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  1. the fulfillment of your capacities

How To Use self-realization In A Sentence

  • Self-realization is a source of confidence, motivation and well-being in everyday life.
  • Discourse ethics leaves the answer to the question about the good life, in the sense of personal and collective projects of self-realization, for the most part to individuals and cultures.
  • Specifically, self-help behaviors of property include self-protection and self-realization of property ownership, possession, security interests, and neighborhood right.
  • This is necessary to his enterprise: without it, he could not hope to make plausible his suggestion that the aim of morality is self-realization.
  • The boy's self-realization focused on the locutionary and literary power of the word.
  • Self-realization and understanding is able to neutralize the effects of anger.
  • It is not the sole good but it is the greatest good, so it is never right to transgress love for the sake of justice, self-realization, or happiness.
  • among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization
  • It is an order promoting life rather than death, peace rather than terror, self-realization rather than frustration, community rather than alienation and personal opportunity rather than powerlessness. William S. Becker: The Solar Soldier Is No Fad
  • Such self-realization requires him to act on that desire for knowledge which as a man he naturally possesses.
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