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How To Use Self-reliance In A Sentence

  • As time proceeds she acquires a group of racially and ethnically mixed friends and acts with courage and self-reliance.
  • In Being and Time, Heidegger carried Emersonian subjectivity and self-reliance to a point of new extremity.
  • The Natural Child cautions against practices like ignoring a baby's cries to foster self-reliance or having the baby sleep in a separate room.
  • Support groups promote this sense of responsibility and self-reliance. Coping with Angina
  • Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
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  • The opposite of victims, second wave feminists audaciously did something and, in the frontier spirit of American self-reliance, claimed responsibility for their own lives and happiness. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: Remember When Liberals Were Feminists?
  • It is one of the extraordinary anomalies of the system, that combined with these principles of self-reliance and perfectibility, Buddhism has incorporated to a certain extent the doctrine of fate or "necessity," under which it demonstrates that adverse events are the general results of _akusala_ or moral demerit in some previous stage of existence. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • As individuals, as communities and as the nation we should adopt an attitude of self-reliance for social upliftment and advancement.
  • Often spouses aren't eager to relinquish their newly acquired skills of independence and self-reliance.
  • There is nothing like self-improvement and self-reliance.
  • An emphasis on self-reliance is also predicted by education, liberal political ideology, and race white, but religiosity remains the most powerful single predictor of this measure, even when other demographic factors are controlled. American Grace
  • Combined, these qualities encouraged a self-reliance and trust in his own judgment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from it: it betokens a sense of self-reliance, of a recognition of the need to husband one's resources against a rainy day, of expecting the worst.
  • Many young people go through a Walden phase, believing that Thoreau and, in "Self-Reliance," Emerson saw through to the realities of life, past the "phoniness" that so obsessed Holden Caulfield. Love Books? You’re In The Right Place.
  • We insist on / upon self-reliance.
  • Third is Julius Nyerere's "ujamaa" concept of development which is informed by the cooperative economics of sharing not accumulating, of self-reliance not dependency. Up Station Mountain Club
  • Those whose greatest interest is in liberty and self-reliance are lost in the shuffle.
  • He stresses the importance of self-reliance and self-realization when facing the audience.
  • They speak about self-reliance and countering the invasion of a global economy by humble movement like the one involving the manufacture of toilet soap.
  • I agree that thrift and self-reliance are important values, but so are tolerance and the fair-go principle of maximising equality of opportunity.
  • The emphasis was on self-reliance, with the children free to work out their own solutions without a close-knit family environment.
  • Self-reliance, self-development, self-promotion and strong networks will be attractive attributes. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the self-reliance gained while fishing aboard Dacsen, the boy began to strip the rope from the whipstaff. Stormwarden
  • Self-reliance and ujamaa - Tanzanian socialism loosely based on historical patterns of mutual support - became the guiding principles for a radical development strategy.
  • He thinks a great deal depends on how much independence and self-reliance is shown by the gapper in whatever he or she chooses to do.
  • It has also shown that self-reliance is a better condition for competitiveness than co-dependence. Times, Sunday Times
  • She championed hard work and self-reliance over benefits. The Sun
  • Not surprisingly, they think that obedience, rather than self-reliance, is the cardinal virtue to be imparted to children. American Grace
  • It strives to instill in kids the ideas of self-reliance, self-worth, tolerance and self-acceptance early in life. Judy Shapiro: How One 'Little' Book Became a Movement That Saved a Gay Teen's Life
  • Autonomy is the desire and ability to achieve their reasonable goal by depending on one's own strengths, which consists of three dimensions: self-reliance, self-control and self-assertion.
  • What does a country built on headstrong individualism and the myth of self-reliance do with its people convinced that they know best?
  • Such experience bred self-reliance and general hardiness among the settlers.
  • Raised in Australia by right-on parents who encouraged political awareness and self-reliance, the actress is a keen exponent of down-to-earth living.
  • Work, self-reliance and a refusal to surrender were his goals and by Jiminy, his family had to achieve them.
  • Economic self-reliance and moral independence still support one another.
  • It testifies that women are daily gaining in self-reliance; that the methodical training their minds receive to fit them for professions and for business positions, tends to render them, even in general matters, more accurate in conception, more precise in execution, less under the dominion of the sudden impulse and instinct, more capable of reasoning, and of judging of things as reason, unimpassionedly, presents them. Womanliness as a Profession
  • Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
  • Part of seeking the mystery of life, surely, is finding a place within the self, of absolute calm and self-reliance.
  • An independent self emphasizes values such as self-reliance, individual rights, and self-actualization.
  • It marks a decisive shift on the part of the Sri Lankan government to sacrifice self-reliance for the possibility of increased foreign revenues.
  • The term was a pure invention of Abyssinian Bruce who was well aware of the unfact he was propagating, but his inordinate vanity and self-esteem, contrasting so curiously with many noble qualities, especially courage and self-reliance, tempted him to this and many other a traveller's tale. Arabian nights. English
  • For some women, expressing independence and self-reliance is feeling free to pay the check, to call the man.
  • American prosperity was based on rugged individualism and self-reliance, on business enterprise and on minimising the weight of government on both citizen and industry. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • He thinks it would have been more "moral" if Mme. de Clèves had actually succumbed as a punishment for her self-reliance (certainly one of the most remarkable topsyturvifications of morality ever crotcheted); is, of course, infinitely shocked at being asked and induced to "interest himself in a prostitute and a card-sharper" by _Manon Lescaut_; and, equally of course, extols Richardson, though it is fair to say that he speaks well of _Tom Jones_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • But strip away the platitudes and cheap applause lines about freedom, self-reliance and the virtues of capitalism, and you're left with the subject that really interests Rush Limbaugh: himself. Fools Rush In
  • I'm hesitant to assign this film a purely diversionary purpose, but is it designed to teach the virtue of self-reliance, or the simple pleasures of constructive play?
  • Due to the way my family is, I developed a strong sense of self-reliance and independence along the way.
  • This dependency is enshrined in the word sadaejuui, or flunkeyism, which defined the tributary relationship that once bound Korea to China and which serves today as the antonym to juche, or self-reliance, the nominal philosophy that governs North Korea. John Feffer: Obama: Engage North Korea Now (But Don't Tell Anyone)
  • At some point the size of the enterprise may dictate that you think commercially rather than in terms of self-reliance.
  • The objective of any form of assistance for health development should be to build self-reliance.
  • State independence and individual self-reliance are touchstones of Texan society.
  • Self-reliance and ujamaa (family village) programs raised the literacy (ability to read and write) rate to over 80 percent.
  • Self-reliance and autarchy are discarded options in today's world, be it for tackling terrorism or underdevelopment.
  • Children are taught independence and self-reliance and to carefully observe the world around them.
  • Here's how parents can help the "typical" child develop day-to-day self-reliance and, ultimately, strong lifelong study habits. Lori Day: How Parents Can Disengage From the Homework Wars
  • We did feel, nearly all of us, the desire more than ever to remain leagued with her courage and energy and honesty, with her independence and self-reliance, with her great history, her great literature, her great and sane freedom. Some Deductions from the Imperial Press Conference
  • Since he could not be everywhere, especially in the continuous crisis of wartime, Hitler had to encourage self-reliance and independence, both in his paladins and in the regional chieftains, the Gauleiter.
  • Education was necessary to engender self-reliance and self-respect.
  • Self-reliance and individualism can be made meaningful for all only by first reviving the power of collective action.
  • Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance?
  • The Nation of Islam and its most famous adherent, Malcolm X, preached a message of self-reliance and racial separatism.
  • I have spent the last few years collecting, fettling, and sending-on sewing machines for a charity that supports self-reliance projects in Africa and elsewhere Physiotherapy
  • People with pro-life attitudes are not only more religious when compared to those on the pro-choice side, they are far more likely to disapprove of premarital sex, to believe that it is best if women do not work outside the home, and to say that children should be taught obedience over self-reliance. American Grace
  • As I see it there are five major contributions we expect of the university in furtherance of the policy of self-reliance and socialism.
  • Out of over 30 cousins on one side alone, there are few renegades, and any sort of self-reliance is seen as catastrophic, or worse, deluded.
  • Such work fostered extreme self-reliance. Christianity Today
  • These placed an emphasis on the role of charity in encouraging moral regeneration and on the virtues of self-reliance and respectability.
  • Carter personifies the values of self-reliance and hard work.
  • The sheep drovers reveal qualities of pragmatism, self-reliance, independence, mateship and solidarity, in an environment to be mastered and with resources to be exploited.
  • Actually, Great Turning does one better and puts forward the controversial, though I think certainly correct, argument that the "corporate global economy" (capitalism) is facing unprecedented disruptions which will likely spell the end of its worldwide dominance, "forc [ing] a restructuring in favor of local production and self-reliance" (70-71). Giving Thanks to Inspiration - Review of "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community"
  • At some point the size of the enterprise may dictate that you think commercially rather than in terms of self-reliance.
  • Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.
  • Boxing is a means toward good citizenship, of fair play, of self-reliance.
  • They have given up their self-reliance and so, instead of solving community problems, they now wait for the politicians to do the job.
  • For decades a foreign proletariat toiling in dingy factories from Vladivostok to Karl-Marx-Stadt helped bankroll Pyongyang's transformation into a proud monument to ethnic self-reliance, so that someday a Bruce Cumings could boast that it is anything but the ugly Communist capital one might expect. Mother of All Mothers
  • The bourgeoisie's delusory fantasy of self-reliance is thus rendered utterly absurd.
  • No, just pointing out that liberals are the bed-wetting, dependency-seeking, bleeding heart totalitarians that frequently struted across the European stage while Yanks built a nation on based on the creed of self-reliance, liberty and freedom. Matthew Yglesias » India’s Response to Terrorism
  • The virtues of individualism and self-reliance seemed compromised in a world of corporate power and urban throngs.
  • In the Tokugawa period it enjoyed some autonomy, and was permitted a certain degree of self-reliance and self-government.
  • We need to shift power to local communities, through self-reliance and participation.
  • This idea flew in the face of conventional American beliefs in equality before the law and individual self-reliance. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • They have failed to distinguish between policies that perpetrate dependency and those that promote growth and self-reliance.
  • Politically, this same self-reliance drives young people into Unparties — outside-the-box movements such as the "Tea Party" (on the right) and the aborning "Coffee Party" (on the center-left). Millennials do faith and politics their way
  • With full employment and self-reliance, the workers' bargaining power increases.
  • Figure 13.14 shows the striking results—religious people emphasize obedience, secular people emphasize self-reliance.63 In turn, authority-mindedness is sufficiently related to our questions about Osama bin Laden and unpopular books that, statistically, it helps explain the greater intolerance of religious Americans. American Grace
  • No wonder, many victims readily conclude that thrift and self-reliance are useless and even injurious and that spending and debt are preferable by far.
  • Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.
  • Self-reliance is always liable to be interpreted as vanity.
  • Buell discusses these matters passim, particularly in his two best chapters, one on Self-Reliance and another on Religious Radicalisms.
  • Self-administration is important because it implies the acceptance by the patient that he has diabetes and realises the importance of self-reliance.
  • In the first years of settlement, the twenty-five founding families had worked together to construct the buildings of the Commons: the self-reliance school, athenaeum, communion lodge, town hall and Littleton's first exchange, where goods and services could be bought or bartered. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • Yet Democratic congregants tend to cite Christian values such as equality, compassion, and helping the poor as the source of their politics, while Republicans generally point to principles of self-reliance and personal responsibility, as well as the “moral” issues of abortion and homosexuality. American Grace
  • Philosophers advise self-reliance, but whether the vagaries of science or the caprices of the gods, the ways of healing are just too complex for most people to manage without help.
  • The spirit of bootstrap self-reliance is not a bad thing, but a political mindset that considers federally supported, affordable financial assistance for education to be an extravagance is myopic.
  • Economic self-reliance was seen as synonymous with independence itself.
  • Discipline is, of course, strict, with the aim of helping the young people to learn to live together, build self-reliance and work as members of a team.
  • The common thread that binds Americans stems from their individualism, self-reliance, independence, courage to take risks and readiness to challenge the impossible.
  • Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
  • He stresses the importance of self-reliance and self-realization when facing the audience.
  • Self-administration is important because it implies the acceptance by the patient that he has diabetes and realises the importance of self-reliance.
  • They had but little wealth; but they had what in a new community is far better, -- frugal and industrious habits, enterprise, firm self-reliance, and the cool intrepidity which is fostered by frequent exposure to danger. Lippincott's Magazine Of Popular Literature And Science Old Series, Vol. 36—New Series, Vol. 10, July 1885
  • Confucianism, etc., members of individualist societies like the U.S.A. are characterized by self-reliance, individual achievement, and an emphasis on personal goals. Experiential Marketing
  • The one television station will be running back-to-back feature films that espouse the virtue of self-reliance and the gloriousness of the revolution.
  • For decades a foreign proletariat toiling in dingy factories from Vladivostok to Karl-Marx-Stadt helped bankroll Pyongyang's transformation into a proud monument to ethnic self-reliance, so that someday a Bruce Cumings could boast that it is anything but the ugly Communist capital one might expect. Mother of All Mothers

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