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  1. a person who places expediency above principle

How To Use self-seeker In A Sentence

  • And over all that torrential confusion of men and purposes fluttered that strange flag, the stars and stripes, that meant at once the noblest thing in life, and the least noble, that is to say, Liberty on the one hand, and on the other the base jealousy the individual self-seeker feels towards the common purpose of the State. The War in the Air
  • TOADY emphasizes the servility and snobbery of the self-seeker cultivated leaders of society and became their toady. Firedoglake » Bush’s Favorite Democrat Wows the Connecticut Press — Again
  • But if there should appear in the company some gentle soul who knows little of persons or parties, of Carolina or Cuba, but who announces a law that disposes these particulars, and so certifies me of the equity which checkmates every false player, bankrupts every self-seeker, and apprises me of my independence on any conditions of country, or time, or human body, — that man liberates me; I forget the clock. Representative Men
  • No one who has given up his name to Christ, is allowedly a self-seeker; that is against true Christianity.
  • The ultimate outrage of all this is that the people who are subjected to the ravages of the wrong-headed policies promoted by these self-seekers are taxed to pay for the production of this junk science to begin with.
  • Does't that figure of speech signify a sycophant, defined by my dictionary as "a servile self-seeker who curries favor by flattering influential people"? Wolfson On Ferraro's Latest: "We Have Made Clear That We Reject Her Remarks"
  • As a result, it has become the exclusive preserve of the dishonest, criminals and self-seekers.
  • And if he would not accept an intemperate slave, what pains should the master himself take to avoid that imputation. 93 For with the incontinent man it is not as with the self-seeker and the covetous. Memorabilia
  • At the same time, he defends the reputation of the majority of MPs and shows they are far from being self-seekers.
  • Religion will bind again these that were sometime frivolous, customary, enemies, skeptics, self-seekers, into a joyful reverence for the circumambient Whole, and that which was ecstasy shall become daily bread. Uncollected Prose
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