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How To Use Self-sufficient In A Sentence

  • The implication was you had to have your own world, you had to be self-sufficient in that way.
  • Carrying a tent and a small camping stove with him, he camped every night during his journey through Europe and Russia, cooking his own food and therefore remaining self-sufficient.
  • The aim is to make the refugee self-sufficient within a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paragraph holds luminously good still for either Bobby – Jones or Moore:What we talk about here is not the hero as sportsman, but that something which a civilised community hungered for and found: the best performer in the world who was also hero as human being, the gentle, wholly self-sufficient male. My dream job as Bobby Moore's minder for a fortnight | Frank Keating
  • There's something special about eating in a garden, especially when the garden, with its soaring glasshouse, is home to an inspirational restaurant run along organic, self-sufficient lines.
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  • A self-sufficient settlement is analogous to a pin worker who must cut, bend, attach, and deliver by himself.
  • A self-sufficient settlement is analogous to a pin worker who must cut, bend, attach, and deliver by himself.
  • Shaftesbury's formulation of sentimentality as either a manifestation of latitudinarianism or deism, both vaguely secularized systems of advancing self-sufficient virtue as the means by which manners dominated and controlled behavior in the public realm. Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • She had not worked in at least 20 years, was therefore, probably not self-sufficient financially and due to her pre-existing condition was not qualified to seek out private coverage after the COBRA plan ran out. Think Progress » Woman Who Was Denied Insurance Due To Pre-Existing Condition Looking To Get Married For Health Care
  • Those who are economically inactive have to prove that they are financially self-sufficient to be allowed a right to reside. Times, Sunday Times
  • As agricultural specialization increased and farmers became less self-sufficient they, too, had consumer needs to be catered for.
  • Where once she had been totally self-sufficient, she now had to survive on income support.
  • Seeds and tools can be given, which allow families to grow food and become self-sufficient.
  • We don't have to worry about having enough to eat because we are basically self-sufficient in food.
  • The word insular derives from the Latin word for island, and most islands become just that: inward-looking, self-sufficient and self-absorbed.
  • I would insist that we be self-sufficient in food within two years, and that all profits from all companies operating on Irish soil should remain in Ireland.
  • Industrial development and the exploitation of resources left many parts of the Empire more economically self-sufficient than before.
  • Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient.
  • We call the coarser level a person’s “not being substantially existent in the sense of being self-sufficient” and the subtler level a person’s “not being inherently existent.” How to See Yourself As You Really Are
  • Village roads and irrigation systems were introduced alongside crop substitution and fish farming to help the tribes become self-sufficient and make money. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the country is not self-sufficient in producing grain as a result of the limited arable land.
  • A self-sufficient settlement is analogous to a pin worker who must cut, bend, attach, and deliver by himself.
  • The modern agriculture already said goodbye to the slash-and-burn cultivation, the self-sufficient age, the time powerful pulse is summoning the informationization making agriculture.
  • They defied/flouted/broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient.
  • An image of power as a self-sufficient engine: implacable, incomprehensible, inviolate. EVERVILLE
  • His psychological armor will make him seem more self-sufficient and stronger than the people he will meet in Newfoundland.
  • Republicans portray themselves as strong, self-sufficient individualists with little need for government, and certainly no need for government welfare. Think Progress » States ‘with the most to gain under health care reform are overwhelmingly represented by Republicans.’
  • As I argued in my last column, we must not fool ourselves into believing that we can become totally self-sufficient in food.
  • Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.
  • The self-sufficient campus has a post office, a farm, athletic fields, chapel and amphitheater.
  • The subtle impossible soul of a person is one that is self-sufficiently knowable (rang-rkya thub-‘dzin-pa’i bdag). A Deluded Outlook toward a Transitory Network
  • Economistic imperialism, it is said, is colonizing the last redoubts of self-sufficient thought. The Times Literary Supplement
  • When President Obama or Secretary Clinton lauds “smart power” as a self-sufficient counter to Islamofascism, Red Chinese hegemonism or Russian truculence, he (or she) implicitly claims the ability to consistently outwit Osama bin-Laden, Hu Jintao and Vladimir Putin. European Union
  • India is self-sufficient in food production, but starvation is reported every year in this country of a billion-plus people.
  • Not only were you beautiful but you were also smart, self-sufficient, independent and strong.
  • ElBruce says: drhunt1 says: but empowering people to be self-sufficient and self-reliant is THE best form od “advocacy for minorities”. Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
  • Americans, even today, are taught by their parents that to be free they must learn to be self-sufficient and independent, and that they cannot depend on others.
  • And yet the Museum was supposed to be self-sufficient financially. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • Perhaps she was talking about women being self-sufficient, with jobs and resources, freedom and autonomy.
  • One school of thought is that it's designed to last long enough for a couple to rear children to the point where they are relatively self-sufficient.
  • The building is self-sufficient in power and water use and all wastewater is treated on site.
  • Since at least the early 1970s, when he began recording for the German label ECM, he has practiced a pristine, self-sufficient style, endlessly awake to his instrument's acoustical properties. NYT > Home Page
  • This money allows poor countries to become self-sufficient. The Sun
  • They will be self-sufficient in energy using wind turbines and solar power. The Sun
  • Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.
  • The country is totally self-sufficient in food production.
  • According to a posthumous biography "The Lee Papers," Mr. Lee argued that newspapers should be financially self-sufficient, so that they "could look any man or corporation or institution in the face and tell that man or corporation or institution to go to hell. For Vultures, Slim Pickings
  • His psychological armor will make him seem more self-sufficient and stronger than the people he will meet in Newfoundland.
  • They will be self-sufficient in energy using wind turbines and solar power. The Sun
  • So, if that means permanent occupier bases, largest self-sufficient embassy in the world, green zone myopia, daily death counts to shame God, months turning into years of insufficient safety, electricity, food or jobs for Iraqi citizens, hardening of treatment for those now called 'hadj', so be it. Warner And Levin: Surge Producing "Measurable Results," But "We Are Not Optimistic"
  • The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food production and to cut energy imports.
  • The dream of the self-sufficient solitary life becomes a struggle for survival. Times, Sunday Times
  • To most people, Teddy often came off as far more independent and self-sufficient than most other boys his age.
  • … but empowering people to be self-sufficient and self-reliant is THE best form od “advocacy for minorities”. Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
  • The sexist expects men to be ambitious, aggressive, dominant, economically self-sufficient, excited by sports and money, lustful, and emotionally strong.
  • The country is totally self-sufficient in food production.
  • The schemes provide financial help to farmers and pastoralists with projects to develop self-sufficient water sources that reduce their dependency on water transported to properties, particularly in times of drought.
  • Zambia, in the last three years, has not only been self-sufficient in food, but has managed to export maize to some neighbouring countries.
  • Adding to the proceedings the tale of the antiseptic marriage of Peter (Jeff Allin) and Ann (Colleen Delany) does lay the groundwork for some intriguing parallels: Peter is a smugly self-sufficient target for both Ann and Jerry (James McMenamin), who share a restless disdain for the status quo - and a potential to explode. 'At Home at the Zoo' expands Albee's classic one-act play
  • They grow much of their food and are self-sufficient. The Sun
  • I once called these points hermeneutic windows - partly to counter the idea of music as purely self-sufficient and self-reflective, a windowless monad - and the term seems to have had some currency.
  • Trade is the only way for them to become richer as they move away from dependency and become self-sufficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who are economically inactive have to prove that they are financially self-sufficient to be allowed a right to reside. Times, Sunday Times
  • A steady stream of miners also clambered over the narrow pass and up this gorgeous valley to the mining camps near Cooke City and Silver Gate, and self-sufficient homesteaders called the compositionally perfect basin with its steep ridges and fins and buttes, home. Canada Free Press
  • Those who are economically inactive have to prove that they are financially self-sufficient to be allowed a right to reside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The village was completely isolated from the rest of the world and had a very peaceful and self-sufficient existence.
  • For Leopold, in particular, wilderness recreation, in the tradition of woodcraft, promised to foster a self-sufficient, intimate knowledge of nature.
  • The young robins who were calling for food are now self-sufficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or perhaps all of the demonstrators are financially self-sufficient. The Sun
  • Self-sufficient women and changing social rules mean marriage is no longer obligatory.
  • Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.
  • That star student Hermione Granger seems perfectly self-sufficient with her own autodidactic learning and can conjure enough spells to consistently rescue her two hapless male counterparts. Ruth Starkman: Harry Potter: College Drop Out?
  • An image of power as a self-sufficient engine: implacable, incomprehensible, inviolate. EVERVILLE
  • She is an independent, resourceful, and self-sufficient woman.
  • But he did see that his usually tough, self-sufficient male parent was, for once, looking as if he needed bolstering up.
  • She worked for Women for Women International, an aid group that helps women in war zones become self-sufficient. Day of Honey
  • Local communities outside the cities are largely self-sufficient in food production.
  • Not only were you beautiful but you were also smart, self-sufficient, independent and strong.
  • You are so self-sufficient that your emotions are always controlled (in some individuals this aspect creates the appearance of being cold).
  • As independent, self-sufficient camp professionals, we all chafe at increasing government involvement in our personal lives and camp operations.
  • God is thus utterly transcendent, self-sufficient, and all-powerful.
  • The manorial village was never completely self-sufficient because salt, millstones or perhaps metalware were not available and had to be obtained from outside sources.
  • These couples are self-sufficient; their careers, their interests, their travels are enough to give meaning to their lives.
  • Occasional reliance on people outside the household who produced and repaired metalware and sold staples such as salt and lime linked relatively self-sufficient households to the developing market economy.
  • Self-sufficient, it runs on renewable energy and has a central freshwater lagoon that collects and purifies rain water. Times, Sunday Times
  • There, the farmers have helped transform the country into a self-sufficient food producer, to the extent that Zambia will this year export maize for the first time in decades.
  • Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.
  • Consequently, he learned to be self-sufficient at a young age.
  • Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.
  • These people are supported financially and given all assistance to be self-sufficient in our community and this cost a lot of money.
  • Britain had never been self-sufficient in food.
  • There is no engagement or invitation to the viewer, these women are self-sufficient and contained, inviolate even.
  • Nations which are not self-sufficient in energy will face an insecure future.
  • Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
  • Agaricus indicates a mushroom with gills, and bisporus refers to this variety's self-sufficiently needing no second mushroom to make little mushrooms.
  • Any attempt to make science self-sufficient is doomed to failure. Christianity Today
  • Those who are economically inactive have to prove that they are financially self-sufficient to be allowed a right to reside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who are economically inactive have to prove that they are financially self-sufficient to be allowed a right to reside. Times, Sunday Times
  • From being self-sufficient people of the awa, we became dependent on elements of the system, we lost contact with our traditional supports, and for some of our people the sheer wonder of life, the mauri, has lost meaning. NZ On Screen
  • The aircraft was therefore self-sufficient and did not need to rely on truck-mounted stairs - a timesaving circumstance of particular importance when small or relatively undeveloped airfields were being served.
  • Ministers aim to make Britain virtually self-sufficient in energy. The Sun
  • She had grown used to not having her father around, and was so self-sufficient and intelligent and beautiful.
  • When a witness to this excavation is killed by the military, his Smilla-esque sister Kristin – single, self-sufficient, ballsy – sets out to discover why. Thrillers – review
  • Nothing is wanting in this autarchy, a completely self-sufficient closed system. Ballardian » ‘You are Hochhaus!’: Ballard in Berlin
  • Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient.
  • Big problem with self-sufficient gardening is fertilizer. Matthew Yglesias » Weekend Requests?
  • The aircraft was therefore self-sufficient and did not need to rely on truck-mounted stairs - a timesaving circumstance of particular importance when small or relatively undeveloped airfields were being served.
  • Agriculture transformed from an agroecosystem culture of relatively self-sufficient communities to an agroindustrial culture of many separate, distant actors linked by global markets. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
  • What this aesthetic shares with its uncomic nouveau roman forebears is an anti-naturalist, anti-humanist bent: we're being given access not to a fully rounded, self-sufficient character's intimate thoughts and feelings as he travels through a naturalistic world, emoting, developing and so on - but rather to an encounter with structure. London Review of Books
  • The Physalia is a self-sufficient ecosystem that generates all the power it needs from the sun and works to reduce water pollution through bio-filtration .
  • The giant cities of the future will look to become increasingly food self-sufficient, driving rapid growth in urban agriculture. Times, Sunday Times
  • We believe that Montserrat should be self-sufficient in food production.
  • These people have now become almost self-sufficient in grain crops.
  • As agricultural specialization increased and farmers became less self-sufficient they, too, had consumer needs to be catered for.
  • The paragraph holds luminously good still for either Bobby – Jones or Moore:What we talk about here is not the hero as sportsman, but that something which a civilised community hungered for and found: the best performer in the world who was also hero as human being, the gentle, wholly self-sufficient male. My dream job as Bobby Moore's minder for a fortnight | Frank Keating
  • You are very rooted internally, and emotionally self-sufficient, regardless of how chaotic or unstable your circumstances may become.
  • The most self-sufficient man in all Greece, who could find the way directly to himself and to the mystery and responsibility of his own will without the medium of external rites, to whom there were the ever-present intimations of his strange Divinity, -- what need to him of the Eleusinian revealings or their sublime self-intuition ([Greek: autopsia])? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • Lisa emotionally withdrew and became, in every way, an adult - a self-sufficient person with her emotions and her life under tight control.
  • Both oppose the contemporary notion of an independent, self-sufficient, wholly autonomous self.
  • According to Leibniz, the world is made up of indivisible, but nevertheless complex, self-sufficient units that he called monads.
  • Boys are independent, self-sufficient, aggressive, dominant, ambitious, stoic, and above all, successful.
  • India is self-sufficient in wheat and paddy but deficient in other agricultural produce.
  • This enabled the country to become self-sufficient in sugar.
  • Do not misunderstand me: my reference to potential net energy self-sufficiency is not an assertion that we will be self-sufficient in conventional sweet crude oil in this decade. Energy and a Sense of Balance
  • And given its high costs and strategic use, we were trying to become self-sufficient for some years, says a senior DRDO official. The T-7
  • Arrington's subsidiary themes concern Young's efforts to separate God's chosen people from the corrupt Gentile world and to build a self-sufficient society based on economic cooperation, as opposed to the individualism and privatism of American society at large. Secrets of the Mormons
  • If we didn't know such things we would be no better than primitives who lived in simple self-sufficient communities!
  • Until the past few decades, Nigeria had been self-sufficient in producing enough food to feed the population.
  • They are self-sufficient, with an outdoor kitchen and a wigwam with its own wood burner.
  • The project is fully self-sufficient, with its own solar-powered water supply system, diesel generators, and waste water treatment system.
  • A self-sufficient settlement is analogous to a pin worker who must cut, bend, attach, and deliver by himself.
  • When I was dating the man who would become my third husband, I finally felt self-sufficient emotionally.
  • These activists oppose international trade altogether and want every local area to retreat into a self-sufficient autarkic state.
  • Clearly, she was an independent, self-sufficient child as only children often are, but she was imaginative too, and a great reader.
  • In reality, it is not only possible, but affordable to build housing and transportation that is self-sufficient. Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • It had its own brickworks, cloth mill and farms, and was largely self-sufficient.
  • Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.
  • The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food production and to cut energy imports.
  • Such self-made men are often proud and self-sufficient.
  • We're very independent on patrol, self-sufficient for seven days and able to be resupplied either by air or road so patrols can stay in the field for as long as needed.
  • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
  • Recovery of all things spring, spring returns to the earth, the trees spit verdancy, pervert fields help farmer labors, and together they experience this self-sufficient life fun.
  • He encouraged the Mormons to be self-sufficient and created an independent commonwealth.
  • The self-sufficient campus has a post office, a farm, athletic fields, chapel and amphitheater.
  • While staff remained supportive, they encouraged the adolescents and young adults to become more independent and self-sufficient.
  • The ship is self-sufficient in that it has its own derricks enabling to load and unload all over the world.
  • The object is not for the children to become self-sufficient, but to be reliant on the ultimate ‘authority’ and sanction of ‘God’, in lieu of which they are obliged to submit to these self-appointed representatives of ‘God’. Think Progress » Virginia lawmaker: Children with disabilities are God’s punishment to women who previously had abortions.
  • In this way, American drift farther and farther away from the world they live in and its complexities, content to imagine themselves as self-sufficient individualists amid voluntary social and political arrangements alterable -- and escapable -- at will. James Block: Play It Again, Barack
  • Despite abundant livestock, one of the world's richest fishing zones, and a huge agriculture potential, the country is not self-sufficient in food and other basic necessities.
  • Becoming self-sufficient is frequently the goal of wimmin on lesbian land, because of the economic and emotional challenges we face in so many jobs, especially in depressed rural areas.
  • Once self-sufficient and an exporter of food, it has turned into a country dependent on aid and therefore prey to the kind of internecine warfare which has laid waste to far too many parts of Africa in the post-colonial period.
  • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
  • In 1975 Angola was self-sufficient in food crops, the world's fourth-largest coffee grower, and had the richest fishing grounds in southern Africa.
  • Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
  • The laws were brought into make clubs self-sufficient and not reliant on wealthy backers. The Sun
  • A self-sufficient settlement is analogous to a pin worker who must cut, bend, attach, and deliver by himself.
  • She is instructing them to defend themselves against fears of abandonment and become emotionally self-sufficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • The kitchens are self-sufficient, with generators, water purifiers, and propane.
  • There will be two wind turbines in the grounds to power the lighting and pumps, making the property self-sufficient in energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food production and to cut energy imports.
  • And given its high costs and strategic use, we were trying to become self-sufficient for some years, says a senior DRDO official. The T-7
  • Multi-leg landing gear and loading equipment ensure self-sufficient operation of the aircraft on prepared concrete runways and on unpaved strips.
  • Our players are a self-sufficient bunch and the team virtually runs itself. The Sun
  • Both sides in Cyprus are fairly self-sufficient in terms of food production and both export a variety of fruit and vegetables.
  • One facet of this was that many parts of the non-European world, previously self-sufficient in basic foods, were now forced into being suppliers of cheap raw materials for the rich countries.
  • Once on the road again we passed Montelimar -- "_le pays du nougât et de M. l'ex-President Loubet, _" we were told by the _octroi_ official who held us up at the barrier of this self-sufficient, dead-and-alive, pompous little town. The Automobilist Abroad
  • Thus this reality cannot be the sheer resultant of the juxtaposition of individuals who are monads, totally self-sufficient and self-referring entities, with respect to one another.
  • The club is now financially self-sufficient and the ground proudly bears its famous name again. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are a smart, darling, self-sufficient, loving woman who wants a smart, darling loving man.
  • Rustic, self-sufficient country dwellers, Cajuns lived along the bayous and swamps of Louisiana for more than 200 years.
  • He's now self-contained and self-sufficient in a whole new way and he's even more dangerous here than in Magnolia.
  • This gentle layering of queasiness takes the material and the language of our day and finds it not just self-sufficient, but immensely powerful: it is here, and in other poems like it in this collection, that Robertson is at his best.
  • Approximately 85 percent of the population live in rural areas and are largely self-sufficient in food production, and many derive cash income from export cash crops and local food markets.
  • The country is self-sufficient in food production, despite the increased production of cash crops.
  • The reality is in the hard hearts and selfish tempers and undocile minds which, in the splendor or the squalidness of wealth, show the sad ruin of self-sufficient success, the pride of life. The world's great sermons, Volume 08 Talmage to Knox Little
  • Despite its use of ‘primitive’ techniques, Mexico was also once largely self-sufficient in basic grains production.
  • They strove with their full strength against those conditions panegyrized and poetized by the smirking optimists of their time, and thereby incurred the enmity of pedants and self-sufficient purists, -- were denounced and denied, belittled and belied. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • The group is now financially self-sufficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps my objection is too literal-minded, taking Massie's talk of self-sufficiency and "winds of the world" at face value as descriptions of our perception of certain kinds of novels rather than metaphorically, approximations of the reading experience -- "it's as if this novel wanted to be self-sufficient, turned inward into language" or "it's as if this one is trying to take stock of historical circumstances. Confusion and Turbulence
  • Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
  • Montgomery County uses WOW's formula in gathering information for its biannual report on how much income is needed to be "self-sufficient" and live in the county without government assistance. Price tag for 'basic economic security' rising, report says
  • Turkey is self-sufficient in food production.
  • This book is addressed to music teachers and discusses how they can help children become independent and self-sufficient music thinkers.
  • An independent woman is self-sufficient and free to have fun!
  • To say that a man has adopted a vulgar prejudice, is calculated to give offence to no one but an illiterate booby, who does not know the meaning of the words, or a captious, inflated self-sufficient pedant.

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