked on power because your self-worth is so low. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will boost your feelings of self-worth and get you in touch with people. The Sun
  • Group or individual sessions can help you get in touch with who you really are and help you to believe in your own self-worth.
  • In general, asking for feedback can be illuminating and useful, and shows great self-confidence and self-worth to the employer.
  • Dad's humility was not to be confused with low self-worth. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, are the prepubescent girls who visit the site actually falling in love with red meat, when they catch their breath while reflecting on their own inherent self-worth?
  • To do so would shatter both their self-worth and their blind faith in their authoritarian system of belief. Think Progress » CPAC audience boos former GOP Rep. Bob Barr for saying waterboarding is torture.
  • She has been saying and doing all the right things on the outside, whilst not quite truly believing in her self-worth on the inside.
  • Our own parents may have given us little sense of self-worth. Positive Parent Power
  • No matter what our build we always have doubts; we always question our desirability and self-worth.
  • You may look at your accomplishments with continuous dissatisfaction, underestimating your self-worth.
  • In between the aimless, idle play and fear of legal and societal retribution, Green's characters deliver poignant soliloquies on abstract concepts like love, self-worth and the state of the world.
  • Many people who participate in sport regard their success or failure in sport as a reflection of their own self-worth.
  • Try not to link your sense of self-worth to the opinions of others.
  • Never make your self-worth dependent on them or confide your deepest feelings to them. Judith Orloff MD: Who's The Emotional Vampire In Your Life?
  • Yes, that would strike someone squarely in the self-worth. ‘Most Ethical Congress in History.’ Man, that *never* gets old. | RedState
  • The internal turmoil is deepened by a distorted body image, which is created through self-doubt and lack of self-worth.
  • Of course the demand for automobiles will recover as long as the American Male (in many cases females too) relies on his automobile to project his self-image, his self-worth. Matthew Yglesias » Toyota Idling
  • They link self-worth to academic success and lose a sense of themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • So they relearn skills and develop them personally to give them some self-belief, self-worth and confidence.
  • They routinely confront verbal, physical, and emotional assault in and around the buildings purported to be their safe havens, often while already struggling with issues of self-worth precipitated by an unaccommodating society. Tim Shriver Jr.: Bullying Revisited: Retarded?
  • Obama's ability to convey his feelings of self-worth to others may have helped him project the image of competence and confidence that voters found so compelling, " Zeigler Hill told the Digest.
  • She has lost all her self-worth and self-esteem and thinks only of the drugs now.
  • The message that magazines send out to females around the world affects them negatively, causing a drop in self-esteem and self-worth.
  • They have insufficient feelings of self-worth to protect them if they do not win. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Their self-worth is defined in terms of their status in the office - and whether they have a phone with more buttons than the person siting next to them.
  • And like all actors he suffers from low self-worth. Times, Sunday Times
  • How does your character act? Is he irrationally, overemotional, and reactive? Does he have low self-esteem and believe himself to have little self-worth?
  • Take a big does of Venus, goddess of beauty and love, and use her energy to foster a healthy self-esteem and noble sense of self-worth.
  • As politicians targeted such so-called frills, they never paused to consider the longterm implications of depriving inmates of the few things that made it possible to maintain a sense of purpose and self-worth. THE ENVY OF The World
  • He impugned the painful process that many of us had to go through and are still going through in order to embrace ourselves with self-love and self-worth in the face of a world which at times tells us to hate ourselves. Alvin McEwen: Tracey Morgan, His Defenders and Heterosexual Privilege
  • But humor, of course, is absolutely vital to regaining a sense of self-worth.
  • It retains a sharp sense of self-worth, but undertows of insurgence and southern sensuality draw the sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • All these positive outcomes confirm our sense of self-worth. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • Cease and desist with your delusional self-worth and self-view within every one of your insipid little posts, twerp …. Think Progress » Did Palin write the answers to Tea Party Convention questions on her hand?
  • Having grown up with a mother who never allowed her the safety of speaking her mind, Nina demonstrates what happens when one is robbed of a sense of self-worth. Jane Shure: 'Black Swan' And The Harm In Perfectionism
  • Boys mature later than girls, but they generally manage to get through secondary level with their self-worth intact.
  • It is a great part of happiness, but our own sense of identity and self-worth is equally as important. Times, Sunday Times
  • You also have a strong sense of self-worth that ensures people will play fair with you. The Sun
  • It provided resources for developing a sense of their self-worth.
  • Jennifer was surprised by the direct impact that her stress around self-worth played in her body and wanted to change her self-concept to relieve this tension in her core. Wild Feminine
  • Your aunt may have been projecting her own feelings of low self-worth onto you. Times, Sunday Times
  • It strives to instill in kids the ideas of self-reliance, self-worth, tolerance and self-acceptance early in life. Judy Shapiro: How One 'Little' Book Became a Movement That Saved a Gay Teen's Life
  • But, have you ever had anyone try to make a mockery of you, try to take away your dignity, your pride, your own self-worth?
  • No doubt we both had problems in the area of what popular psychologists call self-worth. Kalooki Nights
  • He bolsters his non-existent self-worth by putting other people down in order to build himself up.
  • Most said that surrogacy boosted their feelings of self-worth and that they found the entire experience enjoyable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now for those feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth you have. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if we were to maintain these friendships with our exes, are we seeking to compare ourselves to their current partners in order to assert our self-worth?
  • Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth.
  • It gives people a sense of self-worth. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has two adult children, one in Spain, one in Surrey, and when she wrote to us, had little sense of her own self-worth or where she was heading.
  • Praise your child to increase her sense of self-worth.
  • My whole sense of self-worth stems from women. Times, Sunday Times
  • What they do and how they behave is irrelevant, when compared to the dues they believe are owed their innate sense of self-worth. On Jane Austen « Tales from the Reading Room
  • For most of his two-hour Harbourfront concert, the singer sang, chanted and expostulated about African self-worth, AIDS and government corruption.
  • My research finds men who dance for women generally experience positive feelings of self-worth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parents' sense of identity and self-worth can also be damaged if their offspring have a disability or mental illness. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • Many people derive their self-worth from their work.
  • Several of the 20 items require the examiner to rate personality traits that we historically think of when we use the term "psychopath," such as whether the person shows a lack of remorse or guilt, appears callous, seems superficially charming, and has an inflated sense of self-worth i.e., the personality component. NPR Topics: News
  • They link self-worth to academic success and lose a sense of themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also suffer from depressive disorders and need constant reassurance about their self-worth.
  • It's easy to lose sight of what really matters in life when success is measured by wealth and self-worth is based on how much you earn. The Sun
  • Most importantly, I realized a lot about where my self-worth comes from.
  • For instance, I am so assured of my own self-worth that I don't feel the need to try very hard.
  • Very often the success or failure of the youngsters is linked to their own self-worth as individuals.
  • Sixty percent of the adolescents indicated that physical appearance determined their self-worth.
  • I got my entire self-worth from my job, for better or worse.
  • Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth.
  • I like the term self-worth best because I think it says something the other terms don’t. The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make
  • Naturally, the narcissist is attracted to the codependent's lack of self-worth and low self-esteem.
  • Well, I think the first thing you lose in an abusive relationship is your self-worth.
  • Work gave me a sense of dignity and self-worth.
  • Positive emotions, such as the feelings of love, kindness, self-worth, confidence and optimism, produce a better person and a good destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This can only enhance an individual's sense of self-worth and dignity.
  • As I became an adult, the freedom and autonomy I felt in my relationships helped me understand my self-worth as an individual, separate from my partners.
  • Imagine having such low self-worth? Times, Sunday Times
  • The items include glibness and superficial charm,, grandiose self-worth, pathological lying, proneness to boredom and emotional vacuity.
  • Low self-worth will often masquerade as fear, anger, resentment, bitterness and so on.
  • To respect your needs is a great way to lift your self-worth and build a higher self-esteem.
  • Successful people owe a great deal to their confidence in self-worth and the desire to prove themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 

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