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  1. marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction
    a smug glow of self-congratulation
  2. contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions
    he had become complacent after years of success
    his self-satisfied dignity

How To Use self-satisfied In A Sentence

  • I knew you'd like my ` kettler, '" he observed, with a self-satisfied air, as he sat down with his messmates, who gathered round him. The Three Commanders
  • It could take this attitude toward minorities because it was so confident of having the great American majority at its back, hearty, kindly, fair-intentioned, but self-satisfied and unspeculative. Chapter 7. Mark Twain
  • The cold streets will glitter under the bright lights and the holiday chez Blair will be rosy, jolly and self-satisfied, blighted only by the possibility that young Euan might overdo it with the sherry.
  • This somewhat self-satisfied consensus that we're having ourselves a serious argument about the proper role of government gives the candidates - and the voters - too much credit, I think.
  • Back in the Clinton days of untrammeled prosperity, people did claim that "affluenza" was an affliction that made us smug and self-satisfied and, therefore, worse as citizens, family members, and human beings. Obama will make Greg Mankiw a better father??
  • It's probably because she has found after six years that she is married to a smug, self-satisfied, arrogant, pompous twit.
  • Those self-satisfied smirks and self-assured snarlings will sooner or later turn to hands begging for forgiveness.
  • Even from this distance it exudes the smug, self-satisfied and lively aura for which it is famous.
  • There was a bit too much self-satisfied smirking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body politic is stagnant, its membership mediocre and undeservedly self-satisfied.
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