
  1. fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from the same individual
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How To Use self-fertilization In A Sentence

  • In this case it appears that male sterility caused self-fertilization to fail but some days later cross-fertilization took place.
  • SELF-incompatibility is a genetic mechanism used by hermaphrodite plants to prevent self-fertilization and to promote outbreeding.
  • Both individuals and gametes were unisexual, and self-fertilization was allowed.
  • Physid snails usually cross-fertilize but are capable of occasional self-fertilization.
  • Because self-incompatibility operates after pollination, it reduces geitonogamous self-fertilization but not geitonogamous pollination.
  • Many plants, apparently physically equipped for self-fertilization, were completely self-sterile.
  • In this case it appears that male sterility caused self-fertilization to fail but some days later cross-fertilization took place.
  • Consequently, the genetic structure of this species is likely to be shaped by rare outcrossing events among colonists, followed by generations of self-fertilization to produce recombinant inbred lineages.
  • If so, is it autogamous (capable of self-fertilization in the absence of pollinators)?
  • Together, the three modes of geitonogamy make a much larger contribution to self-fertilization than autogamy.
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