How To Use Self-hatred In A Sentence

  • Self-directable acts are such that the subject toward whom they are directed may be identical with the subject of the act (as in cases of self-pity, self-hatred, etc.). Adolf Reinach
  • All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and self-hatred, which eventually causes illness.
  • Not only that: the sinful, disorderly, unsubduable passion torturing Amfortas, for a moment tortures equally Parsifal, whose nature is thrown by it into a horror of self-hatred, and casts itself upon frenzied prayer for deliverance and pardon. The Wagnerian Romances
  • First, oppressed groups often exhibit self-hatred and dislike for members of their own group.
  • In the desire to be twice-born there is a good deal of self-hatred.
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  • He eats too many late-night kebabs after drinking binges stemming from his innate self-hatred and inability to be at peace with the world.
  • Is this misogyny just a reflection of her self-hatred?
  • I would hide my fear and loathing from people, I would put on a mask and pretend to be happy - but the slightest little knock and I would plummet into feelings of self-hatred.
  • As the self-hatred is processed and released along with the underlying karma, one will quite naturally embrace one's own tones of creation based upon gender.
  • He portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.
  • Plagued by gloominess and self-hatred, Hamlet often contemplates suicide and berates himself for delaying his vengeance.
  • Constantly downing cans of beer, he only relates to his son with silence, self-hatred, and sudden explosions of violence.
  • If it sounds as though I mock the sport, the truth is I am just like the third-grade bully who teases because of his or her own debilitating self-hatred.
  • There is in this country a considerable cultural self-hatred.
  • There are things worse than suffering and dying, such as despair, self-hatred or losing connections with the people who matter to you.
  • She warned that if a child did not receive help, this could lead to feelings of self-hatred and could result in self-mutilation and even suicide attempts.
  • She warned that if a child did not receive help, this could lead to feelings of self-hatred and could result in self-mutilation and even suicide attempts.
  • As a teenager, I wanted to avoid feeling self-hatred and disgust.
  • Am I indulging in fashionable western self-hatred?
  • Stalin and Munzenberg tried to bootstrap a culture of self-hatred in the West.
  • Self-hatred apparently drove her to mutilate her own face.
  • Obsessively monitoring lines and wrinkles, swollen ankles and grey hairs, they are haunted by feelings of self-hatred and inadequacy.
  • Instead, the aging widow Bernarda Alba personifies self-hatred and the ability of women to enforce the rules of men upon themselves.
  • Empathy and unapologetic emotion are her trademarks, evoked by a big voice that can rumble with lust or scream with self-hatred.
  • MC: I would have said something quite different, but along the same lines: that it would be fairly easy provided developers' consciences were sufficiently raised to design a game that does _not_ promote self-hatred and the worship of a narrow band of mesomorph/fashion-model/superstar-athlete characteristics, but instead actively promotes notions of healthy diversity in human appearance and potentials. Ask Not What Educational Games Your Country Can Design for You...
  • Instead, the aging widow Bernarda Alba personifies self-hatred and the ability of women to enforce the rules of men upon themselves.
  • This fuels a vicious downward spiral of self-hatred and hatred of anomalous others from which it is difficult for the political discriminator to escape.
  • As the self-hatred is processed and released along with the underlying karma, one will quite naturally embrace one's own tones of creation based upon gender.
  • Self-hatred is accompanied in extreme cases by paranoid, schizophrenic, or manic-depressive psychoses.
  • Today I am feeling much more self-hatred than usual.
  • These three writers can be viewed along a continuum of historical reckoning and self-identification, from complete self-negation and self-hatred, to a more holistic historical reckoning and ancestral identification.
  • I cut him short and moved on to say that neither self-hatred nor envy were good reasons to strive to improve oneself and that ambition was a fine and noble thing when seen as part of a quest for perfection, for its own sake.
  • So it's kind of a wave of self-hatred and ... bored - boredness is a good word.
  • The self-harm is not just a maladaptive way of coping but also an expression of self-hatred and self-blame. Times, Sunday Times
  • The negativity they feel coming at them from others fuels their own self-hatred, causing a more intense projection of that hatred outward to others.
  • This mix of self-hatred and bravado infuses the music.
  • Does being a Cool Rich Kid necessarily entail self-hatred?
  • His self-hatred finds its cruelest expression in his coldness toward his devoted wife.
  •   One who wants can give and give and give — yet we seek that one soft word, one telling glance, from the one who withholds or unmans us from our strapping selfhood, whose neglect spurs such ranges of self-hatred or love. The August Heartbreak Suite of Sorrow's Poems
  • The self-hatred grew into a constant, gnawing pain.

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