
How To Use Self-regard In A Sentence

  • He may be absolutely mild-mannered (even meek and wimpish) in most respects, but no original thinker or doer gets anywhere in any field without aggression and stupendously high self-regard.
  • That applying to kindergarten should become such a cutthroat business is doubtless an only-in-New-York phenomenon, intertwined with New Yorkers' considerable self-regard.
  • Unlike a lot of more vain, self-regarding actors, she finds it impossible to conceal her vulnerability.
  • In their self-regard as the last keepers of the flame of Western culture, this ex-dissident class renders themselves slavish imitators.
  • Perhaps they mean that death itself is peaceful, not that dying was so, for all too often it is not is partly a self-regarding, partly an other-regarding motive. Parliament's moral duty on assisted dying | Mary Warnock
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  • In common parlance, narcissism is often used as a synonym for egomania or excessive self-regard," say Drew Pinsky and S. Mark Young in The Mirror Effect. Celebrity narcissism: A bad reflection for kids
  • Her memoir bubbles with self-regard, and her ego may have caused her to misunderstand some events in her life.
  • Nicholas Woodeson savours every line of the rantipole, self-regarding Mr Prince who proudly announces "I am the American King Lear" and Keeley Hawes elegantly makes a case for Ben's reproving but desolate wife. Review | Theatre | Rocket to the Moon | Venue | Michael Billington
  • And I realised that my muzzy warm self-regard was only made possible because I had in fact faced very few real moments of moral import.
  • A demonstration of vulnerability can become, in the blink of an eye, an indulgence or exercise in self-regard and, soon after that, an entrapment in fraudulence.
  • Mr. Fassbender's venturesome Jung conceals, for a while, a searching mind and a passionate heart behind a professionally correct facade, while Mr. Mortensen's rigid Freud conveys calm authority that springs from profound self-regard. 'Hugo': A Dazzler, but No Victor
  • They sat there, their laughter tinkling with self-regard, sublimely confident that everyone was looking at them and wanted to be them.
  • His constant self-regard often led him to be less than fully aware of his fellow human beings.
  • As Rodrigo Borgia he is comical in his self-regard and foppishness, ordering villages to be stripped of chattals or his enemies slayed before sinking back weakly into his papal throne, fingering the edges of his golden crown mumbling that God is verily moving within him. The Borgias: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Keeping foreigners in cultural ghettos is thus a necessity for him, if he is to preserve his self-regard.
  • Others view him as the kind of arrogant, toffee-nosed, self-regarding, would-be aristocrat who gives gun-wielding, fly-casting Englishmen abroad in the Highlands a very well-deserved bad name.
  • Mr. Fassbender's lord of the cursed manor is worthy of his governess's love, even though he's no match for the one played by Timothy Dalton when it comes to bottomless despair or towering rage, and though he can't, or wisely won't, touch the doomy self-regard that Orson Welles brought to the role. See Jane Blossom: An Enthralling 'Eyre'
  • Nicholas Woodeson savours every line of the rantipole, self-regarding Mr Prince who proudly announces "I am the American King Lear" and Keeley Hawes elegantly makes a case for Ben's reproving but desolate wife. Review | Theatre | Rocket to the Moon | Venue | Michael Billington
  • The same self-regard is said to entice people to choose life partners who look and think like themselves.
  • For some, he is a hero, all the more admirable in his magisterial self-regard.
  • What is harder to change are institutional smugness and self-regard.
  • And I realised that my muzzy warm self-regard was only made possible because I had in fact faced very few real moments of moral import.
  • New York is arguably the only city in the world whose self-regard is reciprocated across the planet.
  • Based on these findings, the current study was carried out to examine factors that make people self-regarding or other-regarding by priming the dictators' economic or social system.
  • This is a remarkably candid self-assessment from a legendarily prickly man of whom his own ex-wife once acerbically observed: ‘His self-regard was easily punctured and his reaction was protracted and troublesome.’
  • But bearing witness risks being a self-regarding gesture aimed at sanctimoniously demonstrating one's moral superiority - akin to the self-regarding ‘innocence’ of Bertolucci's protagonists.
  • We need a disposal service for our collective neuroses, something to clear away the rubbish of our self-regard and pomposity.
  • The outrageously self-regarding George then takes an onstage bow, largely ignoring his angry female co-star, before greeting fans on the sidewalk outside the cinema where he meets cute with Peppy. Nancy Chuda: The Artist: A Review With an Extra Big Shout Out to Uggy
  • Raymond Depardon/Magnum Photos Ms. Appignanesi's rambling, minimally organized "All About Love" is a kind of case study that bolsters Mr. May's arguments about the displacement of religiosity by a mushy, self-regarding amorous sentimentality. Isn't Love Divine
  • I want to be informed, entertained and thrilled by these pioneers, not bored and nauseated by mawkish and self-regarding metaphors.
  • It's what philosophers might call a "self-regarding action", yes? The Guardian World News
  • An unfeasible and vaunting self-regard is the most common corollary affliction of seeing your name in print too often. Times, Sunday Times
  • In common parlance, narcissism is often used as a synonym for egomania or excessive self-regard," say Drew Pinsky and S. Mark Young in The Mirror Effect. Celebrity narcissism: A bad reflection for kids
  • The position reeks of myopia, self-regard and opportunism.
  • It fosters both self-regard and broad social interest in that focuses on the Self (not the ego), which is common to all humanity.
  • The military's formalism and self-regard has often made it the butt of civilian humour.
  • Where a stunted self-regarder like Oberst seems condemned to an incommunicative trance, the 36-year-old Anderson is aware enough of the lineage of movie auteurs as lion-taming showmen to, some day, escape his autistic fugue state.
  • Now a roster of full-time co-presenters serves to dilute his self-regard.
  • All that's left is a pained lyricism, which is sometimes brilliant, but can also feel so self-regarding and wet. New Statesman
  • Every accusation and implied insult caused minor eruptions of self-regard. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Despite a tub-thumping speech at conference he has proved himself lazy and self-regarding in the race so far.
  • For the first time in human history the inferior man has no ready buttress for his self-regard.
  • Yet they were marginalised — in an unuseful, unmedieval sense — by a self-regarding production. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very Holy Family itself is being displaced by sinful self-regard: portraits of how wealthy everyone has become! CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • She says she loves being a designer - and insists the fashion world is not as vapid and self-regarding as it can seem.
  • Their patronising, cliquish self-regard has repeatedly been exposed as charlatanry.
  • It's a pompous place, dark and doomy, pumped up on cheap theatrics and self-regard. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could be funny and a touch mischievous - one self-regarding, supposedly glamorous female TV anchor frostily asked her to desist from addressing her as ‘ma'am’ during a live interview.
  • Both men like to engage audiences wider than the nearest senior common room; both have a pronounced impishness; and neither shirks from controversy Guha has described the polemics of Arundhati Roy as "ventures into social science … self-regarding and self-indulgent … and also self-contradictory". In praise of … Ramachandra Guha | Editorial
  • The heart-warming (for which read emetic) message of this self-regarding tosh is that everyone should follow their dreams.
  • And on it goes, each lame joke greeted with feeble, self-regarding applause and laughter that comes like a slow belch.
  • Keillor’s jeremiad is wrong on so many levels, and proceeds from a place of such monumental self-regard and fundamental misinformation, that a proper rebuttal would require an entire afternoon and a minimum of ten double-spaced pages. Publishing vs. that guy with the voice I can’t stand
  • At the center of La Rochefoucauld's masterpiece is the notion of amour-propre , best translated as self-regard. Puncturing Our Pretensions
  • Artist-film-maker Miranda July's wide-eyed kooky persona has never been more painfully self-regarding than it is in her drivelsome relationship break-up fantasy The Future. Berlin film festival – review
  • Most likely he would have adopted this course in the end, had his will and his self-regard been stronger; but neither, it seems, was proof against the blandishments of the match-making perruquier. Story-Lives of Great Musicians
  • The greatest obstacle to our progress in love is our own self-love, our own ego and our self-regard.
  • Learning how to simultaneously walk and chew gum will soon be added to the menu of anile crap that our self-regarding progressive school system 'facilitates'. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Both men like to engage audiences wider than the nearest senior common room; both have a pronounced impishness; and neither shirks from controversy Guha has described the polemics of Arundhati Roy as "ventures into social science … self-regarding and self-indulgent … and also self-contradictory". In praise of … Ramachandra Guha | Editorial
  • A self-confessed hero-worshipper, he adroitly patched into a network of national self-regard and milked it for all it was worth.
  • Differences in status and the capacity for economic self-sufficiency — not to mention the capacity for self-regard — compromise the integrity of consent, no matter the culture.
  • Daniel Connor is a brilliant young medical student – ambitious, hardworking, a little bit self-regarding. A Conversation with Rebecca Stott about The Coral Thief
  • Teens who experienced their parents as insensitive and unavailable are at increased likelihood of depressed mood, poor self-regard, and aggression and hostility toward others.
  • Normal" nondepressed persons have what psychologists call "positive illusion"—that is, they possess a mildly high self-regard, a slightly inflated sense of how much they control the world around them. Depression in Command
  • The creators of "Modern Family" are tapping into a different, more self-regarding anxiety: less focused on how families interact with the outside world; more centered on how they function internally.
  • We need a disposal service for our collective neuroses, something to clear away the rubbish of our self-regard and pomposity.
  • The self-regard of these populations, he was convinced, would condemn them to the same fate as their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
  • And in this self-regarding, claustrophobic atmosphere, he became disillusioned.
  • We need a disposal service for our collective neuroses, something to clear away the rubbish of our self-regard and pomposity.
  • He saw her looking at him and smiled with a look of recognition that was proud, almost self-regarding. The Empty Family
  • This study tested hypotheses concerning the relationships between people's self-regard, their implicit theories, and aggression.
  • But I suspect even that was fueled by the hot coal of self-regard, howbeit self-regard is often the product of self-loathing.
  • So hats off to the band for going ahead with the film - particularly as they come across not as the fearsome rock warriors of popular image but a bunch of self-regarding, touchy-feely sissies.
  • It might not be the most impressive show in the festival, but it's precisely the sort of experimental, self-regarding indulgence that I'd expect in Venice.
  • In keeping with its maddening, self-regarding role as the American Pravda, a hand-wringing New York Times "analysis" worries that "the images could incite anti-American sentiment at a particularly delicate moment in the decade-old Afghan war. Ethan Casey: Marines Urinating on Dead Taliban: How Low Will We Go?
  • The defining characteristic of almost all of them is a vaunting self-regard without the merest glimmer of insight. Times, Sunday Times

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