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How To Use Self-imposed In A Sentence

  • After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in America.
  • This struggle with adversity and the resulting self-imposed isolation came to be seen as criteria for artistic genius.
  • Equally important, the culture as a whole must socialize people into accepting self-imposed limits on their self-interested behavior.
  • Parents, psychologists and politicians are still struggling to find ways to coax these recluses - who are predominantly male - out of their self-imposed exiles.
  • He alternately endured and exulted in self-imposed exile - France, California, Switzerland, Sydney.
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  • The stories of the seven characters intertwine impossibly in a story of identity and self-imposed oppression.
  • This motif of self-imposed silence, of unarticulated anguish, reappears in other of Gaines's novels and is made all the more prominent by his customary emphasis on the speaking voice.
  • For years he had been promising friends it was nearly done; for years he had been missing his self-imposed deadlines. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Nearly 10 months after leaving office, he plans to emerge from self-imposed political hibernation this week.
  • The fiction, however, reads like an attempt to break out of this self-imposed restriction.
  • He had avoided all human contact since embarking on his self-imposed exile at the end of 1996.
  • But Manchester snooker fans have one last chance to see the ‘Rocket’ in action before his self-imposed exile from the green baize.
  • The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the building work.
  • With our junk food, lack of exercise, self-indulgences and self-imposed stress, many of our old folk will outlive their sons, daughters and even grandchildren.
  • We are thinking of self-imposed measures for use of cellphones, but they are unwanted on school and college campuses.
  • Exile, be it enforced or self-imposed, tends to test individual resolve.
  • So when I broke my self-imposed 15-minute limit on preparing and cooking actual food, what did I make?
  • Though it's easy to see why Waking Life was better-loved, Linklater's live-action talkathon is still worth watching, even if it never transcends its self-imposed limitations.
  • But by definition, such self-imposed restrictions are also limiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • French painter, sculptor, and printmaker; born in Paris, died in self-imposed exile in the South Seas.
  • However, ultimately it might be argued that neither her self-imposed privations nor apparent solicitude qualifies as a genuine ordeal.
  • Repression after a while does not need imposition by the regime, it is more effective when self-imposed through fear, resignation and apathy.
  • She will be in trouble if her self-imposed March deadline slips but the price of that has been a notable lack of clarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be impossible to find anywhere a more frightening example of self-imposed curses than these oaths.
  • He returned home in the summer of 1974 after eleven years of self-imposed exile.
  • He is enjoying being around the team after a self-imposed period of isolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alternative is silence: secrecy when self-imposed, censorship when imposed by others.
  • At least half the houses on this 4,700 block display signs of self-imposed isolation.
  • Jimmy Adams has been replaced by Carl Hooper, who has just ended a two-year self-imposed retirement from international cricket.
  • Such malicious castigation, which is internalized by the abused person as true, crushes the spirit of the recipient, and they retreat from the life they were living to follow the script of their destruction -- becoming a self-imposed prophecy. Jack Watts: Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • In a subsequent class, a student asked if a shy person might maintain both guard and prisoner mentalities in a self-imposed psychological prison.
  • My self-imposed deadline for completing my novel redraft is November 15 of this year.
  • The City Council had a self-imposed one-year deadline for rebuilding the shattered cloverleaf.
  • The competition is tough enough without the added, self-imposed pressure of trying to reach a bar so high that many use the word "angelic" to describe it.
  • He lives in self-imposed seclusion, in an elaborate primitivity which is often described in moving terms that are almost convincing of actual A History of China
  • Why yes; with November 5th safely out of the way, my self-imposed moratorium on all things festive is lifted and we are free to celebrate the countdown to Christmas: 41 shopping days to go!!! …clearing a room without saying a word « Sven’s guide to…
  • A self-imposed career hiatus has kept this eloquent, loquacious and unpretentious street-style guy from touring around these parts since the late '90s.
  • Breezing through the audition process, Lemar found himself in self-imposed exile with twelve other students.
  • As duke, Theseus might easily hasten on the day of marriage if he wished, and indeed he chafes at the waning 'old moon 'that' lingers my desires/Like to a stepdame or a dowager/Long withering out a young man's revenue ', and yet he chooses to abide by the self-imposed delay. Shakespeare
  • For the last few decades he has lived in obscurity, in self-imposed exile in Italy.
  • The intensity of my career coupled with my self-imposed mental compartmentalization is protection for me. Excerpt: The Privilege of Youth by Dave Pelzer
  • Annie's self-imposed starvation and Kelly's gluttony are quests for independence and signs of an oddly admirable discipline as much as they are psychological problems.
  • The skeptics call attention to certain self-imposed limitations internal to rights discourse stemming from its embrace of the public private distinction.
  • There needs to be regulation, and in some cases perhaps self-imposed boundaries are enough.
  • This kind of segregation may be self-imposed - but it is also the result of decades and centuries of injustice.
  • The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the building work.
  • The author wrestles with three self-imposed difficulties.
  • After serving a hard labour sentence in Reading Gaol following ruinous legal battles he went into self-imposed exile in Paris as Sebastian Melmoth.
  • Bulimia Nervosa is theorized to be a self-imposed punishment for something that the person blames themselves for, or a dysfunctional reaction to some unpleasant events in their life.
  • At the mid-point of the first running of this programme, I'm thumbing through some of those linkages in a self-imposed revision process.
  • He now lives in self-imposed exile atop an Italian mountain.
  • Being human, we will sometimes mess up and stray from our self-imposed task.
  • In 1901 he became bankrupt and moved into self-imposed exile in Bruges, where he lived for the next quarter of a century.
  • Arcand occasionally achieves some impressive directorial flourishes but he is severely constrained by his self-imposed limitation of imitating a string of dreadful TV talk shows.
  • It was here that he first steeled himself with self-imposed feats of daring and courage that marked his whole life.
  • It goes back to the basics of art in film by a self-imposed discipline of 10 ‘rules'.
  • It's set in 1865, the year regarded as the last hurrah for bushido, the samurai code (Japan was on the verge of leaving its self-imposed isolation).
  • Among the small number of ordinary white Americans who avoided the self-imposed obligations of rednecks, hippies, and American citizens and embraced the gift of renegades were the workers at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, who in 1972 staged a walkout in rebellion against their employer and their union, the UAW. A Renegade History of the United States
  • This self-imposed exile was a conscious act of volition.
  • One can only hope that it won't neglect this important aspect of its self-imposed task.
  • David Freidman is right to call tipping a cab driver an example of self-imposed, voluntary, Lindahl pricing of a public good. David Friedman on Taxis and Tipping, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A self-imposed deadline for electronic voting at most leading investment houses meant that many cast their votes yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel that I am not really in the spirit of this self-imposed detox fitness program.
  • The Senate Finance Committee may not meet its self-imposed goal of introducing a health care bill by September 15. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: August 17, 2009
  • She shared with me how telepathy is the one true universal language, how self-imposed dream states were, for her, the equivalent of a day at the beach; I shared with her Bruce Springsteen and episodes of ‘Survivor.’ The Downlink: Ken Goldman | SciFi UK Review
  • Musically, their self-imposed imperative of the most basic, stripped-down sound possible simply denudes their songs of what little interest they may have triggered in the first place.
  • Although the government probably thinks it can afford to lose a few scribblers and daubers this kind of self-imposed exile strikes at a nation's soul.
  • The borders and limits of his language are self-imposed and they demonstrate the futility of speech as being truly inarticulate to the imprisoned passion of their leading characters.
  • With our junk food, lack of exercise, self-indulgences and self-imposed stress, many of our old folk will outlive their sons, daughters and even grandchildren.
  • It's one of those outré places that live in self-imposed famine with vanity hunger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the building work.
  • The 50 or so pupils, including latterly 10 from Japan, had their own council which made decisions about running the school and disciplined those who broke the self-imposed rules.
  • Her death in self-imposed exile contrasted markedly with her earlier life as an icon of the Nationalist regime.
  • One year after his landmark promise to shutter the controversial prison at the US naval base in Cuba, Obama has not only missed his self-imposed deadline, but his hands are ever-more tied by the political, legal and humanitarian headache he inherited from his predecessor, George W. Bush. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • To defeat this new generation of foes, it must alter its geostrategy and relax its self-imposed constraints on the use of military, political, and social power.
  • It would make no sense to go forward in the Union with a self-imposed handicap which would reduce our effectiveness and our success.
  • The marathon relay, aided by excellent weather, was completed three hours inside the team's self-imposed limit of 12 days.
  • He then went into self-imposed exile in America but bounced back in 1984 to start a new line of luxury silk raincoats.
  • When his self-imposed deadline passed on Jan. 22, there were still 196 detainees housed in at the prison.
  • You SHOULD know that swordfish is one of the fish you SHOULD institute a self-imposed boycott. Think Progress » Drilling Is Not The Solution To Create Jobs And Reduce Reliance On Foreign Oil
  • There is a way out - retirement and self-imposed obscurity.
  • Schultz appeared on the set of his show Wednesday looking somber, and delivered a nearly four-minute apology before exiting on what he called a self-imposed hiatus. NY Daily News
  • His self-imposed hibernation from films in the eighties was the result of a "negative trend" in the industry.
  • This struggle with adversity and the resulting self-imposed isolation came to be seen as criteria for artistic genius.
  • These were terrible burdens to carry as a nation, and they were self-imposed. The Good Fight
  • Fundamentalists began to reemerge from their self-imposed exile with the founding of the neo-evangelical movement in the wake of the Second World War. American Grace
  • Niklas Görke The Buchinger Clinic at Lake Constance, Germany Most recently, Mr. Wiedemann enjoyed a bowl of carrot fennel soup with a group that had come together at the Landhaus Schiffmann hotel in Mülheim in Germany's Mosel Valley to begin a self-imposed eight-day liquid fasting regime of only 250 calories per day. The Fast Road to a Healthier Holiday
  • Having escaped the law her only option was self-imposed purdah on a remote Scottish island.
  • Back in 1972, when he was in self-imposed exile in New York because of the Greek stratocracy, he staged a musical version of Aristophanes’ play on Broadway, starring the late Melina Mercouri, who had also left Greece.
  • She was already twenty-one and their self-imposed tests of constraint were severely strained.
  • In each of those incredibly successful series there were stars that rose to the next level and others who have wallowed in obscurity (self-imposed or otherwise). Twilight Lexicon » Twilight Fans Only Want to See Stars in Twilight Films
  • Helped by a friend's allowance, and then a substantial inheritance, they lived well in self-imposed exile in Italy.
  • Other aspects of the decision-making were self-imposed hurdles rather than external constraints. Wonk Room » Former Treasury Assistant Secretary: ‘Chronic Disorganization’ Hampered Response To Crisis
  • After a self-imposed exile from tennis, one of the game's greats is back and ready to mix it with his fiercest rival.
  • The charter puts in place self-imposed rules by which the organisers will run rehabilitation courses at the centre.
  • I'm saying that disordered behaviors like self-induced vomiting, self-imposed starvation, or compulsive overexercise are necessary to achieve the bodies promoted to us as being "natural". I want you to stop stalking "overweight" women. - Feministing
  • He was also leading her out of self-imposed isolation. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • self-imposed exile
  • I tend to put myself under pressure from self-imposed work deadlines. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a searching song that beats just about any of the acoustic folkies that build their entire rep on self-imposed authentic recording methods.
  • To think of this solution, you need to free your mind of the self-imposed restriction of only drawing lines within the boundaries of the nine dots. Your One Week Way to Mind-Fitness
  • Peter refuses to grow up, and because of that has entered a self-imposed exile in Neverland.
  • Who cries out for this self-imposed restraint, by the way?
  • Her health collapsed and she withdrew into self-imposed isolation, relying on her publisher and a couple of trusted staff to manage her contact with the outside world. Times, Sunday Times
  • After several years of self-imposed exile on an ocean liner, Richie is ready to come home and face his demons, and his two siblings have the same idea.
  • A crowd of hundreds and a television audience of millions watched as Blaine began his self-imposed ordeal.
  • Malcolm continued to fight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris.
  • This essay intersperses Simpson's own autobiographical knowledge of Warren and the other actors in the events of Warren's biography into his discussion of Warren's self-imposed exile from the South.
  • Apart from a self-imposed, 18-month split in 1973, the couple were inseparable from the time they met in 1966.
  • By the end of August, the self-imposed deadline for the completion of the Convention's work was close.
  • This struggle with adversity and the resulting self-imposed isolation came to be seen as criteria for artistic genius.
  • Brahms had all but given up before tonight's works were composed, having written his will in 1891 and gone into a self-imposed retirement.
  • I'm saying that disordered behaviors like self-induced vomiting, self-imposed starvation, or compulsive overexercise are necessary to achieve the bodies promoted to us as being "natural". I want you to stop stalking "overweight" women. - Feministing
  • Weick still does, focusing, in part, on how organizations use self-imposed limitations on the interpretation of information to reduce equivocality, that is, when one fact can be considered to have multiple meanings. Archive 2007-02-01
  • When in the bar scene she emerges from her self-imposed isolation, her slink and swagger is perfect.
  • To the careful training of his good mother he was indebted for the exquisite taste and truthfulness with which he interpreted nature; for the nice sense of honor which distinguished him through life, and which often rose to a weakness; for the delicate reserve which made absence from home a self-imposed hermitage; and for the deep, devotional feeling and healthy habit of moral reflection which ever shaped and inwove the pure current of his thoughts and writings. Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886
  • This struggle with adversity and the resulting self-imposed isolation came to be seen as criteria for artistic genius.
  • More than a few have weaseled out on their self-imposed term-limit commitments.

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