How To Use Self-pity In A Sentence

  • Thankfully, though, I believe that the Scottish art world has wider horizons than such navel-gazing, self-pitying introspection.
  • Bhaiya, meanwhile, sent self-pitying letters from near Delhi where he was undergoing military training of his own trials in a world that he found ‘frightfully Poona: chukka, pukka, whisky soda and tiffin: still, I exist.’ Chaplin’s Girl
  • I think that I avoided self-pity and sentimentality about it because I didn't feel that way about it.
  • wail in self-pity
  • He is by turns violent, sentimental, maudlin, self-pitying, and sadistic, and has a fine line in rhetoric.
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  • Yet now is not the moment to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he will not wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Citing a "smarmy" letter that Washington wrote in 1757, bemoaning his lot to the commander in chief, Lord Loudoun, Mr. Clary highlights some especially outspoken, self-pitying and "whining" comments. War in the Wilderness
  • He's just your average alcoholic who wallows in self-pity and drinks every spare penny I can earn.
  • Yet now is not the moment to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • R. did not so much wallow in self-pity as luxuriate in a whimpering, orchestrated, self-flagellating symphony of slights, woes, and despairs.
  • He developed a tearful roar which he would use when thwarted, and a persistent self-pitying grizzle when he was bored or uncomfortable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Paulo Szot was wonderful as the status-conscious, noseless Kovalyov, ricocheting from hysteria to self-pity (we see through his lyrical laments) to self-importance; his baritone was multihued and penetrating, except during the noisiest orchestra moments. The Sweet Smell of Success
  • That wasn't the case during those early years when my bitterness and self-pity got in the way. Christianity Today
  • McCarthy need not have worried, because this film is devoid of self-pity or false sentimentality.
  • I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!
  • Our tendency towards simultaneous self-pity and self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gives us petulance rather than pain, self-pity rather than rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • A wave of self-pity came over him.
  • Depression is almost unknown to these individuals because they are all so optimistic and active that they have little time for self-pity or the blues.
  • Unfortunately, he ends up more involved than the viewer, because the leading characters are self-obsessed, self-pitying and lacking in redemptive sympathy.
  • It is just important now that we do not sulk or wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt a sudden wave of self-pity.
  • I'm sitting here almost in tears, drowning in a sad mixture of melancholy, confusion, hopelessness, and self-pity.
  • After 2,600 words of this self-pity, Henderson is willing to take some blame for the breakdown in their relationship.
  • Narcissists may deny their mistakes or flagellate themselves into a froth of self-pitying hatred, but they never laugh at their imperfections.
  • He gives us petulance rather than pain, self-pity rather than rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was not one to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could have been maudlin and self-pitying, and none of that was there.
  • A sub section of self-aggrandisement is self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knows that the return of Ilsa can only send Rick into a slough of self-pity, and so Sam contrives to break the fall.
  • It is virtually tuneless, self-pitying, uninteresting and is a world apart from the subtle atmospherics of the band's best work.
  • This album is full of self-pitying dirges which give the impression of a slightly sad man-child sulking about girls in his bedroom.
  • Their reminiscences contain no hint of self-pity or resentment about either the grinding poverty or their father's strict approach to parenting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The steward's self-pity in his soliloquy suggests lack of control over his situation or a passive-aggressive personality.
  • You're a stubborn, pig-headed, self-pitying man who's only thinking of himself and what will happen to him if his hands don't heal!
  • This is an unsparing account, devoid of self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not once did she show a sign of bitterness or self-pity '. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She seems unable to pull herself out of this deep slough of self-pity.
  • Danlo couldn't help laughing because Bardo was a funny man, at once passionate and self-pitying, compassionate and slightly cruel. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Southern Englishmen are most likely to weep for joy; midlanders cry in self-pity.
  • If the TV moguls are right and we only want to watch miserable people wallowing in self-pity, then why not simply watch the news?
  • She seems unable to pull herself out of this deep slough of self-pity.
  • The least happy are the self-indulgent, self-centered, self-assertive, self-pitying, or simply selfish.
  • I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!
  • She seems unable to pull herself out of this deep slough of self-pity.
  • In a work that is totally devoid of drama or self-pity, it is left to the listener to supply the emotional subtext. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember getting up and feeling a mixture of self-pity and indignation.
  • That wasn't the case during those early years when my bitterness and self-pity got in the way. Christianity Today
  • It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
  • Chobani! finally getting something scary over with being told that I write good Facebook updates that certain types of junk food really do seem to be history things once hard that now are easy (repeat) being told, “Ask for forgiveness, not permission” prevailing in my running program once again hauling my arse to the gym instead of wallowing in self-pity Archive 2009-08-01
  • I get the impression that Salinger has a lot of admiration for Holden, if only because Holden narrates the whole book and there's nobody else there to comment on him, and yet I find Holden to be just a narrow-minded, priggish, self-pitying little squit.
  • Not once did she show a sign of bitterness or self-pity '. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Learning to Fall is not a book for cowards, but it is ideal for all those moments in which the spirit yearns to rise high above self-pity and chronic misery and defeatism.
  • I'm going to be self-indulgent and self-pitying.
  • I guess this gives me a shoddy excuse to embark on a weeklong bender of hard drinking, dire self-examination and monstrous self-pity.
  • He developed a tearful roar which he would use when thwarted, and a persistent self-pitying grizzle when he was bored or uncomfortable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Just as the musicians' lyrics are violent, obscene and self-pitying, so is the generation that supports their opulent lifestyle.
  • It really was a wonderful experience to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He faced his illness bravely and without any hint of self-pity.
  • The harder I worked to dig myself out of the pit of self-pity, the more I got involved in activities that took me outside of myself.
  • In its fire-breathing harangues and nostril-flaring proclamations, its fans discover a confirmation of their pettiest, and most self-pitying, impulses. Ellis Weiner: "I love John Galt!" (Atlas Shrugged: the Movie)
  • It is clear that the author needs a holiday as he has resorted to writing self-pitying rubbish, and bizarre Kaufman-esque ‘post-within-a post’ ramblings like this one.
  • Sorry, I'm aware that the above paragraphs are little more than a protracted and self-pitying whinge, but I needed to get it off my chest.
  • Sub-Ministry industrial grind is a favorite, though overdriven drum machines have never signified "postapocalyptic" to anybody but self-pitying goth kids with hyperactive imaginations. Chicago Reader
  • Guilt's malignancy stalks a gas-lit shadow-dance upon the walls, perversity arouses oestrus in the embers of our trance; magic moments muted in taut breath are crushed in weighted consequence, discretion flees the night to heighten senses steeped in self-pity, drowned in self-indulgence. Archive 2008-07-01
  • While the threat of demonism is used to bring fear to the film’s characters, the genuine demonic behavior of everyday life (jealousy, violence, self-pity and war) offers the most brutal horror of this classic production. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Marie lay in her bed well into the afternoon, wallowing in anger and self-pity.
  • It is a remarkable story, simply told with neither self-pity nor self-praise. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would have expected more discussion on intellectuals as producers of ethnocentric symbols of exclusion, ethnic self-aggrandizement, self-pity, and exalted martyrology.
  • Although many of Monet's letters from this period are full of self-pity and pleas for financial assistance, his paintings, by contrast, are bursting with sunshine, colour and luminosity.
  • The self-pity -- he saw it only as that now -- and the weariness were still controllable. THE LAST RAVEN
  • She would never let him get away with such indulgence in self-pity.
  • I even tried to cry thinking that a nice wallow in self-pity would do me good.
  • He put the water back, and wriggled under the covers to continue wallowing in his own self-pity.
  • While he saw his father less the older he became, his mother was the one who taught him not to feel self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly a sense of the difference between the week behind him, with all its ups and downs, its quarrels, its _ennuis_, its moments of delightful intimity, of artistic freedom and pleasure, and those threadbare, monotonous weeks into which he was to slip back on the morrow, awoke in him a mad inconsequent sting of disgust, of self-pity. Robert Elsmere
  • If you survey informed Americans, you will hear Pakistanis described as duplicitous, paranoid, self-pitying and generally infuriating. NYT > Home Page
  • Do you detect a note of self-pity creeping in? Times, Sunday Times
  • The role of Quentin, garrulously veering from self-pity to self-justification, is a difficult one.
  • Ignore the latter, in which a self-pitying Kelly enumerates his woes in gospelised ballads.
  • I've been alternating between waves of humbleness and gratitude and self-pity, fatigue, and frustration.
  • So when he became depressed and suicidal, it was not out of self-pity.
  • But he will not wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a smug, self-pitying boor who turns the caring doctor stereotype on its head.
  • To imagine they do is merely a self-pitying form of arrogance and conceit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those crimes were born of anger and self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This seemed to be the real Frank, grumpy, graceless, self-pitying and desperate to get away from his wife and kids.
  • [Palin] stands for a genuine movement: a dwindling white nonurban America that is aflame with grievances and awash in self-pity as the country hurtles into the 21st century and leaves it behind," New York Times 7/11/09 Patrick Sauer: An Interview With Nick Reding, Author of Methland
  • While he is strangely compelling in this role at first, the red and self-pitying eyes get old after the first 30 minutes.
  • She seems unable to pull herself out of this deep slough of self-pity.
  • He was able to understand the physical danger of sinking into despair and self-pity. Love, Medicine and Miracles
  • My overbearing emotion has also moved on from self-pity to anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • But certainly in the first half City, as is their wont, refused to wallow in self-pity and played like a side determined to make light of any inconveniences.
  • It is a depiction of shattering, chronic, inescapable pain and suffering that refuses to slide into self-pity.
  • My overbearing emotion has also moved on from self-pity to anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.
  • He has worked so hard to avoid the traps of mourning, the self-pity and rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was determined not to feel self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it isn't in her nature to wallow or feel self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I didn't want to wallow in self-pity or martyr myself on stage.
  • If we read Polidori's figurative vampirism as something more than self-pity, his "imposture" is less postmodern playfulness than it is something far more sinister--the "glamour of imposture" as something poisonous to both the performer and the performed. The Little Professor:
  • He placed a hand on his shoulder, as the younger man bent his head in sadness, and self-pity.
  • She succeeds in telling her story without a tinge of self-pity, but with deadpan wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The forces of good are deceitful, proud and capricious; evil is largely unrepentant, self-pitying and, yet, absolved.
  • She was not one to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her self-pitying mood began after nominations on Tuesday night when she walked in on an intense conversation between Andre and Richard.
  • He felt a sudden wave of self-pity.
  • Spectators watched with respect as batsmen refused to take the easy option of buckling in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the TV moguls are right and we only want to watch miserable people wallowing in self-pity, then why not simply watch the news?
  • I have to be careful not to throw the self-destruct switch when I get in a mood like this, wallowing in a pit of self-pity.
  • American war talk is this utterly weird mixture of anger and self-pity and bragging and fear and whining and brutishness. Matthew Yglesias » For Better Thinking
  • I have not yet myself lived long enough on this earth to even begin to know what to say in answer to such a heartfelt but absurd and self-pitying statement.
  • Ego takes great pleasure in wallowing in self-pity, and defending itself against all charges, whatever the cost to others.
  • British rock has always been superb for a good wallow in self-pity, but constant whining eventually loses its charm.
  • Am I missing something, or is this a pathetic body of work, as whiny, self-pitying and incompetent as it is hateful?
  • This craving to nail down transient experience is unassuageable, and as basic to us as the self-pitying sorrow for our own mortality, and just as invariably doomed to disappointment.
  • Do you detect a note of self-pity creeping in? Times, Sunday Times
  • I like the way he championed underdogs without sentimentalizing them: ‘Stand up, take your mat and walk’, he said to the man who had a touch of self-pity in his complaint that no one would help him.
  • Let us turn from selfishness and deceit, from self-pity and self-seeking to discover the spirit of God which is the true spirit of thanksgiving, dedication and commitment.
  • It is just important now that we do not sulk or wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in self-pity that the ugly reality of Berlin had once again destroyed her fleeting moment of happiness.
  • What would bother me is if the movie asks us to identify with Spock the lonely outsider's self-pity, a real possibility considering the differences in sensibilities between the time when the original series was produced and now. It's Kirk the Explorer not Kirk the Rebel
  • He has worked so hard to avoid the traps of mourning, the self-pity and rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is not a trace of bitterness or self-pity in his writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have no intention of disrupting their adjustment just because my currently holiday mopey self-pitying housemate thinks the world revolves around her.
  • Like most of the album, it's a pure adrenaline blast and, as always, their animated frontman is a welcome break from the self-pitying shlump rock of chart-toppers like Incubus. THE HIVES BREAK OUT
  • The former attitude mollifies arrogance and conceit while the latter prevents excessive despondency, de-motivation and self-pity.
  • There is no shillyshallying, no time for self-pity or regret. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no sense of self-pity or desperate longing for the outside world, tempting as that must be.
  • Self-pity is a totally contemptible vice and I have throughout many vicissitudes and much unmerited disappointment avoided it as a plague.
  • Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity.
  • My daughter suggested that I was wallowing in self-pity and should just get out more.
  • He has reached a level of self-pity that constitutes clinical depression.
  • Self-pity and defeatism are quickly banished from his mind whenever they turn up.
  • Angrily she dashed the tears away with the back of one hand, refusing to give in to weakness and self-pity.
  • Think of when you read back over old diary entries and the intensity of the mood that made you write them had passed, leaving only the faintly self-pitying words behind.
  • Stephen's bullying self-pity and edgy rationalism ran up sharply against Anny's fancifulness, extravagance and sentiment.
  • I spent the day under a cloud of self-pity and maudlin nostalgia.
  • With clunky writing, the characters are simply shallow, callow and cold, when not being sappy or self-pitying.
  • Yet now is not the moment to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm perfectly aware that even at the best of times, the above post would seem excessively introverted, self-pitying and navel-gazing.
  • I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!
  • But he will not wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He faced his illness bravely and without any hint of self-pity.
  • Do you detect a note of self-pity creeping in? Times, Sunday Times
  • Those crimes were born of anger and self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
  • It includes text which Joan wanted to use to show what it feels like to have breast cancer without making it depressing or self-pitying.
  • She succeeds in telling her story without a tinge of self-pity, but with deadpan wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, I do mention that stance (about which Mr. Donoghue agrees with me), and I do suggest that the poem's antiegalitarian passion is less moving than the hard-wrung triumph over self-pity in the equally undemocratic "No Second Troy. Archaeology
  • Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity.
  • This is acting of the purest and most unostentatious kind, unadorned by self-pity or visible virtuosity.
  • It really was a wonderful experience to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • While he saw his father less the older he became, his mother was the one who taught him not to feel self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm bloody tired of having to accept weak, devious, self-pitying parasites who, in the end, do not want to help themselves and simply want a free ride.
  • But he should avoid self-pity at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short, what the song would seem to indicate upon a first listening is the self-pity and grand mythomania of the long-term drug addict.
  • But it isn't in her nature to wallow or feel self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • There wasn't time for sentiment or wallowing in self-pity.
  • Do you detect a note of self-pity creeping in? Times, Sunday Times
  • Communal politics and sectarianism depends on the creation of religious hatreds and divides, the assertion and invocation of continual self-pity and victim hood.
  • His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.
  • It really was a wonderful experience to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a few minutes, his primary emotion was self-pity, and then he looked up at the television, watching as Robbie Kearns, whom he had poleaxed with a stiff arm to the head, was brought around and the game began to unfold.
  • Bakker, who hosted "The PTL Club" television show with his heavily mascaraed wife, Tammy Faye, "used tears, humor, righteous anger, bruised self-pity, and gentle ministry to touch viewers in their living rooms," Shepard writes. Books About Scandals
  • Most of the main characters are emotionally balked men who hide from their exasperated, shrewish wives by throwing themselves into their work and who are given to as in one story "building tall towers of self-pity and then watching them sway. Strained Separations
  • At the risk of sounding self-pitying, I'd say it has been harder on me than it has on Joanne.
  • Luckily, several of the speakers save the saga from wallowing in self-pity.
  • Remarkably he displays no self-pity and is not overtly bitter over his treatment, although he admits that the drive to prove his innocence ‘has taken over my life’.
  • Still, few could have predicted he'd fall this deep into a pit of lyrical self-pity and teen angst.
  • Suddenly a sense of the difference between the week behind him, with all its ups and downs, its quarrels, its _ennuis_, its moments of delightful intimity, of artistic freedom and pleasure, and those threadbare monotonous weeks into which he was to slip back on the morrow, awoke in him a mad inconsequent sting of disgust, of self-pity. Robert Elsmere
  • But there is not a trace of bitterness or self-pity in his writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am being objective, not self-pitying, because quite honestly I am not much interested in men anyway.
  • Big Brother house in a duvet, refusing to talk to anyone like some sort of awful self-pitying, attention-seeking wazzock. Hecklerspray
  • Throughout, he showed no trace of self-pity.
  • He was able to understand the physical danger of sinking into despair and self-pity. Love, Medicine and Miracles
  • Their reminiscences contain no hint of self-pity or resentment about either the grinding poverty or their father's strict approach to parenting. Times, Sunday Times
  • She never descended to self-pity but preserved in herself a sense of identity and personal dignity that made her so valuable to any whom she befriended.
  • I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!
  • By turns disagreeable, petulant, and self-pitying, they have as a group failed their employees, their investors, and their customers.
  • He's definitely a saddo, prone to self-pity and playing drippy ballads on his guitar.
  • Self-pity tends to block taking action that will be truly effective in reversing the downward spirals of primary and family diseases.
  • In the misery of his dereliction and afflicted by the devitalizing consquences attendant upon it, he had preferred the indulgences of self-pity and the delusory solaces of paga to the exultant and proud imposition of his will, as a dominant male, on the hearts and bodies of writhing female slaves. Rogue Of Gor
  • The strings were playing a waltz at a ball, a tune that is then deconstructed into its melodic and accompanying parts, including the self-pitying viola countermelody that no one will ever care about or hear. In performance: NSO family concert
  • She was not one to wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have time to read the papers and keep your mind alert and the cut and thrust of business life gives you no time for self-pity. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • Self-directable acts are such that the subject toward whom they are directed may be identical with the subject of the act (as in cases of self-pity, self-hatred, etc.). Adolf Reinach
  • Forced in on themselves, and into more and more cerebral pursuits instead of physical ones, it is no wonder so many teenagers, despite their material privileges, become sunk in apathy and self-pity.
  • Identitarian politics are clearly inadequate in such cases, merely empowering the self-pitying rhetoric of some groups - including, by the way, the far right.
  • I'm sorry for that, but weekends like I've just had make me nostalgic, self-pitying and sort of despairing once they're done.
  • But he should avoid self-pity at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plot reads as pure sudser, but is executed head held high, with self-assurance standing in place of self-pity, and fate sidestepped for the fortunes we make in its place.
  • Thankfully, though, I believe that the Scottish art world has wider horizons than such navel-gazing, self-pitying introspection.
  • It is just important now that we do not sulk or wallow in self-pity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the countless self-pitying plagiarists who have followed in his wake, his was not simply another all-American whine.
  • Whatever it is, the very fact that you are facing the problem is a more positive step than to simply wallow in self-pity.
  • A marathon of self-obsession, self-pity, misery, filth, shame, loneliness, isolation, and a lot of embarrassing stuff about sex.
  • She wallowed in self-pity for what seemed like hours, but after a while that sadness turned to anger.
  • I've been too busy wallowing in a combination of self-loathing, self-pity and feeling sick.

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