
  1. referring back to itself
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How To Use self-referent In A Sentence

  • The problem with those changes is sort of self-referential. Globe and Mail
  • It's an exercise in meta- and all the other pseudo-intellectual, self-referential terms that critics toss around when a movie isn't actually about anything. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Rubber
  • Although actors as spectators reinforces the self-referential theatrical imagery, it adds to the sense of an illustrated lecture.
  • The growing specialisation has fragmented the literature, and the fragments are enclosed in self-referential writing.
  • Do you worry that being self-referential makes your work too insular, thereby limiting your audience?
  • An unapologetically self-referential author, Levin constantly intertwines his own life with the story he is telling.
  • His heirs are entirely self-referential, mistrusting of craft. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is certainly a very self-referential movie, much more than your previous works.
  • To me, this indicates that he not only believes himself divorced from those social categories, but then projects his own self-referential experience onto others and believes them to be similarly divorced from their social categories. You see barriers, i see invitations. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • It's an exercise in meta- and all the other pseudo-intellectual, self-referential terms that critics toss around when a movie isn't actually about anything. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Rubber
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